What do average american patriots think about world war 2?

Let's disconnect " American patriot" from racist Hitler supporters. Liberals push that paradigm all the time, I don't know what the point of this thread is, except furthering that stereotype.

I never said that. Or claimed american patriot is the same as Hitler supporter, I asked a question and a few responded positively to Hitler or at least not negatively only one person responded very negatively to Hitler (jillian).
Do you think "Germans are a brother nation and it was a mistake" or do you think "good we got rid of Hitler". I know some americans think Hitler was a good man, and that america was on the wrong side. I dont know how many though.

Most Americans from that era ( which most are gone ) consider Hitler the most evil man that ever lived and were happy he was defeated.

As for my mere opinion, well Stalin was worse but I have no love for Hitler...
Stalin was far worse. But because the US allied with him, our entire education system has elevated the word Hitler to such a mythic level of villainy, that it elicits an almost Pavlovian response from the indoctrinated. They will be the first to throw out a body count number; and then be the first to bail from the thread when you point out the body count of our "allies" whom we funded.

Hitler's villainy is far overstated in historical context, and serves only as a disraction; perhaps to assuage the guilt harbored for creating a true monster... Stalin, and the Russia that still dogs us to this very day.
I never said that. Or claimed american patriot is the same as Hitler supporter, I asked a question and a few responded positively to Hitler or at least not negatively only one person responded very negatively to Hitler (jillian).
So, what is YOUR opinion, from inside Europe?

I'm no fan of totalitarian States. I despise them, but Europe seems to choose one or the other.
Let's disconnect " American patriot" from racist Hitler supporters. Liberals push that paradigm all the time, I don't know what the point of this thread is, except furthering that stereotype.

I never said that. Or claimed american patriot is the same as Hitler supporter, I asked a question and a few responded positively to Hitler or at least not negatively only one person responded very negatively to Hitler (jillian).
I didn't say you were. You are curious about things, that's good. If you are so concerned about whites that are pro Nazi on other boards, you need to ask THEM why they are what they are, that might have been more direct.
Hitler's villainy is far overstated in historical context, and serves only as a disraction; perhaps to assuage the guilt harbored for creating a true monster... Stalin, and the Russia that still dogs us to this very day.
Do you not believe he rounded up and gassed millions? You're not one of "those" are you?
I never said that. Or claimed american patriot is the same as Hitler supporter, I asked a question and a few responded positively to Hitler or at least not negatively only one person responded very negatively to Hitler (jillian).
So, what is YOUR opinion, from inside Europe?

I'm no fan of totalitarian States. I despise them, but Europe seems to choose one or the other.

I was not there, I dont know if Hitler was truly evil. I know only what the allies told me in history class. that being said usually the people who support him nowadays, dont respect me, hurt me verbally or physically, dehumanise me. I was called subhuman, animal, etc. by them on forums. So my attitude is generally negative.
Do you think "Germans are a brother nation and it was a mistake" or do you think "good we got rid of Hitler". I know some americans think Hitler was a good man, and that america was on the wrong side. I dont know how many though.

Most Americans from that era ( which most are gone ) consider Hitler the most evil man that ever lived and were happy he was defeated.

As for my mere opinion, well Stalin was worse but I have no love for Hitler...
Stalin was far worse. But because the US allied with him, our entire education system has elevated the word Hitler to such a mythic level of villainy, that it elicits an almost Pavlovian response from the indoctrinated. They will be the first to throw out a body count number; and then be the first to bail from the thread when you point out the body count of our "allies" whom we funded.

Hitler's villainy is far overstated in historical context, and serves only as a disraction; perhaps to assuage the guilt harbored for creating a true monster... Stalin, and the Russia that still dogs us to this very day.

As I stated Stalin was worse but let not kid ourselves Hitler was not someone that needed to stay alive.

Both men should have been hung and burn!

Stalin genocide his own and Ukraine saw the worse of it...
Let's disconnect " American patriot" from racist Hitler supporters. Liberals push that paradigm all the time, I don't know what the point of this thread is, except furthering that stereotype.

