What do conservatives support?

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What you're trying to say is that you're a left-wing douche bag who can't win an argument using logic and facts so you resort to personal attacks.

Actually you've once again proved reality is something which exists in the great void between your ears, and anything which intrudes on that space is alien and creates a clash, resulting from the combination of two disharmonious elements which are not congruent with your fantasies/delusions.

Life for you is consistency, when the dogma implanted in the great void between your ears is questioned, you shit all over ideas which upset you. Sad, but meds and a good therapist is your only resource. More sadly, it appears to be chronic and a malady without mitigation.

That's just one big ad hominem. Have you ever considered trying logic and facts to make your case?

I have and I do,
but never with lunatics,
like you.

Then with lunatics like who?


Redundant, you lose
Well, both parties are fascist, so that's not a distinction

Bullshit! RINO's are not, nor are establishment Democrats or Libertarians. it is only the Trump movement which advocates the anti democratic, anti media, anti immigrant, anti this and anti posture which deserves the title of fascism.

There is nothing "anti-democratic" about Trump or Trump supporters.

The media has taken sides and has defined itself as our enemy. FUck them.

Being against high immigration is a valid policy position. Try to be less dishonest.

NOne of that deserves the title of fascism.

You are panic mongering.

You're dishonest. The media hasn't taken sides, it reports with PRIMARY Sources; if you watch Fox News, you hear, "some people are saying ..." and those some people are hacks or other Fox talking heads.

You don't see it, because it is completely supported by your confirmation bias.

If the media was lying about you lefties the way it lies about us, you lefties would be in the streets stringing up reporters.

I see the world clearly, and I understand my biases which do not cloud reality.

You cannot post a credible rebuttal to my contention that the conservatives today, those in particular who claim that ideology as there own on this message board, have no ideas, no solutions and no willingness to offer much more than, "ain't it awful".

You are simply dismissing everything that you disagree with. Your mind is closed. THis is not about something we on the right are failing to do, this is about your inability to hear anything you don't want to hear.

Are you aware of the recent WTO Airbus ruling that completely validated Trump on Trade issues?

Ain't it awful that the media picks on us and not on "lefties" is childish, and you as well as Trump are crying about the media lying about him.

Tell us, what lies have the media perpetrated?

It is not childish, That is just you dismissing a fact that undermines your world view. Completely normal. Especially for libs who have been found in scientific studies to be the WORST at understanding others, while being convinced that they are good at it.

ONe of the big lies, that started off the Confirmation Bias was that Trump said "all Mexicans are rapists".

That was massively reported and is still widely believed despite being constantly debunked.

Then, tell us what policy details has Trump offered, and in what proportion to the attacks on the character of Rubio, Cruz, Bush, the Clinton's, his female accusers, Obama, establishment Republicans and the media?

Standard lib dodge.

You ask for details.

Response A: Those details are not detailed enough. I reject that Trump has offered details.

Response B. You attack the details as not being workable. YOu go on and on, while never admitting that Trump's policies HAVE details. Then soon enough, since, in your mind, you debunked those details, you go back to claiming that Trump has offered no details.

See how that works? Since you disagree with them, you deny that they even exist. I've seen you libs do it time and time again.

Then you join the chorus of lies that Trump "has no policies, is just running on X".
Bullshit! RINO's are not, nor are establishment Democrats or Libertarians. it is only the Trump movement which advocates the anti democratic, anti media, anti immigrant, anti this and anti posture which deserves the title of fascism.

There is nothing "anti-democratic" about Trump or Trump supporters.

The media has taken sides and has defined itself as our enemy. FUck them.

Being against high immigration is a valid policy position. Try to be less dishonest.

NOne of that deserves the title of fascism.

You are panic mongering.

You're dishonest. The media hasn't taken sides, it reports with PRIMARY Sources; if you watch Fox News, you hear, "some people are saying ..." and those some people are hacks or other Fox talking heads.

You don't see it, because it is completely supported by your confirmation bias.

If the media was lying about you lefties the way it lies about us, you lefties would be in the streets stringing up reporters.

I see the world clearly, and I understand my biases which do not cloud reality.

You cannot post a credible rebuttal to my contention that the conservatives today, those in particular who claim that ideology as there own on this message board, have no ideas, no solutions and no willingness to offer much more than, "ain't it awful".

