What do conservatives support?

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As I have started saying.

If you can't make the case for you position based on it's merits without accusing those who oppose you of racism,

then you can't make the case for your position based on it's merits.

That shows that you are wrong.

People overwhelmingly do want to do the right thing. Even most socially conservative Christians don't want to do anything to gays, even be rude to them. No one actually thinks the rich shouldn't pay taxes, corporations shouldn't be responsible with things like pollution or that there should be no laws against pollution. People over-whelmingly think blacks should be given a fair chance. That Muslims and Mexicans are mostly decent people.

The hyperbole by the leftist ideologues like Wry is destroying this country and for their own selfish interest. There is no charity, understanding or concern for anyone but themselves in it

Nice try.
  • The Social Conservative Movement (SCM) wanted to deny the contract of marriage to gay and lesbian couples
  • The SCM pushed for intrusive & unnecessary medical procedure for women seeking abortions
  • The SCM supported legislation restricting abortion clinics with unnecessary regulations and adding an unnecessary burden to these women
  • The SCM marched outside of abotion clinics showing graphic picture of late term abortions to women
Your last paragraph is dishonest and is based on your biases and ignorance. My self interest has nothing to do with my opinions. My immediate family is well off, we have no need for government assistance in terms of medical care, food, clothing, shelter or cash.

What I expect from the federal, state and local governments is security; I know that the so called free market system is a fiction, one which leaves the many behind, and benefits the well off. My ideals, not ideology, is based on my education and broad experience; your claims and spins are nothing but fictions, conjured up on biases, prejudices and fantasies.

I understand that governmental regulations can be a burden to some, but lifesaving to others. The meme that government is tyrannical when it requires common sense polices (granted, not all regs are based on common or sense of any kind) is another fiction, based on the tenet "I've got mine, fuck the rest of you" which defines the Callous Conservative.

Government is love and hope, a caring and motherly safety net for those in need. Politicians free from accountability are concerned for nothing but our well being as they selflessly sacrifice themselves to serving each and every citizen. Government just wants to give us all a fair chance, an equal opportunity. And no one wants anything they didn't earn, they just want nothing more than getting off government to get back to leading proud and independent lives.

All but Republicans. Consumed with hatred for blacks, gays, women, Hispanics, Muslims and the poor, they want corporations to rule the country and they want to serve the rich. They support toppling independent countries and propping up despots. They want to arm the evil to invade their neighbors so they can sell arms. They clutch their bibles and guns and want people to suffer, especially the poor, just because.


So what's your favorite flavor of kool-aid? Looks like grape. Am I right?

Straight up, you need serious psychological help


Your typical eloquence. But as long as you need to justify your positions with sanctimony and demagoguery, you know there's something with your positions

Sorry that you need a dictionary, but I'm assured you understood FU.
Conservatives have always illustrated more class and dignity than progressives. Here is the letter that George H.W. Bush left for Bill Clinton after being defeated in the election (remember - H.W. Bush wasn't leaving the White House because his terms were up like Ronald Reagan - he was defeated by Bill Clinton):

View attachment 94933

LOL, and you think, sorry, you believe Donald Trump will show the same class? The 21st Century Conservative does not reflect the 20th Century conservative - Trump is the new face of your ideology, and it is a very ugly face indeed.
The problem I have with Kaz and P@triot is they're incapable of providing any evidence that conservatism in the 21st Century is a viable ideology. .....

YOu have dismissed all evidence that you don't like.

And then pretended that since you disagreed with it, that it does not exist.

What do you think of the recent WTO ruling that completely validated Trump on Trade Policy?

