What do evangelicals really want when voting?


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
There is much talk about winning the evangelicals' vote and which candidate is more beloved than others to gain evangelicals' support in an election. You have perpetual candidates such as Huckabee or Santorum, trying to out-Jesus one another, and even the reality-TV star, Trump, citing (poorly) the New Testament.

We are a country founded on the primary tenet that government and religion are best kept as far apart as possible......We deride theocracies as being oppressive and many among our right wing fellow citizens firmly think that Islam is a religion full of zealots.

Yet, among evangelicals, there seems to be a desire to have a president who would mirror their beliefs.
So, I ask again, what do evangelicals want from their elected officials, and how would such desires really differ from religious zealotry in governance?
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Who cares?

Then please advise all republican candidates to state the same thing (Who cares"?) to Liberty University audiences and at every campaign rally in such states as Iowa, MS, AL and most of all Texas....See how THAT plays out.
There is much talk about winning the evangelicals' vote and which candidate is more beloved than others to gain evangelicals' support in an election. You have perpetual candidates such as Huckabee or Santorum, trying to out-Jesus one another, and even the reality-TV star, Trump, citing (poorly) the New Testament.

We are a country founded on the primary tenet that government and religion are best kept as far apart as possible......We deride theocracies as being oppressive and many among our right wing fellow citizens firmly think that Islam is a religion full of zealots.

Yet, among evangelicals, there seems to be a desire to have a president who would mirror their beliefs.
So, I ask again, what do evangelicals want from their elected officials, and how would such desires really differ from religious zealotry in governance?

Actually from my own experience, they will vote mostly like everyone else. Some will vote Democrat while others will vote Republican. Perhaps you might consider getting out and going to a church now and again so you might gain a little insight into just who actually attends church. Actually, some of them even stoop so low as to drive Fords.
Yet, among evangelicals, there seems to be a desire to have a president who would mirror their beliefs.
Yeah and? Pretty much every voter wants a President who would "mirror their beliefs", why would anybody think that evangelicals would be any different?

So, I ask again, what do evangelicals want from their elected officials, and how would such desires really differ from religious zealotry in governance?
Wearing ones Christianity on ones sleeve and "religious zealotry in governance" aren't the same thing, it's not like their going to get into office and start burning heretics at the stake or anything.
There is much talk about winning the evangelicals' vote and which candidate is more beloved than others to gain evangelicals' support in an election. You have perpetual candidates such as Huckabee or Santorum, trying to out-Jesus one another, and even the reality-TV star, Trump, citing (poorly) the New Testament.

We are a country founded on the primary tenet that government and religion are best kept as far apart as possible......We deride theocracies as being oppressive and many among our right wing fellow citizens firmly think that Islam is a religion full of zealots.

Yet, among evangelicals, there seems to be a desire to have a president who would mirror their beliefs.
So, I ask again, what do evangelicals want from their elected officials, and how would such desires really differ from religious zealotry in governance?

"What do evangelicals really want when voting?"

Emmmm, not regressivecrats, who seem to making a hobby of attacking the 1st Amendment free exercise clause.
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Actually from my own experience, they will vote mostly like everyone else. Some will vote Democrat while others will vote Republican. Perhaps you might consider getting out and going to a church now and again so you might gain a little insight into just who actually attends church.

According to the Pew Research......

A Deep Dive Into Party Affiliation

Democrats hold advantages in party identification among blacks, Asians, Hispanics, well-educated adults and Millennials. Republicans have leads among whites – particularly white men, those with less education and evangelical Protestants

Protestants who align with the GOP has never been higher. About two-thirds (68%) of white evangelicals either identify as Republicans or lean Republican, while just 22% affiliate with the Democratic Party or lean Democratic. Since 2007, the percentage of white evangelical Protestants who lean Republican has increased 10 points, while the share who lean Democratic has declined nine points.
Apparently the OP cares. He wants to censure freedom of speech and expression. He must be a Communist.

"Brilliant" response......Now, go take a nap...you must be exhausted from the strain on your half-brain cells.
Yeah and? Pretty much every voter wants a President who would "mirror their beliefs", why would anybody think that evangelicals would be any different?

