What do conservatives support?

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In 1976, Congress passed the Hyde Amendment, which banned Medicaid coverage of abortion. This is the only medical procedure that has ever been banned from Medicaid.

IMO anyone who believes abortion has been reduced by the Hyde Amendment,

(BTW, Where Are They Now: The Clinton Impeachment - TIME ),

and opposes contraceptives is both a fool and an authoritarian, i.e. a neo fascist.

I oppose abortion because it's morally wrong and late-term or partial-birth abortions are hideously evil and devoid of humanity. I don't give a damn about contraceptives... I just don't want to pay for them. If you want to use them, buy your own... don't pick my pocket to subsidize your sexual activities. There is nothing "fascist" about my viewpoint.... I believe in INDIVIDUAL LIBERTY!

I'm not talking about Medicaid and the Hyde Amendment... Obamacare's exchanges provide for abortions and are subsidized by our tax dollars. Planned Parenthood is subsidized by our tax dollars. Christian-based businesses are being told they MUST provide health care coverage which covers abortions. Hillary Clinton favors this, favors abortion, favors late-term and partial-birth abortion well past the 21 week "viability" point established in Roe v. Wade.
It's almost hilarious that you claim to be a Constitutional Conservative and yet sit on the fence based on nothing which puts HRC into the set of a 60's radical. Maybe you are not old enough to remember the 60's and early 70's, but that is no excuse to vote for Trump, who by any measure is a charlatan and a demagogue who has zero understanding of Art. I and Art. II of the COTUS.

Are you a single issue voter? Do you think HRC will lobby to repeal the 2nd A., or that Trump will lobby to repeal Roe? I can think of no reason why an intelligent person would ever consider Trump as fit to lead our nation.

And I can think of no reason any sane person would vote for a pathological liar and criminal like Hillary Clinton. Yes, I grew up in the 60s... I'm 57 years old. I studied about the radical movement of the 60s in college and I am well aware of Saul Alinsky and his Rules for Radicals.... of which, all 8 levels of control are currently in effect, thanks to Hillary, Obama and the radical liberal left.

No, I don't believe Hillary will lobby to repeal the 2nd... she will work to effectively render it meaningless through more regulations on a RIGHT that is supposed to be UNALIENABLE! That's how progressives operate... they don't need to change the Constitution... they just fucking ignore it and rewrite what it means through the courts.

As for Trump, I like his plan on education and securing the border. I like his plan to repeal and replace Obamacare. I like his plans to cut the corporate tax rates. Mostly, I like the fact that he is not an ideologue radical like Hillary Clinton. I think he would be a more pragmatic leader but I disagree with him on several key policy positions. No, I'm not a "single-issue" voter but I am pro-life and pro-gun... and those are important issues for me.

I'm 69 and attended CAL as an undergrad, and SF St. U. as a graduate student; I experienced the New Left up front and personal. I was in the proximity at SFSU when a bomb went of while being placed by a radical near the theater in the Creative Arts Building. The good news, only the bomber was hurt, he lost a hand.

Trump is a demagogue, he tells you what you want to hear. Only fools believe he can build a wall, have Mexico pay for it or do any of the things he promises without the approval of The Congress; further evidence he has no clue as to the power or limitations of the office he aspires to win.

What power he has, is to independently start wars by word or deed. He will be a loose canon if ever given the power, and that benefits no one.
In 1976, Congress passed the Hyde Amendment, which banned Medicaid coverage of abortion. This is the only medical procedure that has ever been banned from Medicaid.

IMO anyone who believes abortion has been reduced by the Hyde Amendment,

(BTW, Where Are They Now: The Clinton Impeachment - TIME ),

and opposes contraceptives is both a fool and an authoritarian, i.e. a neo fascist.

I oppose abortion because it's morally wrong and late-term or partial-birth abortions are hideously evil and devoid of humanity. I don't give a damn about contraceptives... I just don't want to pay for them. If you want to use them, buy your own... don't pick my pocket to subsidize your sexual activities. There is nothing "fascist" about my viewpoint.... I believe in INDIVIDUAL LIBERTY!

I'm not talking about Medicaid and the Hyde Amendment... Obamacare's exchanges provide for abortions and are subsidized by our tax dollars. Planned Parenthood is subsidized by our tax dollars. Christian-based businesses are being told they MUST provide health care coverage which covers abortions. Hillary Clinton favors this, favors abortion, favors late-term and partial-birth abortion well past the 21 week "viability" point established in Roe v. Wade.

