What did we get out of toppling Ghadaffi?

The middle east does not want Democracy. They are theocrats who hate all other religions that are not theirs. Fuck...tribes....tribes who are Muslim, but not the right kind of Muslim murder each other daily. THEY DO NOT WANT FREEDOM OF RELIGON.

We are arrogant to think the rest of the world wants our Constitution...most people are happy to be controlled by the government cradle to grave.

Now Biden is going to start a war wih Syria? What the fuck?

Where did you live in the Middle East or North Africa?
Obama supported the overthrow of the Egyptian leader and his replacement was a Muslim Brotherhood nutcase that was overthrown himself a bit later by the Egyptian military.

The problem with overthrowing guys like Qadaffi, Saddam, Assad, etc., is that, usually, the guy that takes over thereafter are even worse, particularly to the U.S.

The greatest failure of U.S. middle-east policy is arguably that of Jimmy Carter. He sacrificed the Shah and the regime that took over was and is even MORE oppressive than was the Shah. Most importantly, they are HOSTILE to the U.S., our allies and fund all sorts of terrorist activities.

I don't think Libya moves the needle much. Obama decided that Qadaffi had to go. What Obama didn't think or, perhaps, care about, was how taking out Qadaffi would give other leaders hesitancy to abandon their own WMD's.

Obama pretty much FUCKED up everything he touched. That's what happens when you put an ideologue into power.
He was a terrorist.

The middle east does not want Democracy. They are theocrats who hate all other religions that are not theirs. Fuck...tribes....tribes who are Muslim, but not the right kind of Muslim murder each other daily. THEY DO NOT WANT FREEDOM OF RELIGON.

We are arrogant to think the rest of the world wants our Constitution...most people are happy to be controlled by the government cradle to grave.

Now Biden is going to start a war wih Syria? What the fuck?
Islamists think manmade laws and manmade borders are an affront to Allah.
Thats why they are attacking all the secular Arab leaders like Saddam, Ghadaffi and Assad.
Obama supported the overthrow of the Egyptian leader and his replacement was a Muslim Brotherhood nutcase that was overthrown himself a bit later by the Egyptian military.

The problem with overthrowing guys like Qadaffi, Saddam, Assad, etc., is that, usually, the guy that takes over thereafter are even worse, particularly to the U.S.

The greatest failure of U.S. middle-east policy is arguably that of Jimmy Carter. He sacrificed the Shah and the regime that took over was and is even MORE oppressive than was the Shah. Most importantly, they are HOSTILE to the U.S., our allies and fund all sorts of terrorist activities.

I don't think Libya moves the needle much. Obama decided that Qadaffi had to go. What Obama didn't think or, perhaps, care about, was how taking out Qadaffi would give other leaders hesitancy to abandon their own WMD's.

Obama pretty much FUCKED up everything he touched. That's what happens when you put an ideologue into power.

Jimmy Carter backed the Shah and welcomed him to the US with open arms on national TV..

As for Egypt the US backed any group that could bring stability to Egypt and the MB is a mature political entity..

Obama did NOT decide that Gadaffi had to go.. You are remarkably ignorant about the ME and North Africa.. or is it just more of your magical thinking?
The middle east does not want Democracy. They are theocrats who hate all other religions that are not theirs. Fuck...tribes....tribes who are Muslim, but not the right kind of Muslim murder each other daily. THEY DO NOT WANT FREEDOM OF RELIGON.

We are arrogant to think the rest of the world wants our Constitution...most people are happy to be controlled by the government cradle to grave.

Now Biden is going to start a war wih Syria? What the fuck?
Islamists think manmade laws and manmade borders are an affront to Allah.
Thats why they are attacking all the secular Arab leaders like Saddam, Ghadaffi and Assad.

LOLOL.. Just stop. You don't know your ass from a hot rock.
Obama didn't "take out" Gaddafi. Not like Bush took out Saddam.

A U.S. drone "took out" vehicles in Gadaffi's convoy that resulted in Gadaffi being apprehended and executed. What is your definition of "take out"?
As for Egypt the US backed any group that could bring stability to Egypt and the MB is a mature political entity..

