What do conservatives support?

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"I got mine, fuck the rest of you"!

First of all, shit for brains, you don't quote what you think is a paraphrase. No one said that but you.

And it's exactly the hyperbole that I'm talking about. You're a stick up your ass lying leftist who can't back your ridiculous socialist crap with actual arguments, so you have to demagogue your political opponents. Almost no one think that or the other ridiculous crap you put in your post.

There is nothing wrong with thinking 1% of taxpayers paying 40% of taxes is enough.

There is nothing wrong with thinking people should come here legally.

There is nothing wrong with thinking punishing our businesses with more taxes and regulations is bad for jobs and the economy.

You have nothing but this stupid crap that you so proudly vomit at every opportunity

Liberalism is build on ideals, not a dogmatic ideology.

You continue with the lie that liberalism in the 21st Century is a form of fascism, which if you truly believe is true, is proof that you are brainwashed and easily led. Only a fool or a liar tries to convince others that a square peg will fit perfectly in a smaller round hole.

If liberalism is built on ideas, then why do you have to get it with endless accusations of racism, misogyny, xenophobia, etc? Why can't you justify it on it's merits?

As I have started saying.

If you can't make the case for you position based on it's merits without accusing those who oppose you of racism,

then you can't make the case for your position based on it's merits.

That shows that you are wrong.

People overwhelmingly do want to do the right thing. Even most socially conservative Christians don't want to do anything to gays, even be rude to them. No one actually thinks the rich shouldn't pay taxes, corporations shouldn't be responsible with things like pollution or that there should be no laws against pollution. People over-whelmingly think blacks should be given a fair chance. That Muslims and Mexicans are mostly decent people.

The hyperbole by the leftist ideologues like Wry is destroying this country and for their own selfish interest. There is no charity, understanding or concern for anyone but themselves in it

Nice try.
  • The Social Conservative Movement (SCM) wanted to deny the contract of marriage to gay and lesbian couples
  • The SCM pushed for intrusive & unnecessary medical procedure for women seeking abortions
  • The SCM supported legislation restricting abortion clinics with unnecessary regulations and adding an unnecessary burden to these women
  • The SCM marched outside of abotion clinics showing graphic picture of late term abortions to women
Your last paragraph is dishonest and is based on your biases and ignorance. My self interest has nothing to do with my opinions. My immediate family is well off, we have no need for government assistance in terms of medical care, food, clothing, shelter or cash.

What I expect from the federal, state and local governments is security; I know that the so called free market system is a fiction, one which leaves the many behind, and benefits the well off. My ideals, not ideology, is based on my education and broad experience; your claims and spins are nothing but fictions, conjured up on biases, prejudices and fantasies.

I understand that governmental regulations can be a burden to some, but lifesaving to others. The meme that government is tyrannical when it requires common sense polices (granted, not all regs are based on common or sense of any kind) is another fiction, based on the tenet "I've got mine, fuck the rest of you" which defines the Callous Conservative.

Government is love and hope, a caring and motherly safety net for those in need. Politicians free from accountability are concerned for nothing but our well being as they selflessly sacrifice themselves to serving each and every citizen. Government just wants to give us all a fair chance, an equal opportunity. And no one wants anything they didn't earn, they just want nothing more than getting off government to get back to leading proud and independent lives.

All but Republicans. Consumed with hatred for blacks, gays, women, Hispanics, Muslims and the poor, they want corporations to rule the country and they want to serve the rich. They support toppling independent countries and propping up despots. They want to arm the evil to invade their neighbors so they can sell arms. They clutch their bibles and guns and want people to suffer, especially the poor, just because.


So what's your favorite flavor of kool-aid? Looks like grape. Am I right?

Straight up, you need serious psychological help

The liberal seeks social justice, equal opportunity for every man, women and child, protection by a democratically elected government, not only from without, but from within, i.e. pollution, disease and anti government sources seeking the tenet of the Callous Conservative: "I got mine, fuck the rest of you"!
The liberal seeks control. Like all fascists on the left, the liberal fears liberty and cannot accept something not done their way. The idea that all of society is not forced to row in the exact same direction aggravates the hell out of them.

