What do average american patriots think about world war 2?

Do you think "Germans are a brother nation and it was a mistake" or do you think "good we got rid of Hitler". I know some americans think Hitler was a good man, and that america was on the wrong side. I dont know how many though.

what Americans think hitler was a good man?



not exactly neo-nazis but also not SJW, typical american cowboys, patriots, republicans etc. people who are white etc.
You may want to rephrase that, because it looks like you're trying to say that white people think America should have backed Hitler.

not "white people" SOME TYPE of white people, and i didnt made a statement i made a question, i ask you if they do or not i didnt said they do or not
I'm not sure the Alt Right exists. The first I heard of it was when Hillary started babbling about it during her train wreck of a campaign. I remember some dude yelling "Pepe" during a some speech and the Left went ape shit.
You're getting the AltRight mixed up with 1488ers. All 1488ers are AltRight, but not all AltRight are 1488ers. In fact, they're an extremely loud minority within the group.
What is 1488ers? I don't keep up with this stuff. Not sure many others do either.
An Establishment Conservative's Guide To The Alt-Right
Basically, what the Republicans and Democrats like to pretend makes up the entirety of the Alt-Right. One should not take this as "White Supremacy" existing entirely within the Alt-Right, only as specific members of the Alt-Right having that view, while mostly siding, otherwise, with their other views. Basically, the Establishment infiltrated parties used a small minority within them to demonize the entire movement.

Good to know. Reminds me of the statement from NAMBLA that said they were just a social group of men mentoring young boys to help them through their formative years.
I didn't believe your story any more than theirs.
Oh, I'm sure you did all kinds of research to come to the conclusion that an entire movement is a bunch of racists. Tell me, how many TV 'News' stations did you watch to get there?
Do you have a credible source to show the group is anything other than racist? Note the word credible. I won't go to any sites with a frog in their logo, or that cries because Mexicans are having too many babies. I already went there, and that's how I formed my opinion.
Do you think "Germans are a brother nation and it was a mistake" or do you think "good we got rid of Hitler". I know some americans think Hitler was a good man, and that america was on the wrong side. I dont know how many though.

Hindsight being 20/20... Many of us now realized we backed the wrong horse. Stalin, and the Russia he had built atop millions of corpses of his own people have been the largest, and longest lasting threat to our national security, in the whole history of our nation. The fact that such large portions of the modern world in which we live was issued forth from Hitler's Germany speaks volumes about his contributions to humanity, and the world as a whole. Yeah... We fucked that one up.

ya... what's 11 million murdered innocents, right?

Depends on what you compare it to... 11million now... I wonder how many it will be 20 years from now...

it's always been 11 million, scum....

catholics, gypsies, jews, gays and scientists.

you're welcome, pondscum
It hasn't always been 11 million. As for innocents... Well that's debateable. But more importantly, and germane to the actual point; I noticed you failed to compare his body count to that of his contemporaries. You know? The ones the US allied itself to, and funded? Yeah... Those ones.
An estimated 60-100 million, roughly.
Some say it's even higher.

This is why I call myself a Jeffersonian Liberal (Conservative), and am not a part of this "alt right".

You're either a Statist Progressive, or an Individualist as represented by the Founding Fathers.

National SOCIALISTS and COMMUNISTS are variations of the same thing
You're getting the AltRight mixed up with 1488ers. All 1488ers are AltRight, but not all AltRight are 1488ers. In fact, they're an extremely loud minority within the group.
What is 1488ers? I don't keep up with this stuff. Not sure many others do either.
An Establishment Conservative's Guide To The Alt-Right
Basically, what the Republicans and Democrats like to pretend makes up the entirety of the Alt-Right. One should not take this as "White Supremacy" existing entirely within the Alt-Right, only as specific members of the Alt-Right having that view, while mostly siding, otherwise, with their other views. Basically, the Establishment infiltrated parties used a small minority within them to demonize the entire movement.

Good to know. Reminds me of the statement from NAMBLA that said they were just a social group of men mentoring young boys to help them through their formative years.
I didn't believe your story any more than theirs.
Oh, I'm sure you did all kinds of research to come to the conclusion that an entire movement is a bunch of racists. Tell me, how many TV 'News' stations did you watch to get there?
Do you have a credible source to show the group is anything other than racist? Note the word credible. I won't go to any sites with a frog in their logo, or that cries because Mexicans are having too many babies. I already went there, and that's how I formed my opinion.
I linked a source that breaks it down and explains it. Do YOU have a source to show that they're racist? Where did the conception that they're racist even come from? As, the way you phrased it tells me that you you've decided they're racist, as an accusation, and now because you're making said accusation, it has to be disproved without you having to back it up at all. Why don't you show me YOUR original source(s)?
All this White Supremacy Alt Right nonsense is another attempt by Liberals to paint ALL Trump supporters with the same big fat Racist brush. This is straight out of the Liberal playbook: Find something extreme, and claim that is representative of all Conservatives or all Trump supporters.