Q. What do I think

A. Given enough pens and ink, even a monkey will produce a thoughtful comment.
Conservatives have always illustrated more class and dignity than progressives. Here is the letter that George H.W. Bush left for Bill Clinton after being defeated in the election (remember - H.W. Bush wasn't leaving the White House because his terms were up like Ronald Reagan - he was defeated by Bill Clinton):

View attachment 94933

LOL, and you think, sorry, you believe Donald Trump will show the same class? The 21st Century Conservative does not reflect the 20th Century conservative - Trump is the new face of your ideology, and it is a very ugly face indeed.
Not at all. Trump is a classless piece of shit. Which explains why he's a life-long liberal who supported and voted for Dumbocrats.
People overwhelmingly do want to do the right thing. Even most socially conservative Christians don't want to do anything to gays, even be rude to them. No one actually thinks the rich shouldn't pay taxes, corporations shouldn't be responsible with things like pollution or that there should be no laws against pollution. People over-whelmingly think blacks should be given a fair chance. That Muslims and Mexicans are mostly decent people.

The hyperbole by the leftist ideologues like Wry is destroying this country and for their own selfish interest. There is no charity, understanding or concern for anyone but themselves in it

Nice try.
  • The Social Conservative Movement (SCM) wanted to deny the contract of marriage to gay and lesbian couples
  • The SCM pushed for intrusive & unnecessary medical procedure for women seeking abortions
  • The SCM supported legislation restricting abortion clinics with unnecessary regulations and adding an unnecessary burden to these women
  • The SCM marched outside of abotion clinics showing graphic picture of late term abortions to women
Your last paragraph is dishonest and is based on your biases and ignorance. My self interest has nothing to do with my opinions. My immediate family is well off, we have no need for government assistance in terms of medical care, food, clothing, shelter or cash.

What I expect from the federal, state and local governments is security; I know that the so called free market system is a fiction, one which leaves the many behind, and benefits the well off. My ideals, not ideology, is based on my education and broad experience; your claims and spins are nothing but fictions, conjured up on biases, prejudices and fantasies.

I understand that governmental regulations can be a burden to some, but lifesaving to others. The meme that government is tyrannical when it requires common sense polices (granted, not all regs are based on common or sense of any kind) is another fiction, based on the tenet "I've got mine, fuck the rest of you" which defines the Callous Conservative.

Government is love and hope, a caring and motherly safety net for those in need. Politicians free from accountability are concerned for nothing but our well being as they selflessly sacrifice themselves to serving each and every citizen. Government just wants to give us all a fair chance, an equal opportunity. And no one wants anything they didn't earn, they just want nothing more than getting off government to get back to leading proud and independent lives.

All but Republicans. Consumed with hatred for blacks, gays, women, Hispanics, Muslims and the poor, they want corporations to rule the country and they want to serve the rich. They support toppling independent countries and propping up despots. They want to arm the evil to invade their neighbors so they can sell arms. They clutch their bibles and guns and want people to suffer, especially the poor, just because.


So what's your favorite flavor of kool-aid? Looks like grape. Am I right?

Straight up, you need serious psychological help


Your typical eloquence. But as long as you need to justify your positions with sanctimony and demagoguery, you know there's something with your positions

Sorry that you need a dictionary, but I'm assured you understood FU.

Um ... yes ... you're several steps behind the conversation ... as you always are ...
Nice try.
  • The Social Conservative Movement (SCM) wanted to deny the contract of marriage to gay and lesbian couples
  • The SCM pushed for intrusive & unnecessary medical procedure for women seeking abortions
  • The SCM supported legislation restricting abortion clinics with unnecessary regulations and adding an unnecessary burden to these women
  • The SCM marched outside of abotion clinics showing graphic picture of late term abortions to women
Your last paragraph is dishonest and is based on your biases and ignorance. My self interest has nothing to do with my opinions. My immediate family is well off, we have no need for government assistance in terms of medical care, food, clothing, shelter or cash.

What I expect from the federal, state and local governments is security; I know that the so called free market system is a fiction, one which leaves the many behind, and benefits the well off. My ideals, not ideology, is based on my education and broad experience; your claims and spins are nothing but fictions, conjured up on biases, prejudices and fantasies.

I understand that governmental regulations can be a burden to some, but lifesaving to others. The meme that government is tyrannical when it requires common sense polices (granted, not all regs are based on common or sense of any kind) is another fiction, based on the tenet "I've got mine, fuck the rest of you" which defines the Callous Conservative.

