What did we get out of toppling Ghadaffi?

He was our bitch and then we fucked him hard....then left a failed state.

We really really really fucked the poor people of Libya.

Fuck this evil bitch


LOLOL.. You don't know a damned thing about Libya or Gadaffi. He set Libya back 40 years. He had NO education and he was an insecure, pompous ass who was always trying to assassinate some other Arab leader over some imagined slight.

He was our bitch and then we fucked him hard....then left a failed state.

We really really really fucked the poor people of Libya.

Fuck this evil bitch


LOLOL.. You don't know a damned thing about Libya or Gadaffi. He set Libya back 40 years. He had NO education and he was an insecure, pompous ass who was always trying to assassinate some other Arab leader over some imagined slight.

The people in Liya are better off now? How so, specifically?
One benefit of taking out Saddam was that Qadaffi took notice and abandoned his WMD program. Obama thanked Qadaffi by helping the Libyan insurgency to overthrow and kill Qadaffi. Naturally, guys like Jung-un also took notice and the lesson learned is do NOT give up your WMD's.
LOLOL.. You don't know a damned thing about Libya or Gadaffi. He set Libya back 40 years. He had NO education and he was an insecure, pompous ass who was always trying to assassinate some other Arab leader over some imagined slight.

You've never seen a foreign policy from the party that you disliked. George Orwell was describing you.

“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”

― George Orwell, 1984

He was our bitch and then we fucked him hard....then left a failed state.

We really really really fucked the poor people of Libya.

Fuck this evil bitch


LOLOL.. You don't know a damned thing about Libya or Gadaffi. He set Libya back 40 years. He had NO education and he was an insecure, pompous ass who was always trying to assassinate some other Arab leader over some imagined slight.

Gadaffi also gave up on his nuclear ambitions and was tough on terrorists.
Damn, you're stupid. The US would have been tickled pink for things to rock on as before in Libya, Egypt and Syria.

Aside from Obama's good fortune that the CIA found Bin Laden so that he could take the credit and the glory, pretty much all of Obama's foreign policy endeavors turned to shit.

You mean the magic mulatto couldn't fix the Arab Street?

He was our bitch and then we fucked him hard....then left a failed state.

We really really really fucked the poor people of Libya.

Fuck this evil bitch


LOLOL.. You don't know a damned thing about Libya or Gadaffi. He set Libya back 40 years. He had NO education and he was an insecure, pompous ass who was always trying to assassinate some other Arab leader over some imagined slight.

Gadaffi also gave up on his nuclear ambitions and was tough on terrorists.

He gave up nuclear ambitions because we invaded Iraq. Gadaffi was a terrorist. He was just smarmy like, "That's not what I meant"..
The people in Liya are better off now? How so, specifically?

None of that matters to him. All that matters to him is that the party was right!

I am a conservative, and the sanctions that Bush put on Iraq was devastating to the population of Iraq. Mass starvation. We told the people to uprise and overthrow Saddam or you are fucked. They just couldnt do it.

Fuck Bush, Fuck Obama, Fuck Trump and Fuck Biden with regards to Middle East foreign policy.
Qadaffi was no saint, but it can be argued that taking him out was a very BAD idea.

We didn't take him out. By the time NATO got involved all the embassies had closed, all the oil companies had left the country, Libyan refugees were pouring into Italy and Gadaffi was killing people all over the place.
Hillary’s baby. We came, we saw, he died!

What did that do for us as Americans? What did our tax dollars buy?

We didn't topple Gadaffi. The US would have been pleased to keep the status quo. Forget what Hillary said.. It was a nervous quip.

There was NOTHING the US could have done to stabilize Libya other than a huge occupation force.

We ambushed Qaddafi's forces in desert, on their way to Benghazi, and we massacred them.
We not only murdered tens of thousands, but helped radicals like al Qaeda and ISIS to gather up all the weapons they had, and use them to wipe up the remaining forces Qaddafi had in Tripoli.
The US firmly gave Libya over to al Qaeda and ISIS.
No one else but the US could have to totally obliterated Qaddafi's forces and allow the Benghazi rebels to take over.
Worst thing we ever did.
Qaddafi was perfect for Libya.

It seems unclear as it was a "NATO" strike. Nevertheless, the U.S. supported and participated in his overthrow and execution.

The NATO statement did not give details of which NATO nations conducted the strikes. But France has said its jets halted the convoy and a NATO official has said that a U.S. drone, an unmanned aircraft, carried out strikes on Thursday.

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