What do Republicans think about Mitt's "secret" speech?

Wow you just discovering politicians do that even Obama.

Ive shown you proof of my comment. Wheres the proof for yours?
My previous post about gitmo unless your denying he said those things and that gitmo is still open.

No, a reasonable thinking individual cannot deny that he did indeed promise to close Gitmo and he failed to do so. You are correct.

Now, can you tell me WHY he didnt close Gitmo?

heres a hint:

Republicans See More Chances to Block Gitmo Prisoners From U.S. Soil | Fox News

You see, theres a difference between trying and failing to fufil a promise, especially when the other side works so hard oppsoing it, and changing your story to get votes.

But yes, you are correct. He said hed close it and he failed to do so. But I give him partial credit for actually making the attempt.
Sadly the Mittster is all we are left with to go against Obama...

TO think a nation as great as ours and these two @ssh@ts will be running for the office of president. Can't one decent candidate rise to the top and give us a glimmer of hope for the future of this nation?
Let's see. This story headlined Drudge fairly early today so I think the secret's out. And unlike Obama ( those bitter clingers in Pa ), I believe Romney understands and counts on the fact that anything you say at a donor dinner is NOT going to be secret. As to the stuff he said. Sounds good to me. Turn as many things as possible back to the states. Eliminate or consolidate as much useless, expensive bureaucracy as you can. What's not to like?
Another rdean thread where almost everyone attacks rdean and nobody addresses the OP topic.

Like clockwork.

What is there to address?

A candidate is making campaign promises and attempting to pander to certain demographics.

= Politics

Usually when a poster sees nothing to address, they don't bother to post.

And, usually, when something is "Secret" people like Deanie-poo aren't privy to it

What does the right think about Mitt talking honest "in secret". What policies are right wingers at the USMB cheering on? They don't know. They don't care. Romney's white. He looks like a president. That's good enough.

Strawman logical fallacy.

Every politician has closed door fundraisers. Did you not know this? Just remember what a big deal you made of this "secret" meeting when you hear about Obama doing the same thing with his Hollywood donors, mm-kay?

So Romney wants to shrink the Dept. of Education. Sounds good to me.

He also wants to attract Hispanics to the GOP. Well, hot damn, so do I! I recently posted on here that Hispanics are a natural fit for the GOP. They are hardworking, family oriented, and deeply religious.

Anything else you need to know?
Wow. When I read what these zany right zingers write it just amazes me. The speech was indeed closed to the press. That makes it "secret". However, the speech was given over a PA system that was heard in the street. That makes it "fair game".

Now, some of the highlights. Ann Romney calling CNN Pun-dent, Hillary Rosen's comment, a "birthday gift". Because she was able to "use" this issue to score political points. Funny, dear Ann talks about her "outrage", but failed to mention what it is exactly her husband wants to do for working women. Not women like her, working "at home" taking care of her zillionaire husbands 5 sons in there housekeepered and nannied palace, but women who take their children to a daycare and then work all day to provide food, clothes and housing for children they can't afford to stay home to take care of.

Hey, you wanna bet Mitt has plans to cut daycare? Something to make it more difficult for these women? That would be my guess. It's what Republicans do. How do I know? They tell us.

Now this is the most ironic part. Mitt screamed that Obama has a behind the scenes talk with the leader of a foreign country but here he is saying one thing in public and hiding what he really thinks to a base he's trying to sway.

I can see it now. Like the Fonz, "Haaaaaeeeee, I have to play the game. I'm going to tell America I will help women and the Middle Class, but don't worry, I'm gonna fuck them better in my first term than Bush did in his entire eight years. And they're gonna love it". Cheers from people paying $50,000.00 a plate.

That's my best at trying to make this up, but unfortunately, it's probably very, very close to reality.
Ive shown you proof of my comment. Wheres the proof for yours?
My previous post about gitmo unless your denying he said those things and that gitmo is still open.

No, a reasonable thinking individual cannot deny that he did indeed promise to close Gitmo and he failed to do so. You are correct.

