What do conservatives support?

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I've argued many times that conservatives are defined on what they oppose (gay marriage, taxes, change, the ERA, sex ed in school, abortion, free contraceptives, labor unions, the UN, democracy,
Affirmative Action/consent decrees, gun control, FEMA, the PPACA, Climate Change, a Government too large , (how large is too large for a nation of 300 + million?), public school teachers and other government employees - until they need them.

I've also posted the 14 points of Fascism, which, when applied to the statements / rhetoric of Trump are enlightening, and should IMO give pause to those opposed to an authoritarian federal government when considering a vote for the Republikan nominees. We don't need a Big Brother

Fourteen Defining Characteristics Of Fascism

Keep these sage comments i mind when in the voting booth:

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

First thing is.... you have no clue what a Conservative is. You've cobbled together the typical amalgam of liberal Alinskyite talking points used to attack your opponents for the past 20 years as you've pressed your Marxist agenda. Somehow, some way... you think this to be rather clever on your part but it actually shows a total lack of imagination and critical thinking.

Let's start from the beginning... Trump is not a Conservative and doesn't speak for the vast majority of Conservatives in America. He has embraced some Conservative issues and he has some Conservative support... mostly because he's not an Alinskyite Liberal Ideologue.

Conservatism is not an ideology. This is why it is difficult to pinpoint specifics with regard to what Conservatives support. They may support or oppose conflicting things... A libertarian Conservative who strongly favors individual liberty may support the state's right to determine issues like abortion and gay marriage while a Social Conservative is staunchly opposed to these things on a moral basis. They are both Conservatives but their individual ideologies differ substantially.

Generally speaking (and that's really all we can do here), Conservatives believe in a philosophy of Conservatism. This is a pragmatic approach to problem solving, a way of life, a world view that is rooted in a foundation and belief in our Constitution and it's founding intent, time-tested wisdom learned from experience and history as opposed to knee-jerk emotional radicalism. It is not guided by ideology, it is the philosophical principles which accommodate a variety of individual ideologies.

It's certainly not Fascism. The radical left-wing, Alinskyite, Marxist-Socialist, progressivism is BY FAR closer to true Fascism because it seeks to force society to conform even if society rejects conformity. You don't favor leaving things to the states to decide or the people... you want to mandate things through the courts and by executive orders.

Your initial premise is based on your biases and inability to read and comprehend what I've posted. I have differentiated classical conservatism from the current neo fascist form, represented today by Trump and his devoted followers.

For those readers considered with the truth, my posts on the issue refer to 21st Century conservatism, not the form made popular by Buckley, but that of Buchanan & now Trump.

Your illusion to 60's radicalism has no merit, it is one more example of right wing propaganda based on a revision of reality, something essential to authoritarianism and fascism, exemplified by Trump's off the cuff comments, demagoguery and anti intellectualism.

It is not credible that anyone as obviously intelligent as you, could read Boss's posts and still accuse him of not being able to comprehend your posts.

Not without you being either completely dishonest or completely compromised in your thinking (due to extreme emotional investment)
Your initial premise is based on your biases and inability to read and comprehend what I've posted. I have differentiated classical conservatism from the current neo fascist form, represented today by Trump and his devoted followers.

For those readers considered with the truth, my posts on the issue refer to 21st Century conservatism, not the form made popular by Buckley, but that of Buchanan & now Trump.

Your illusion to 60's radicalism has no merit, it is one more example of right wing propaganda based on a revision of reality, something essential to authoritarianism and fascism, exemplified by Trump's off the cuff comments, demagoguery and anti intellectualism.

Again, Donald Trump doesn't represent Conservatism. His "movement" is not Conservative... it is Nationalist-Populist. He panders to Conservatives on some key issues to get the Conservative vote but he is not, nor has he ever been, a Conservative... Buckley-style or Buchanan-style. Is he a better alternative than a corrupt and crooked Alinskyite? Of course he is!