The conservative seeks liberty. Conservatism recognizes that the government answers to the people, the people do not answer to the government. That the left-wing ideology always ends the same: oppression, poverty, and misery.

If liberalism is built on ideas, then why do you have to get it with endless accusations of racism, misogyny, xenophobia, etc? Why can't you justify it on it's merits?

As I have started saying.

If you can't make the case for you position based on it's merits without accusing those who oppose you of racism,

then you can't make the case for your position based on it's merits.

That shows that you are wrong.

People overwhelmingly do want to do the right thing. Even most socially conservative Christians don't want to do anything to gays, even be rude to them. No one actually thinks the rich shouldn't pay taxes, corporations shouldn't be responsible with things like pollution or that there should be no laws against pollution. People over-whelmingly think blacks should be given a fair chance. That Muslims and Mexicans are mostly decent people.

The hyperbole by the leftist ideologues like Wry is destroying this country and for their own selfish interest. There is no charity, understanding or concern for anyone but themselves in it

Nice try.
  • The Social Conservative Movement (SCM) wanted to deny the contract of marriage to gay and lesbian couples
  • The SCM pushed for intrusive & unnecessary medical procedure for women seeking abortions
  • The SCM supported legislation restricting abortion clinics with unnecessary regulations and adding an unnecessary burden to these women
  • The SCM marched outside of abotion clinics showing graphic picture of late term abortions to women
Your last paragraph is dishonest and is based on your biases and ignorance. My self interest has nothing to do with my opinions. My immediate family is well off, we have no need for government assistance in terms of medical care, food, clothing, shelter or cash.

What I expect from the federal, state and local governments is security; I know that the so called free market system is a fiction, one which leaves the many behind, and benefits the well off. My ideals, not ideology, is based on my education and broad experience; your claims and spins are nothing but fictions, conjured up on biases, prejudices and fantasies.

I understand that governmental regulations can be a burden to some, but lifesaving to others. The meme that government is tyrannical when it requires common sense polices (granted, not all regs are based on common or sense of any kind) is another fiction, based on the tenet "I've got mine, fuck the rest of you" which defines the Callous Conservative.

Government is love and hope, a caring and motherly safety net for those in need. Politicians free from accountability are concerned for nothing but our well being as they selflessly sacrifice themselves to serving each and every citizen. Government just wants to give us all a fair chance, an equal opportunity. And no one wants anything they didn't earn, they just want nothing more than getting off government to get back to leading proud and independent lives.

All but Republicans. Consumed with hatred for blacks, gays, women, Hispanics, Muslims and the poor, they want corporations to rule the country and they want to serve the rich. They support toppling independent countries and propping up despots. They want to arm the evil to invade their neighbors so they can sell arms. They clutch their bibles and guns and want people to suffer, especially the poor, just because.


So what's your favorite flavor of kool-aid? Looks like grape. Am I right?

Straight up, you need serious psychological help


Your typical eloquence. But as long as you need to justify your positions with sanctimony and demagoguery, you know there's something with your positions
The problem I have with Kaz and P@triot is they're incapable of providing any evidence that conservatism in the 21st Century is a viable ideology. Science trumps faith, and Trump fails the test of true conservatism. Thus these two, and many others are simply angry and hysterical. They're lost in a dogmatic desert and have no clue as too how a nation of 330 million diverse people is properly governed.

The vision/mission statement provided by our founding generation is a clear and concise road map for our nation:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.​

Of course they parse these words to limit government to only those matters which they support. Most of them cherry pick phrases from the COTUS to suit their agenda, they lie, use half-truths, rumors, innundos, and character assassination, sans rational rebuttal, and accuse others of doing and being what they do and are.
I have concluded you are a liar, a biddable fool and an asshole, all based on empirical evidence, that being everything you post.
Well I have concluded that you're far too ignorant to "conclude" anything. So has the rest of society.
Vintage progressive attitude and response there. No education. No decency. Always resort to verbal attacks and violence. It's what happens when you can't defend your position because it is built on irrational emotion.
I have concluded you are a liar, a biddable fool and an asshole, all based on empirical evidence, that being everything you post.
Well I have concluded that you're far too ignorant to "conclude" anything. So has the rest of society.
Vintage progressive attitude and response there. No education. No decency. Always resort to verbal attacks and violence. It's what happens when you can't defend your position because it is built on irrational emotion.

