What do evangelicals really want when voting?

There is much talk about winning the evangelicals' vote and which candidate is more beloved than others to gain evangelicals' support in an election. You have perpetual candidates such as Huckabee or Santorum, trying to out-Jesus one another, and even the reality-TV star, Trump, citing (poorly) the New Testament.

We are a country founded on the primary tenet that government and religion are best kept as far apart as possible......We deride theocracies as being oppressive and many among our right wing fellow citizens firmly think that Islam is a religion full of zealots.

Yet, among evangelicals, there seems to be a desire to have a president who would mirror their beliefs.
So, I ask again, what do evangelicals want from their elected officials, and how would such desires really differ from religious zealotry in governance?
I will tell you what they don't want, socialism. There is absolutely nothing redeeming about socialism... It's incestuous at best, always rewarding the corrupt and weak.
Socialism is control freaks at the top and the weak at the bottom and no in between...
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Who cares?

Then please advise all republican candidates to state the same thing (Who cares"?) to Liberty University audiences and at every campaign rally in such states as Iowa, MS, AL and most of all Texas....See how THAT plays out.

Look your man Obama goes to church, prays to Jesus, repeatedly asks God to bless us are you saying that's all an act?
did obama pander to the evangelical vote?

what does the evangelical voter want?

Ask Obama he portrays himself as an evangelical does he not.
There is much talk about winning the evangelicals' vote and which candidate is more beloved than others to gain evangelicals' support in an election. You have perpetual candidates such as Huckabee or Santorum, trying to out-Jesus one another, and even the reality-TV star, Trump, citing (poorly) the New Testament.

We are a country founded on the primary tenet that government and religion are best kept as far apart as possible......We deride theocracies as being oppressive and many among our right wing fellow citizens firmly think that Islam is a religion full of zealots.

Yet, among evangelicals, there seems to be a desire to have a president who would mirror their beliefs.
So, I ask again, what do evangelicals want from their elected officials, and how would such desires really differ from religious zealotry in governance?

They want a Christian caliphate.
There is much talk about winning the evangelicals' vote and which candidate is more beloved than others to gain evangelicals' support in an election. You have perpetual candidates such as Huckabee or Santorum, trying to out-Jesus one another, and even the reality-TV star, Trump, citing (poorly) the New Testament.

We are a country founded on the primary tenet that government and religion are best kept as far apart as possible......We deride theocracies as being oppressive and many among our right wing fellow citizens firmly think that Islam is a religion full of zealots.

Yet, among evangelicals, there seems to be a desire to have a president who would mirror their beliefs.
So, I ask again, what do evangelicals want from their elected officials, and how would such desires really differ from religious zealotry in governance?

They want a Christian caliphate.
Yeah and you want an authoritarian kleptocracy, so what's makes you any better than them? If forced to choose between the two I'd go with the Christians, they might chastise me for not following their religion but at least the preponderance of them aren't looking to steal every penny that isn't nailed down to feed their own warped sense of egalitarianism.
There is much talk about winning the evangelicals' vote and which candidate is more beloved than others to gain evangelicals' support in an election. You have perpetual candidates such as Huckabee or Santorum, trying to out-Jesus one another, and even the reality-TV star, Trump, citing (poorly) the New Testament.

We are a country founded on the primary tenet that government and religion are best kept as far apart as possible......We deride theocracies as being oppressive and many among our right wing fellow citizens firmly think that Islam is a religion full of zealots.

Yet, among evangelicals, there seems to be a desire to have a president who would mirror their beliefs.
So, I ask again, what do evangelicals want from their elected officials, and how would such desires really differ from religious zealotry in governance?

They want a Christian caliphate.
Yeah and you want an authoritarian kleptocracy, so what's makes you any better than them? If forced to choose between the two I'd go with the Christians, they might chastise me for not following their religion but at least the preponderance of them aren't looking to steal every penny that isn't nailed down to feed their own warped sense of egalitarianism.

Don't lie about what I want.
There is much talk about winning the evangelicals' vote and which candidate is more beloved than others to gain evangelicals' support in an election. You have perpetual candidates such as Huckabee or Santorum, trying to out-Jesus one another, and even the reality-TV star, Trump, citing (poorly) the New Testament.

We are a country founded on the primary tenet that government and religion are best kept as far apart as possible......We deride theocracies as being oppressive and many among our right wing fellow citizens firmly think that Islam is a religion full of zealots.