There's no illusion to 60s radicalism... although, I think you mean "allusion"... The progressive liberal left, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, currently have in play, all 8 "levels of control" in Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals. That's not just a curious coincidence. Why do Socialists continually try to run away from what and who they are? :dunno:

How do you define a philosophy as "Fascist" which supports individual liberty over big government statism? Fascism is counter-intuitive to Conservatism. It's FAR more Fascist to tell me that I am going to pay for your contraceptives and abortions whether I like it or not... I'm going to have government-run health care crammed down my throat against my will, whether I like it or not... I'm going to accept gay rights and trannies in the women's restrooms, whether I want to or not.... etc. THAT is Fascist.
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I've argued many times that conservatives are defined on what they oppose (gay marriage, taxes, change, the ERA, sex ed in school, abortion, free contraceptives, labor unions, the UN, democracy,
Affirmative Action/consent decrees, gun control, FEMA, the PPACA, Climate Change, a Government too large , (how large is too large for a nation of 300 + million?), public school teachers and other government employees - until they need them.

I've also posted the 14 points of Fascism, which, when applied to the statements / rhetoric of Trump are enlightening, and should IMO give pause to those opposed to an authoritarian federal government when considering a vote for the Republikan nominees. We don't need a Big Brother

Fourteen Defining Characteristics Of Fascism

Keep these sage comments i mind when in the voting booth:

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

First thing is.... you have no clue what a Conservative is. You've cobbled together the typical amalgam of liberal Alinskyite talking points used to attack your opponents for the past 20 years as you've pressed your Marxist agenda. Somehow, some way... you think this to be rather clever on your part but it actually shows a total lack of imagination and critical thinking.

Let's start from the beginning... Trump is not a Conservative and doesn't speak for the vast majority of Conservatives in America. He has embraced some Conservative issues and he has some Conservative support... mostly because he's not an Alinskyite Liberal Ideologue.

Conservatism is not an ideology. This is why it is difficult to pinpoint specifics with regard to what Conservatives support. They may support or oppose conflicting things... A libertarian Conservative who strongly favors individual liberty may support the state's right to determine issues like abortion and gay marriage while a Social Conservative is staunchly opposed to these things on a moral basis. They are both Conservatives but their individual ideologies differ substantially.

Generally speaking (and that's really all we can do here), Conservatives believe in a philosophy of Conservatism. This is a pragmatic approach to problem solving, a way of life, a world view that is rooted in a foundation and belief in our Constitution and it's founding intent, time-tested wisdom learned from experience and history as opposed to knee-jerk emotional radicalism. It is not guided by ideology, it is the philosophical principles which accommodate a variety of individual ideologies.

It's certainly not Fascism. The radical left-wing, Alinskyite, Marxist-Socialist, progressivism is BY FAR closer to true Fascism because it seeks to force society to conform even if society rejects conformity. You don't favor leaving things to the states to decide or the people... you want to mandate things through the courts and by executive orders.

Your initial premise is based on your biases and inability to read and comprehend what I've posted. I have differentiated classical conservatism from the current neo fascist form, represented today by Trump and his devoted followers.

For those readers considered with the truth, my posts on the issue refer to 21st Century conservatism, not the form made popular by Buckley, but that of Buchanan & now Trump.

Your illusion to 60's radicalism has no merit, it is one more example of right wing propaganda based on a revision of reality, something essential to authoritarianism and fascism, exemplified by Trump's off the cuff comments, demagoguery and anti intellectualism.

It is not credible that anyone as obviously intelligent as you, could read Boss's posts and still accuse him of not being able to comprehend your posts.

Not without you being either completely dishonest or completely compromised in your thinking (due to extreme emotional investment)

His premise, that I have defined conservatism as = to Trumpism (aka fascism) is fallacious, and I've explained why. Real conservatives today have been tossed under the bus as RINO's, the evidence is beyond refutation given the comments of so many former members of past Republican Administrations, and in the words of Pols who support, even tacitly, a man who is unfit for public service.

Maybe a better word or phrase can be used to describe than 21st Century Conservative - neo fascist seems to describe it/those who support Trump, and differentiate them for those who hold their nose and vote for unfit for Trump, who is the most unfit person to ever receive the nomination of a major political party.

That evaluation of Trump is not my opinion alone, nor does it have anything to do with my support for HRC and or the Democratic Party or its candidates. Trump has presented a total and complete persona which is the antithesis of a leader worthy to be President of the United States; many of his supporters, pols and voters included, have shown disdain for democracy in general and a complete lack of sagacious thinking in terms of their support for a party in disarray and becoming more and more extreme.
Real conservatives today have been tossed under the bus as RINO's...