Government is love and hope, a caring and motherly safety net for those in need. Politicians free from accountability are concerned for nothing but our well being as they selflessly sacrifice themselves to serving each and every citizen. Government just wants to give us all a fair chance, an equal opportunity. And no one wants anything they didn't earn, they just want nothing more than getting off government to get back to leading proud and independent lives.

All but Republicans. Consumed with hatred for blacks, gays, women, Hispanics, Muslims and the poor, they want corporations to rule the country and they want to serve the rich. They support toppling independent countries and propping up despots. They want to arm the evil to invade their neighbors so they can sell arms. They clutch their bibles and guns and want people to suffer, especially the poor, just because.


So what's your favorite flavor of kool-aid? Looks like grape. Am I right?

Straight up, you need serious psychological help


Your typical eloquence. But as long as you need to justify your positions with sanctimony and demagoguery, you know there's something with your positions

Sorry that you need a dictionary, but I'm assured you understood FU.

Um ... yes ... you're several steps behind the conversation ... as you always are ...

FU. Traducments are not rebuttals, and your effort to use "sanctimony" is hyperbole; yes I am ethically superior to you, and all callous conservatives, but in no way do I tell you what you want to hear, which is the essence of a demagogue.

I write about what's wrong with you and other self proclaimed conservatives, something that you cannot seem to understand, or willfully ignore. That you can't or won't recognize your character flaws leaves me to use the idiom FU, which is a short and clear response to those one considers to be a worthless human being.
Government is love and hope, a caring and motherly safety net for those in need. Politicians free from accountability are concerned for nothing but our well being as they selflessly sacrifice themselves to serving each and every citizen. Government just wants to give us all a fair chance, an equal opportunity. And no one wants anything they didn't earn, they just want nothing more than getting off government to get back to leading proud and independent lives.

All but Republicans. Consumed with hatred for blacks, gays, women, Hispanics, Muslims and the poor, they want corporations to rule the country and they want to serve the rich. They support toppling independent countries and propping up despots. They want to arm the evil to invade their neighbors so they can sell arms. They clutch their bibles and guns and want people to suffer, especially the poor, just because.


So what's your favorite flavor of kool-aid? Looks like grape. Am I right?

Straight up, you need serious psychological help


Your typical eloquence. But as long as you need to justify your positions with sanctimony and demagoguery, you know there's something with your positions

Sorry that you need a dictionary, but I'm assured you understood FU.

Um ... yes ... you're several steps behind the conversation ... as you always are ...

FU. Traducments are not rebuttals, and your effort to use "sanctimony" is hyperbole; yes I am ethically superior to you, and all callous conservatives, but in no way do I tell you what you want to hear, which is the essence of a demagogue.

I write about what's wrong with you and other self proclaimed conservatives, something that you cannot seem to understand, or willfully ignore. That you can't or won't recognize your character flaws leaves me to use the idiom FU, which is a short and clear response to those one considers to be a worthless human being.

Hilarious, you say I'm a "self proclaimed conservative" when I say I'm not a conservative, I'm a libertarian, then you lecture me about ethics.

And nothing is more "callous" than your ridiculous hyperbole about your political opponents which you use in the quest to chain people in need to government dependency.

And your absolute support for someone as corrupt and fundamentally dishonest as Hillary is the nail in the coffin of your lie to claim you have any ethics.

As for worthless, nothing could be more worthless than you as you parrot a political party on every issue and fully embrace every bigotry. You bring nothing to the table, you're a tool, a mime, a mannequin, the very embodiment of being a worthless human being.

Here's a cracker, Polly ...
The problem I have with Kaz and P@triot is they're incapable of providing any evidence that conservatism in the 21st Century is a viable ideology. .....

YOu have dismissed all evidence that you don't like.

And then pretended that since you disagreed with it, that it does not exist.

What do you think of the recent WTO ruling that completely validated Trump on Trade Policy?