You are simply dismissing everything that you disagree with. Your mind is closed. THis is not about something we on the right are failing to do, this is about your inability to hear anything you don't want to hear.

Are you aware of the recent WTO Airbus ruling that completely validated Trump on Trade issues?

Ain't it awful that the media picks on us and not on "lefties" is childish, and you as well as Trump are crying about the media lying about him.

Tell us, what lies have the media perpetrated?

It is not childish, That is just you dismissing a fact that undermines your world view. Completely normal. Especially for libs who have been found in scientific studies to be the WORST at understanding others, while being convinced that they are good at it.

ONe of the big lies, that started off the Confirmation Bias was that Trump said "all Mexicans are rapists".

That was massively reported and is still widely believed despite being constantly debunked.

Then, tell us what policy details has Trump offered, and in what proportion to the attacks on the character of Rubio, Cruz, Bush, the Clinton's, his female accusers, Obama, establishment Republicans and the media?

Standard lib dodge.

You ask for details.

Response A: Those details are not detailed enough. I reject that Trump has offered details.

Response B. You attack the details as not being workable. YOu go on and on, while never admitting that Trump's policies HAVE details. Then soon enough, since, in your mind, you debunked those details, you go back to claiming that Trump has offered no details.

See how that works? Since you disagree with them, you deny that they even exist. I've seen you libs do it time and time again.

Then you join the chorus of lies that Trump "has no policies, is just running on X".

Thanks so much for your opinions, that the meat of them is apparently self defense via psychological transference is obvious. The current conservative of which you are a member, is IMO dogmatic, angry, i.e., operating mostly on emotion when not cherry picking obscure events to support their ideology. A major part of their game hopes to convince others that logical fallacies are evidence of something substantive.

The question is what do conservatives of the current era support? My answer is, they have no ideas, no solutions not framed by their major tenet: "I've go mine, fuck the rest of you".

My mind is open to a responsible and substantive response, not some generic dictionary definition of conservative. Leave the straw man, red herring, ad hominem and other tools of your rhetoric for other readers, I understand what they are and why they are used.
There is nothing "anti-democratic" about Trump or Trump supporters.

The media has taken sides and has defined itself as our enemy. FUck them.

Being against high immigration is a valid policy position. Try to be less dishonest.

NOne of that deserves the title of fascism.

You are panic mongering.

You're dishonest. The media hasn't taken sides, it reports with PRIMARY Sources; if you watch Fox News, you hear, "some people are saying ..." and those some people are hacks or other Fox talking heads.

You don't see it, because it is completely supported by your confirmation bias.

If the media was lying about you lefties the way it lies about us, you lefties would be in the streets stringing up reporters.

I see the world clearly, and I understand my biases which do not cloud reality.

You cannot post a credible rebuttal to my contention that the conservatives today, those in particular who claim that ideology as there own on this message board, have no ideas, no solutions and no willingness to offer much more than, "ain't it awful".

You are simply dismissing everything that you disagree with. Your mind is closed. THis is not about something we on the right are failing to do, this is about your inability to hear anything you don't want to hear.

Are you aware of the recent WTO Airbus ruling that completely validated Trump on Trade issues?

Ain't it awful that the media picks on us and not on "lefties" is childish, and you as well as Trump are crying about the media lying about him.

Tell us, what lies have the media perpetrated?

It is not childish, That is just you dismissing a fact that undermines your world view. Completely normal. Especially for libs who have been found in scientific studies to be the WORST at understanding others, while being convinced that they are good at it.

ONe of the big lies, that started off the Confirmation Bias was that Trump said "all Mexicans are rapists".

That was massively reported and is still widely believed despite being constantly debunked.

Then, tell us what policy details has Trump offered, and in what proportion to the attacks on the character of Rubio, Cruz, Bush, the Clinton's, his female accusers, Obama, establishment Republicans and the media?

Standard lib dodge.

You ask for details.

Response A: Those details are not detailed enough. I reject that Trump has offered details.

Response B. You attack the details as not being workable. YOu go on and on, while never admitting that Trump's policies HAVE details. Then soon enough, since, in your mind, you debunked those details, you go back to claiming that Trump has offered no details.

See how that works? Since you disagree with them, you deny that they even exist. I've seen you libs do it time and time again.

Then you join the chorus of lies that Trump "has no policies, is just running on X".