Please allow me to interpret this for everyone. Wry here goes completely off of the deep end with real conservatism. He enjoys the liberal RINO because it is much closer to his bat-shit crazy ideology that true conservatism. So now he wants to create the false narrative that RINO's are the "true" conservative (because they support at least some of his desperate desires for society to pay for him).
Real conservatives today have been tossed under the bus as RINO's...

Please allow me to interpret this for everyone. Wry here goes completely off of the deep end with real conservatism. He enjoys the liberal RINO because it is much closer to his bat-shit crazy ideology that true conservatism. So now he wants to create the false narrative that RINO's are the "true" conservative (because they support at least some of his desperate desires for society to pay for him).

I don't need nor want a fanatical person such as you've proved to be to interpret for me. Your presentations are nothing more than ad hominems directed to the liberal/progressive community. You have no common sense or pragmatic bones in your head, all you offer is "ain't (fill in the blank) awful" with no solution to solve the myriad problems facing our nation and the world.

Since you, in a rather disjointed syntax, claim I have a "bat-shit crazy ideology", I'd like to see something you cannot provide - that being a definition of your claim (what is a "bat-shit crazy ideology") and examples of why pragmatic and idealistic ideas are so offensive to you.
Since you, in a rather disjointed syntax, claim I have a "bat-shit crazy ideology", I'd like to see something you cannot provide - that being a definition of your claim (what is a "bat-shit crazy ideology") and examples of why pragmatic and idealistic ideas are so offensive to you.
You've never offered a pragmatic solution. As far as "idealistic" - well, if you need someone to explain to you why that is offensive, then you have serious problems and nothing anyone can say is going to help you. But...just to illustrate how bat-shit crazy you really are - I will explain it anyway.


  1. characterized by idealism; unrealistically aiming for perfection.
See junior? It is immature because it is completely unrealistic. Just like everything that progressivism stands for. We don't have time (or money) for unrealistic. We need pragmatic people. Which automatically takes progressives out of the conversation. And it is why progressive policy has a 100% failure rate world-wide, including here in the U.S.

You have no common sense or pragmatic bones in your head, all you offer is "ain't (fill in the blank) awful" with no solution to solve the myriad problems facing our nation and the world.
I'll prove to you that I do right here and now. Give me an example of one of the "myriad" of problems facing "our nation and the world" and I'll give you a pragmatic, actual solution. Don't toss a softball junior. Hit me with the big one. Give me the heater. Challenge me right off the bat.
I've argued many times that conservatives are defined on what they oppose (gay marriage, taxes, change, the ERA, sex ed in school, abortion, free contraceptives, labor unions, the UN, democracy,
Affirmative Action/consent decrees, gun control, FEMA, the PPACA, Climate Change, a Government too large , (how large is too large for a nation of 300 + million?), public school teachers and other government employees - until they need them.

I've also posted the 14 points of Fascism, which, when applied to the statements / rhetoric of Trump are enlightening, and should IMO give pause to those opposed to an authoritarian federal government when considering a vote for the Republikan nominees. We don't need a Big Brother

Fourteen Defining Characteristics Of Fascism

Keep these sage comments i mind when in the voting booth:

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

First thing is.... you have no clue what a Conservative is. You've cobbled together the typical amalgam of liberal Alinskyite talking points used to attack your opponents for the past 20 years as you've pressed your Marxist agenda. Somehow, some way... you think this to be rather clever on your part but it actually shows a total lack of imagination and critical thinking.

Let's start from the beginning... Trump is not a Conservative and doesn't speak for the vast majority of Conservatives in America. He has embraced some Conservative issues and he has some Conservative support... mostly because he's not an Alinskyite Liberal Ideologue.

Conservatism is not an ideology. This is why it is difficult to pinpoint specifics with regard to what Conservatives support. They may support or oppose conflicting things... A libertarian Conservative who strongly favors individual liberty may support the state's right to determine issues like abortion and gay marriage while a Social Conservative is staunchly opposed to these things on a moral basis. They are both Conservatives but their individual ideologies differ substantially.