I see, you are dishonest; a lie by omission is a lie, and half -truths are intentional omissions.
Trump is a demagogue, he tells you what you want to hear. Only fools believe he can build a wall, have Mexico pay for it or do any of the things he promises without the approval of The Congress; further evidence he has no clue as to the power or limitations of the office he aspires to win.
Barack Obama is the ultimate demagogue. He told progressives what they wanted to hear. And they were dumb enough to believe him. He told them "if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor" when he knew that was a lie. Then Barack told progressives "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan" when he knew that was a lie as well. And the best part of all - he told progressives "this will bring down the cost of healthcare" - when he knew that was also a lie. The idiot progressives believed it all.

Obamacare Premiums Increase 25%: Is The 'Death Spiral' Here?
I'm 69 and attended CAL as an undergrad, and SF St. U. as a graduate student; I experienced the New Left up front and personal. I was in the proximity at SFSU when a bomb went of while being placed by a radical near the theater in the Creative Arts Building. The good news, only the bomber was hurt, he lost a hand.

Trump is a demagogue, he tells you what you want to hear. Only fools believe he can build a wall, have Mexico pay for it or do any of the things he promises without the approval of The Congress; further evidence he has no clue as to the power or limitations of the office he aspires to win.

What power he has, is to independently start wars by word or deed. He will be a loose canon if ever given the power, and that benefits no one.

So do you deny that all 8 "levels of control" as articulated by Saul Alinsky in Rules for Radicals are currently in play? I mean, set aside this pissing contest over which of us is closer to understanding first-hand 60s radicalism and answer my damn question!

Trump is a POPULIST... not a demagogue. I don't think you know what that word means either. Radical lefties like Hillary are FAR more demagogic. I believe a wall can be built... in fact, Congress has already approved it... Hillary supported it as a NY Senator! We just never funded it and built it. The funding isn't an issue because we will realize such an economic benefit that will more than make up for the cost... so even if we have to pay for it, the wall is worth the cost.

As for wars... Hillary's stated Syrian policy prompted Mikhail Gorbachev to say that we're closer to nuclear war with Russia than any time in history. That is a pretty damn chilling statement. And YOU are a fool if you believe Putin is going to be upstaged by a woman.
I see, you are dishonest; a lie by omission is a lie, and half -truths are intentional omissions.
Congrats Guy Catcher. Admitting you have a problem is the first step. Clearly you've had a breakthrough in therapy. I am SO proud of you!

We're sorry, the person you are trying to reach has determined that you are too unstable, to poorly educated and too foolish to allow access. Please feel free to communicate with those on your level, three standard deviations below Very Superior Intelligence. You are advised to limit your limited abilities to those with IQ's of double digits; those 94 and below may find your opinions credible.

Have a nice day.
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I see, you are dishonest; a lie by omission is a lie, and half -truths are intentional omissions.
Congrats Guy Catcher. Admitting you have a problem is the first step. Clearly you've had a breakthrough in therapy. I am SO proud of you!

We're sorry, the person you are trying to reach has determined that you are too unstable, to poorly educated and too foolish to all allow access. Please feel free to communicate with those on your level, three standard deviations below Very Superior Intelligence. You are advised to limit your limited abilities to those with IQ's of double digits; those 94 and below may find your opinions credible.

Have a nice day.

TRANSLATION: I'm a liberal who has failed to support my arguments and realize the only possible thing I can do now is attack the intelligence of my adversaries.
I see, you are dishonest; a lie by omission is a lie, and half -truths are intentional omissions.
Congrats Guy Catcher. Admitting you have a problem is the first step. Clearly you've had a breakthrough in therapy. I am SO proud of you!

We're sorry, the person you are trying to reach has determined that you are too unstable, to poorly educated and too foolish to all allow access. Please feel free to communicate with those on your level, three standard deviations below Very Superior Intelligence. You are advised to limit your limited abilities to those with IQ's of double digits; those 94 and below may find your opinions credible.

Have a nice day.
Boom! Knockout blow. When challenged....he runs away. He knows I'm informed so he can't engage. I salute you on your honesty though Guy Catcher!
We're sorry, the person you are trying to reach has determined that you are too unstable, to poorly educated and too foolish to all allow access. Please feel free to communicate with those on your level, three standard deviations below Very Superior Intelligence.

We're sorry, the person you are trying to reach has determined that you are too unstable, to poorly educated and too foolish to all allow access. Please feel free to communicate with those on your level, three standard deviations below Very Superior Intelligence. You are advised to limit your limited abilities to those with IQ's of double digits; those 94 and below may find your opinions credible.

TRANSLATION: I'm a liberal who has failed to support my arguments and realize the only possible thing I can do now is attack the intelligence of my adversaries.
You notice what happened there Boss, don't you? In post #507 the dill-hole declared that I was incapable of providing a "pragmatic solution" to the "myriad of problems facing our nation and world". In post #509 I said I could prove it and challenged him to present me with one of the problems so that I could provide a pragmatic solution.