Thanks so much for your opinions, that the meat of them is apparently self defense via psychological transference is obvious. The current conservative of which you are a member, is IMO dogmatic, angry, i.e., operating mostly on emotion when not cherry picking obscure events to support their ideology. A major part of their game hopes to convince others that logical fallacies are evidence of something substantive.

The question is what do conservatives of the current era support? My answer is, they have no ideas, no solutions not framed by their major tenet: "I've go mine, fuck the rest of you".

My mind is open to a responsible and substantive response, not some generic dictionary definition of conservative. Leave the straw man, red herring, ad hominem and other tools of your rhetoric for other readers, I understand what they are and why they are used.

Thanks for airily dismissing everything I said, and insulting me in place of any actual response to anything I said.

BTW, anger is the rational response to such asshole behavior.

That you libs like to provoke anger, and then spin it as though the anger is some sort of FAULT on the part of the RIght, is a very divisive strategy and Just Cause for even more anger.
The current conservative of which you are a member, is IMO dogmatic, angry, i.e., operating mostly on emotion when not cherry picking obscure events to support their ideology.
That's the key. Your (uninformed) opinion.

See....the thing is conservatism is built on information, sound logic, reason, and proven results. Progressivism is built on pure emotion. It's why people like you can't defend or support your irrational positions Wry, why your policies (when implemented) fail miserably, and why all of you are so angry and violent all of the time (because that's what emotion turns to after failure).
What do conservatives support? This...

You cannot post a credible rebuttal to my contention that the conservatives today, those in particular who claim that ideology as there own on this message board, have no ideas, no solutions and no willingness to offer much more than, "ain't it awful".
That is not only fall down hilarious, but astoundingly ignorant coming from the side that has offered exactly one solution and one solution only in over 130 years of existence: have government control it.

Don't like the economy? Have government control it!
Don't like guns? Have government control them!
Don't like having to save for retirement? Have government control it!
Don't like the cost of healthcare? Have government control it!
Don't like people saying "mean" things? Have government control their speech!

I dare you Guy Catcher - right here and now - give us one solution offered by the Dumbocrats over the past 130 years that wasn't "have government control it". Can't do it? Exactly.
Actually you've once again proved reality is something which exists in the great void between your ears, and anything which intrudes on that space is alien and creates a clash, resulting from the combination of two disharmonious elements which are not congruent with your fantasies/delusions.

Life for you is consistency, when the dogma implanted in the great void between your ears is questioned, you shit all over ideas which upset you. Sad, but meds and a good therapist is your only resource. More sadly, it appears to be chronic and a malady without mitigation.
The current conservative of which you are a member, is IMO dogmatic, angry, i.e., operating mostly on emotion when not cherry picking obscure events to support their ideology.
That's the key. Your (uninformed) opinion.

See....the thing is conservatism is built on information, sound logic, reason, and proven results. Progressivism is built on pure emotion. It's why people like you can't defend or support your irrational positions Wry, why your policies (when implemented) fail miserably, and why all of you are so angry and violent all of the time (because that's what emotion turns to after failure).

Liberalism is build on ideals, not a dogmatic ideology.

You continue with the lie that liberalism in the 21st Century is a form of fascism, which if you truly believe is true, is proof that you are brainwashed and easily led. Only a fool or a liar tries to convince others that a square peg will fit perfectly in a smaller round hole.
Actually you've once again proved reality is something which exists in the great void between your ears, and anything which intrudes on that space is alien and creates a clash, resulting from the combination of two disharmonious elements which are not congruent with your fantasies/delusions.

Life for you is consistency, when the dogma implanted in the great void between your ears is questioned, you shit all over ideas which upset you. Sad, but meds and a good therapist is your only resource. More sadly, it appears to be chronic and a malady without mitigation.
View attachment 94828

Wrong you poorly educated buffoon. An ad hominem does not provide an argument to rebut another's. Mine do!

I have concluded you are a liar, a biddable fool and an asshole, all based on empirical evidence, that being everything you post.
The current conservative of which you are a member, is IMO dogmatic, angry, i.e., operating mostly on emotion when not cherry picking obscure events to support their ideology.
That's the key. Your (uninformed) opinion.

See....the thing is conservatism is built on information, sound logic, reason, and proven results. Progressivism is built on pure emotion. It's why people like you can't defend or support your irrational positions Wry, why your policies (when implemented) fail miserably, and why all of you are so angry and violent all of the time (because that's what emotion turns to after failure).

