CDZ What do American Muslims want?

TAKE A HOUR TO EDUCATE YOURSELVES! This link, from an above post is an outrageous lie.

And it is the hatred of Grandma and Grandpa, the hatred against Muslims that made everything worse? Grandma and Grandpa are simply racists, hateful, xenophobes!
In 1973, tensions with Muslims worsened as the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries engaged in an oil embargo to protest the United States’ support of Israel.73 American suspicion—and even hatred—of Muslims worsened throughout the 1970s and beyond, exacerbated by events such as the 1979 Iran hostage crisis, the 1982 Lebanese Civil War, the 1991 Persian Gulf War, and the 2003 War in Iraq.74
Take a hour to read what is said in these copy/paste you have provided? If you think it only takes one hour you have not read your own copy/paste. Nor have you followed up on what is inside them.

I presume it takes an hour because I read it in 35 minutes. I presume you didn't get past the abstract and only noticed the total document page count. Had you begun to read the document, you'd have found that few of those pages are more than three fifths full, the remainder being footnotes, on pages having 1.5 - 2 inch margins on the left and right. So what appears ostensibly to be 31 pages is in fact far less than that. Even so, ~30 pages of reading in an hour isn't a particularly rapid reading rate for a document such as the first paper I cited.
There are a lot of conflicting claims made about the American Muslim community, and a lot of it, in my opinion, follows a conspiracy theory type logic - particularly those involving some groups hidden agenda to take over America/the world etc and destroy the Constitution. Often there is little solid evidence to support it, just fear-mongering and a certain intellectual lazyness that refuses to look at complex issues for what they are: complex.

The most disturbing of these views is the claim that a majority of American Muslims want Sharia to be the law of the land (overruling the Constitution) and that subsequently, American Muslims represent a "fifth column", an attitude similar to attitudes towards Japanese Americans during WW2. This attitude culminates in expressions such as Muslims can't be patriotic Americans, Muslims will socially explode once they reach a "critical mass" and start demanding Sharia, etc.

The points I'd like to look at are:
What do Muslims in AMERICA want?
Are they any different than other religious groups in America?
What does this say about Muslim immigration in America vs other countries?

I think they want what all people want. Peace, prosperity, nourishment/safety/education for their kids.

They're people. Not a different species we need to tag and follow in the wild.
Elektra: Sharia Law is the thread topic, .

Thread topic:
"What do American Muslims want"

Epic Elektra fail.

Again, American Muslims want sharia law, and syrusly has argued they have a right to sharia law.

What evidence do you have that they want sharia Law?
You Coyote, you have stated Muslims are practicing Sharia Law, so I will use your testimony as the evidence, and I can add court cases which I already posted links to in your thread.

No, Electra. I said they are practicing Sharia. Law is only one part of Sharia. The topic is listed in Post #1.

This is one from my previous post, I can dig up the other, which has many court cases where muslims are trying to use Sharia Law as a defense.

But, it was Coyote that repeatedly stated Muslims practice Sharia Law, now Coyote requests evidence from me that this is what I want?

Sharia is used in legal cases rarely. When it is used voluntary councils, involves only civil matters, and decisions must be ratified by a secular court in order to have the force of law. It can not go against US law.

When Sharia is brought up in US court cases it is uncommon and usually in matters dealing with foreign nationals or companies - such as the cases I noted.

In your example below, you failed to note that that judges verdict was overturned on appeal.

The Real Impact of Sharia Law in America
The defendant’s Imam testified that a wife must comply with her husband’s sexual demands and he refused to answer whether, under Islamic law, a husband must stop his sexual advances on his wife if she says “no.”

The trial judge found that most of the criminal acts were indeed proved, but nonetheless denied the permanent retraining order. This judge held that the defendant could not be held responsible for the violent sexual assaults of his wife because he did not have the specific intent to sexually assault his wife, and because his actions were “consistent with his [religious] practices.” In other words, the judge refused to issue the permanent restraining order because under Sharia law, this Muslim husband had a “right” to rape his wife.
As far as do I want the Government in my bedroom, yes. A bedroom should not be sanctuary for crimes.