Generally speaking (and that's really all we can do here), Conservatives believe in a philosophy of Conservatism. This is a pragmatic approach to problem solving, a way of life, a world view that is rooted in a foundation and belief in our Constitution and it's founding intent, time-tested wisdom learned from experience and history as opposed to knee-jerk emotional radicalism. It is not guided by ideology, it is the philosophical principles which accommodate a variety of individual ideologies.

It's certainly not Fascism. The radical left-wing, Alinskyite, Marxist-Socialist, progressivism is BY FAR closer to true Fascism because it seeks to force society to conform even if society rejects conformity. You don't favor leaving things to the states to decide or the people... you want to mandate things through the courts and by executive orders.

Your initial premise is based on your biases and inability to read and comprehend what I've posted. I have differentiated classical conservatism from the current neo fascist form, represented today by Trump and his devoted followers.

For those readers considered with the truth, my posts on the issue refer to 21st Century conservatism, not the form made popular by Buckley, but that of Buchanan & now Trump.

Your illusion to 60's radicalism has no merit, it is one more example of right wing propaganda based on a revision of reality, something essential to authoritarianism and fascism, exemplified by Trump's off the cuff comments, demagoguery and anti intellectualism.

It is not credible that anyone as obviously intelligent as you, could read Boss's posts and still accuse him of not being able to comprehend your posts.

Not without you being either completely dishonest or completely compromised in your thinking (due to extreme emotional investment)

His premise, that I have defined conservatism as = to Trumpism (aka fascism) is fallacious, and I've explained why. Real conservatives today have been tossed under the bus as RINO's, the evidence is beyond refutation given the comments of so many former members of past Republican Administrations, and in the words of Pols who support, even tacitly, a man who is unfit for public service.

Maybe a better word or phrase can be used to describe than 21st Century Conservative - neo fascist seems to describe it/those who support Trump, and differentiate them for those who hold their nose and vote for unfit for Trump, who is the most unfit person to ever receive the nomination of a major political party.

That evaluation of Trump is not my opinion alone, nor does it have anything to do with my support for HRC and or the Democratic Party or its candidates. Trump has presented a total and complete persona which is the antithesis of a leader worthy to be President of the United States; many of his supporters, pols and voters included, have shown disdain for democracy in general and a complete lack of sagacious thinking in terms of their support for a party in disarray and becoming more and more extreme.

There is no such thing as "21st century Conservative" or "Neo-Fascist Conservative" and what you are describing seems to be commonly known as the "Alt-Right" who might support Trump but have not a damn thing to do with Conservatives. In fact, most of them will go out of their way to attack and denigrate Conservatives instead of attacking Hillary Clinton and the progressive left. You should send them a fucking Hallmark card!

Now... I am a Conservative and I can tell you that the only disdain I have for democracy is when liberal asswipes whine about "our democracy" that we don't have because we're a fucking REPUBLIC! There is a reason our founding fathers did not choose to set up a pure democracy. Very often, a pure democracy will trample the rights of the individual because it is essentially "mob rule". So it is for the purpose and benefit of individual liberty that we are a REPUBLIC and this was crucial in abolishing slavery, women's suffrage and civil rights.... none of which a pure democracy would have ever condoned.

I don't really care about your opinions of Trump... it's not my bag of donuts. You claim he is unfit to serve but I think Hillary is equally unfit to serve and a threat to our republic. She should be doing time in prison for the things she has done. My complaint is your trying to tie Trump to some new-age incarnation of Conservatism... which it's NOT! ...Never was... never will be... end of discussion!
Your initial premise is based on your biases and inability to read and comprehend what I've posted. I have differentiated classical conservatism from the current neo fascist form, represented today by Trump and his devoted followers.

For those readers considered with the truth, my posts on the issue refer to 21st Century conservatism, not the form made popular by Buckley, but that of Buchanan & now Trump.

Your illusion to 60's radicalism has no merit, it is one more example of right wing propaganda based on a revision of reality, something essential to authoritarianism and fascism, exemplified by Trump's off the cuff comments, demagoguery and anti intellectualism.

Again, Donald Trump doesn't represent Conservatism. His "movement" is not Conservative... it is Nationalist-Populist. He panders to Conservatives on some key issues to get the Conservative vote but he is not, nor has he ever been, a Conservative... Buckley-style or Buchanan-style. Is he a better alternative than a corrupt and crooked Alinskyite? Of course he is!

