What do the Democrats ‘stand’ for ?

Anybody who read this persons post, must be rolling on the floor laughing-)

The Left can't do ANYTHING correctly, and yet they want to run everything.

Just to name 1, fiscal sanity? Oh yes, between a Socialist healthcare takeover, and a green new deal, they want to spend 100 trillion over 10 years, when our income from taxes is around 45 trillion, and that is BEFORE we fund anything else.

Unless you can NOT count, if you accept this idiocy, you are a HUGE part of the problem.
Obama expanded health insurance coverage to dramatically more Americans and lowered the deficit. Not easy task.

Trump did literally the exact opposite.

Obama doubled the debt in 8 years. How exactly did he lower the deficit?

It wasn’t easy.
View attachment 304772

From the source of YOUR LINK:

Which President Rang Up the Highest Budget Deficit?

"President Barack Obama had the largest deficits. When Obama took office in 2009, the federal budget deficit was $10.6 trillion. By the time he left office in 2017, the federal budget deficit had nearly doubled to $19.9 trillion.6 That's an increase of about 86%."

Self pwnage is the best pwnage.

Thanks for playing.
I didn’t provide a link and the link you included makes the same factual error you are doing by conflating debt and deficit.

Go back to class son.

Son. You didn't provide a link, you provided nothing more than a chart with nothing to back it up. A reverse lookup provides the source of your chart. From that source I provided the quote on my previous post. I used your own source to prove you wrong. It's called self pwnage.

Nothing like when your own source shows you are an idiot and know nothing of what you speak. But that's ok, you're a democrat, being an idiot is a given.
Obama expanded health insurance coverage to dramatically more Americans and lowered the deficit. Not easy task.

Trump did literally the exact opposite.

Obama doubled the debt in 8 years. How exactly did he lower the deficit?

It wasn’t easy.
View attachment 304772

From the source of YOUR LINK:

Which President Rang Up the Highest Budget Deficit?

"President Barack Obama had the largest deficits. When Obama took office in 2009, the federal budget deficit was $10.6 trillion. By the time he left office in 2017, the federal budget deficit had nearly doubled to $19.9 trillion.6 That's an increase of about 86%."

Self pwnage is the best pwnage.

Thanks for playing.
I didn’t provide a link and the link you included makes the same factual error you are doing by conflating debt and deficit.

Go back to class son.

Son. You didn't provide a link, you provided nothing more than a chart with nothing to back it up. A reverse lookup provides the source of your chart. From that source I provided the quote on my previous post. I used your own source to prove you wrong. It's called self pwnage.

What do you mean I provided a chart with nothing to back it up? I said the deficit was lowered under Obama and it was lowered. The chart is the back up for that statement. Are you saying the chart is false?

You’re conflating debt and deficit. This is a concept so basic I have to believe you either are purposefully ignoring the difference or you dropped out of middle school.
Obama doubled the debt in 8 years. How exactly did he lower the deficit?

It wasn’t easy.
View attachment 304772

From the source of YOUR LINK:

Which President Rang Up the Highest Budget Deficit?

"President Barack Obama had the largest deficits. When Obama took office in 2009, the federal budget deficit was $10.6 trillion. By the time he left office in 2017, the federal budget deficit had nearly doubled to $19.9 trillion.6 That's an increase of about 86%."

Self pwnage is the best pwnage.

Thanks for playing.
I didn’t provide a link and the link you included makes the same factual error you are doing by conflating debt and deficit.

Go back to class son.

Son. You didn't provide a link, you provided nothing more than a chart with nothing to back it up. A reverse lookup provides the source of your chart. From that source I provided the quote on my previous post. I used your own source to prove you wrong. It's called self pwnage.

What do you mean I provided a chart with nothing to back it up? I said the deficit was lowered under Obama and it was lowered. The chart is the back up for that statement. Are you saying the chart is false?

You’re conflating debt and deficit. This is a concept so basic I have to believe you either are purposefully ignoring the difference or you dropped out of middle school.

You didn't source your chart so that chart could have been made up numbers made up by you. That's why you SOURCE your information with links or else its just hot air.

You can't DOUBLE the debt and have lowered the deficit. Do you even know what the deficit IS? Each years deficit adds to the debt. So if you double the debt in 8 years there is NO MATHEMATICAL WAY for you to have lowered the deficit.
Anybody who read this persons post, must be rolling on the floor laughing-)

The Left can't do ANYTHING correctly, and yet they want to run everything.

Just to name 1, fiscal sanity? Oh yes, between a Socialist healthcare takeover, and a green new deal, they want to spend 100 trillion over 10 years, when our income from taxes is around 45 trillion, and that is BEFORE we fund anything else.

Unless you can NOT count, if you accept this idiocy, you are a HUGE part of the problem.
Obama expanded health insurance coverage to dramatically more Americans and lowered the deficit. Not easy task.

Trump did literally the exact opposite.

Obama doubled the debt in 8 years. How exactly did he lower the deficit?