So you really want the Government monitoring how you have sex- to be sure that you only have sex that is approved by the government?
So you believe Moslem men should be allowed to rape 10 year old girls if it is in the privacy of the bedroom and under Sharia Law.

Just a tip: If you write "so you believe" at the beginning of a post, it's entirely likely that your post is a strawman.
The points I'd like to look at are:
What do Muslims in AMERICA want?
Are they any different than other religious groups in America?
What does this say about Muslim immigration in America vs other countries?

With all due respect, Coyote, this thread cracks me up. Not because it's funny, because truly I haven't been reading the posts in it (I've instead been reading the works cited below) but because there are nearly 600 posts that attempt to address three questions, all of which there is ample objective, neutral information in existence and widely available.

Moreover, I'm hard pressed to think those similarities and differences can rationally be used to say anything at all other that the similarities and differences exist. Indeed, absent exploring Muslim immigration to other countries, which is outside the scope of your two prior questions, I don't see how to answer the third question.

If there's anything to be said, it's that Muslims like every other immigrant see the promise and potential that America as a nation offers, and that more than anything else impacts their desire to immigrate to the U.S. I cannot imagine it being it anything but that for the animosity between Muslims in the U.S. and the right wing in the U.S. is no secret. Immigrants know about long before they get to the U.S., yet they still come and want to come.​
  • "What do the things that Muslims in America want, combined with the differences between Muslims in America and other religious groups in America, say about Muslim immigration to [?] America versus Muslim immigration to other countries?

    I see the same impediments as those noted above in trying to answer this interpretation of your question.
For the sake of attempting to keep with the theme with which I began this post -- there is ample excellent content on the WWW to answer the OP questions that it's bizarre that there would be ~600 posts addressing the matter -- I'll offer this:
"51% of U.S. Muslims want Sharia; 60% of young Muslims more loyal to Islam than to U.S."

51% of U.S. Muslims want Sharia; 60% of young Muslims more loyal to Islam than to U.S.

And don't forget to add all the liars to the 51%, and all the people too afraid to say it to a census person... And the question "would you mind if the US was sharia?" wasn't asked, which would have added a whole bunch of Islamists.

Except that poll has been largely discredited....have you been able to find any sources descrediting the pew poll I referenced?
The points I'd like to look at are:
What do Muslims in AMERICA want?
Are they any different than other religious groups in America?
What does this say about Muslim immigration in America vs other countries?

With all due respect, Coyote, this thread cracks me up. Not because it's funny, because truly I haven't been reading the posts in it (I've instead been reading the works cited below) but because there are nearly 600 posts that attempt to address three questions, all of which there is ample objective, neutral information in existence and widely available.

Moreover, I'm hard pressed to think those similarities and differences can rationally be used to say anything at all other that the similarities and differences exist. Indeed, absent exploring Muslim immigration to other countries, which is outside the scope of your two prior questions, I don't see how to answer the third question.

If there's anything to be said, it's that Muslims like every other immigrant see the promise and potential that America as a nation offers, and that more than anything else impacts their desire to immigrate to the U.S. I cannot imagine it being it anything but that for the animosity between Muslims in the U.S. and the right wing in the U.S. is no secret. Immigrants know about long before they get to the U.S., yet they still come and want to come.​
  • "What do the things that Muslims in America want, combined with the differences between Muslims in America and other religious groups in America, say about Muslim immigration to [?] America versus Muslim immigration to other countries?

    I see the same impediments as those noted above in trying to answer this interpretation of your question.
For the sake of attempting to keep with the theme with which I began this post -- there is ample excellent content on the WWW to answer the OP questions that it's bizarre that there would be ~600 posts addressing the matter -- I'll offer this:
"51% of U.S. Muslims want Sharia; 60% of young Muslims more loyal to Islam than to U.S."