Yet, among evangelicals, there seems to be a desire to have a president who would mirror their beliefs.
So, I ask again, what do evangelicals want from their elected officials, and how would such desires really differ from religious zealotry in governance?

They want a Christian caliphate.
Yeah and you want an authoritarian kleptocracy, so what's makes you any better than them? If forced to choose between the two I'd go with the Christians, they might chastise me for not following their religion but at least the preponderance of them aren't looking to steal every penny that isn't nailed down to feed their own warped sense of egalitarianism.

Don't lie about what I want.
Don't need to , your own posts tell the story. ;)
There is much talk about winning the evangelicals' vote and which candidate is more beloved than others to gain evangelicals' support in an election. You have perpetual candidates such as Huckabee or Santorum, trying to out-Jesus one another, and even the reality-TV star, Trump, citing (poorly) the New Testament.

We are a country founded on the primary tenet that government and religion are best kept as far apart as possible......We deride theocracies as being oppressive and many among our right wing fellow citizens firmly think that Islam is a religion full of zealots.

Yet, among evangelicals, there seems to be a desire to have a president who would mirror their beliefs.
So, I ask again, what do evangelicals want from their elected officials, and how would such desires really differ from religious zealotry in governance?
I will tell you what they don't want, socialism. There is absolutely nothing redeeming about socialism... It's incestuous at best, always rewarding the corrupt and weak.
Socialism is control freaks at the top and the weak at the bottom and no in between...
have you learned what socialism is yet or are you still just a bumpersticker?
There is much talk about winning the evangelicals' vote and which candidate is more beloved than others to gain evangelicals' support in an election. You have perpetual candidates such as Huckabee or Santorum, trying to out-Jesus one another, and even the reality-TV star, Trump, citing (poorly) the New Testament.

We are a country founded on the primary tenet that government and religion are best kept as far apart as possible......We deride theocracies as being oppressive and many among our right wing fellow citizens firmly think that Islam is a religion full of zealots.

Yet, among evangelicals, there seems to be a desire to have a president who would mirror their beliefs.
So, I ask again, what do evangelicals want from their elected officials, and how would such desires really differ from religious zealotry in governance?

Actually from my own experience, they will vote mostly like everyone else. Some will vote Democrat while others will vote Republican. Perhaps you might consider getting out and going to a church now and again so you might gain a little insight into just who actually attends church. Actually, some of them even stoop so low as to drive Fords.

And some might actually stoop so low as talk to nat4900
Only partially true....BUT, there is a difference between wanting a government that would mirror their beliefs, and wanting a government that follows policies that benefit all.
Since when do you care about policies that benefit ALL? I don't see members of either major political gang...er..party caring much about policies that benefit everybody, both sides are more in love with policies that benefit the constituencies who patronize them.

The issues of legalized abortion and prayers in schools are just a few of the many governmental policies that conflict with religious beliefs....Just look at the wacko from KY a few months ago.
They have a viewpoint on those "issues" which is based on their deeply held moral convictions, would you have them abandon those just because you don't agree with them?
but what are the issues?

what issues do the evangelicals want their candidate to address? or, how do they want those issues addressed?
There is much talk about winning the evangelicals' vote and which candidate is more beloved than others to gain evangelicals' support in an election. You have perpetual candidates such as Huckabee or Santorum, trying to out-Jesus one another, and even the reality-TV star, Trump, citing (poorly) the New Testament.

We are a country founded on the primary tenet that government and religion are best kept as far apart as possible......We deride theocracies as being oppressive and many among our right wing fellow citizens firmly think that Islam is a religion full of zealots.

Yet, among evangelicals, there seems to be a desire to have a president who would mirror their beliefs.
So, I ask again, what do evangelicals want from their elected officials, and how would such desires really differ from religious zealotry in governance?

Evangelicals are responsible for Republicans loss in 2012.
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing

As far as what they WANT: They want to intervene in the private personal lives of others. Especially women.
And that's what has cost the Republican Party.
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
How women ruled the 2012 election and where the GOP went wrong - CNNPolitics.com

They didn't learn a thing from the loss in 2012--so they put up several candidates that wouldn't stand a chance of winning the White House, because women would never vote for them. Mike Huckabee, Rick Santorum, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Bobby Jindal, Rick Perry, Scott Walker.