It wasn’t easy.
View attachment 304772

From the source of YOUR LINK:

Which President Rang Up the Highest Budget Deficit?

"President Barack Obama had the largest deficits. When Obama took office in 2009, the federal budget deficit was $10.6 trillion. By the time he left office in 2017, the federal budget deficit had nearly doubled to $19.9 trillion.6 That's an increase of about 86%."

Self pwnage is the best pwnage.

Thanks for playing.

W and O, the period of American WO

When it started, the Federal Debt was $5.9 trillion.

After, it was almost $20 trillion.

W and O are two of the most despicable traitors to ever self ID as human....

All W had to do to be a great President was continue the Gingrich Revolution and not endlessly sell out America to the Zionist Lobby.

To you good sir, I proclaim-------------> That love or hate either one of these Presidents, they were 16 years of the largest incompetence in politics that this country has ever seen.

They will be tied together through history, as the ones who screwed the pooch!

We can debate their motives all we want, but as Presidents, these 2 with Jimmy Carter in modern history will end up being the WORST, and those who come behind us will wonder what the hell we were thinking!
But what you fail to mention is-------------->that to do so, Obama had to RAID Medicare of over 700 BILLION dollars, to turn it from pay as you go, to pay for everyone and anyone.

Uh, no. That’s not what happened. Medicare was cut in ways that did not affect benefits. Medicare wasn’t turned into a pay for everyone and anyone.

Also, you fail to mention, that the defense dept was depleted. Now, we can debate how much cash we should divert for defense, and that is a very good debate. But, if you want actual accounting, just because someone RAIDS one program to pay for another, does NOT solve fiscal issues if that persons name is Obama, or Trump!

Defense can’t make it on half a trillion dollars? Actually cutting programs does solve fiscal issues.

I contend, that the LAST thing we want to raid is entitlements.


Because if the grand plan doesn't work, we are still forced to pay for the bad policy enacted to do it, AND are forced to reimburse the entitlement program which you raided, to enact your grand scheme that failed!

Entitlements weren’t cut. They were actually expanded and the deficit still went down. Because there were tax increases and budget cuts that outweighed it. It wasn’t easy. Certainly it’s a lot easier to cut taxes, increase spending but that’s a Trump style move.

BULLSH**! YOUR side altered an entitlement that was pay as you go. Now you want to support YOUR contention? You show us how DEPRIVING 700 and something BILLION from Medicare, actually got that program a PROFIT!

You can't do that, you are blowing smoke-)

No benefits were cut. Medicare costs were reduced by lowering reimbursements and adjusting advantage plans which were not working as intended.

If you’re smart, you can cut programs without cutting benefits.
You can't DOUBLE the debt and have lowered the deficit

Their argument is that the deficit went down later in Obama's tenure, and that is correct. It doesn't change the fact that the cowardly closeted compromised Cocksucker in Chief blew up the Federal Debt while enriching herself and Hunter Biden...

From the source of YOUR LINK:

Which President Rang Up the Highest Budget Deficit?

"President Barack Obama had the largest deficits. When Obama took office in 2009, the federal budget deficit was $10.6 trillion. By the time he left office in 2017, the federal budget deficit had nearly doubled to $19.9 trillion.6 That's an increase of about 86%."

Self pwnage is the best pwnage.

Thanks for playing.
I didn’t provide a link and the link you included makes the same factual error you are doing by conflating debt and deficit.

Go back to class son.

Son. You didn't provide a link, you provided nothing more than a chart with nothing to back it up. A reverse lookup provides the source of your chart. From that source I provided the quote on my previous post. I used your own source to prove you wrong. It's called self pwnage.

What do you mean I provided a chart with nothing to back it up? I said the deficit was lowered under Obama and it was lowered. The chart is the back up for that statement. Are you saying the chart is false?

You’re conflating debt and deficit. This is a concept so basic I have to believe you either are purposefully ignoring the difference or you dropped out of middle school.

You didn't source your chart so that chart could have been made up numbers made up by you. That's why you SOURCE your information with links or else its just hot air.

You can't DOUBLE the debt and have lowered the deficit. Do you even know what the deficit IS?
Was the chart made up numbers?

The deficit is how much debt is added per year. The debt is how much money we owe. Cutting the deficit means we add less to the debt each year. The debt will still climb as long as you have a deficit but cutting the deficit is how you reduce the rate at which you’re adding debt.

Shoulda stayed in school son.
They will be tied together through history, as the ones who screwed the pooch!

O and W were much much worse than Carter. Carter was just dumb and incompetent. W and O were deliberately treasonous and kleptocratic, and O covered up for W....

From the source of YOUR LINK:

Which President Rang Up the Highest Budget Deficit?

"President Barack Obama had the largest deficits. When Obama took office in 2009, the federal budget deficit was $10.6 trillion. By the time he left office in 2017, the federal budget deficit had nearly doubled to $19.9 trillion.6 That's an increase of about 86%."

Self pwnage is the best pwnage.

Thanks for playing.
I didn’t provide a link and the link you included makes the same factual error you are doing by conflating debt and deficit.