51% of U.S. Muslims want Sharia; 60% of young Muslims more loyal to Islam than to U.S.

And don't forget to add all the liars to the 51%, and all the people too afraid to say it to a census person... And the question "would you mind if the US was sharia?" wasn't asked, which would have added a whole bunch of Islamists.

Except that poll has been largely discredited....have you been able to find any sources descrediting the pew poll I referenced?
I never found a relevant poll from pew.
And as Sharia Law creeps further into America, the Constitution will sit in the back of the bus.

House Democrats Just Moved to Implement SHARIA LAW in America...

House Democrats Just Moved to Implement SHARIA LAW in America…
by Top Right News on December 31, 2015 in Uncategorize

by Gina Cassini | Top Right News

Unbelievable…even for the twisted liberals that control the Democrat party.

As Americans celebrated the Holidays with their loved ones… House Democrats, as their last action of the year,moved to to implement America’s first Sharia Law.

The message they sent is unmistakable…if Democrats and Hillary Clinton control Washington, D.C., our rights will be stripped from us, and Islam given special status above all.

House Democrats Do the Unthinkable (Photo Credit: Right Wing News)

From Mad World News via RWN:

Democrats quietly sponsored House Resolution 569, a resolution that asks lawmakers to condemn “violence, bigotry, and hateful rhetoric towards Muslims in the United States.” The resolution specifically mentions Muslims, no other religious groups, and will serve as a test by which further criminalizing of “Islamophobia” may be introduced.

Democrats have shamelessly lumped together “hate speech” with “violence” in an effort to compare criticism of Islam to physically harming Muslims. H. Res. 569 threatens to restrict our right to even report facts that tarnish Islam’s reputation, a law that all Sharia-governed countries already have in place.

According to, the resolution reads:

“Now, therefore, be it resolved, that the House of Representatives denounces in the strongest terms the increase of hate speech, intimidation, violence, vandalism, arson, and other hate crimes targeted against mosques, Muslims, or those perceived to be Muslim; urges local and Federal law enforcement authorities to work to prevent hate crimes; and to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law those perpetrators of hate crimes”

Muslims are slaughtering innocent people more than any other religious groups combined, all while refusing as a whole to condemn this barbaric Islamic terrorism, yet we are working to ensure these silent, consenting “moderates” have special protection — protection that they have never allowed religious minorities in their own countries.

In another passage, Democrats laughably purport that Muslims have contributed to the fabric of American society, but we’re assuming they don’t mean terrorist attacks on U.S. soil, countless frivolous CAIR lawsuits, whitewashed Islamic education in public schools, or whining about pork products and a lack of taxpayer-funded prayer rooms.

“Whereas this Muslim community is recognized as having made innumerable contributions to the cultural and economic fabric and well-being of United States society”
Still, the bill is purposefully vague in that it mentions prosecuting the perpetrators of “hate speech,” yet gives no definition for what it considers hate speech. Of course, we who have spoken out about the intolerant fundamentals of Islam understand that this means uttering anything critical of Islam or its followers, regardless of facts or relevance to the Quran

This is pretty amusing.

First of all, it's a simple resolution (simple resolutions relate to the operations of a single chamber or express the collective opinion of that chamber on public policy issues) - that's it.

Secondly - it has nothing to do with Sharia, it's a resolution denouncing hate against Muslims, similar to other resolutions in the past denouncing anti-semitic hatred, anti-gay hatred etc.
The points I'd like to look at are:
What do Muslims in AMERICA want?
Are they any different than other religious groups in America?
What does this say about Muslim immigration in America vs other countries?

With all due respect, Coyote, this thread cracks me up. Not because it's funny, because truly I haven't been reading the posts in it (I've instead been reading the works cited below) but because there are nearly 600 posts that attempt to address three questions, all of which there is ample objective, neutral information in existence and widely available.

