What do average american patriots think about world war 2?

Thank you. Your odd color choice for text made your first posting of the link less than noticeable. Forgive me missing it, even after I went back and looked at previous posts.
Breitbart is far from credible, but I did read the article. There is nothing there to shed the title of racist. It's clear that the AltRight is a group of loosely associated Tribes that have similar tactics and are willing to say anything in support of their own tribe, and willing to say anything, no matter how absurd about anyone who isn't a member of their tribe. Logic and truth are not a limitation for their attacks on their targets. All that perfectly describes a large part of Trump's supporters. How was this supposed to convince me that the AltRight isn't racist?
How's my color choice odd? I love purple.

The information within the article credible, regardless of whether it's Breitbart or CNN, further proven by the fact that you attacked the source rather than the information therein, and your lack of a counterargument or link to back up your accusation of racism. Of course, the link and argument is less for you, the forum already knows you well enough, it's more for all the randoms that simply lurk. Your response is exactly what I expected, thus I'm not disappointed.

The color of your text and the color of the link are very similar. Easy for someone with less than perfect sight to see them as the same.
I'm not sure how my mistrust of Breitbart, with it's long documented history of blatant lies and misrepresentations proves the credibility of the article. You gotta explain that one to me.
Why would you expect a counter argument or link? I already said I have no desire to try to change you mind. You do remember that, don't you? I said that if you had credible evidence that the AltRight wasn't racist, I would appreciate the information. The request still stands. What you presented might be helpful for a mostly reasonable person looking and hoping for some way to justify their support for Trump with the large group of racists that share their support, but it does nothing to show the Alt Right isn't racist, or that other Trump supporters aren't joining forces with racist.
Well, then I'm sorry my color of choice is confusing to you. It was lighter, which may or may not have helped, but that bothered colorblind people.

Didn't expect a counterargument or a link, I expected you to make excuses, not read the article, pretend you have nothing to prove despite your lack of evidence or a source, and continue to call everyone racist. An actual discussion or debate is not something that I expected, which is why I said your responses are exactly what I expected, and that I was not disappointed. I'm only saying that hypothetically if what you wanted was a debate or a reasonable discussion, you'd have, again hypothetically, made a counterargument, or cited evidence and/or a source.

We on the forum know what to expect from you, I'm not here to change your mind, I'm here for the spectators.

You claimed that the AltRight wasn't white supremacists. Your didn't even come close to proving your claim. I find it odd that you think your claim requires me to convince you of anything. Hitler and all the other AltRight ideals are diametrically opposed to what American represents. You have failed to separate Trump supporters from the AltRight, and you have failed to separate the AltRight from Hitler and White Supremacists. I'll be here if you want to try again.
Opposed to what America represents? America represents what those in power, choose it to be. In a perfect version of our republic, that would be the vision of those who elected our officials...

I'm really interested in how you might think Hitler and White Supremacy might represent what America represents. Please explain.
How's my color choice odd? I love purple.

The information within the article credible, regardless of whether it's Breitbart or CNN, further proven by the fact that you attacked the source rather than the information therein, and your lack of a counterargument or link to back up your accusation of racism. Of course, the link and argument is less for you, the forum already knows you well enough, it's more for all the randoms that simply lurk. Your response is exactly what I expected, thus I'm not disappointed.

The color of your text and the color of the link are very similar. Easy for someone with less than perfect sight to see them as the same.
I'm not sure how my mistrust of Breitbart, with it's long documented history of blatant lies and misrepresentations proves the credibility of the article. You gotta explain that one to me.
Why would you expect a counter argument or link? I already said I have no desire to try to change you mind. You do remember that, don't you? I said that if you had credible evidence that the AltRight wasn't racist, I would appreciate the information. The request still stands. What you presented might be helpful for a mostly reasonable person looking and hoping for some way to justify their support for Trump with the large group of racists that share their support, but it does nothing to show the Alt Right isn't racist, or that other Trump supporters aren't joining forces with racist.
Well, then I'm sorry my color of choice is confusing to you. It was lighter, which may or may not have helped, but that bothered colorblind people.

