What do I tell my daughter-in-law who immigrated LEGALLY?

According to what I've been reading most Americans are against his amnesty bullshit.

Pollsters Obama s Work-Permit Plan Is Very Unpopular The Daily Caller#!

Voters Strongly Oppose Obama s Amnesty Plan for Illegal Immigrants - Rasmussen Reports trade

Poll Plurality Against Obama Executive Amnesty

Americans don t want blanket amnesty for illegal aliens - Capitol Hill Outsider

His bullshit is a kick in the teeth to everyone who's come into this country LEGALLY.

If he uses his EO to enact this insanity then I think he just kicked the Dems in the balls come election time.
She came from Ukraine. She followed every rule and regulation. She paid lawyers fees, studied hard and took the oath of citizenship. And she is very very upset with "stupidity of American voters" that put into office
a President who obviously rewards lawbreakers i.e. illegal immigrants.

She loved America for giving her opportunities she didn't have in Ukraine.
But today she doesn't understand why the rules applied to her are now being thrown aside for people that
broke the laws.
Why are illegal activities being rewarded?
When law abiding citizens see lawlessness being rewarded ...hey.. why should the rest of us abide by
any laws?
She came from Ukraine. She followed every rule and regulation. She paid lawyers fees, studied hard and took the oath of citizenship. And she is very very upset with "stupidity of American voters" that put into office
a President who obviously rewards lawbreakers i.e. illegal immigrants.

She loved America for giving her opportunities she didn't have in Ukraine.
But today she doesn't understand why the rules applied to her are now being thrown aside for people that
broke the laws.
Why are illegal activities being rewarded?
When law abiding citizens see lawlessness being rewarded ...hey.. why should the rest of us abide by
any laws?

Whine, whine, whine, whine, whine, whine, whine, and your daughter is whining too, I guess it's that apple not falling far from the tree thing especially since she has to ask you instead of figuring it out for herself.
Is it "whining" to ask about the "fairness"??
I thought we lived in a democracy where EVERYONE has a right to representation.
More importantly the immigration program has enough laws. What is needed is better execution of existing laws.
This includes NOT encouraging illegals to cross porous borders as we've seen obviously people like you approve.
Tell you what... is it whining if I decide not to pay taxes because illegals aren't paying taxes? Seems that is only fair.
Sounds like she is now a US Citizen

She should do what she can to help others become citizens. Tell her that nobody is offering citizenship to these people, only a ten year path where they may eventually qualify for citizenship

Just like she did
She came from Ukraine. She followed every rule and regulation. She paid lawyers fees, studied hard and took the oath of citizenship. And she is very very upset with "stupidity of American voters" that put into office
a President who obviously rewards lawbreakers i.e. illegal immigrants.

She loved America for giving her opportunities she didn't have in Ukraine.
But today she doesn't understand why the rules applied to her are now being thrown aside for people that
broke the laws.
Why are illegal activities being rewarded?
When law abiding citizens see lawlessness being rewarded ...hey.. why should the rest of us abide by
any laws?
She came from Ukraine. She followed every rule and regulation. She paid lawyers fees, studied hard and took the oath of citizenship. And she is very very upset with "stupidity of American voters" that put into office
a President who obviously rewards lawbreakers i.e. illegal immigrants.

She loved America for giving her opportunities she didn't have in Ukraine.
But today she doesn't understand why the rules applied to her are now being thrown aside for people that
broke the laws.
Why are illegal activities being rewarded?
When law abiding citizens see lawlessness being rewarded ...hey.. why should the rest of us abide by
any laws?

Whine, whine, whine, whine, whine, whine, whine, and your daughter is whining too, I guess it's that apple not falling far from the tree thing especially since she has to ask you instead of figuring it out for herself.

Now that's funny

Free comedy. You can't beat that with a stick!
She came from Ukraine. She followed every rule and regulation. She paid lawyers fees, studied hard and took the oath of citizenship. And she is very very upset with "stupidity of American voters" that put into office
a President who obviously rewards lawbreakers i.e. illegal immigrants.