There's no illusion to 60s radicalism... although, I think you mean "allusion"... The progressive liberal left, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, currently have in play, all 8 "levels of control" in Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals. That's not just a curious coincidence. Why do Socialists continually try to run away from what and who they are? :dunno:

How do you define a philosophy as "Fascist" which supports individual liberty over big government statism? Fascism is counter-intuitive to Conservatism. It's FAR more Fascist to tell me that I am going to pay for your contraceptives and abortions whether I like it or not... I'm going to have government-run health care crammed down my throat against my will, whether I like it or not... I'm going to accept gay rights and trannies in the women's restrooms, whether I want to or not.... etc. THAT is Fascist.

Allusion is a play of words more of a literary creation to inspire an Imagination or to create an Illusion in the head metaphorically. While illusion is a deception of the eyes it's a unreal vision. Allusion is indirect reference. Kind of implied.

Fascist use scapegoats; Trump uses scapegoats. Do you deny that too?

The Federal Gov't does not pay for abortions.

Contraceptives limit the number of abortions; the meme that women use abortion as a means of contraception is foolish and dishonest.

Fascism is not Nazism, there were a number of fascist states in Europe, Asia and S. America, but the general characteristic of fascism as defined in the 14 points I posted above are in line with Trumps remarks. Granted, Trump is not a conservative, he is far right, as are all authoritarians; he is also a demagogue (and the people who support him include many neo fascists), a charlatan (he knows next to nothing about the Constitution and the bible, just two examples) and fits the standard criteria for someone with a personality disorder (Cluster B, subsets Antisocial, Histrionic and Narcissistic).
Real conservatives today have been tossed under the bus as RINO's

Let's get some nomenclature straight here.... The term "RINO" was coined by Tea Party Conservatives to define establishment GOP politicians who abandoned their Conservative principles which they were elected on. It's really a misnomer because establishment Republicans are indeed Republicans and it is the Conservatives who were Republicans in name only. They should have more accurately been defined as CINOs... Conservative in name only.... but that's all water under the bridge now.

So now... you, the liberal lefty, have somehow twisted and contorted "RINO" around to mean the "Republicans" who don't support Trump. Or that's what you claim the Trumpers have done. But the fact of the matter is, there are a few factions that don't support Trump. Establishment GOPers as well as some Cruz Conservatives and libertarian-leaning Rand Paul Conservatives. There are also many in these demographics who will hold their noses and vote for Trump but don't "support" him.

I'm a Constitutional Conservative who voted for Ted Cruz. I'm still undecided on whether I will cast my vote for Trump. Part of me says I have to vote for Trump a damage control, to prevent a radical Alinsky ideologue from winning... then another part of me says that's like putting a gun to the head of Constitutional Conservatism and pulling the trigger. If he wins, we will not be given any credit for that and our movement will be marginalized by the loud and proud Alt-Right. So it's a dilemma I am grappling with and I'm not sure how I will vote yet.
Allusion is a play of words more of a literary creation to inspire an Imagination or to create an Illusion in the head metaphorically. While illusion is a deception of the eyes it's a unreal vision. Allusion is indirect reference. Kind of implied.

No... an "allusion" is an expression designed to call something to mind without mentioning it explicitly; an indirect or passing reference. The root word is "allude". But I neither had an "illusion" or "allusion" to radical 60s Alinskyites.. that's what Hillary is and has been since college.
The Federal Gov't does not pay for abortions.

Contraceptives limit the number of abortions; the meme that women use abortion as a means of contraception is foolish and dishonest.

Yes, the government DOES pay for abortions because the government funds health care coverage now. Regardless of memes, individuals should have the right to object to paying for things that defy their religious convictions and moral principles.
Real conservatives today have been tossed under the bus as RINO's

Let's get some nomenclature straight here.... The term "RINO" was coined by Tea Party Conservatives to define establishment GOP politicians who abandoned their Conservative principles which they were elected on. It's really a misnomer because establishment Republicans are indeed Republicans and it is the Conservatives who were Republicans in name only. They should have more accurately been defined as CINOs... Conservative in name only.... but that's all water under the bridge now.

