What do Modern women offer…

Who exactly did it work for? It seems like it was great for men. Substantially less great for women who had substantially less freedom.
Then why under the new, and improved system...are women the bedrock consumers of anti-depressants? Hmmm....

Mean while... "Back then" children had two parents in the household, and were more well rounded, and better suited to face the world they would ultimately enter into. Every negative societal statistic has risen in tandem with the prevalence of "single motherhood".

That's not societal bias. That's biology..
Then why under the new, and improved system...are women the bedrock consumers of anti-depressants? Hmmm....

Mean while... "Back then" children had two parents in the household, and were more well rounded, and better suited to face the world they would ultimately enter into. Every negative societal statistic has risen in tandem with the prevalence of "single motherhood".

That's not societal bias. That's biology..
I’m not arguing the benefits of single parent households.

I’m asking why it has to be that the man is the breadwinner and the woman has to be domestic.

It could just as easily be the other way around.

Single income households became a thjng of the past with the hollowing out of middle class wages by corporate consolidation and wealth inequality.
I’m asking why it has to be that the man is the breadwinner and the woman has to be domestic
Men and women are genetically and societally predisposed to different roles in life.

I cannot imagine the sheer and utter chaos if any of the Men in my close family had been expected to maintain the house and raise the kids. Nor do I want to consider the magnificent failure if my wife had to try to be the breadwinner in our home.
Men and women are genetically and societally predisposed to different roles in life.

I cannot imagine the sheer and utter chaos if any of the Men in my close family had been expected to maintain the house and raise the kids. Nor do I want to consider the magnificent failure if my wife had to try to be the breadwinner in our home.
Double GFY.

There are many, many, many women who are far more capable than you at being a breadwinner.
Then this nation, and the human species in general, has no point in existing.
Fear not. What works will endure. That which does not; will fall away. As it always has. There’s a reason that through out human history there has never been a successful misandrist society.

Even the platforms, and spaces that these ruined women spill their filth out upon are created, and maintained by men. No matter how much money they “make”, or where it comes from; mens efforts are the wellspring from which they gulp.
It’s only once they reach middle aged epiphany stage do they come to terms with decades of bad decisions, They then go on to tell younger women of their folly. Or grease the skids of their downward spiral with with hate, spite, angst, cats, antidepressants, and their subscription to the boxed wine of the month club as they perform a controlled crash landing. Ultimately dying face down in the litter box of decades of bad decisions, and regret.
ingle income households became a thjng of the past with the hollowing out of middle class wages by corporate consolidation and wealth inequality
No. Single income families declined when momma decided she needed a $30K car, there needed to be a tv in every room of the new, 2700 sq ft house,(with the in-ground pool), and that the kids needed to go away for three weeks of summer camp every year.
No. Single income families declined when momma decided she needed a $30K car, there needed to be a tv in every room of the new, 2700 sq ft house,(with the in-ground pool), and that the kids needed to go away for three weeks of summer camp every year.
I had marriages where only I worked..You gotta earn da big bucks to make them women stay home read detective mags and eat bonbon...
I’m not arguing the benefits of single parent households.

I’m asking why it has to be that the man is the breadwinner and the woman has to be domestic.

It could just as easily be the other way around.

Single income households became a thjng of the past with the hollowing out of middle class wages by corporate consolidation and wealth inequality.
No it couldn’t easily be the other way around. Especially without other mens participation. Pregnancy is increasingly incapacitating for a woman. Much like an 8 month pregnant woman Cannot as effectively hunt a deer. (She’s still less effective than men in her prime). She requires support, and protection from MEN. And that hasn’t changed to this very day.
Double GFY.

There are many, many, many women who are far more capable than you at being a breadwinner.
Not without the foundational contributions of men. Whose efforts provide them the arena to earn money. Fact.
No it couldn’t easily be the other way around. Especially without other mens participation. Pregnancy is increasingly incapacitating for a woman. Much like an 8 month pregnant woman Cannot as effectively hunt a deer. (She’s still less effective than men in her prime). She requires support, and protection from MEN. And that hasn’t changed to this very day.
Huh? Protection? Where the hell do you live?