She loved America for giving her opportunities she didn't have in Ukraine.
But today she doesn't understand why the rules applied to her are now being thrown aside for people that
broke the laws.
Why are illegal activities being rewarded?
When law abiding citizens see lawlessness being rewarded ...hey.. why should the rest of us abide by
any laws?

Tell her not to worry about what other people do and mind your own business like Americans used to do.
She came from Ukraine. She followed every rule and regulation. She paid lawyers fees, studied hard and took the oath of citizenship. And she is very very upset with "stupidity of American voters" that put into office
a President who obviously rewards lawbreakers i.e. illegal immigrants.

She loved America for giving her opportunities she didn't have in Ukraine.
But today she doesn't understand why the rules applied to her are now being thrown aside for people that
broke the laws.
Why are illegal activities being rewarded?
When law abiding citizens see lawlessness being rewarded ...hey.. why should the rest of us abide by
any laws?
Tell her to thank every American she meets for letting her immigrate here. After that she should stfu and stop whining or go back to where she came from.
Is that what you're telling all the shadow-dwelling whiners who are drooling down their chests, waiting for obozo to excuse their lawlessness? Is that what you're telling La Raza and however many other whiny, anti-American organizations that are lobbying to have their boi-god, obozo, legitimize millions of criminals? If they don't like how this country is run, go the fuck back to where they belong? ....Yeah, didn't think so.
She came from Ukraine. She followed every rule and regulation. She paid lawyers fees, studied hard and took the oath of citizenship. And she is very very upset with "stupidity of American voters" that put into office
a President who obviously rewards lawbreakers i.e. illegal immigrants.

She loved America for giving her opportunities she didn't have in Ukraine.
But today she doesn't understand why the rules applied to her are now being thrown aside for people that
broke the laws.
Why are illegal activities being rewarded?
When law abiding citizens see lawlessness being rewarded ...hey.. why should the rest of us abide by
any laws?

My family came from the Ukraine in 1905. My great grandfather came legally based on the laws at that time.

Illegals are being rewarded because the ones rewarding them operate under the concept of pandering in order to get political support.
She came from Ukraine. She followed every rule and regulation. She paid lawyers fees, studied hard and took the oath of citizenship. And she is very very upset with "stupidity of American voters" that put into office
a President who obviously rewards lawbreakers i.e. illegal immigrants.

She loved America for giving her opportunities she didn't have in Ukraine.
But today she doesn't understand why the rules applied to her are now being thrown aside for people that
broke the laws.
Why are illegal activities being rewarded?
When law abiding citizens see lawlessness being rewarded ...hey.. why should the rest of us abide by
any laws?
You tell her that 79% of Americans want illegals to be granted a path to citizenship or legal status.

What Americans Want From Immigration Reform in 2014

62% of Americans favor providing a way for immigrants who are currently living in the United States illegally to become citizens provided they meet certain requirements, while 17% support allowing them to become permanent legal residents

Consistent with findings from March 2013, majorities of self-identified Democrats (70%), independents (61%), and Republicans (51%) continue to favor a path to citizenship for immigrants living in the country illegally.

Even a majority of Republicans want a path to citizenship.

On immigration, Republicans favor path to legal status, but differ over citizenship


Poll Roundup Majority of Americans Support Immigration Reform With Citizenship - Immigration Reform America s Voice Immigration Reform America s Voice

A new Quinnipiac poll finds that 64 percent of voters support the Senate immigration bill, including 60 percent of Republicans.

Other polls that do this also find GOP support for this combination.