Liberalism is build on ideals, not a dogmatic ideology.

You continue with the lie that liberalism in the 21st Century is a form of fascism, which if you truly believe is true, is proof that you are brainwashed and easily led. Only a fool or a liar tries to convince others that a square peg will fit perfectly in a smaller round hole.

If liberalism is built on ideas, then why do you have to get it with endless accusations of racism, misogyny, xenophobia, etc? Why can't you justify it on it's merits?
The current conservative of which you are a member, is IMO dogmatic, angry, i.e., operating mostly on emotion when not cherry picking obscure events to support their ideology.
That's the key. Your (uninformed) opinion.

See....the thing is conservatism is built on information, sound logic, reason, and proven results. Progressivism is built on pure emotion. It's why people like you can't defend or support your irrational positions Wry, why your policies (when implemented) fail miserably, and why all of you are so angry and violent all of the time (because that's what emotion turns to after failure).

Liberalism is build on ideals, not a dogmatic ideology.

You continue with the lie that liberalism in the 21st Century is a form of fascism, which if you truly believe is true, is proof that you are brainwashed and easily led. Only a fool or a liar tries to convince others that a square peg will fit perfectly in a smaller round hole.

You have offered nothing to support your claims.

I say that because I disagree with what you have said, so it does not count.

See what I did there? If I was really that much of a smug jerk, how rude would you find that?
Actually you've once again proved reality is something which exists in the great void between your ears, and anything which intrudes on that space is alien and creates a clash, resulting from the combination of two disharmonious elements which are not congruent with your fantasies/delusions.

Life for you is consistency, when the dogma implanted in the great void between your ears is questioned, you shit all over ideas which upset you. Sad, but meds and a good therapist is your only resource. More sadly, it appears to be chronic and a malady without mitigation.
View attachment 94828

Wrong you poorly educated buffoon. An ad hominem does not provide an argument to rebut another's. Mine do!

I have concluded you are a liar, a biddable fool and an asshole, all based on empirical evidence, that being everything you post.

Actually, your behavior where you tell other people what they believe while dismissing everything they say about what they believe, is the behavior of an ass.

Quite a smug one.

Your claim of empirical evidence is funny.
The current conservative of which you are a member, is IMO dogmatic, angry, i.e., operating mostly on emotion when not cherry picking obscure events to support their ideology.
That's the key. Your (uninformed) opinion.

See....the thing is conservatism is built on information, sound logic, reason, and proven results. Progressivism is built on pure emotion. It's why people like you can't defend or support your irrational positions Wry, why your policies (when implemented) fail miserably, and why all of you are so angry and violent all of the time (because that's what emotion turns to after failure).

Liberalism is build on ideals, not a dogmatic ideology.

You continue with the lie that liberalism in the 21st Century is a form of fascism, which if you truly believe is true, is proof that you are brainwashed and easily led. Only a fool or a liar tries to convince others that a square peg will fit perfectly in a smaller round hole.

If liberalism is built on ideas, then why do you have to get it with endless accusations of racism, misogyny, xenophobia, etc? Why can't you justify it on it's merits?

As I have started saying.

If you can't make the case for you position based on it's merits without accusing those who oppose you of racism,

then you can't make the case for your position based on it's merits.

That shows that you are wrong.
The current conservative of which you are a member, is IMO dogmatic, angry, i.e., operating mostly on emotion when not cherry picking obscure events to support their ideology.
That's the key. Your (uninformed) opinion.

See....the thing is conservatism is built on information, sound logic, reason, and proven results. Progressivism is built on pure emotion. It's why people like you can't defend or support your irrational positions Wry, why your policies (when implemented) fail miserably, and why all of you are so angry and violent all of the time (because that's what emotion turns to after failure).

Liberalism is build on ideals, not a dogmatic ideology.

You continue with the lie that liberalism in the 21st Century is a form of fascism, which if you truly believe is true, is proof that you are brainwashed and easily led. Only a fool or a liar tries to convince others that a square peg will fit perfectly in a smaller round hole.

If liberalism is built on ideas, then why do you have to get it with endless accusations of racism, misogyny, xenophobia, etc? Why can't you justify it on it's merits?

As I have started saying.

If you can't make the case for you position based on it's merits without accusing those who oppose you of racism,

then you can't make the case for your position based on it's merits.

That shows that you are wrong.