Now, can you tell me WHY he didnt close Gitmo?

heres a hint:

Republicans See More Chances to Block Gitmo Prisoners From U.S. Soil | Fox News

You see, theres a difference between trying and failing to fufil a promise, especially when the other side works so hard oppsoing it, and changing your story to get votes.

But yes, you are correct. He said hed close it and he failed to do so. But I give him partial credit for actually making the attempt.
He did not try as hard as you might think and he was not just opposed by the right he had a good amount of blow back from Democrats and his liberal base as well.And all politicians change their story to get votes Obama went far left to get the nomination from Hillary in the primary then went to the center for the general election that is changing your story for votes.Here is one one gitmo you might find interesting.
Another rdean thread where almost everyone attacks rdean and nobody addresses the OP topic.

Like clockwork.

He asked what Republicans thought about the secret Romney speech. I have no idea what they think about it, nor do I really care, but I do know the speech is only a secret in the minds of idiots that don't read papers or watch the news, who have been covering it all day, so I mocked him calling it a secret.
Ive shown you proof of my comment. Wheres the proof for yours?
My previous post about gitmo unless your denying he said those things and that gitmo is still open.

No, a reasonable thinking individual cannot deny that he did indeed promise to close Gitmo and he failed to do so. You are correct.

Now, can you tell me WHY he didnt close Gitmo?

heres a hint:

Republicans See More Chances to Block Gitmo Prisoners From U.S. Soil | Fox News

You see, theres a difference between trying and failing to fufil a promise, especially when the other side works so hard oppsoing it, and changing your story to get votes.

But yes, you are correct. He said hed close it and he failed to do so. But I give him partial credit for actually making the attempt.

It wasn't the Republicans that blocked him, but thanks for proving you are a partisan hack.
Wow. When I read what these zany right zingers write it just amazes me. The speech was indeed closed to the press. That makes it "secret". However, the speech was given over a PA system that was heard in the street. That makes it "fair game".

Now, some of the highlights. Ann Romney calling CNN Pun-dent, Hillary Rosen's comment, a "birthday gift". Because she was able to "use" this issue to score political points. Funny, dear Ann talks about her "outrage", but failed to mention what it is exactly her husband wants to do for working women. Not women like her, working "at home" taking care of her zillionaire husbands 5 sons in there housekeepered and nannied palace, but women who take their children to a daycare and then work all day to provide food, clothes and housing for children they can't afford to stay home to take care of.

Hey, you wanna bet Mitt has plans to cut daycare? Something to make it more difficult for these women? That would be my guess. It's what Republicans do. How do I know? They tell us.

Now this is the most ironic part. Mitt screamed that Obama has a behind the scenes talk with the leader of a foreign country but here he is saying one thing in public and hiding what he really thinks to a base he's trying to sway.

I can see it now. Like the Fonz, "Haaaaaeeeee, I have to play the game. I'm going to tell America I will help women and the Middle Class, but don't worry, I'm gonna fuck them better in my first term than Bush did in his entire eight years. And they're gonna love it". Cheers from people paying $50,000.00 a plate.

That's my best at trying to make this up, but unfortunately, it's probably very, very close to reality.

Keeping reporters out doesn't make it secret, not telling people makes it secret. Being that it was a speech, and that reporters actually heard it, proves it wasn't a secret.
He said the GOP will have to propose its own initiatives to win support from Hispanic voters, such as a Republican version of the Dream Act. As offered by Democrats, the act offers a path to permanent residency for those illegal immigrants who entered the U.S. as minors and serve in the military or earn a college degree.

"We're going to be able to get Hispanic voters," Mr. Romney said. "We're going to overcome the issue of immigration."

Mitt Romney Specifies Tax Deductions He'd Cut - WSJ.com

"I'm going to take a lot of departments in Washington, and agencies, and combine them. Some eliminate, but I'm probably not going to lay out just exactly which ones are going to go," Romney said. "Things like Housing and Urban Development, which my dad was head of, that might not be around later."

