What do conservatives support?

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So... AGAIN, I repeat.... Do you deny that all 8 "levels of control" as articulated by Saul Alinsky in Rules for Radicals are currently in play? Answer my damn question!
He runs from questions because he's incapable of answering them.
We're sorry, the person you are trying to reach has determined that you are too unstable, to poorly educated and too foolish to all allow access. Please feel free to communicate with those on your level, three standard deviations below Very Superior Intelligence.

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Really, you consider your post(s) arguments? Obviously you missed the meaning of an argument in logic 101. Try again, and next time stay within your own set, 94 and below - they might believe you.
Wel...you are far below 94 (I believe it was 54?) and yet you're completely incapable of keeping up. Just say'n...
Man, your ignorance is massive. We spend Billions on wars, we will continue to spend hundreds of millions of dollars providing medical and psychological treatment for those harmed by combat and more a result of the failed foreign policy of Bush II.

IKE's Farewell speech will be a worthwhile read for someone like you, I can comfortable say IKE wouldn't consider voting for Trump. He is the conservative I would support, not the 21st Century conservative which is more like those IKE fought and defeated during the 2nd WW.

Huh? Why are you off in the weeds talking about wars and such now? How many billions are we going to spend and traumatized soldiers will we have to treat to unfuck the mess Hillary and Obama have made in the middle east? Bush's policies failed because you couldn't wait to withdraw out of Iraq and let the terrorists reconstitute and take back over... like you were told would happen.

Ike wouldn't piss on a modern democrat to put them out if they were on fire... Your ilk represents the kind of shit he defeated in WWII. If he were alive today, he'd be kicking himself for not listening to MacArthur and taking out you fucking Commies when we had the chance.

And again, hard head... there is no such thing as "21st century Conservative!" If you're talking about the deplorable Alt-Righties, they are RADICALS like you! They have more in common with YOUR world view than Conservatives.
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This thread has been going so long, the ones still at party now know each other pretty well now. :biggrin:
And it's OK to hang around and chat. But it's gotten too personal for the rules. Sorry to break it up the fun, but it's time to close this..
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