People overwhelmingly do want to do the right thing. Even most socially conservative Christians don't want to do anything to gays, even be rude to them. No one actually thinks the rich shouldn't pay taxes, corporations shouldn't be responsible with things like pollution or that there should be no laws against pollution. People over-whelmingly think blacks should be given a fair chance. That Muslims and Mexicans are mostly decent people.

The hyperbole by the leftist ideologues like Wry is destroying this country and for their own selfish interest. There is no charity, understanding or concern for anyone but themselves in it
The current conservative of which you are a member, is IMO dogmatic, angry, i.e., operating mostly on emotion when not cherry picking obscure events to support their ideology.
That's the key. Your (uninformed) opinion.

See....the thing is conservatism is built on information, sound logic, reason, and proven results. Progressivism is built on pure emotion. It's why people like you can't defend or support your irrational positions Wry, why your policies (when implemented) fail miserably, and why all of you are so angry and violent all of the time (because that's what emotion turns to after failure).

Liberalism is build on ideals, not a dogmatic ideology.

You continue with the lie that liberalism in the 21st Century is a form of fascism, which if you truly believe is true, is proof that you are brainwashed and easily led. Only a fool or a liar tries to convince others that a square peg will fit perfectly in a smaller round hole.

If liberalism is built on ideas, then why do you have to get it with endless accusations of racism, misogyny, xenophobia, etc? Why can't you justify it on it's merits?

Ideals, not ideas. The two words maybe related, but the former is framed in probity, and the latter not necessarily so.

Have you read the posts on this message board which relate to Islam, women, homosexuals and racial minorities? Can you honestly deny that many of those who support Trump are more likely to deny basic human rights to these legally protected groups?

Liberal ideals have merit, mocked by those who use the pejorative libtard and generally offer opinions based on emotions and not facts. The liberal seeks social justice, equal opportunity for every man, women and child, protection by a democratically elected government, not only from without, but from within, i.e. pollution, disease and anti government sources seeking the tenet of the Callous Conservative: "I got mine, fuck the rest of you"!
The current conservative of which you are a member, is IMO dogmatic, angry, i.e., operating mostly on emotion when not cherry picking obscure events to support their ideology.
That's the key. Your (uninformed) opinion.

See....the thing is conservatism is built on information, sound logic, reason, and proven results. Progressivism is built on pure emotion. It's why people like you can't defend or support your irrational positions Wry, why your policies (when implemented) fail miserably, and why all of you are so angry and violent all of the time (because that's what emotion turns to after failure).

Liberalism is build on ideals, not a dogmatic ideology.

You continue with the lie that liberalism in the 21st Century is a form of fascism, which if you truly believe is true, is proof that you are brainwashed and easily led. Only a fool or a liar tries to convince others that a square peg will fit perfectly in a smaller round hole.

If liberalism is built on ideas, then why do you have to get it with endless accusations of racism, misogyny, xenophobia, etc? Why can't you justify it on it's merits?

As I have started saying.

If you can't make the case for you position based on it's merits without accusing those who oppose you of racism,

then you can't make the case for your position based on it's merits.

That shows that you are wrong.

People overwhelmingly do want to do the right thing. Even most socially conservative Christians don't want to do anything to gays, even be rude to them. No one actually thinks the rich shouldn't pay taxes, corporations shouldn't be responsible with things like pollution or that there should be no laws against pollution. People over-whelmingly think blacks should be given a fair chance. That Muslims and Mexicans are mostly decent people.

The hyperbole by the leftist ideologues like Wry is destroying this country and for their own selfish interest. There is no charity, understanding or concern for anyone but themselves in it

Nice try.
  • The Social Conservative Movement (SCM) wanted to deny the contract of marriage to gay and lesbian couples
  • The SCM pushed for intrusive & unnecessary medical procedure for women seeking abortions
  • The SCM supported legislation restricting abortion clinics with unnecessary regulations and adding an unnecessary burden to these women
  • The SCM marched outside of abotion clinics showing graphic picture of late term abortions to women
Your last paragraph is dishonest and is based on your biases and ignorance. My self interest has nothing to do with my opinions. My immediate family is well off, we have no need for government assistance in terms of medical care, food, clothing, shelter or cash.

What I expect from the federal, state and local governments is security; I know that the so called free market system is a fiction, one which leaves the many behind, and benefits the well off. My ideals, not ideology, is based on my education and broad experience; your claims and spins are nothing but fictions, conjured up on biases, prejudices and fantasies.