Didn't expect a counterargument or a link, I expected you to make excuses, not read the article, pretend you have nothing to prove despite your lack of evidence or a source, and continue to call everyone racist. An actual discussion or debate is not something that I expected, which is why I said your responses are exactly what I expected, and that I was not disappointed. I'm only saying that hypothetically if what you wanted was a debate or a reasonable discussion, you'd have, again hypothetically, made a counterargument, or cited evidence and/or a source.

We on the forum know what to expect from you, I'm not here to change your mind, I'm here for the spectators.

You claimed that the AltRight wasn't white supremacists. Your didn't even come close to proving your claim. I find it odd that you think your claim requires me to convince you of anything. Hitler and all the other AltRight ideals are diametrically opposed to what American represents. You have failed to separate Trump supporters from the AltRight, and you have failed to separate the AltRight from Hitler and White Supremacists. I'll be here if you want to try again.
Opposed to what America represents? America represents what those in power, choose it to be. In a perfect version of our republic, that would be the vision of those who elected our officials...

I'm really interested in how you might think Hitler and White Supremacy might represent what America represents. Please explain.
Cool! I've never seen a straw man crossbred with a red herring before! That had to be messy!
Agreed as far as going after Russia... But had we worked more closely on fostering relations with germany, as opposed to saving Britain things may have gone better for Europe as a whole.
Never said all trump supporters were racist. The Alt Right is, and lots of his support is AltRight, so you try to justify that how ever you want to.

Were many of the voters for petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama racist?

Do you believe President Obama and his wife Michelle are racist?

Do you believe President Trump is racist?


Sure, some of Obama's supporters were racist. This is a big country, and some racists voted for every candidate for what ever reason. The racist vote didn't elect him. He received too many votes from every race to make his election dependent on the racists who voted for him.
I have no idea if Trump is racist. Everybody knows that a large portion of his support is racist, and he will pander to what ever group supports him. If he saw that a significant number of soccer players and fans supported him I would expect him to push for soccer to be named the national sport.
Everybody doesn't "know" that. Nor could they. That is merely what you believe. Faith does not a fact make...

Trump's chief strategist, Steve Bannon who was the head of Breitbart before joining Trump's cabinet, bragged that Breitbart was the goto site for the white supremacist, nationalist Alt Right
Never said all trump supporters were racist. The Alt Right is, and lots of his support is AltRight, so you try to justify that how ever you want to.

Were many of the voters for petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama racist?

Do you believe President Obama and his wife Michelle are racist?

Do you believe President Trump is racist?


Sure, some of Obama's supporters were racist. This is a big country, and some racists voted for every candidate for what ever reason. The racist vote didn't elect him. He received too many votes from every race to make his election dependent on the racists who voted for him.
I have no idea if Trump is racist. Everybody knows that a large portion of his support is racist, and he will pander to what ever group supports him. If he saw that a significant number of soccer players and fans supported him I would expect him to push for soccer to be named the national sport.
Everybody doesn't "know" that. Nor could they. That is merely what you believe. Faith does not a fact make...

Trump's chief strategist, Steve Bannon who was the head of Breitbart before joining Trump's cabinet, bragged that Breitbart was the goto site for the white supremacist, nationalist Alt Right
So...? The weather Channel is the go to site for Black Panthers to get their weekly forecast... And?
Never said all trump supporters were racist. The Alt Right is, and lots of his support is AltRight, so you try to justify that how ever you want to.

Were many of the voters for petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama racist?

Do you believe President Obama and his wife Michelle are racist?

Do you believe President Trump is racist?


Sure, some of Obama's supporters were racist. This is a big country, and some racists voted for every candidate for what ever reason. The racist vote didn't elect him. He received too many votes from every race to make his election dependent on the racists who voted for him.
I have no idea if Trump is racist. Everybody knows that a large portion of his support is racist, and he will pander to what ever group supports him. If he saw that a significant number of soccer players and fans supported him I would expect him to push for soccer to be named the national sport.
Everybody doesn't "know" that. Nor could they. That is merely what you believe. Faith does not a fact make...