Only partially true....BUT, there is a difference between wanting a government that would mirror their beliefs, and wanting a government that follows policies that benefit all. The issues of legalized abortion and prayers in schools are just a few of the many governmental policies that conflict with religious beliefs....Just look at the wacko from KY a few months ago.
Actually from my own experience, they will vote mostly like everyone else. Some will vote Democrat while others will vote Republican. Perhaps you might consider getting out and going to a church now and again so you might gain a little insight into just who actually attends church.

According to the Pew Research......

A Deep Dive Into Party Affiliation

Democrats hold advantages in party identification among blacks, Asians, Hispanics, well-educated adults and Millennials. Republicans have leads among whites – particularly white men, those with less education and evangelical Protestants

Protestants who align with the GOP has never been higher. About two-thirds (68%) of white evangelicals either identify as Republicans or lean Republican, while just 22% affiliate with the Democratic Party or lean Democratic. Since 2007, the percentage of white evangelical Protestants who lean Republican has increased 10 points, while the share who lean Democratic has declined nine points.

So apparently that fact somehow pisses you off? Suck it up. People are individuals. If you really want to know how I feel about your polls, I am 72 years of age and have yet to be telephoned concerning any poll at all. Another thing, you folks seem to love to tout that only uneducated people vote Republican. Here's a newsflash for you. There are many business owners who are pissed off and fed up with the policies of regulation of business and the effects upon business of the ACA. These business owners are hardly ignorant.
Yeah and? Pretty much every voter wants a President who would "mirror their beliefs", why would anybody think that evangelicals would be any different?

Only partially true....BUT, there is a difference between wanting a government that would mirror their beliefs, and wanting a government that follows policies that benefit all. The issues of legalized abortion and prayers in schools are just a few of the many governmental policies that conflict with religious beliefs....Just look at the wacko from KY a few months ago.

What you are really saying is that wanting a government that doesn't mirror your own beliefs pisses you off. We understand you perfectly.
the question is how does an 'evangelical voter' think a candidate that panders to them will follow through once in office?

what does the 'evangelical voter' want for their vote?
Another thing, you folks seem to love to tout that only uneducated people vote Republican. Here's a newsflash for you. There are many business owners who are pissed off and fed up with the policies of regulation of business and the effects upon business of the ACA. These business owners are hardly ignorant.

Well, the uneducated part is fairly evident, and business owners (like myself) are always bitching about taxes until they need roads, railroads, overall infrastructure and other causes that are paid by the same taxes they're trying to avoid paying..
Another thing, you folks seem to love to tout that only uneducated people vote Republican. Here's a newsflash for you. There are many business owners who are pissed off and fed up with the policies of regulation of business and the effects upon business of the ACA. These business owners are hardly ignorant.

Well, the uneducated part is fairly evident, and business owners (like myself) are always bitching about taxes until they need roads, railroads, overall infrastructure and other causes that are paid by the same taxes they're trying to avoid paying..

Ok. I finally got it. You are a super-smart business owner while all the others are ignorant.
Who cares?

Then please advise all republican candidates to state the same thing (Who cares"?) to Liberty University audiences and at every campaign rally in such states as Iowa, MS, AL and most of all Texas....See how THAT plays out.

Look your man Obama goes to church, prays to Jesus, repeatedly asks God to bless us are you saying that's all an act?
Who cares?

Then please advise all republican candidates to state the same thing (Who cares"?) to Liberty University audiences and at every campaign rally in such states as Iowa, MS, AL and most of all Texas....See how THAT plays out.

Look your man Obama goes to church, prays to Jesus, repeatedly asks God to bless us are you saying that's all an act?
did obama pander to the evangelical vote?

what does the evangelical voter want?
Only partially true....BUT, there is a difference between wanting a government that would mirror their beliefs, and wanting a government that follows policies that benefit all.
Since when do you care about policies that benefit ALL? I don't see members of either major political gang...er..party caring much about policies that benefit everybody, both sides are more in love with policies that benefit the constituencies who patronize them.

The issues of legalized abortion and prayers in schools are just a few of the many governmental policies that conflict with religious beliefs....Just look at the wacko from KY a few months ago.
They have a viewpoint on those "issues" which is based on their deeply held moral convictions, would you have them abandon those just because you don't agree with them?

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