I never said that. Or claimed american patriot is the same as Hitler supporter, I asked a question and a few responded positively to Hitler or at least not negatively only one person responded very negatively to Hitler (jillian).
I didn't say you were. You are curious about things, that's good. If you are so concerned about whites that are pro Nazi on other boards, you need to ask THEM why they are what they are, that might have been more direct.

not only on other boards, im curious about the average american patriot. my question is about the average american patriot, slightly right wing, maybe from a red state like texas
Hitler's villainy is far overstated in historical context, and serves only as a disraction; perhaps to assuage the guilt harbored for creating a true monster... Stalin, and the Russia that still dogs us to this very day.
Do you not believe he rounded up and gassed millions? You're not one of "those" are you?
Not one of "those" per say... Hitler almost certainly commited his share of atrocities. The numbers... Well... We all know that the victors write the histories. All burgeoning empire's have their dirty laundry.
But looking at the issue with hind sight, and without prejudice; I can say that it certainly appears that we backed the wrong horse if we as a nation were truly concerned about bodycounts.
The Greatest Generation dealt with Hitler and Imperial Japan. Hitler is commonly referred to as an Anti-Christ for his part in causing so many deaths in this world. His SS regiments rounded up those they thought were an inferior race and placed them in camps..........and gassed them by the millions.

Our fathers, including mine fought to end his insanity........and rightfully so.......

In regards to Neo Nazi's.............skin heads.........I wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire.

The OP needs to stop worrying what other people think of him. State what he believes firmly.......and then tell those who would trash him for his ethnic race to go pound sand. Just advice bro.
Let's disconnect " American patriot" from racist Hitler supporters. Liberals push that paradigm all the time, I don't know what the point of this thread is, except furthering that stereotype.

I never said that. Or claimed american patriot is the same as Hitler supporter, I asked a question and a few responded positively to Hitler or at least not negatively only one person responded very negatively to Hitler (jillian).
I didn't say you were. You are curious about things, that's good. If you are so concerned about whites that are pro Nazi on other boards, you need to ask THEM why they are what they are, that might have been more direct.

not only on other boards, im curious about the average american patriot. my question is about the average american patriot, slightly right wing, maybe from a red state like texas
Define Patriot. I was born in this country, I love it, despite it's shortcomings . My father and his generation fought against the fascist pigs like that Austrian asshole , Tojo and El duce. He was wounded and received a medal. I am proud of that generation, but ashamed of people that don't understand the sacrifices and the pure evil of that era.
Good to know. Reminds me of the statement from NAMBLA that said they were just a social group of men mentoring young boys to help them through their formative years.
I didn't believe your story any more than theirs.
Oh, I'm sure you did all kinds of research to come to the conclusion that an entire movement is a bunch of racists. Tell me, how many TV 'News' stations did you watch to get there?
Do you have a credible source to show the group is anything other than racist? Note the word credible. I won't go to any sites with a frog in their logo, or that cries because Mexicans are having too many babies. I already went there, and that's how I formed my opinion.
I linked a source that breaks it down and explains it. Do YOU have a source to show that they're racist? Where did the conception that they're racist even come from? As, the way you phrased it tells me that you you've decided they're racist, as an accusation, and now because you're making said accusation, it has to be disproved without you having to back it up at all. Why don't you show me YOUR original source(s)?

You never gave me a credible link, or a link of any kind. Yes, I have determined they are racist. If you want to see that as an accusation, I don't have a problem with that. I see it as just a fact. I doubt I could convince you that a racist group you are a part of is racist, so I see no need in trying. If you have proof that the AltRight is not racist, I would appreciate the information. I never saw much need in arguing something I knew to be untrue, so if you have credible proof that I am mistaken I would be greatful.

Actually, I did, and you replied to the post the link was on. You, on the other hand, provided nothing aside from first calling them racists(Without backing it up), then calling me not only Alt-Right, but by extension through your accusation, calling me racist. I suppose that's how you debate now? No facts, just accusations?

Here's the link again, plucked from a quote within our discussion, because I had already linked it: An Establishment Conservative's Guide To The Alt-Right

Thank you. Your odd color choice for text made your first posting of the link less than noticeable. Forgive me missing it, even after I went back and looked at previous posts.
Breitbart is far from credible, but I did read the article. There is nothing there to shed the title of racist. It's clear that the AltRight is a group of loosely associated Tribes that have similar tactics and are willing to say anything in support of their own tribe, and willing to say anything, no matter how absurd about anyone who isn't a member of their tribe. Logic and truth are not a limitation for their attacks on their targets. All that perfectly describes a large part of Trump's supporters. How was this supposed to convince me that the AltRight isn't racist?
Do you think "Germans are a brother nation and it was a mistake" or do you think "good we got rid of Hitler". I know some americans think Hitler was a good man, and that america was on the wrong side. I dont know how many though.
About 3.