Trump's chief strategist, Steve Bannon who was the head of Breitbart before joining Trump's cabinet, bragged that Breitbart was the goto site for the white supremacist, nationalist Alt Right
So...? The weather Channel is the go to site for Black Panthers to get their weekly forecast... And?

Were many of the voters for petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama racist?

Do you believe President Obama and his wife Michelle are racist?

Do you believe President Trump is racist?


Sure, some of Obama's supporters were racist. This is a big country, and some racists voted for every candidate for what ever reason. The racist vote didn't elect him. He received too many votes from every race to make his election dependent on the racists who voted for him.
I have no idea if Trump is racist. Everybody knows that a large portion of his support is racist, and he will pander to what ever group supports him. If he saw that a significant number of soccer players and fans supported him I would expect him to push for soccer to be named the national sport.
Everybody doesn't "know" that. Nor could they. That is merely what you believe. Faith does not a fact make...

Trump's chief strategist, Steve Bannon who was the head of Breitbart before joining Trump's cabinet, bragged that Breitbart was the goto site for the white supremacist, nationalist Alt Right
So...? The weather Channel is the go to site for Black Panthers to get their weekly forecast... And?

At least you didn't have to duck...
Sure, some of Obama's supporters were racist. This is a big country, and some racists voted for every candidate for what ever reason. The racist vote didn't elect him. He received too many votes from every race to make his election dependent on the racists who voted for him.
I have no idea if Trump is racist. Everybody knows that a large portion of his support is racist, and he will pander to what ever group supports him. If he saw that a significant number of soccer players and fans supported him I would expect him to push for soccer to be named the national sport.

So you want to believe SOME of Obama's supporters were racist. Many of his voters are racists. Many whites and other races voted for him for no other reason than to be able to say they voted for the first black in history. That is racism.

Petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama was very outspoken as a racist as are many of his supporters.

Why do you allege that President Trump's supporters are racist? President Trump drew a higher percentage of black voters than either Mitt Romney or John McCain.
Sure, some of Obama's supporters were racist. This is a big country, and some racists voted for every candidate for what ever reason. The racist vote didn't elect him. He received too many votes from every race to make his election dependent on the racists who voted for him.
I have no idea if Trump is racist. Everybody knows that a large portion of his support is racist, and he will pander to what ever group supports him. If he saw that a significant number of soccer players and fans supported him I would expect him to push for soccer to be named the national sport.
Everybody doesn't "know" that. Nor could they. That is merely what you believe. Faith does not a fact make...

Trump's chief strategist, Steve Bannon who was the head of Breitbart before joining Trump's cabinet, bragged that Breitbart was the goto site for the white supremacist, nationalist Alt Right
So...? The weather Channel is the go to site for Black Panthers to get their weekly forecast... And?

At least you didn't have to duck...

You're throwing nothing but Nerf remarks. No reason to duck..
Sure, some of Obama's supporters were racist. This is a big country, and some racists voted for every candidate for what ever reason. The racist vote didn't elect him. He received too many votes from every race to make his election dependent on the racists who voted for him.
I have no idea if Trump is racist. Everybody knows that a large portion of his support is racist, and he will pander to what ever group supports him. If he saw that a significant number of soccer players and fans supported him I would expect him to push for soccer to be named the national sport.

So you want to believe SOME of Obama's supporters were racist. Many of his voters are racists. Many whites and other races voted for him for no other reason than to be able to say they voted for the first black in history. That is racism.

Petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama was very outspoken as a racist as are many of his supporters.

Why do you allege that President Trump's supporters are racist? President Trump drew a higher percentage of black voters than either Mitt Romney or John McCain.
Why? Well because their candidate lost, of course! Libtard 101. When lost or losing hurl "racist". They actually believe it works every time. They fail to recognize that people quit giving a shit what they say last November...
Cool! I've never seen a straw man crossbred with a red herring before! That had to be messy!