I think you just make this stuff up as you go along. Preferring the Muslim Brotherhood over a secular leader is not only stupid, it's dangerous.
Obama did NOT decide that Gadaffi had to go.. You are remarkably ignorant about the ME and North Africa.. or is it just more of your magical thinking?

More insults from a poster that is chronically wrong on just about everything.

Obama made the decision to support the overthrow of Gaddafi. Obama celebrated it after the fact.

Had Obama opposed it, it's extremely likely that NATO would not have intervened. Hell, the only reason NATO was involved is that Obama wanted it to be an "international" police action rather than just the U.S.
Saddam was the first domino.

The U.S. mistakenly believed that he was hiding a massive WMD program. Saddam would not permit U.N. inspectors to verify what he did or didn't have.

Do you believe that brutal dictators, with a history of using WMD's and committing mass-murder, should be permitted to build WMD arsenals? Or do you believe it's better for the rest of the world that such people are removed from power? Or are you of the view that, since the U.S. has nuclear weapons, everyone else is deserving of having them too?
Nothing other than a failed state if you don't have a serious plan for what to do after the dictator is toppled the country becomes a clusterfuck it does not matter if it's a Republican or Democrat administration doing it.
The middle east does not want Democracy. They are theocrats who hate all other religions that are not theirs. Fuck...tribes....tribes who are Muslim, but not the right kind of Muslim murder each other daily. THEY DO NOT WANT FREEDOM OF RELIGON.

We are arrogant to think the rest of the world wants our Constitution...most people are happy to be controlled by the government cradle to grave.

Now Biden is going to start a war wih Syria? What the fuck?
Islamists think manmade laws and manmade borders are an affront to Allah.
Thats why they are attacking all the secular Arab leaders like Saddam, Ghadaffi and Assad.

LOLOL.. Just stop. You don't know your ass from a hot rock.
So, tell us.
What exaxctly is "Islamic State"?
Hillary’s baby. We came, we saw, he died!

What did that do for us as Americans? What did our tax dollars buy?
Ghaddafi was pretty much done before we intervened. He no longer had control of nearly all the country. The final straw was when it became apparent he was going to just kill anyone in the coastal cities that did not bend the knee. So the coalition slaughtered his military convoy and smoked him out of Tripoli. The Libyans did the rest.

Too many of these ignorant conspiracy theorists also think the US has some magical influence over the Arab street. Gadaffi was done and it couldn't be fixed.
It helped Obama put terror on steroids.

Damn, you're stupid. The US would have been tickled pink for things to rock on as before in Libya, Egypt and Syria.
Terror increased after Libya. Do some research.
the sockpuppet shill has no interests in that,just spreading lies fir Langley.

My advice to surada is to research his statements BEFORE he makes them. He is frequently mistaken on things that are easily researched.

I lived in Libya across the street from the US Embassy and a block from the Palace. I knew Abdullah Tariki his oil minister who hated Americans and insisted on prematurely nationalizing Libya's oil business. I knew the brass at Tobruk and Wheelus and how much they cared about Libya... and I'm not a he.

You saw the western show in Tripoli.
That is not really Libya, in my opinion
The Pharaohs of Egypt were not Arab like the rest of Egypt was and is.
From the triangular skull shape, they most likely were Berbers, like Qaddafi.
And the Berbers have been living in the hills of Southern Libya for thousands of year, likely an Egyptian colony, and ruled by tribal elders.
Qaddafi was just their chosen puppet.
He had no source of power on his own, could not have lasted a day if not for him being the one picked for public appearance.

Nor do I think Libya was premature in nationalizing its oil.
It does not have that much, and western nations are holding their own oil in reserve, waiting until the rest of the world runs out, and the price of oil starts to greatly accelerate. We only have about 40 years worth of oil left.
Hillary’s baby. We came, we saw, he died!

What did that do for us as Americans? What did our tax dollars buy?
Ghaddafi was pretty much done before we intervened. He no longer had control of nearly all the country. The final straw was when it became apparent he was going to just kill anyone in the coastal cities that did not bend the knee. So the coalition slaughtered his military convoy and smoked him out of Tripoli. The Libyans did the rest.
The Libyans loved Gadaffi.
You're either misinformed or lying.

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