Moreover, I'm hard pressed to think those similarities and differences can rationally be used to say anything at all other that the similarities and differences exist. Indeed, absent exploring Muslim immigration to other countries, which is outside the scope of your two prior questions, I don't see how to answer the third question.

If there's anything to be said, it's that Muslims like every other immigrant see the promise and potential that America as a nation offers, and that more than anything else impacts their desire to immigrate to the U.S. I cannot imagine it being it anything but that for the animosity between Muslims in the U.S. and the right wing in the U.S. is no secret. Immigrants know about long before they get to the U.S., yet they still come and want to come.​
  • "What do the things that Muslims in America want, combined with the differences between Muslims in America and other religious groups in America, say about Muslim immigration to [?] America versus Muslim immigration to other countries?

    I see the same impediments as those noted above in trying to answer this interpretation of your question.
For the sake of attempting to keep with the theme with which I began this post -- there is ample excellent content on the WWW to answer the OP questions that it's bizarre that there would be ~600 posts addressing the matter -- I'll offer this:
"51% of U.S. Muslims want Sharia; 60% of young Muslims more loyal to Islam than to U.S."

51% of U.S. Muslims want Sharia; 60% of young Muslims more loyal to Islam than to U.S.

And don't forget to add all the liars to the 51%, and all the people too afraid to say it to a census person... And the question "would you mind if the US was sharia?" wasn't asked, which would have added a whole bunch of Islamists.

Except that poll has been largely discredited....have you been able to find any sources descrediting the pew poll I referenced?
I never found a relevant poll from pew.

Then I guess the next question would be: What do you dispute (using counter-data) about the poll Coyote posted?
The points I'd like to look at are:
What do Muslims in AMERICA want?
Are they any different than other religious groups in America?
What does this say about Muslim immigration in America vs other countries?

With all due respect, Coyote, this thread cracks me up. Not because it's funny, because truly I haven't been reading the posts in it (I've instead been reading the works cited below) but because there are nearly 600 posts that attempt to address three questions, all of which there is ample objective, neutral information in existence and widely available.

Moreover, I'm hard pressed to think those similarities and differences can rationally be used to say anything at all other that the similarities and differences exist. Indeed, absent exploring Muslim immigration to other countries, which is outside the scope of your two prior questions, I don't see how to answer the third question.

If there's anything to be said, it's that Muslims like every other immigrant see the promise and potential that America as a nation offers, and that more than anything else impacts their desire to immigrate to the U.S. I cannot imagine it being it anything but that for the animosity between Muslims in the U.S. and the right wing in the U.S. is no secret. Immigrants know about long before they get to the U.S., yet they still come and want to come.​
  • "What do the things that Muslims in America want, combined with the differences between Muslims in America and other religious groups in America, say about Muslim immigration to [?] America versus Muslim immigration to other countries?

    I see the same impediments as those noted above in trying to answer this interpretation of your question.
For the sake of attempting to keep with the theme with which I began this post -- there is ample excellent content on the WWW to answer the OP questions that it's bizarre that there would be ~600 posts addressing the matter -- I'll offer this:
"51% of U.S. Muslims want Sharia; 60% of young Muslims more loyal to Islam than to U.S."

51% of U.S. Muslims want Sharia; 60% of young Muslims more loyal to Islam than to U.S.

And don't forget to add all the liars to the 51%, and all the people too afraid to say it to a census person... And the question "would you mind if the US was sharia?" wasn't asked, which would have added a whole bunch of Islamists.

Except that poll has been largely discredited....have you been able to find any sources descrediting the pew poll I referenced?
I never found a relevant poll from pew.

The link I provided contained polls from Pew, and Post #2 talked about it. I'm not going to cover the same ground over and over.
Recent article that I saw today.

The local Education Department explained in a statement Wednesday that the school's exemption was lifted because “the public interest with respect to equality between men and women and the integration of foreigners significantly outweighs the freedom of religion.” It added that a teacher has the right to demand a handshake.