Now they use portions of a DNA string. They have inserted a portion of DNA from a silk spider to a goat. Really true. The purpose to massively increase the amount of silk which could be produced due to its phenomenal strength. The result is that the goat's milk contains strands of silk. They can separate the strands but not on a large enough scale to be commercially viable yet.

I realize you were being facetious but it most likely could be done today. What would result from DNA from straw being implanted into a red herring?
Sure, some of Obama's supporters were racist. This is a big country, and some racists voted for every candidate for what ever reason. The racist vote didn't elect him. He received too many votes from every race to make his election dependent on the racists who voted for him.
I have no idea if Trump is racist. Everybody knows that a large portion of his support is racist, and he will pander to what ever group supports him. If he saw that a significant number of soccer players and fans supported him I would expect him to push for soccer to be named the national sport.

So you want to believe SOME of Obama's supporters were racist. Many of his voters are racists. Many whites and other races voted for him for no other reason than to be able to say they voted for the first black in history. That is racism.

Petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama was very outspoken as a racist as are many of his supporters.

Why do you allege that President Trump's supporters are racist? President Trump drew a higher percentage of black voters than either Mitt Romney or John McCain.

Lots of right wingers say that, but I never met a white guy that voted for Obama because he was black. I do know many who didn't want to vote for him because he was black, but he was just too good to let that stop them, especially for his 2nd election.
You gotta show me where Obama was racist. I never saw it.

You have to understand that the media writes the history books and the media was a propaganda arm of the government during WW2. No patriotic person was allowed to consider if it was really smart to attack Europe with a gigantic armada. Yeah, propaganda told us that Normandy was a great victory and the Germans were fooled by the invasion to such an extent that we only lost about 3,000 American casualties. The Gliders and the Parachute heroes were part of the propaganda but they were relatively ineffective and were all captured or killed. There was no invasion for three months and pop history fails to remind us that the "breakout" from Normandy cost the lives of an additional 100,000 Americans. What we think we know about the Japanese threat isn't accurate either. FDR considered the formidable Japanese empire to be a pushover. Conventional (racist) intelligence considered the Japanese to be incapable of flying a plane due to eye defects and incapable of building a ship that would actually float due to defects that would render their engineering technology to be ineffective. This was the conventional intelligence during the 30's FDR era. FDR invited a Japanese attack so that we could get into the real war in Europe. As a matter of fact the Brits were shocked to learn that at the start of the war the U.S. had no espionage agency or cohesive intelligence network. The bottom line is that lots of American heroes were needlessly sacrificed due to the negligence of the FDR administration.
Last edited:
Trump's chief strategist, Steve Bannon who was the head of Breitbart before joining Trump's cabinet, bragged that Breitbart was the goto site for the white supremacist, nationalist Alt Right

Was petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama's priest, for over 20 years, the one President Obama stated was a like a part of their family, married the Obama's and christened their two daughters, the Rev. Jerimiah Wright a racist? How about the Rev. Wright's close friend and associate, Minister Louis Farrakhan. Then there is Van Jones, outspoken Communist and President Obama's Green Czar.

The Rev. Al Sharpton, who owes over $4.5 million in income taxes visited the White House well over 100 times. Do you think of Al Sharpton as a racist? Have you forgotten Eric Holder and his actions?

Steve Bannon made a statement, he did not brag, he made a statement. But your desperation is so great that you want to frame President Donald Trump as a racist because he has one person whom you allege was a racist on his advisory team.
Germans were fooled by the invasion to such an extent that we only lost about 3,000 American casualties.

The Allies had 10,000 casualties with over 4,000 dead the Germany lost between 4,000 and 9,000 men.

Only lost, that's just sick.
Lots of right wingers say that, but I never met a white guy that voted for Obama because he was black.

Right, you went around asking white people if they voted for petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama because he is of mixed race. You just can't make these things up!