I understand that governmental regulations can be a burden to some, but lifesaving to others. The meme that government is tyrannical when it requires common sense polices (granted, not all regs are based on common or sense of any kind) is another fiction, based on the tenet "I've got mine, fuck the rest of you" which defines the Callous Conservative.
"I got mine, fuck the rest of you"!

First of all, shit for brains, you don't quote what you think is a paraphrase. No one said that but you.

And it's exactly the hyperbole that I'm talking about. You're a stick up your ass lying leftist who can't back your ridiculous socialist crap with actual arguments, so you have to demagogue your political opponents. Almost no one think that or the other ridiculous crap you put in your post.

There is nothing wrong with thinking 1% of taxpayers paying 40% of taxes is enough.

There is nothing wrong with thinking people should come here legally.

There is nothing wrong with thinking punishing our businesses with more taxes and regulations is bad for jobs and the economy.

You have nothing but this stupid crap that you so proudly vomit at every opportunity
That's the key. Your (uninformed) opinion.

See....the thing is conservatism is built on information, sound logic, reason, and proven results. Progressivism is built on pure emotion. It's why people like you can't defend or support your irrational positions Wry, why your policies (when implemented) fail miserably, and why all of you are so angry and violent all of the time (because that's what emotion turns to after failure).

Liberalism is build on ideals, not a dogmatic ideology.

You continue with the lie that liberalism in the 21st Century is a form of fascism, which if you truly believe is true, is proof that you are brainwashed and easily led. Only a fool or a liar tries to convince others that a square peg will fit perfectly in a smaller round hole.

If liberalism is built on ideas, then why do you have to get it with endless accusations of racism, misogyny, xenophobia, etc? Why can't you justify it on it's merits?

As I have started saying.

If you can't make the case for you position based on it's merits without accusing those who oppose you of racism,

then you can't make the case for your position based on it's merits.

That shows that you are wrong.

People overwhelmingly do want to do the right thing. Even most socially conservative Christians don't want to do anything to gays, even be rude to them. No one actually thinks the rich shouldn't pay taxes, corporations shouldn't be responsible with things like pollution or that there should be no laws against pollution. People over-whelmingly think blacks should be given a fair chance. That Muslims and Mexicans are mostly decent people.

The hyperbole by the leftist ideologues like Wry is destroying this country and for their own selfish interest. There is no charity, understanding or concern for anyone but themselves in it

Nice try.
  • The Social Conservative Movement (SCM) wanted to deny the contract of marriage to gay and lesbian couples
  • The SCM pushed for intrusive & unnecessary medical procedure for women seeking abortions
  • The SCM supported legislation restricting abortion clinics with unnecessary regulations and adding an unnecessary burden to these women
  • The SCM marched outside of abotion clinics showing graphic picture of late term abortions to women
Your last paragraph is dishonest and is based on your biases and ignorance. My self interest has nothing to do with my opinions. My immediate family is well off, we have no need for government assistance in terms of medical care, food, clothing, shelter or cash.

What I expect from the federal, state and local governments is security; I know that the so called free market system is a fiction, one which leaves the many behind, and benefits the well off. My ideals, not ideology, is based on my education and broad experience; your claims and spins are nothing but fictions, conjured up on biases, prejudices and fantasies.

I understand that governmental regulations can be a burden to some, but lifesaving to others. The meme that government is tyrannical when it requires common sense polices (granted, not all regs are based on common or sense of any kind) is another fiction, based on the tenet "I've got mine, fuck the rest of you" which defines the Callous Conservative.

Government is love and hope, a caring and motherly safety net for those in need. Politicians free from accountability are concerned for nothing but our well being as they selflessly sacrifice themselves to serving each and every citizen. Government just wants to give us all a fair chance, an equal opportunity. And no one wants anything they didn't earn, they just want nothing more than getting off government to get back to leading proud and independent lives.

All but Republicans. Consumed with hatred for blacks, gays, women, Hispanics, Muslims and the poor, they want corporations to rule the country and they want to serve the rich. They support toppling independent countries and propping up despots. They want to arm the evil to invade their neighbors so they can sell arms. They clutch their bibles and guns and want people to suffer, especially the poor, just because.


So what's your favorite flavor of kool-aid? Looks like grape. Am I right?

Straight up, you need serious psychological help
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