The statement said if the students refuse to shake hands again, "the sanctions called for by law will be applied."

Muslim students face $5K fine if they refuse Swiss teachers' handshakes

A handshake is more important than religion AND there's a $5,000 fine AND it may mean no citizenship.

That is in Switzerland however.
The points I'd like to look at are:
What do Muslims in AMERICA want?
Are they any different than other religious groups in America?
What does this say about Muslim immigration in America vs other countries?

With all due respect, Coyote, this thread cracks me up. Not because it's funny, because truly I haven't been reading the posts in it (I've instead been reading the works cited below) but because there are nearly 600 posts that attempt to address three questions, all of which there is ample objective, neutral information in existence and widely available.

Moreover, I'm hard pressed to think those similarities and differences can rationally be used to say anything at all other that the similarities and differences exist. Indeed, absent exploring Muslim immigration to other countries, which is outside the scope of your two prior questions, I don't see how to answer the third question.

If there's anything to be said, it's that Muslims like every other immigrant see the promise and potential that America as a nation offers, and that more than anything else impacts their desire to immigrate to the U.S. I cannot imagine it being it anything but that for the animosity between Muslims in the U.S. and the right wing in the U.S. is no secret. Immigrants know about long before they get to the U.S., yet they still come and want to come.​
  • "What do the things that Muslims in America want, combined with the differences between Muslims in America and other religious groups in America, say about Muslim immigration to [?] America versus Muslim immigration to other countries?

    I see the same impediments as those noted above in trying to answer this interpretation of your question.
For the sake of attempting to keep with the theme with which I began this post -- there is ample excellent content on the WWW to answer the OP questions that it's bizarre that there would be ~600 posts addressing the matter -- I'll offer this:
"51% of U.S. Muslims want Sharia; 60% of young Muslims more loyal to Islam than to U.S."

51% of U.S. Muslims want Sharia; 60% of young Muslims more loyal to Islam than to U.S.

And don't forget to add all the liars to the 51%, and all the people too afraid to say it to a census person... And the question "would you mind if the US was sharia?" wasn't asked, which would have added a whole bunch of Islamists.

Except that poll has been largely discredited....have you been able to find any sources descrediting the pew poll I referenced?
I never found a relevant poll from pew.

Then I guess the next question would be: What do you dispute (using counter-data) about the poll Coyote posted?
Coyote had a link to a bunch of polls but none that I saw that were relevant. Did I miss it? Maybe? :dunno:
With all due respect, Coyote, this thread cracks me up. Not because it's funny, because truly I haven't been reading the posts in it (I've instead been reading the works cited below) but because there are nearly 600 posts that attempt to address three questions, all of which there is ample objective, neutral information in existence and widely available.

Moreover, I'm hard pressed to think those similarities and differences can rationally be used to say anything at all other that the similarities and differences exist. Indeed, absent exploring Muslim immigration to other countries, which is outside the scope of your two prior questions, I don't see how to answer the third question.

If there's anything to be said, it's that Muslims like every other immigrant see the promise and potential that America as a nation offers, and that more than anything else impacts their desire to immigrate to the U.S. I cannot imagine it being it anything but that for the animosity between Muslims in the U.S. and the right wing in the U.S. is no secret. Immigrants know about long before they get to the U.S., yet they still come and want to come.​
  • "What do the things that Muslims in America want, combined with the differences between Muslims in America and other religious groups in America, say about Muslim immigration to [?] America versus Muslim immigration to other countries?

    I see the same impediments as those noted above in trying to answer this interpretation of your question.
For the sake of attempting to keep with the theme with which I began this post -- there is ample excellent content on the WWW to answer the OP questions that it's bizarre that there would be ~600 posts addressing the matter -- I'll offer this:
"51% of U.S. Muslims want Sharia; 60% of young Muslims more loyal to Islam than to U.S."

