What Do Mitt Romney And Muhammed Ali Have In Common?

There is something I dislike about all three of these men that avoided the draft...

That it was mostly their money, fame or privilege that enabled them to do it.

Funny how liberals didnt care about draft status with Bill Clinton....
There is something I dislike about all three of these men that avoided the draft...

That it was mostly their money, fame or privilege that enabled them to do it.

Funny how liberals didnt care about draft status with Bill Clinton....

And I don't care about it for Romney equally. The point is that YOU did care about it for Clinton, but are completely ignoring it for Romney. I don't like that Romney protested for it then avoided it. I'd have more respect for him had he been against the war and the draft. He wasn't.

I dislike the way both Romney and Clinton avoided the draft, not the avoidance itself. I'll never like that it is the poor that fight the wars.
You mean dodged the draft like Bill Clinton did?

Hey, at least Mitt Romney is sober. Hasn't touched a drop of alcohol in his entire life. Meanwhile, both Bill Clinton and Barack Obama spent their lives getting stoned on illegal narcotics. No wonder they believe in such profoundly stupid policies - their brain cells have all been fried.

This is why he doubled the national debt and spent a trillion dollars on wars:

George W. Bush was arrested in 1972 for cocaine possession, and taken to Harris County Jail but avoided incarceration or formal charges through an informal diversion plan involving community service with Project P.U.L.L., an inner city Houston program for troubled youths at the Martin Luther King Jr. Community Center in Houston's dirt-poor Third Ward. Reporter Bill Minutaglio writes that the year of community service was arranged by the Governor's father, ex-president Bush after Bush Jr. was caught driving drunk.
That year certainly is out of character with the rest of Bush Jr.'s life. Before and after 1972 he was a rich, hard drinking playboy. Suddenly and only that one time in his life, he worked for a liberal charity in an inner city ghetto. As soon as the year was over he resumed his previous pattern and has done no charity work since.

After the air force began to test pilots for drugs George W. Bush never flew again. That's a matter of record.
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The answer to the inane questions like this is, Romney served as much time as Obama and Clinton combined.

Romney protested for the draft, can we please have a link to back that bit of information?

How's about a picture? That's Willard on the right...


I'm proud of him. He should be POTUS.
Just as an aside:

Biden received five student draft deferments during this period, with the first coming in late 1963 and the last in early 1968, at the peak of the Vietnam War. In April 1968, he was reclassified by the Selective Service System as not available for service due to having had asthma as a teenager.

The whole topic is stupid to begin with and has no relevance as to who will do a better job going forward.
And the Romneybots fall silent...

I'll speak up. I lived those days. AND I was left wing back then.

We were being fed a whole lot of horse hockey to quote a great man. You had the most remarkable situation where JFK had only given advisers.

A position only slightly elevated from Eisenhower to the SV. JFK wanted to draw down, but sadly a very nasty afternoon in Dallas ended that.

Then LBJ jakes the crap out of the war. Democrat. He made a fortune out of Vietnam.

Do you want me to continue?

Sensible answer to an senseless post. Well done.
Romney was born a Morman, strict Mormans are pacifists. Romney didn't convert to the Morman faith like Cassius Clay converted to islam. This is another fail liberal whine.
What Do Mitt Romney And Muhammed Ali Have In Common?

Neither one is sure where they are.
I don't fault any of them for avoiding the draft, but Romney actually walked around holding a fucking sign IN FAVOR of the draft...for other people.

I think if it is the truth you seek, and I must ask if you do, the signs were in support of the Sterling not the draft. I provided a link to a story about this but apparently you decided to just keep with the liberal story line.
There is something I dislike about all three of these men that avoided the draft...

That it was mostly their money, fame or privilege that enabled them to do it.

You are such a avoider of the truth. When Romney became 100 percent eligible his number was too high to be called. If you had lived through the time you might know what I am talking about. But being as you live in an alternate reality I am more then happy to explain it to you. Which I did.
I don't despise Ali and Clinton for dodging the draft. They were opposed to it. You on the other hand, I'm guessing, don't approve of their protesting and avoiding the draft, am I right?

Exactly, they were against being drafted, that is the point. How you hold two standards is quite interesting.

Woah...pay attention! I'm not sure I can break it down any simpler for you. It is not I that is holding two standards.

Clinton - Protested against the war, avoided the draft.

Ali - Protested against the war, avoided the draft.

Romney - Protested in favor of the draft, avoided the draft.

For the Sesame Street crowd...One of these things is NOT like the other. Which is it?

Why, it's is the one you're going to vote for. He was "rah, rah, go draft go"...until it came time for him to "go, go, go" and he "went, went, went"...to France.

How do you figure Romney protested in favor of the draft?

Mr. Romney, though, stayed true to his chinos and the Vietnam War, even joining a counterprotest against the occupation of the office of the university president, Wallace Sterling.

How are you twisting that into in favor of the draft?

CaféAuLait;6198059 said:
Exactly, they were against being drafted, that is the point. How you hold two standards is quite interesting.

Woah...pay attention! I'm not sure I can break it down any simpler for you. It is not I that is holding two standards.

Clinton - Protested against the war, avoided the draft.

Ali - Protested against the war, avoided the draft.

Romney - Protested in favor of the draft, avoided the draft.

For the Sesame Street crowd...One of these things is NOT like the other. Which is it?

Why, it's is the one you're going to vote for. He was "rah, rah, go draft go"...until it came time for him to "go, go, go" and he "went, went, went"...to France.

How do you figure Romney protested in favor of the draft?

Mr. Romney, though, stayed true to his chinos and the Vietnam War, even joining a counterprotest against the occupation of the office of the university president, Wallace Sterling.

How are you twisting that into in favor of the draft?


I guess in his liberal "mind" if they were occupying the president's office to protest the draft, which is stupid to begin with, then any act of asking not to occupy the office is protesting FOR the draft.

Damn, I need an aspirin. Twisting logic and reason to understand liberals always gives me a headache.
Clinton obviously didn't understand that with his political ambition of being president of the U.S. you couldn't pick your wars and if you wanted to become the Commander-in-Chief of the the U.S. Military being a chickenshit draft dodger didn't look real good on your resume.

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