Mitt Romney Outlines Policy Details At Closed-Door Fundraiser, Suggests Eliminating 'Some' Departments

What Mitt Romney told $50k/head donors in Palm Beach

And even Ann Romney, the subject of a national debate last week over the role of women in the workplace, was more direct than usual. She sounded like a political tactician when she described a Democratic consultant's criticism of her decision to be a stay-at-home mom as "an early birthday gift."

What Mitt Romney told $50k/head donors in Palm Beach | Politics


What does the right think about Mitt talking honest "in secret". What policies are right wingers at the USMB cheering on? They don't know. They don't care. Romney's white. He looks like a president. That's good enough.
As the election draws nearer, Romney will backtrack on a number of positions he needed to attract the far right during the primaries. As the election nears, he will backtrack on the immigration issues to attract Latinos. I suspect also that his stand on abortion will be reduced to a "it's a judicial matter" to appeal to more women voters and Democrats.
My previous post about gitmo unless your denying he said those things and that gitmo is still open.

No, a reasonable thinking individual cannot deny that he did indeed promise to close Gitmo and he failed to do so. You are correct.

Now, can you tell me WHY he didnt close Gitmo?

heres a hint:

Republicans See More Chances to Block Gitmo Prisoners From U.S. Soil | Fox News

You see, theres a difference between trying and failing to fufil a promise, especially when the other side works so hard oppsoing it, and changing your story to get votes.

But yes, you are correct. He said hed close it and he failed to do so. But I give him partial credit for actually making the attempt.
He did not try as hard as you might think and he was not just opposed by the right he had a good amount of blow back from Democrats and his liberal base as well.And all politicians change their story to get votes Obama went far left to get the nomination from Hillary in the primary then went to the center for the general election that is changing your story for votes.Here is one one gitmo you might find interesting.

From your article:

The debate, they said, became suffused with fear — fear that transferring detainees to American soil would create a genuine security threat, fear that closing Guantanamo would be electoral suicide.

You have to admit, no one is better at scaring Americans than Republicans. Fear is how they win elections. All their policies are failures. Even right wingers hear at USMB can't name any successes. Remember when they screamed that Obama wanted to release terrorists into your back yard? Obama wanted to put foreign murderers onto city street?

Not just "terrorists", but Obama's "terrorist friends". Cuz he's a "Muslim" or a "Kenyan" or something "not American".
Wow. When I read what these zany right zingers write it just amazes me. The speech was indeed closed to the press. That makes it "secret". However, the speech was given over a PA system that was heard in the street. That makes it "fair game".

Now, some of the highlights. Ann Romney calling CNN Pun-dent, Hillary Rosen's comment, a "birthday gift". Because she was able to "use" this issue to score political points. Funny, dear Ann talks about her "outrage", but failed to mention what it is exactly her husband wants to do for working women. Not women like her, working "at home" taking care of her zillionaire husbands 5 sons in there housekeepered and nannied palace, but women who take their children to a daycare and then work all day to provide food, clothes and housing for children they can't afford to stay home to take care of.

Hey, you wanna bet Mitt has plans to cut daycare? Something to make it more difficult for these women? That would be my guess. It's what Republicans do. How do I know? They tell us.

Now this is the most ironic part. Mitt screamed that Obama has a behind the scenes talk with the leader of a foreign country but here he is saying one thing in public and hiding what he really thinks to a base he's trying to sway.

I can see it now. Like the Fonz, "Haaaaaeeeee, I have to play the game. I'm going to tell America I will help women and the Middle Class, but don't worry, I'm gonna fuck them better in my first term than Bush did in his entire eight years. And they're gonna love it". Cheers from people paying $50,000.00 a plate.

That's my best at trying to make this up, but unfortunately, it's probably very, very close to reality.

Keeping reporters out doesn't make it secret, not telling people makes it secret. Being that it was a speech, and that reporters actually heard it, proves it wasn't a secret.


If reporters aren't allowed. If it can't be recorded. If there are no cameras. If it's in a closed room where only people paying $50,000.00 a plate are allowed in, then it's a "secret".

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