At that point, he realized he had painted himself into a corner (like a typical progressive tool). He knew I would provide the pragmatic solution, proving that he lies and that he was wrong. Not wanting to have to face that reality, he realized his only move was to run away.
I'm 69 and attended CAL as an undergrad, and SF St. U. as a graduate student; I experienced the New Left up front and personal. I was in the proximity at SFSU when a bomb went of while being placed by a radical near the theater in the Creative Arts Building. The good news, only the bomber was hurt, he lost a hand.

Trump is a demagogue, he tells you what you want to hear. Only fools believe he can build a wall, have Mexico pay for it or do any of the things he promises without the approval of The Congress; further evidence he has no clue as to the power or limitations of the office he aspires to win.

What power he has, is to independently start wars by word or deed. He will be a loose canon if ever given the power, and that benefits no one.

So do you deny that all 8 "levels of control" as articulated by Saul Alinsky in Rules for Radicals are currently in play? I mean, set aside this pissing contest over which of us is closer to understanding first-hand 60s radicalism and answer my damn question!

Trump is a POPULIST... not a demagogue. I don't think you know what that word means either. Radical lefties like Hillary are FAR more demagogic. I believe a wall can be built... in fact, Congress has already approved it... Hillary supported it as a NY Senator! We just never funded it and built it. The funding isn't an issue because we will realize such an economic benefit that will more than make up for the cost... so even if we have to pay for it, the wall is worth the cost.

As for wars... Hillary's stated Syrian policy prompted Mikhail Gorbachev to say that we're closer to nuclear war with Russia than any time in history. That is a pretty damn chilling statement. And YOU are a fool if you believe Putin is going to be upstaged by a woman.

Trump is a populist, and a demagogue. Ordinary people, the target of a populist, tells the ordinary people what they want to hear. Don't try to play semantics games with me, you'll lose every time.

Congress can pass a law, for political reasons, and never fund it. You must know that. Do you really want an economic benefit, and one which will protect our Southern Border, provide jobs and create harmoney between us and the Mexican people?

Here is a solution: Build a canal from the gulf of Mexico to just south of San Diego, using the Rio Grand and the Tijuana Rivers, large enough to accommodate Ocean going vessels going in two directions. Imagine the solar energy which could assist in such a project, and later provide energy to the entire SW. Both Mexico and the US would provide jobs for a decade or more, and both could pay for such a development. Then the vessels' toll for transit would pay for much of the maintenance, and with some foresight we can imagine development along both sides of the way of such a wonder of the new world.
We're sorry, the person you are trying to reach has determined that you are too unstable, to poorly educated and too foolish to all allow access. Please feel free to communicate with those on your level, three standard deviations below Very Superior Intelligence.

View attachment 95483

Really, you consider your post(s) arguments? Obviously you missed the meaning of an argument in logic 101. Try again, and next time stay within your own set, 94 and below - they might believe you.
I see, you are dishonest; a lie by omission is a lie, and half -truths are intentional omissions.
Congrats Guy Catcher. Admitting you have a problem is the first step. Clearly you've had a breakthrough in therapy. I am SO proud of you!

We're sorry, the person you are trying to reach has determined that you are too unstable, to poorly educated and too foolish to all allow access. Please feel free to communicate with those on your level, three standard deviations below Very Superior Intelligence. You are advised to limit your limited abilities to those with IQ's of double digits; those 94 and below may find your opinions credible.

Have a nice day.

TRANSLATION: I'm a liberal who has failed to support my arguments and realize the only possible thing I can do now is attack the intelligence of my adversaries.

I am a liberal, and my arguments are sound. Assholes such as P@triot do not deserve respect. Keep on keeping on "boss" and you might make the list of assholes.

Opinions are not arguments, something you should know. Opinions have premises, and many times they are based on biases, prejudices and ignorance of germane facts. That he does not know the difference is telling. Do you?
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Trump is a populist, and a demagogue. Ordinary people, the target of a populist, tells the ordinary people what they want to hear. Don't try to play semantics games with me, you'll lose every time.

Oh, no doubt... you like to apply your own definitions to words on the fly like Hillary... claiming that "open borders" she was speaking of in her secret speech to Bolivia was referring to "electrical power lines." Because, that's the first thing we always think of when someone says "open borders!"

And I don't suppose you consider her pandering to every special interest group and minority under the sun to be "demagoguery" in the least, do you? Of course you don't... she's just looking out for "the people" ....oops... maybe that makes her a populist? :dunno:

Congress can pass a law, for political reasons, and never fund it. You must know that. Do you really want an economic benefit, and one which will protect our Southern Border, provide jobs and create harmoney between us and the Mexican people?

Yes, and presidents can sign executive orders to implement things Congress already approved and can include the funding for it in his budget. If Trump is elected, the wall will be built... count on it.