So now... you, the liberal lefty, have somehow twisted and contorted "RINO" around to mean the "Republicans" who don't support Trump. Or that's what you claim the Trumpers have done. But the fact of the matter is, there are a few factions that don't support Trump. Establishment GOPers as well as some Cruz Conservatives and libertarian-leaning Rand Paul Conservatives. There are also many in these demographics who will hold their noses and vote for Trump but don't "support" him.

I'm a Constitutional Conservative who voted for Ted Cruz. I'm still undecided on whether I will cast my vote for Trump. Part of me says I have to vote for Trump a damage control, to prevent a radical Alinsky ideologue from winning... then another part of me says that's like putting a gun to the head of Constitutional Conservatism and pulling the trigger. If he wins, we will not be given any credit for that and our movement will be marginalized by the loud and proud Alt-Right. So it's a dilemma I am grappling with and I'm not sure how I will vote yet.

It's almost hilarious that you claim to be a Constitutional Conservative and yet sit on the fence based on nothing which puts HRC into the set of a 60's radical. Maybe you are not old enough to remember the 60's and early 70's, but that is no excuse to vote for Trump, who by any measure is a charlatan and a demagogue who has zero understanding of Art. I and Art. II of the COTUS.

Are you a single issue voter? Do you think HRC will lobby to repeal the 2nd A., or that Trump will lobby to repeal Roe? I can think of no reason why an intelligent person would ever consider Trump as fit to lead our nation.
he is also a demagogue (and the people who support him include many neo fascists), a charlatan (he knows next to nothing about the Constitution and the bible, just two examples) and fits the standard criteria for someone with a personality disorder (Cluster B, subsets Antisocial, Histrionic and Narcissistic).

Same can be said of Obama and Hillary Clinton!
It's almost hilarious that you claim to be a Constitutional Conservative and yet sit on the fence based on nothing which puts HRC into the set of a 60's radical. Maybe you are not old enough to remember the 60's and early 70's, but that is no excuse to vote for Trump, who by any measure is a charlatan and a demagogue who has zero understanding of Art. I and Art. II of the COTUS.

Are you a single issue voter? Do you think HRC will lobby to repeal the 2nd A., or that Trump will lobby to repeal Roe? I can think of no reason why an intelligent person would ever consider Trump as fit to lead our nation.

And I can think of no reason any sane person would vote for a pathological liar and criminal like Hillary Clinton. Yes, I grew up in the 60s... I'm 57 years old. I studied about the radical movement of the 60s in college and I am well aware of Saul Alinsky and his Rules for Radicals.... of which, all 8 levels of control are currently in effect, thanks to Hillary, Obama and the radical liberal left.

No, I don't believe Hillary will lobby to repeal the 2nd... she will work to effectively render it meaningless through more regulations on a RIGHT that is supposed to be UNALIENABLE! That's how progressives operate... they don't need to change the Constitution... they just fucking ignore it and rewrite what it means through the courts.

As for Trump, I like his plan on education and securing the border. I like his plan to repeal and replace Obamacare. I like his plans to cut the corporate tax rates. Mostly, I like the fact that he is not an ideologue radical like Hillary Clinton. I think he would be a more pragmatic leader but I disagree with him on several key policy positions. No, I'm not a "single-issue" voter but I am pro-life and pro-gun... and those are important issues for me.
The Federal Gov't does not pay for abortions.

Contraceptives limit the number of abortions; the meme that women use abortion as a means of contraception is foolish and dishonest.

Yes, the government DOES pay for abortions because the government funds health care coverage now. Regardless of memes, individuals should have the right to object to paying for things that defy their religious convictions and moral principles.

In 1976, Congress passed the Hyde Amendment, which banned Medicaid coverage of abortion. This is the only medical procedure that has ever been banned from Medicaid.

IMO anyone who believes abortion has been reduced by the Hyde Amendment,

(BTW, Where Are They Now: The Clinton Impeachment - TIME ),

and opposes contraceptives is both a fool and an authoritarian, i.e. a neo fascist.
You have no common sense or pragmatic bones in your head, all you offer is "ain't (fill in the blank) awful" with no solution to solve the myriad problems facing our nation and the world.
I'll prove to you that I do right here and now. Give me an example of one of the "myriad" of problems facing "our nation and the world" and I'll give you a pragmatic, actual solution. Don't toss a softball junior. Hit me with the big one. Give me the heater. Challenge me right off the bat.
Your silence is deafening Guy Catcher :D
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