Actually, I did, and you replied to the post the link was on. You, on the other hand, provided nothing aside from first calling them racists(Without backing it up), then calling me not only Alt-Right, but by extension through your accusation, calling me racist. I suppose that's how you debate now? No facts, just accusations?

Here's the link again, plucked from a quote within our discussion, because I had already linked it: An Establishment Conservative's Guide To The Alt-Right

Thank you. Your odd color choice for text made your first posting of the link less than noticeable. Forgive me missing it, even after I went back and looked at previous posts.
Breitbart is far from credible, but I did read the article. There is nothing there to shed the title of racist. It's clear that the AltRight is a group of loosely associated Tribes that have similar tactics and are willing to say anything in support of their own tribe, and willing to say anything, no matter how absurd about anyone who isn't a member of their tribe. Logic and truth are not a limitation for their attacks on their targets. All that perfectly describes a large part of Trump's supporters. How was this supposed to convince me that the AltRight isn't racist?
How's my color choice odd? I love purple.

The information within the article credible, regardless of whether it's Breitbart or CNN, further proven by the fact that you attacked the source rather than the information therein, and your lack of a counterargument or link to back up your accusation of racism. Of course, the link and argument is less for you, the forum already knows you well enough, it's more for all the randoms that simply lurk. Your response is exactly what I expected, thus I'm not disappointed.

The color of your text and the color of the link are very similar. Easy for someone with less than perfect sight to see them as the same.
I'm not sure how my mistrust of Breitbart, with it's long documented history of blatant lies and misrepresentations proves the credibility of the article. You gotta explain that one to me.
Why would you expect a counter argument or link? I already said I have no desire to try to change you mind. You do remember that, don't you? I said that if you had credible evidence that the AltRight wasn't racist, I would appreciate the information. The request still stands. What you presented might be helpful for a mostly reasonable person looking and hoping for some way to justify their support for Trump with the large group of racists that share their support, but it does nothing to show the Alt Right isn't racist, or that other Trump supporters aren't joining forces with racist.
Well, then I'm sorry my color of choice is confusing to you. It was lighter, which may or may not have helped, but that bothered colorblind people.

Didn't expect a counterargument or a link, I expected you to make excuses, not read the article, pretend you have nothing to prove despite your lack of evidence or a source, and continue to call everyone racist. An actual discussion or debate is not something that I expected, which is why I said your responses are exactly what I expected, and that I was not disappointed. I'm only saying that hypothetically if what you wanted was a debate or a reasonable discussion, you'd have, again hypothetically, made a counterargument, or cited evidence and/or a source.

We on the forum know what to expect from you, I'm not here to change your mind, I'm here for the spectators.

You claimed that the AltRight wasn't white supremacists. Your didn't even come close to proving your claim. I find it odd that you think your claim requires me to convince you of anything. Hitler and all the other AltRight ideals are diametrically opposed to what American represents. You have failed to separate Trump supporters from the AltRight, and you have failed to separate the AltRight from Hitler and White Supremacists. I'll be here if you want to try again.
Your original claim was that the AltRight were racists, you did nothing. I at least provided an article with a breakdown, that's one more thing than your zero. I'd also like to point out that I wasn't trying to separate the AltRight from Trump, only pointing out that the sub group you with represented all of them is only an extremely loud minority within the group.

"Hitler and all of the other AltRight"? Now not only have you made two claims with nothing to back it up, but you've also called a staunch leftist AltRight. Or did you forget that Socialism is far left? Or are you going to go ahead and explain to me how Social control of industry, universal healthcare, and all citizens being employed by the state are right wing ideals. All of which Hitler implemented in Nazi(National Socialist) Germany.

On the other hand, much like every other time you've made a claim, you'll no doubt dodge debating and provide absolutely nothing to back it up.
I believe the world would be a better place if we let the Germans take Moscow before going in and taking out hitler.

Communists killed way more people, way more brutally, than anyone else else ever has.


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