It is patently false to claim that All Trump supporters are Racists and no matter how many times you repeat it, it is still FALSE.
What is 1488ers? I don't keep up with this stuff. Not sure many others do either.
An Establishment Conservative's Guide To The Alt-Right
Basically, what the Republicans and Democrats like to pretend makes up the entirety of the Alt-Right. One should not take this as "White Supremacy" existing entirely within the Alt-Right, only as specific members of the Alt-Right having that view, while mostly siding, otherwise, with their other views. Basically, the Establishment infiltrated parties used a small minority within them to demonize the entire movement.

Good to know. Reminds me of the statement from NAMBLA that said they were just a social group of men mentoring young boys to help them through their formative years.
I didn't believe your story any more than theirs.
Oh, I'm sure you did all kinds of research to come to the conclusion that an entire movement is a bunch of racists. Tell me, how many TV 'News' stations did you watch to get there?
Do you have a credible source to show the group is anything other than racist? Note the word credible. I won't go to any sites with a frog in their logo, or that cries because Mexicans are having too many babies. I already went there, and that's how I formed my opinion.
I linked a source that breaks it down and explains it. Do YOU have a source to show that they're racist? Where did the conception that they're racist even come from? As, the way you phrased it tells me that you you've decided they're racist, as an accusation, and now because you're making said accusation, it has to be disproved without you having to back it up at all. Why don't you show me YOUR original source(s)?

You never gave me a credible link, or a link of any kind. Yes, I have determined they are racist. If you want to see that as an accusation, I don't have a problem with that. I see it as just a fact. I doubt I could convince you that a racist group you are a part of is racist, so I see no need in trying. If you have proof that the AltRight is not racist, I would appreciate the information. I never saw much need in arguing something I knew to be untrue, so if you have credible proof that I am mistaken I would be greatful.
It's a shame to see a good thread about historical hindsight and context get detailed by the leftists... Happens all too often...
All this White Supremacy Alt Right nonsense is another attempt by Liberals to paint ALL Trump supporters with the same big fat Racist brush. This is straight out of the Liberal playbook: Find something extreme, and claim that is representative of all Conservatives or all Trump supporters.

It is patently false to claim that All Trump supporters are Racists and no matter how many times you repeat it, it is still FALSE.

Never said all trump supporters were racist. The Alt Right is, and lots of his support is AltRight, so you try to justify that how ever you want to.
It's a shame to see a good thread about historical hindsight and context get detailed by the leftists... Happens all too often...
Yeah, it's a good topic.

Do you think we should have actually sided with Hitler against Russia? I can't agree with that, but we missed an opportunity with a weakened Russia. They were never held accountable for their atrocities against the German people
It's a shame to see a good thread about historical hindsight and context get detailed by the leftists... Happens all too often...
Yeah, it's a good topic.

Do you think we should have actually sided with Hitler against Russia? I can't agree with that, but we missed an opportunity with a weakened Russia. They were never held accountable for their atrocities against the German people
Once the dust settled... Siding with Hitler would likely have produced a more unified Europe, with a much stronger industry, and economy. Probably would have kept Russia quite tame. It would have saved a lot of American lives as well.
An Establishment Conservative's Guide To The Alt-Right
Basically, what the Republicans and Democrats like to pretend makes up the entirety of the Alt-Right. One should not take this as "White Supremacy" existing entirely within the Alt-Right, only as specific members of the Alt-Right having that view, while mostly siding, otherwise, with their other views. Basically, the Establishment infiltrated parties used a small minority within them to demonize the entire movement.

Good to know. Reminds me of the statement from NAMBLA that said they were just a social group of men mentoring young boys to help them through their formative years.
I didn't believe your story any more than theirs.
Oh, I'm sure you did all kinds of research to come to the conclusion that an entire movement is a bunch of racists. Tell me, how many TV 'News' stations did you watch to get there?
Do you have a credible source to show the group is anything other than racist? Note the word credible. I won't go to any sites with a frog in their logo, or that cries because Mexicans are having too many babies. I already went there, and that's how I formed my opinion.
I linked a source that breaks it down and explains it. Do YOU have a source to show that they're racist? Where did the conception that they're racist even come from? As, the way you phrased it tells me that you you've decided they're racist, as an accusation, and now because you're making said accusation, it has to be disproved without you having to back it up at all. Why don't you show me YOUR original source(s)?

