What did we get out of toppling Ghadaffi?

We didn't take him out.

Was it not our airstrike on his convoy that led to him being captured and killed by insurgents?


Although other countries also participated, they would not have if not for the US.
We were the major cause of destruction in Libya.

UK: Providing Typhoon and Tornado jet fighters; surveillance planes; HMS Westminster and HMS Cumberland; submarines
• France: Carried out mission with at least 12 warplanes including Mirage fighters and Rafale jets; deploying aircraft carrier, warships
• US: Firing guided missiles from USS Barry and USS Stout; providing amphibious warships, and command-and-control ship USS Mount Whitney
• Italy: Nato base at Naples understood to be central hub; other Mediterranean bases made available
• Canada: Providing six F-18 fighter jets and 140 personnel
Hillary’s baby. We came, we saw, he died!

What did that do for us as Americans? What did our tax dollars buy?

We didn't topple Gadaffi. The US would have been pleased to keep the status quo. Forget what Hillary said.. It was a nervous quip.

There was NOTHING the US could have done to stabilize Libya other than a huge occupation force.

We ambushed Qaddafi's forces in desert, on their way to Benghazi, and we massacred them.
We not only murdered tens of thousands, but helped radicals like al Qaeda and ISIS to gather up all the weapons they had, and use them to wipe up the remaining forces Qaddafi had in Tripoli.
The US firmly gave Libya over to al Qaeda and ISIS.
No one else but the US could have to totally obliterated Qaddafi's forces and allow the Benghazi rebels to take over.
Worst thing we ever did.
Qaddafi was perfect for Libya.

You don't know what you are talking about. The Eastern tribes hated Gadaffi.. It wasn't AQ or ISIS.. He feared them for 40 years .. That's why his military and police and personal body guards were always foreign mercenaries.

He was our bitch and then we fucked him hard....then left a failed state.

We really really really fucked the poor people of Libya.

Fuck this evil bitch


LOLOL.. You don't know a damned thing about Libya or Gadaffi. He set Libya back 40 years. He had NO education and he was an insecure, pompous ass who was always trying to assassinate some other Arab leader over some imagined slight.

Gadaffi also gave up on his nuclear ambitions and was tough on terrorists.

He gave up nuclear ambitions because we invaded Iraq. Gadaffi was a terrorist. He was just smarmy like, "That's not what I meant"..

There is no country remotely as much of a terrorist as the US.
Even the economic embargoes against Russia and Iran by the US, are totally illegal war crimes.

He was our bitch and then we fucked him hard....then left a failed state.

We really really really fucked the poor people of Libya.

Fuck this evil bitch


LOLOL.. You don't know a damned thing about Libya or Gadaffi. He set Libya back 40 years. He had NO education and he was an insecure, pompous ass who was always trying to assassinate some other Arab leader over some imagined slight.

Gadaffi also gave up on his nuclear ambitions and was tough on terrorists.

He gave up nuclear ambitions because we invaded Iraq. Gadaffi was a terrorist. He was just smarmy like, "That's not what I meant"..

There is no country remotely as much of a terrorist as the US.
Even the economic embargoes against Russia and Iran by the US, are totally illegal war crimes.

So go live in Russia.

He was our bitch and then we fucked him hard....then left a failed state.

We really really really fucked the poor people of Libya.

Fuck this evil bitch


LOLOL.. You don't know a damned thing about Libya or Gadaffi. He set Libya back 40 years. He had NO education and he was an insecure, pompous ass who was always trying to assassinate some other Arab leader over some imagined slight.

Gadaffi also gave up on his nuclear ambitions and was tough on terrorists.

He gave up nuclear ambitions because we invaded Iraq. Gadaffi was a terrorist. He was just smarmy like, "That's not what I meant"..

There is no country remotely as much of a terrorist as the US.
Even the economic embargoes against Russia and Iran by the US, are totally illegal war crimes.

So go live in Russia.

That is silly because the only safe place to live is inside the country that commits terrorist acts on all other countries.
I mean, is this actually something people want to debate?

Of course not, comrade, whatever the party does is always the best and perfect course of action. The party has NEVER been wrong!
The middle east does not want Democracy. They are theocrats who hate all other religions that are not theirs. Fuck...tribes....tribes who are Muslim, but not the right kind of Muslim murder each other daily. THEY DO NOT WANT FREEDOM OF RELIGON.

We are arrogant to think the rest of the world wants our Constitution...most people are happy to be controlled by the government cradle to grave.

Now Biden is going to start a war wih Syria? What the fuck?

My advice to surada is to research his statements BEFORE he makes them. He is frequently mistaken on things that are easily researched.

I lived in Libya across the street from the US Embassy and a block from the Palace. I knew Abdullah Tariki his oil minister who hated Americans and insisted on prematurely nationalizing Libya's oil business. I knew the brass at Tobruk and Wheelus and how much they cared about Libya... and I'm not a he.

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