Women can easily be breadwinners. There are many, many women who are incredibly intelligent and capable, more so than many, many men. Why would you want to keep them out of the workforce?
Not without the foundational contributions of men. Whose efforts provide them the arena to earn money. Fact.
Foundational contributions? You can’t demand sole credit for creating a “foundation” that purposefully excluded women’s contributions for centuries.
Huh? Protection? Where the hell do you live?

Women can easily be breadwinners. There are many, many women who are incredibly intelligent and capable, more so than many, many men. Why would you want to keep them out of the workforce?
Women are the beneficiaries of legions of mens hard work, and sacrifice. Until they are the ones cutting the lumber, drilling the oil, running the wiring to make the power grid function, transporting the goods to the stores and manning the watchtowers… They are just spoiled children; waiting at the finish line eager to claim victory for the last couple steps.
Foundational contributions? You can’t demand sole credit for creating a “foundation” that purposefully excluded women’s contributions for centuries.
They can get out there right now and dig ditches, pump septic tank, harvest timber, corrals cattle, pave asphalt, mine iron, truck goods coast to coast, roof houses, pour cement, purify water… What are they waiting for…?
You sound like a Cuck hoping to get some blue haired sympathy pussy. You won’t get it. Because even “feminist” women… biologically are driven toward alpha males. Not ass kissing sycophants. But enjoy your time in orbit.
Other than the obvious that has been pointed out, a lot of people I know who retired during the pandemic are coming back because in addition to monetary issues, they are flat out bored. Oh, and inflation and the current economic issues?.....if Trump had been re-elected, he'd be dealing with the same stuff. :)

Democrats are PURE evil that needs to be defeated. There is no higher priority.

More and more women are learning the truth that we don't need a "man" to get along in life quite well.

No. That’s the exact opposite of what they want. They want traditional stay-at-home housewives and (possibly) mothers. They want the traditional one income, nuclear family. They are willing to be the sole bread-winner.
Those days are over. If we are talking middle class it takes 2 full time people working to have a newer house, good vehicles, and money for fun things. This is why more and more couples are forgoing having kids. We as a nation cannot fault them for it.
Those days are over. If we are talking middle class it takes 2 full time people working to have a newer house, good vehicles, and money for fun things. This is why more and more couples are forgoing having kids. We as a nation cannot fault them for it.
Decisions, decisions…
Women are the beneficiaries of legions of mens hard work, and sacrifice. Until they are the ones cutting the lumber, drilling the oil, running the wiring to make the power grid function, transporting the goods to the stores and manning the watchtowers… They are just spoiled children; waiting at the finish line eager to claim victory for the last couple steps.
Just where do you live? Manning the watchtowers? FFS, most people have pretty normal desk jobs. I have a friend who makes twice as much as her husband as a materials engineer and when they had kids he quit his job.

I guess they really screwed that one up. What a bunch of dummies.
Cool story bro. Extrapolate
Just where do you live? Manning the watchtowers? FFS, most people have pretty normal desk jobs. I have a friend who makes twice as much as her husband as a materials engineer and when they had kids he quit his job.

I guess they really screwed that one up. What a bunch of dummies.
Extrapolate that alleged outlier across a greater society over time; (forgetting that men have laid the foundation for that anomaly to occur), and let us know how it works out for the society, and culture over time.

It won’t. It never has. And it never will.
Cool story bro. Extrapolate

Extrapolate that alleged outlier across a greater society over time; (forgetting that men have laid the foundation for that anomaly to occur), and let us know how it works out for the society, and culture over time.

It won’t. It never has. And it never will.
Men don’t get credit for work they did that purposefully excluded women from.

Think about this. Men are trying to exclude women. Women are not trying to exclude men. That’ll tell you who is the bad guys.

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