Q. What do I think

A. Given enough pens and ink, even a monkey will produce a thoughtful comment.

So far your product in this thread undermines your theory.

YOu have dismissed all evidence that you don't like.

And then pretended that since you disagreed with it, that it does not exist.

What do you think of the recent WTO ruling that completely validated Trump on Trade Policy?
The problem I have with Kaz and P@triot is they're incapable of providing any evidence that conservatism in the 21st Century is a viable ideology. .....

YOu have dismissed all evidence that you don't like.

And then pretended that since you disagreed with it, that it does not exist.

What do you think of the recent WTO ruling that completely validated Trump on Trade Policy?

Q. What do I think

A. Given enough pens and ink, even a monkey will produce a thoughtful comment.

Is that what motivates you to keep going?

Your typical eloquence. But as long as you need to justify your positions with sanctimony and demagoguery, you know there's something with your positions

Sorry that you need a dictionary, but I'm assured you understood FU.

Um ... yes ... you're several steps behind the conversation ... as you always are ...

FU. Traducments are not rebuttals, and your effort to use "sanctimony" is hyperbole; yes I am ethically superior to you, and all callous conservatives, but in no way do I tell you what you want to hear, which is the essence of a demagogue.

I write about what's wrong with you and other self proclaimed conservatives, something that you cannot seem to understand, or willfully ignore. That you can't or won't recognize your character flaws leaves me to use the idiom FU, which is a short and clear response to those one considers to be a worthless human being.

Hilarious, you say I'm a "self proclaimed conservative" when I say I'm not a conservative, I'm a libertarian, then you lecture me about ethics.

And nothing is more "callous" than your ridiculous hyperbole about your political opponents which you use in the quest to chain people in need to government dependency.

And your absolute support for someone as corrupt and fundamentally dishonest as Hillary is the nail in the coffin of your lie to claim you have any ethics.

As for worthless, nothing could be more worthless than you as you parrot a political party on every issue and fully embrace every bigotry. You bring nothing to the table, you're a tool, a mime, a mannequin, the very embodiment of being a worthless human being.

Here's a cracker, Polly ...

Thanks for sharing, oh, and FU.
Conservatives have always illustrated more class and dignity than progressives. Here is the letter that George H.W. Bush left for Bill Clinton after being defeated in the election (remember - H.W. Bush wasn't leaving the White House because his terms were up like Ronald Reagan - he was defeated by Bill Clinton):

View attachment 94933

LOL, and you think, sorry, you believe Donald Trump will show the same class? The 21st Century Conservative does not reflect the 20th Century conservative - Trump is the new face of your ideology, and it is a very ugly face indeed.
Trump is there to destroy the GOP establishment, it's been a good start...
FU. Traducments are not rebuttals, and your effort to use "sanctimony" is hyperbole; yes I am ethically superior to you, and all callous conservatives, but in no way do I tell you what you want to hear, which is the essence of a demagogue.
The irony is so thick, one could cut it with a knife... :lmao:
yes I am ethically superior to you, and all callous conservatives
The problem is, you are intellectually inferior. Preferring to place ideology above reality and emotions above reason.

It's why you (and all progressives) are completely incapable of defending your position and why that makes you so angry.
What do conservatives support? This...

I'm mostly conservative.

For nature

Fiscally conservative.

For space exploration. That's how we remain strong.

For military, that's how we remain protected. That is unless we get a run on Hillary types, because then they turn on us..

Against gay marriage, though for a provision mostly equal marriage. People miss the point about marriage, but we're redefining everything anyway. So much so men are actually women and intended to have children. You know that has to hurt.

For early term abortions up to three. Third time you agree to have you mothering parts removed. Don't like it, go to Mexico. For father's rejecting the fetus as well. Can't force abortion, but a father should be able to relinquish his responsibility too. After all, aren't they equally responsible, or does that only work where it's in the female favor? Heck, who says liberals are clear thinking or consistent anyway? Not me.