Since demographic threats to white majorities in America and Europe, their numbers are increasing Im sure, many think If Hitler won the war, there wouldnt be "evil of political correctness and multiculturalism"

Let's disconnect " American patriot" from racist Hitler supporters. Liberals push that paradigm all the time, I don't know what the point of this thread is, except furthering that stereotype.

I never said that. Or claimed american patriot is the same as Hitler supporter, I asked a question and a few responded positively to Hitler or at least not negatively only one person responded very negatively to Hitler (jillian).
I didn't say you were. You are curious about things, that's good. If you are so concerned about whites that are pro Nazi on other boards, you need to ask THEM why they are what they are, that might have been more direct.

not only on other boards, im curious about the average american patriot. my question is about the average american patriot, slightly right wing, maybe from a red state like texas
Define Patriot. I was born in this country, I love it, despite it's shortcomings . My father and his generation fought against the fascist pigs like that Austrian asshole , Tojo and El duce. He was wounded and received a medal. I am proud of that generation, but ashamed of people that don't understand the sacrifices and the pure evil of that era.

Patriot is commanly understood. I really dont know the definition but you are a patriot to me.
Let's disconnect " American patriot" from racist Hitler supporters. Liberals push that paradigm all the time, I don't know what the point of this thread is, except furthering that stereotype.

Wish we could. The biggest racists here (Steve McGarret, etc) claim to be American Patriots. In fact, the right seems to think American Patriot is synonymous with Trump Supporter, and anyone who doesn't follow the RWNJ line can't be a patriot.
Oh, I'm sure you did all kinds of research to come to the conclusion that an entire movement is a bunch of racists. Tell me, how many TV 'News' stations did you watch to get there?
Do you have a credible source to show the group is anything other than racist? Note the word credible. I won't go to any sites with a frog in their logo, or that cries because Mexicans are having too many babies. I already went there, and that's how I formed my opinion.
I linked a source that breaks it down and explains it. Do YOU have a source to show that they're racist? Where did the conception that they're racist even come from? As, the way you phrased it tells me that you you've decided they're racist, as an accusation, and now because you're making said accusation, it has to be disproved without you having to back it up at all. Why don't you show me YOUR original source(s)?

You never gave me a credible link, or a link of any kind. Yes, I have determined they are racist. If you want to see that as an accusation, I don't have a problem with that. I see it as just a fact. I doubt I could convince you that a racist group you are a part of is racist, so I see no need in trying. If you have proof that the AltRight is not racist, I would appreciate the information. I never saw much need in arguing something I knew to be untrue, so if you have credible proof that I am mistaken I would be greatful.

Actually, I did, and you replied to the post the link was on. You, on the other hand, provided nothing aside from first calling them racists(Without backing it up), then calling me not only Alt-Right, but by extension through your accusation, calling me racist. I suppose that's how you debate now? No facts, just accusations?

Here's the link again, plucked from a quote within our discussion, because I had already linked it: An Establishment Conservative's Guide To The Alt-Right

Thank you. Your odd color choice for text made your first posting of the link less than noticeable. Forgive me missing it, even after I went back and looked at previous posts.
Breitbart is far from credible, but I did read the article. There is nothing there to shed the title of racist. It's clear that the AltRight is a group of loosely associated Tribes that have similar tactics and are willing to say anything in support of their own tribe, and willing to say anything, no matter how absurd about anyone who isn't a member of their tribe. Logic and truth are not a limitation for their attacks on their targets. All that perfectly describes a large part of Trump's supporters. How was this supposed to convince me that the AltRight isn't racist?
How's my color choice odd? I love purple.

The information within the article credible, regardless of whether it's Breitbart or CNN, further proven by the fact that you attacked the source rather than the information therein, and your lack of a counterargument or link to back up your accusation of racism. Of course, the link and argument is less for you, the forum already knows you well enough, it's more for all the randoms that simply lurk. Your response is exactly what I expected, thus I'm not disappointed.
Hindsight being 20/20... Many of us now realized we backed the wrong horse. Stalin, and the Russia he had built atop millions of corpses of his own people have been the largest, and longest lasting threat to our national security, in the whole history of our nation. The fact that such large portions of the modern world in which we live was issued forth from Hitler's Germany speaks volumes about his contributions to humanity, and the world as a whole. Yeah... We fucked that one up.

Who should we have allied with if not Russia?

Do you believe we could have defeated Germany, Italy, Japan and Russia all at the same time?

While it's on the fringe, I believe we should have let Patton loose in starting a war with Russia after we both took Germany.

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