What Do Mitt Romney And Muhammed Ali Have In Common?

And the Romneybots fall silent...

I'll speak up. I lived those days. AND I was left wing back then.

We were being fed a whole lot of horse hockey to quote a great man. You had the most remarkable situation where JFK had only given advisers.

A position only slightly elevated from Eisenhower to the SV. JFK wanted to draw down, but sadly a very nasty afternoon in Dallas ended that.

Then LBJ jakes the crap out of the war. Democrat. He made a fortune out of Vietnam.

Do you want me to continue?

Oh yes, do go on. Your drunk ramblings in the morning are amusing...and have nothing to do with the topic. Most people are pretty sold on the whole "Vietnam was fucked up" storyline.

Romney protested for the draft and dodged it. Ali protested against the draft and dodged it. Conservatives have been slamming Ali for decades over it, but are now poised to vote for Romney.
How do you know that Romney protested for the draft, and then dodged it ? How do you know that he actually dodged it or is it that you just figure that he dodged it, just because he didnot go ? Many were against the war and didnot go, but that doesn't mean that they purposely dodged it..
Translation: "I'm full of shit and a big fat hypocrite because I despise that draft dodging Clinton and Ali, but I'm voting for Romney no matter what."
You are full of it when you say you despise Clinton and Ali, because this is all political against a republican canidate, but you think we don't know this, and decide to spin it like you just did..wow

I don't despise Ali and Clinton for dodging the draft. They were opposed to it. You on the other hand, I'm guessing, don't approve of their protesting and avoiding the draft, am I right?

Exactly, they were against being drafted, that is the point. How you hold two standards is quite interesting.
They both used their religious belief to avoid military service...Romney four times.

So what is the reason Obama never served.

See in liberal land it is Ok to dodge the draft as long as you are against being drafted in the first place. I lived and served from 1969 to 1975 and I will tell you there were few who were drafted that DIDN'T protest the draft.
And the Romneybots fall silent...

oh I imagine the Mormons I knew who served in Vietnam were screaming pretty good before they fell.
I will fight for my family always, and I don't ever believe that my father, mother, aunt, uncle, brothers or sisters should go and do the fighting for me, and this in any given situation I find myself in as specific to my character as a human being, and that is because I may see myself as being braver than they are, but it lessons not my respect for them or my love for them and my care for them in their lives.

I bet the ones who are speaking so big against another on here, if were challenged with the fact of going to war for this nation, they might be found under a rock somwhere crying like little children who are in fear, but it would be for me to lift them up and to say to them " I will do the fighting for you", just like Jesus did when he climbed up on that cross for us, and gave his life for us, where as the same shall be done when it comes to specific individuals for whom are willing to forego the sacrifice for those for whom they love and care about in life, and in America. It is a devils game to use these things in these ways, so I say that it apears that you are in the company of that which reflects your opinions, and also do know that everyone see's you for who you really are in these opinions.
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You are full of it when you say you despise Clinton and Ali, because this is all political against a republican canidate, but you think we don't know this, and decide to spin it like you just did..wow

I don't despise Ali and Clinton for dodging the draft. They were opposed to it. You on the other hand, I'm guessing, don't approve of their protesting and avoiding the draft, am I right?

Exactly, they were against being drafted, that is the point. How you hold two standards is quite interesting.

Woah...pay attention! I'm not sure I can break it down any simpler for you. It is not I that is holding two standards.

Clinton - Protested against the war, avoided the draft.

Ali - Protested against the war, avoided the draft.

Romney - Protested in favor of the draft, avoided the draft.

For the Sesame Street crowd...One of these things is NOT like the other. Which is it?

Why, it's is the one you're going to vote for. He was "rah, rah, go draft go"...until it came time for him to "go, go, go" and he "went, went, went"...to France.
I don't fault any of them for avoiding the draft, but Romney actually walked around holding a fucking sign IN FAVOR of the draft...for other people.
It is an act of desperation on your part in these fading days of the Obama administration, and everyone knows this, so give it up already..
They both used their religious belief to avoid military service...Romney four times.

So what is the reason Obama never served.

See in liberal land it is Ok to dodge the draft as long as you are against being drafted in the first place.

Uh yeah...it's called standing by your convictions. Romney didn't do that. His convictions led him to protest in favor of the draft...then get deferments from it. He obviously did not have the courage of his convictions.

Of course, we've known for a while now that Romney has no convictions other than to say whatever is necessary to get him elected.
What Do Mitt Romney And Muhammed Ali Have In Common?

They can both run the country better than Obama.
There is something I dislike about all three of these men that avoided the draft...

That it was mostly their money, fame or privilege that enabled them to do it.
Many may have done things that were out of character in their past, and the liberals are the first to make excuses for them due to their forgiveness character and factors involved, in which is supposedly held by all liberals for those whom do make mistakes in their past, even so they had since grown and become better people from those mistakes, so why are you raving and ranting on the past, when you should be focusing on what the canidates are saying right now today, in which is based upon their characters in which they possess right now today, instead of focusing on the younger more naieve characters in which they may have possessed back in the olden days within their person ?

Like I said this is all based on desperation on your part..
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There is something I dislike about all three of these men that avoided the draft...

That it was mostly their money, fame or privilege that enabled them to do it.

I suspect your outrage is situational.

Yes, in every situation. War is a poor man's game. Always has been. The poor fight the wars, the rich get richer off them.
There is something I dislike about all three of these men that avoided the draft...

That it was mostly their money, fame or privilege that enabled them to do it.
So you are jealous and envious of people who have higher education, money and privlege in society all because of (i.e. Doctors, Engineers, statesman, scientist, brilliant scholars, high achievers etc.), for whom therefore come from upper & lower levels in society all through out, and so you are jealous of those who have an accademic achievement level that should be protected in this nation, over the ones like me who are slated to fight and protect this level of education as a part of protecting the future of America ? I will say that Mitt should be the one who stayed here during that time, while someone like me went out to protect this human asset from harm, because he was and has been the future of America over the years since, and if I returned then so be it, because I would then enjoy the America in which I fought for through the human assets that I had protected, and for which someday became even the President of this United States of America maybe, and this has me as a recipient of this effort in which I had given on the battle field for all this to have been possible to come, and so we protected these people in order that it could be taking place as it now has come to pass, and this for many who did this in the past. See how it all works now..?
There is something I dislike about all three of these men that avoided the draft...

That it was mostly their money, fame or privilege that enabled them to do it.

It was a lottery.

Stop lying about actual history. It was a lottery.
There is something I dislike about all three of these men that avoided the draft...

That it was mostly their money, fame or privilege that enabled them to do it.

It was a lottery.

Stop lying about actual history. It was a lottery.

Bullshit. The rich could game the system, always could. It is the way of wars. The poor fight them, the rich profit from them.

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