For responsible environment impact. So much so, if I were running *((^^ I'd put a cap on us humans worldwide.

For accountability. Something lost in today's world. You can blame bums like Obama.

For responsible trade.

Primarily against unions. They take responsibility for some economic decline.

For police enforcement. Not a fan of BS BLM rhetoric. Get rid of the bad cops, so what? Do you really think we can rid of them all?

Against incarceration for the most part. There are better ways, such as if you steal my stuff to support your drug habit, then we simply remove your favorite hand and set you free. A sex predator? we just wack off your johnny, no pun intended. Additionally, you lose all rights to any entitlements until you prove worthy. Capital punishment is awesome on the condition you meet a level of evidence.

For capitalism. Capitalism is why we're powerful. For the constitution. The constitution is why I can be an azhole, though Hillary is just the bum to take that away. This has been in the works by democrats for a while now.

Against Obamacare, but why would anyone outside a freeloader be for it? Answer, because you're likely ignorant.

Against stupid crap declared a health entitlement, such as Viagra, and birth control. Mind your own FN business, literally.

Get welfare then you're working, period. Nobody gets sht for free unless they're a child, disabled or elderly. Additionally, you take advantage of the system by having children we take your kids and you're on your own. Shame I can't justify taking your mothering parts as well. These people are a waste of space.

Somewhat for legalized marijuana. There are good reasons to be for and against it.

For responsible 2nd amendment.

For everyone paying reasonable taxes and closing loopholes. I say EVERYONE, I don't care if you earned five dollars or billions Mr. Trump.

For immigration reform. Our society is a mess and runaway immigration is a major reason. Oh look, there's the race card. Stick it. Against non-citizens receiving any form of entitlement. Course if they're sick or injured you care for them, but if they take advantage of the system we shoot them off by cannon.

For equality based on skills and value. I'm speaking to you ladies. Hillary sure isn't. You think she is? Ha ha haaaaaa, there's talk and then there's reality, what do you figure Hillary is?

Against fake breasts. I just don't like em. Does that count?
Last edited:
I've argued many times that conservatives are defined on what they oppose (gay marriage, taxes, change, the ERA, sex ed in school, abortion, free contraceptives, labor unions, the UN, democracy,
Affirmative Action/consent decrees, gun control, FEMA, the PPACA, Climate Change, a Government too large , (how large is too large for a nation of 300 + million?), public school teachers and other government employees - until they need them.

I've also posted the 14 points of Fascism, which, when applied to the statements / rhetoric of Trump are enlightening, and should IMO give pause to those opposed to an authoritarian federal government when considering a vote for the Republikan nominees. We don't need a Big Brother

Fourteen Defining Characteristics Of Fascism

Keep these sage comments i mind when in the voting booth:

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

First thing is.... you have no clue what a Conservative is. You've cobbled together the typical amalgam of liberal Alinskyite talking points used to attack your opponents for the past 20 years as you've pressed your Marxist agenda. Somehow, some way... you think this to be rather clever on your part but it actually shows a total lack of imagination and critical thinking.

Let's start from the beginning... Trump is not a Conservative and doesn't speak for the vast majority of Conservatives in America. He has embraced some Conservative issues and he has some Conservative support... mostly because he's not an Alinskyite Liberal Ideologue.

Conservatism is not an ideology. This is why it is difficult to pinpoint specifics with regard to what Conservatives support. They may support or oppose conflicting things... A libertarian Conservative who strongly favors individual liberty may support the state's right to determine issues like abortion and gay marriage while a Social Conservative is staunchly opposed to these things on a moral basis. They are both Conservatives but their individual ideologies differ substantially.

Generally speaking (and that's really all we can do here), Conservatives believe in a philosophy of Conservatism. This is a pragmatic approach to problem solving, a way of life, a world view that is rooted in a foundation and belief in our Constitution and it's founding intent, time-tested wisdom learned from experience and history as opposed to knee-jerk emotional radicalism. It is not guided by ideology, it is the philosophical principles which accommodate a variety of individual ideologies.