See my last sentence in the post above. Oh, and thanks so much for sharing your opinion and proving my statement about what you do and are.
The problem I have with Kaz and P@triot is they're incapable of providing any evidence that conservatism in the 21st Century is a viable ideology.
First of all, I don't have to prove anything to you. Second, that's an astounding statement coming from a greedy, lazy little asshat who has yet to provide a shred of evidence that progressivism in the 21st Century is a viable ideology. Quite the contrary, all evidence points to it collapsing societies. Just take a look at Greece - which implemented progressivism to the fullest extent and completely collapsed. The government shut down the banking system and "allows" people to pull $60 a day from the ATM. You get that? They are "allowed" to pull their own money. And try living off of $60 per day. That would fill my gas tank. Then I would have nothing left over for bills or food. And then there is Detroit which filed bankruptcy after 60+ years of a Dumbocrat mayor and a Dumbocrat city council. And then there is Venezuela - which is in utter chaos right now. Completely collapsed. Yep - that is the legacy of liberalism. Oppression. Poverty. Misery.
Of course they parse these words to limit government to only those matters which they support. Most of them cherry pick phrases from the COTUS to suit their agenda, they lie, use half-truths, rumors, innundos, and character assassination, sans rational rebuttal, and accuse others of doing and being what they do and are.
Watching Guy Catcher have a meltdown because he can't have his way is comical. He's been so throughly defeated that he's now resorted to simply using the conservative arguments. We recognized a long time ago that progressives lie, create propaganda, etc. and then accuse the other side of that. We brought it to light. Now, after listening to that for years, Guy Catcher believes he can just "steal" those realities and make them his own.

Sorry buttercup...it's your side of the aisle that projects 24x7. You call the people who want less government "fascists" while you sit there demanding that government take more control of our lives. That's a special kind of stupid that could only come from a progressive.
Conservatives believe in the Constitution and fiscal responsibility. They yearn for freedom and understand how precious a commodity it is in the world today. They honor those that came before them and believe like the founding fathers in God, most importantly believe they can face and overcome adversity without government wiping their ass and holding their hand.

The only problem is that there haven't been many true conservatives willing to undergo the onslaught of character assassination to enter the political arena.
The only problem is that there haven't been many true conservatives willing to undergo the onslaught of character assassination to enter the political arena.
It's no wonder why when you see the disturbing depths that progressive stoop in order to ensure the advancement of their fascism.

Go back a few years and there was the JournoList scandal in which progressive "journalists" discussed things like falsely accusing conservative candidates of molesting children. Then there are the recent videos in which progressives are caught discussing their entire blueprint for paying people to commit acts of violence at conservative political rallies.

I can't say I blame any conservative for not wanting to face those kinds of extreme criminal acts from the left.
The problem I have with Kaz and P@triot is they're incapable of providing any evidence that conservatism in the 21st Century is a viable ideology. .....

YOu have dismissed all evidence that you don't like.

And then pretended that since you disagreed with it, that it does not exist.

What do you think of the recent WTO ruling that completely validated Trump on Trade Policy?
Conservatives have always illustrated more class and dignity than progressives. Here is the letter that George H.W. Bush left for Bill Clinton after being defeated in the election (remember - H.W. Bush wasn't leaving the White House because his terms were up like Ronald Reagan - he was defeated by Bill Clinton):

Screen Shot 2016-10-23 at 4.33.26 PM.png
Conservatives have always illustrated more class and dignity than progressives. Here is the letter that George H.W. Bush left for Bill Clinton after being defeated in the election (remember - H.W. Bush wasn't leaving the White House because his terms were up like Ronald Reagan - he was defeated by Bill Clinton):

View attachment 94933

Unfortunately such class has been seen as nothing but weakness from thugs like the Clintons and certainly NEVER RETURNED.
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