51% of U.S. Muslims want Sharia; 60% of young Muslims more loyal to Islam than to U.S.

And don't forget to add all the liars to the 51%, and all the people too afraid to say it to a census person... And the question "would you mind if the US was sharia?" wasn't asked, which would have added a whole bunch of Islamists.

Except that poll has been largely discredited....have you been able to find any sources descrediting the pew poll I referenced?
I never found a relevant poll from pew.

Then I guess the next question would be: What do you dispute (using counter-data) about the poll Coyote posted?
Coyote had a link to a bunch of polls but none that I saw that were relevant. Did I miss it? Maybe? :dunno:

I asked you why you thought the poll linked to in Post #2 was not relevant.
"51% of U.S. Muslims want Sharia; 60% of young Muslims more loyal to Islam than to U.S."

51% of U.S. Muslims want Sharia; 60% of young Muslims more loyal to Islam than to U.S.

And don't forget to add all the liars to the 51%, and all the people too afraid to say it to a census person... And the question "would you mind if the US was sharia?" wasn't asked, which would have added a whole bunch of Islamists.

Except that poll has been largely discredited....have you been able to find any sources descrediting the pew poll I referenced?
I never found a relevant poll from pew.

Then I guess the next question would be: What do you dispute (using counter-data) about the poll Coyote posted?
Coyote had a link to a bunch of polls but none that I saw that were relevant. Did I miss it? Maybe? :dunno:

I asked you why you thought the poll linked to in Post #2 was not relevant.
There were a bunch of polls and none that i saw that were relevant. that's all.

At least my poll was relevant, and quoted by The Donald! :D
What do American Muslims want?

Muslim American Veterans Association National | About MAVA

The Muslim American Veterans Association (MAVA) National was Established and Certified in 1997. It was organized to be a Veterans Service Organization for all Veterans of the United States Armed Forces regardless of religion, race, or gender.

The inspiration for establishing the Muslim American Veterans Association (MAVA) National came from the spirit of the “New World Patriotism” movement started by Imam W. Deen Mohammed as he asked Muslims to embrace the best of what America has to offer and to stand up as Muslim Americans and lay claim to our “Shared Freedom Space” as citizens of America.
Sharia Law would undermine our Constitution, period.

If our government were replaced by a caliphate, yes. Not going to happen.
How do you protect the rights of muslim woman who do not appear in a U.S. Court for a divorce, but instead are divorced "in the privacy of their home" (as was stated in this thread).

If they are divorced in their home- they are not legally divorced in the United States.
And how would they even know that, especially if they weren't married by law in the first place, and only through sharia?
This happens in the UK. About 30% of Muslim women are married under sharia law but not UK law. If they want a divorce because they are abused, for example, the sharia court usually refuses, and threats to take their children from them and being ostracised by their community render them trapped in marriages where they are often treated like chattel. They have no recourse to the law of the land in the matter of divorce, and they are often too frightened to avail themselves of anything other than sharia law in other family matters such as custody of their children. Their human rights are violated thus. It's a real tragedy. People either support universal human rights or they don't. Sharia law most certainly doesn't. How can it when a woman is worth so much less than a man? I hope the US does not start down the slippery slope, if it hasn't already.

If that is truly the case (and I don't know UK law) then there is a problem. That's not how it works in US law. Or are they foreign women and not UK citizens?
Except that poll has been largely discredited....have you been able to find any sources descrediting the pew poll I referenced?
I never found a relevant poll from pew.

Then I guess the next question would be: What do you dispute (using counter-data) about the poll Coyote posted?
Coyote had a link to a bunch of polls but none that I saw that were relevant. Did I miss it? Maybe? :dunno:

At least my poll was relevant, and quoted by The Donald! :D

Quoted by Donnie?

I am giving up on responding to the trolls who just want to attack the beliefs of Muslim Americans. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I will attempt instead to address the topic of the thread in the best way I can as a Non-Muslim.
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