It's certainly not Fascism. The radical left-wing, Alinskyite, Marxist-Socialist, progressivism is BY FAR closer to true Fascism because it seeks to force society to conform even if society rejects conformity. You don't favor leaving things to the states to decide or the people... you want to mandate things through the courts and by executive orders.
I've argued many times that conservatives are defined on what they oppose (gay marriage, taxes, change, the ERA, sex ed in school, abortion, free contraceptives, labor unions, the UN, democracy,
Affirmative Action/consent decrees, gun control, FEMA, the PPACA, Climate Change, a Government too large , (how large is too large for a nation of 300 + million?), public school teachers and other government employees - until they need them.

I've also posted the 14 points of Fascism, which, when applied to the statements / rhetoric of Trump are enlightening, and should IMO give pause to those opposed to an authoritarian federal government when considering a vote for the Republikan nominees. We don't need a Big Brother

Fourteen Defining Characteristics Of Fascism

Keep these sage comments i mind when in the voting booth:

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

First thing is.... you have no clue what a Conservative is. You've cobbled together the typical amalgam of liberal Alinskyite talking points used to attack your opponents for the past 20 years as you've pressed your Marxist agenda. Somehow, some way... you think this to be rather clever on your part but it actually shows a total lack of imagination and critical thinking.

Let's start from the beginning... Trump is not a Conservative and doesn't speak for the vast majority of Conservatives in America. He has embraced some Conservative issues and he has some Conservative support... mostly because he's not an Alinskyite Liberal Ideologue.

Conservatism is not an ideology. This is why it is difficult to pinpoint specifics with regard to what Conservatives support. They may support or oppose conflicting things... A libertarian Conservative who strongly favors individual liberty may support the state's right to determine issues like abortion and gay marriage while a Social Conservative is staunchly opposed to these things on a moral basis. They are both Conservatives but their individual ideologies differ substantially.

Generally speaking (and that's really all we can do here), Conservatives believe in a philosophy of Conservatism. This is a pragmatic approach to problem solving, a way of life, a world view that is rooted in a foundation and belief in our Constitution and it's founding intent, time-tested wisdom learned from experience and history as opposed to knee-jerk emotional radicalism. It is not guided by ideology, it is the philosophical principles which accommodate a variety of individual ideologies.

It's certainly not Fascism. The radical left-wing, Alinskyite, Marxist-Socialist, progressivism is BY FAR closer to true Fascism because it seeks to force society to conform even if society rejects conformity. You don't favor leaving things to the states to decide or the people... you want to mandate things through the courts and by executive orders.

Wonderfully stated.

And Wry will dismiss it.

Because he knows better than you do, what you believe in and feel.
I've argued many times that conservatives are defined on what they oppose (gay marriage, taxes, change, the ERA, sex ed in school, abortion, free contraceptives, labor unions, the UN, democracy,
Affirmative Action/consent decrees, gun control, FEMA, the PPACA, Climate Change, a Government too large , (how large is too large for a nation of 300 + million?), public school teachers and other government employees - until they need them.

I've also posted the 14 points of Fascism, which, when applied to the statements / rhetoric of Trump are enlightening, and should IMO give pause to those opposed to an authoritarian federal government when considering a vote for the Republikan nominees. We don't need a Big Brother

Fourteen Defining Characteristics Of Fascism

Keep these sage comments i mind when in the voting booth:

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

First thing is.... you have no clue what a Conservative is. You've cobbled together the typical amalgam of liberal Alinskyite talking points used to attack your opponents for the past 20 years as you've pressed your Marxist agenda. Somehow, some way... you think this to be rather clever on your part but it actually shows a total lack of imagination and critical thinking.

Let's start from the beginning... Trump is not a Conservative and doesn't speak for the vast majority of Conservatives in America. He has embraced some Conservative issues and he has some Conservative support... mostly because he's not an Alinskyite Liberal Ideologue.