As for Mexico... couldn't give two shits about harmony with them. We're going to realize an economic benefit and open up jobs when we get rid of 10 million illegal aliens and stop the flood of illegal immigrants coming across our borders.

Here is a solution: Build a canal from the gulf of Mexico to just south of San Diego, using the Rio Grand and the Tijuana Rivers, large enough to accommodate Ocean going vessels going in two directions. Imagine the solar energy which could assist in such a project, and later provide energy to the entire SW. Both Mexico and the US would provide jobs for a decade or more, and both could pay for such a development. Then the vessels' toll for transit would pay for much of the maintenance, and with some foresight we can imagine development along both sides of the way of such a wonder of the new world.

Well, now we know you're a whack-a-doodle... if there was any doubt whatsoever, it has been dispelled. You obviously have no idea what kind of a project that would be and how much such a thing would cost. I'm not the least bit interested in providing government-funded jobs. That costs us money we do not have and is counterproductive to the economy. And solar energy? Are you serious? Solar panels are going to dredge a 3,000 mile canal? In what fantasy universe has that ever happened? :dunno: Yeah... let's all suspend reality and imagine fairy tales like a whack-a-doodle liberal! ....Jeesh! :cuckoo:
So... AGAIN, I repeat.... Do you deny that all 8 "levels of control" as articulated by Saul Alinsky in Rules for Radicals are currently in play?

Answer my damn question!
So... AGAIN, I repeat.... Do you deny that all 8 "levels of control" as articulated by Saul Alinsky in Rules for Radicals are currently in play?

Answer my damn question!

In case you're not educated on the aforementioned:

1) Healthcare – Control healthcare and you control the people.
2) Poverty – Increase the poverty level as high as possible; poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live.
3) Debt – Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes and this will produce more poverty.
4) Gun control – Remove people’s ability to defend themselves from the government. That way you are able to create a police state.
5) Welfare – Take control of every aspect of people’s lives (food, housing and income).
6) Education – Take control of what people read and listen to; take control of what children learn in school.
7) Religion – Remove the belief in God from the government and schools.
8) Class warfare – Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to take from (tax) the wealthy with the support of the poor.

Now please explain to me how Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are not full-fledged, died-in-the-wool Alinskyites, and how I am "allusioning" or "illusioning" that?
Trump is a populist, and a demagogue. Ordinary people, the target of a populist, tells the ordinary people what they want to hear. Don't try to play semantics games with me, you'll lose every time.

Oh, no doubt... you like to apply your own definitions to words on the fly like Hillary... claiming that "open borders" she was speaking of in her secret speech to Bolivia was referring to "electrical power lines." Because, that's the first thing we always think of when someone says "open borders!"

And I don't suppose you consider her pandering to every special interest group and minority under the sun to be "demagoguery" in the least, do you? Of course you don't... she's just looking out for "the people" ....oops... maybe that makes her a populist? :dunno:

Congress can pass a law, for political reasons, and never fund it. You must know that. Do you really want an economic benefit, and one which will protect our Southern Border, provide jobs and create harmoney between us and the Mexican people?

Yes, and presidents can sign executive orders to implement things Congress already approved and can include the funding for it in his budget. If Trump is elected, the wall will be built... count on it.

As for Mexico... couldn't give two shits about harmony with them. We're going to realize an economic benefit and open up jobs when we get rid of 10 million illegal aliens and stop the flood of illegal immigrants coming across our borders.

Here is a solution: Build a canal from the gulf of Mexico to just south of San Diego, using the Rio Grand and the Tijuana Rivers, large enough to accommodate Ocean going vessels going in two directions. Imagine the solar energy which could assist in such a project, and later provide energy to the entire SW. Both Mexico and the US would provide jobs for a decade or more, and both could pay for such a development. Then the vessels' toll for transit would pay for much of the maintenance, and with some foresight we can imagine development along both sides of the way of such a wonder of the new world.

Well, now we know you're a whack-a-doodle... if there was any doubt whatsoever, it has been dispelled. You obviously have no idea what kind of a project that would be and how much such a thing would cost. I'm not the least bit interested in providing government-funded jobs. That costs us money we do not have and is counterproductive to the economy. And solar energy? Are you serious? Solar panels are going to dredge a 3,000 mile canal? In what fantasy universe has that ever happened? :dunno: Yeah... let's all suspend reality and imagine fairy tales like a whack-a-doodle liberal! ....Jeesh! :cuckoo:

Man, your ignorance is massive. We spend Billions on wars, we will continue to spend hundreds of millions of dollars providing medical and psychological treatment for those harmed by combat and more a result of the failed foreign policy of Bush II.

IKE's Farewell speech will be a worthwhile read for someone like you, I can comfortable say IKE wouldn't consider voting for Trump. He is the conservative I would support, not the 21st Century conservative which is more like those IKE fought and defeated during the 2nd WW.
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