If any candidate today, does NOT give exception for the life of the mother, rape & incest, they won't get on the starting block with women. And if you don't win the largest voting block (women) you don't win the White House.

Hobby Lobby went to the U.S. Supreme court--basically intervening between a DOCTOR/PATIENT relationship, and "cheered" on by the Evangelical wing over what type of birth control devices they would approve of. Now they sure didn't have any problems paying for Viagra, or other male enhancement drugs, but when it came to women--that was a completely different story.

RICK SANTORUM--on video recording stating that states have the right to ban birth control contraceptives. Meaning that your next door neighbor via a ballot will decide for you if you use them or not. He's still arguing with a 1965 U.S. Supreme Court decision (Griswold v Connecticut). U.S constitution be dammed--his religious beliefs come first.

This is the Evangelical part of the Republican party, and why the Next Republican President hasn't been born yet.

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There is much talk about winning the evangelicals' vote and which candidate is more beloved than others to gain evangelicals' support in an election. You have perpetual candidates such as Huckabee or Santorum, trying to out-Jesus one another, and even the reality-TV star, Trump, citing (poorly) the New Testament.

We are a country founded on the primary tenet that government and religion are best kept as far apart as possible......We deride theocracies as being oppressive and many among our right wing fellow citizens firmly think that Islam is a religion full of zealots.

Yet, among evangelicals, there seems to be a desire to have a president who would mirror their beliefs.
So, I ask again, what do evangelicals want from their elected officials, and how would such desires really differ from religious zealotry in governance?
I will tell you what they don't want, socialism. There is absolutely nothing redeeming about socialism... It's incestuous at best, always rewarding the corrupt and weak.
Socialism is control freaks at the top and the weak at the bottom and no in between...
have you learned what socialism is yet or are you still just a bumpersticker?
Socialism destroys everything it touches, history is proof.
There is much talk about winning the evangelicals' vote and which candidate is more beloved than others to gain evangelicals' support in an election. You have perpetual candidates such as Huckabee or Santorum, trying to out-Jesus one another, and even the reality-TV star, Trump, citing (poorly) the New Testament.

We are a country founded on the primary tenet that government and religion are best kept as far apart as possible......We deride theocracies as being oppressive and many among our right wing fellow citizens firmly think that Islam is a religion full of zealots.

Yet, among evangelicals, there seems to be a desire to have a president who would mirror their beliefs.
So, I ask again, what do evangelicals want from their elected officials, and how would such desires really differ from religious zealotry in governance?
I will tell you what they don't want, socialism. There is absolutely nothing redeeming about socialism... It's incestuous at best, always rewarding the corrupt and weak.
Socialism is control freaks at the top and the weak at the bottom and no in between...
have you learned what socialism is yet or are you still just a bumpersticker?
Socialism destroys everything it touches, history is proof.
bumpersticker it is
Yet, among evangelicals, there seems to be a desire to have a president who would mirror their beliefs
Who doesn't vote for someone who shares their beliefs? Dumbass
Well, there are ignorant voters, but that is a different subject..
There is much talk about winning the evangelicals' vote and which candidate is more beloved than others to gain evangelicals' support in an election. You have perpetual candidates such as Huckabee or Santorum, trying to out-Jesus one another, and even the reality-TV star, Trump, citing (poorly) the New Testament.

We are a country founded on the primary tenet that government and religion are best kept as far apart as possible......We deride theocracies as being oppressive and many among our right wing fellow citizens firmly think that Islam is a religion full of zealots.

Yet, among evangelicals, there seems to be a desire to have a president who would mirror their beliefs.
So, I ask again, what do evangelicals want from their elected officials, and how would such desires really differ from religious zealotry in governance?
I will tell you what they don't want, socialism. There is absolutely nothing redeeming about socialism... It's incestuous at best, always rewarding the corrupt and weak.
Socialism is control freaks at the top and the weak at the bottom and no in between...
have you learned what socialism is yet or are you still just a bumpersticker?
Socialism destroys everything it touches, history is proof.
bumpersticker it is
They work...
Yeah and you want an authoritarian kleptocracy, so what's makes you any better than them? If forced to choose between the two I'd go with the Christians, they might chastise me for not following their religion but at least the preponderance of them aren't looking to steal every penny that isn't nailed down to feed their own warped sense of egalitarianism.

Here's a "poor" right winger, bemoaning that she has to type her posts from a borrowed PC because the "evil government" has taken EVERY LAST PENNY.

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