You never gave me a credible link, or a link of any kind. Yes, I have determined they are racist. If you want to see that as an accusation, I don't have a problem with that. I see it as just a fact. I doubt I could convince you that a racist group you are a part of is racist, so I see no need in trying. If you have proof that the AltRight is not racist, I would appreciate the information. I never saw much need in arguing something I knew to be untrue, so if you have credible proof that I am mistaken I would be greatful.

Actually, I did, and you replied to the post the link was on. You, on the other hand, provided nothing aside from first calling them racists(Without backing it up), then calling me not only Alt-Right, but by extension through your accusation, calling me racist. I suppose that's how you debate now? No facts, just accusations?

Here's the link again, plucked from a quote within our discussion, because I had already linked it: An Establishment Conservative's Guide To The Alt-Right
Do you think "Germans are a brother nation and it was a mistake" or do you think "good we got rid of Hitler". I know some americans think Hitler was a good man, and that america was on the wrong side. I dont know how many though.

Most Americans from that era ( which most are gone ) consider Hitler the most evil man that ever lived and were happy he was defeated.

As for my mere opinion, well Stalin was worse but I have no love for Hitler...
Good to know. Reminds me of the statement from NAMBLA that said they were just a social group of men mentoring young boys to help them through their formative years.
I didn't believe your story any more than theirs.
Oh, I'm sure you did all kinds of research to come to the conclusion that an entire movement is a bunch of racists. Tell me, how many TV 'News' stations did you watch to get there?
Do you have a credible source to show the group is anything other than racist? Note the word credible. I won't go to any sites with a frog in their logo, or that cries because Mexicans are having too many babies. I already went there, and that's how I formed my opinion.
I linked a source that breaks it down and explains it. Do YOU have a source to show that they're racist? Where did the conception that they're racist even come from? As, the way you phrased it tells me that you you've decided they're racist, as an accusation, and now because you're making said accusation, it has to be disproved without you having to back it up at all. Why don't you show me YOUR original source(s)?

You never gave me a credible link, or a link of any kind. Yes, I have determined they are racist. If you want to see that as an accusation, I don't have a problem with that. I see it as just a fact. I doubt I could convince you that a racist group you are a part of is racist, so I see no need in trying. If you have proof that the AltRight is not racist, I would appreciate the information. I never saw much need in arguing something I knew to be untrue, so if you have credible proof that I am mistaken I would be greatful.

Actually, I did, and you replied to the post the link was on. You, on the other hand, provided nothing aside from first calling them racists(Without backing it up), then calling me not only Alt-Right, but by extension through your accusation, calling me racist. I suppose that's how you debate now? No facts, just accusations?

Here's the link again, plucked from a quote within our discussion, because I had already linked it: An Establishment Conservative's Guide To The Alt-Right

you are pretty articulate and educated for a 14 year old.
Let's disconnect " American patriot" from racist Hitler supporters. Liberals push that paradigm all the time, I don't know what the point of this thread is, except furthering that stereotype.
Oh, I'm sure you did all kinds of research to come to the conclusion that an entire movement is a bunch of racists. Tell me, how many TV 'News' stations did you watch to get there?
Do you have a credible source to show the group is anything other than racist? Note the word credible. I won't go to any sites with a frog in their logo, or that cries because Mexicans are having too many babies. I already went there, and that's how I formed my opinion.
I linked a source that breaks it down and explains it. Do YOU have a source to show that they're racist? Where did the conception that they're racist even come from? As, the way you phrased it tells me that you you've decided they're racist, as an accusation, and now because you're making said accusation, it has to be disproved without you having to back it up at all. Why don't you show me YOUR original source(s)?

You never gave me a credible link, or a link of any kind. Yes, I have determined they are racist. If you want to see that as an accusation, I don't have a problem with that. I see it as just a fact. I doubt I could convince you that a racist group you are a part of is racist, so I see no need in trying. If you have proof that the AltRight is not racist, I would appreciate the information. I never saw much need in arguing something I knew to be untrue, so if you have credible proof that I am mistaken I would be greatful.

Actually, I did, and you replied to the post the link was on. You, on the other hand, provided nothing aside from first calling them racists(Without backing it up), then calling me not only Alt-Right, but by extension through your accusation, calling me racist. I suppose that's how you debate now? No facts, just accusations?

Here's the link again, plucked from a quote within our discussion, because I had already linked it: An Establishment Conservative's Guide To The Alt-Right

you are pretty articulate and educated for a 14 year old.
15 since October 25th of last year, but thank you.

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