WSJ/NBC News Survey
July 17-21

  • 44% of respondents would blame Republicans in Congress if immigration reform fails, while 14% would blame Democrats
United Technologies/National Journal Congressional Connection
July 11-14

  • Only one in five say they want the GOP-controlled House to NOT act on immigration reform
  • Only 13% say they want the House to strip the eventual pathway to citizenship measure from the bill that passed the Democratic-controlled Senate.
June-July 2013

  • 88% of Americans support allowing immigrants to become citizens
  • 83% of conservatives support allowing immigrants to become citizens
How obtuse can y'all be? There is already a legal path to immigrate to this country. Thousands, including the Ukrainian woman cited in the OP, have followed those legal rules and achieved their dream of coming here and becoming citizens. Why should millions of criminals be rewarded for breaking the law and ignoring the legal methods to immigrate?
She came from Ukraine. She followed every rule and regulation. She paid lawyers fees, studied hard and took the oath of citizenship. And she is very very upset with "stupidity of American voters" that put into office
a President who obviously rewards lawbreakers i.e. illegal immigrants.

She loved America for giving her opportunities she didn't have in Ukraine.
But today she doesn't understand why the rules applied to her are now being thrown aside for people that
broke the laws.
Why are illegal activities being rewarded?
When law abiding citizens see lawlessness being rewarded ...hey.. why should the rest of us abide by
any laws?

Tell her not to worry about what other people do and mind your own business like Americans used to do.

When people are coming in to MY country illegally, it becomes my business.
Tell your daughter in law that we prefer Mexicans to commie Ukrainians and she should be grateful that we took her at all
According to what I've been reading most Americans are against his amnesty bullshit.

Pollsters Obama s Work-Permit Plan Is Very Unpopular The Daily Caller#!

Voters Strongly Oppose Obama s Amnesty Plan for Illegal Immigrants - Rasmussen Reports trade

Poll Plurality Against Obama Executive Amnesty

Americans don t want blanket amnesty for illegal aliens - Capitol Hill Outsider

His bullshit is a kick in the teeth to everyone who's come into this country LEGALLY.

If he uses his EO to enact this insanity then I think he just kicked the Dems in the balls come election time.
You mistake is reading, or at least your sources. You need to become more liberal-minded and blindly support legitimizing criminal activities favored by this regime.
g5000 wrote:"You tell her that 79% of Americans want illegals to be granted a path to citizenship or legal status. You tell her the People have spoken."...

That is a LIE. Most Americans want people to immigrate fairly and follow our laws doing so. I would ask were you got this number, but it's obvious reality and your philosophy aren't well acquainted. I have known plenty of White immigrants that don't understand why America has such an unfair system that penalizes good honest immigrants and rewards scofflaws because the illegals are not white. It's about exploitation, and cheap labor. It isn't about being humanitarian. And WE all know it.
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Actually, we have more than enough Ukrainians in this country. They are ex commies you know, we can't really trust them
Hell, they don't even speak the language
Give me some good ole Mexicans any day
Actually, we have more than enough Ukrainians in this country. They are ex commies you know, we can't really trust them
Hell, they don't even speak the language
Give me some good ole Mexicans any day
Why, do you need some yard work done? Or maybe your toilet needs cleaning?
Actually, we have more than enough Ukrainians in this country. They are ex commies you know, we can't really trust them
Hell, they don't even speak the language
Give me some good ole Mexicans any day
Why, do you need some yard work done? Or maybe your toilet needs cleaning?

Do Ukranians clean toilets?
"What do I tell my daughter-in-law who immigrated LEGALLY?"

The truth:

That the IIRIRA authorizes the president to exercise prosecutorial discretion with regard to deferred action concerning those in the country who are undocumented. That the IIRIRA authorizes neither 'amnesty' nor a 'path to citizenship,' as the president is seeking neither. And once immigration reform is passed by Congress and signed into law by the president, those undocumented will be subject to the provisions of the new law.

Last, tell your daughter-in-law that the president's action came about as a consequence of the failure of House republicans to take up immigration reform passed by the Senate in 2013 – had House republicans taken appropriate and timely action, it would not have been necessary for the president to issue his executive order.
Actually, we have more than enough Ukrainians in this country. They are ex commies you know, we can't really trust them
Hell, they don't even speak the language
Give me some good ole Mexicans any day
Why, do you need some yard work done? Or maybe your toilet needs cleaning?

Do Ukranians clean toilets?
I'm sure you prefer Mexicans. They work cheaper.
They speak better English than Ukranians and aren't a bunch of commies

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