Conservatism is not an ideology. This is why it is difficult to pinpoint specifics with regard to what Conservatives support. They may support or oppose conflicting things... A libertarian Conservative who strongly favors individual liberty may support the state's right to determine issues like abortion and gay marriage while a Social Conservative is staunchly opposed to these things on a moral basis. They are both Conservatives but their individual ideologies differ substantially.

Generally speaking (and that's really all we can do here), Conservatives believe in a philosophy of Conservatism. This is a pragmatic approach to problem solving, a way of life, a world view that is rooted in a foundation and belief in our Constitution and it's founding intent, time-tested wisdom learned from experience and history as opposed to knee-jerk emotional radicalism. It is not guided by ideology, it is the philosophical principles which accommodate a variety of individual ideologies.

It's certainly not Fascism. The radical left-wing, Alinskyite, Marxist-Socialist, progressivism is BY FAR closer to true Fascism because it seeks to force society to conform even if society rejects conformity. You don't favor leaving things to the states to decide or the people... you want to mandate things through the courts and by executive orders.

Your initial premise is based on your biases and inability to read and comprehend what I've posted. I have differentiated classical conservatism from the current neo fascist form, represented today by Trump and his devoted followers.

For those readers considered with the truth, my posts on the issue refer to 21st Century conservatism, not the form made popular by Buckley, but that of Buchanan & now Trump.

Your illusion to 60's radicalism has no merit, it is one more example of right wing propaganda based on a revision of reality, something essential to authoritarianism and fascism, exemplified by Trump's off the cuff comments, demagoguery and anti intellectualism.
I've argued many times that conservatives are defined on what they oppose (gay marriage, taxes, change, the ERA, sex ed in school, abortion, free contraceptives, labor unions, the UN, democracy,
Affirmative Action/consent decrees, gun control, FEMA, the PPACA, Climate Change, a Government too large , (how large is too large for a nation of 300 + million?), public school teachers and other government employees - until they need them.

I've also posted the 14 points of Fascism, which, when applied to the statements / rhetoric of Trump are enlightening, and should IMO give pause to those opposed to an authoritarian federal government when considering a vote for the Republikan nominees. We don't need a Big Brother

Fourteen Defining Characteristics Of Fascism

Keep these sage comments i mind when in the voting booth:

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

First thing is.... you have no clue what a Conservative is. You've cobbled together the typical amalgam of liberal Alinskyite talking points used to attack your opponents for the past 20 years as you've pressed your Marxist agenda. Somehow, some way... you think this to be rather clever on your part but it actually shows a total lack of imagination and critical thinking.

Let's start from the beginning... Trump is not a Conservative and doesn't speak for the vast majority of Conservatives in America. He has embraced some Conservative issues and he has some Conservative support... mostly because he's not an Alinskyite Liberal Ideologue.

Conservatism is not an ideology. This is why it is difficult to pinpoint specifics with regard to what Conservatives support. They may support or oppose conflicting things... A libertarian Conservative who strongly favors individual liberty may support the state's right to determine issues like abortion and gay marriage while a Social Conservative is staunchly opposed to these things on a moral basis. They are both Conservatives but their individual ideologies differ substantially.

Generally speaking (and that's really all we can do here), Conservatives believe in a philosophy of Conservatism. This is a pragmatic approach to problem solving, a way of life, a world view that is rooted in a foundation and belief in our Constitution and it's founding intent, time-tested wisdom learned from experience and history as opposed to knee-jerk emotional radicalism. It is not guided by ideology, it is the philosophical principles which accommodate a variety of individual ideologies.

It's certainly not Fascism. The radical left-wing, Alinskyite, Marxist-Socialist, progressivism is BY FAR closer to true Fascism because it seeks to force society to conform even if society rejects conformity. You don't favor leaving things to the states to decide or the people... you want to mandate things through the courts and by executive orders.

Wonderfully stated. And Wry will dismiss it. Because he knows better than you do, what you believe in and feel.
That's because Wry is a true progressive - angry, ignorant, and idealistic.
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