Go back to class son.

Son. You didn't provide a link, you provided nothing more than a chart with nothing to back it up. A reverse lookup provides the source of your chart. From that source I provided the quote on my previous post. I used your own source to prove you wrong. It's called self pwnage.

What do you mean I provided a chart with nothing to back it up? I said the deficit was lowered under Obama and it was lowered. The chart is the back up for that statement. Are you saying the chart is false?

You’re conflating debt and deficit. This is a concept so basic I have to believe you either are purposefully ignoring the difference or you dropped out of middle school.

You didn't source your chart so that chart could have been made up numbers made up by you. That's why you SOURCE your information with links or else its just hot air.

You can't DOUBLE the debt and have lowered the deficit. Do you even know what the deficit IS?
Was the chart made up numbers?

The deficit is how much debt is added per year. The debt is how much money we owe. Cutting the deficit means we add less to the debt each year. The debt will still climb as long as you have a deficit but cutting the deficit is how you reduce the rate at which you’re adding debt.

Shoulda stayed in school son.

From your chart source moron:

For example, $9.3 trillion was added to the national debt under Obama. But his total budget deficits totaled $6.785 trillion. Similarly, President Bush's stated budget deficits totaled $3.294 trillion. But he added $5.849 trillion to the debt.

Obamas 8 years of deficits was 6.75 Trillion. Bush was 3.29 trillion. Obama had larger deficits that Bush.

Should have taken Econ 101 moron. Dude you're really making yourself look like an idiot acting like Obama was fiscally responsible. Just stop. Everyone knows you're an idiot at this point.
But what you fail to mention is-------------->that to do so, Obama had to RAID Medicare of over 700 BILLION dollars, to turn it from pay as you go, to pay for everyone and anyone.

Uh, no. That’s not what happened. Medicare was cut in ways that did not affect benefits. Medicare wasn’t turned into a pay for everyone and anyone.

Also, you fail to mention, that the defense dept was depleted. Now, we can debate how much cash we should divert for defense, and that is a very good debate. But, if you want actual accounting, just because someone RAIDS one program to pay for another, does NOT solve fiscal issues if that persons name is Obama, or Trump!

Defense can’t make it on half a trillion dollars? Actually cutting programs does solve fiscal issues.

I contend, that the LAST thing we want to raid is entitlements.


Because if the grand plan doesn't work, we are still forced to pay for the bad policy enacted to do it, AND are forced to reimburse the entitlement program which you raided, to enact your grand scheme that failed!

Entitlements weren’t cut. They were actually expanded and the deficit still went down. Because there were tax increases and budget cuts that outweighed it. It wasn’t easy. Certainly it’s a lot easier to cut taxes, increase spending but that’s a Trump style move.

BULLSH**! YOUR side altered an entitlement that was pay as you go. Now you want to support YOUR contention? You show us how DEPRIVING 700 and something BILLION from Medicare, actually got that program a PROFIT!

You can't do that, you are blowing smoke-)

No benefits were cut. Medicare costs were reduced by lowering reimbursements and adjusting advantage plans which were not working as intended.

If you’re smart, you can cut programs without cutting benefits.

Get with it! Show us the Medicare recouped its' 700 billion, how they lowered their outlays, or how Obysmalcare made a profit!

They will be tied together through history, as the ones who screwed the pooch!

O and W were much much worse than Carter. Carter was just dumb and incompetent. W and O were deliberately treasonous and kleptocratic, and O covered up for W....


I won't go there with you, but they were BOTH incompetent! They had MORE in common than people want to admit. W had no gonads, or when he announced that we were in trouble with Fannie and Freddie, he would have been on it like a hound dog, instead of wilting like a flower under the desert sun.

Our troubles were caused by POLITICIANS, and those on high were either to scared, or to partisan, to help the American people.
Fox News got W elected because Fox News is 100% for israel and 0% for America.

Fox News knew that a W Presidency would really be Karl Rove in charge...

Fox News did not like Gingrich, because Gingrich was good for America, and Fox News is 100% about Israel....
Democrats hardly stood for anything in last night’s SOTU. I guess they could not stand when Trump said that socialism had no place in healthcare but not standing for a Black girl whose local school had failed her and Trump corrected it was pretty bad.
Clean air. Good education. Better health care. Fiscal sanity. Strong alliances. Helping working class Americans. Apple pie.

Good Education? - shoot down vouchers when the local public education is failing. Helping the working class? Show us a tax plan that results in the working class keeping more of its paycheck.
I didn’t provide a link and the link you included makes the same factual error you are doing by conflating debt and deficit.

Go back to class son.

Son. You didn't provide a link, you provided nothing more than a chart with nothing to back it up. A reverse lookup provides the source of your chart. From that source I provided the quote on my previous post. I used your own source to prove you wrong. It's called self pwnage.

What do you mean I provided a chart with nothing to back it up? I said the deficit was lowered under Obama and it was lowered. The chart is the back up for that statement. Are you saying the chart is false?

You’re conflating debt and deficit. This is a concept so basic I have to believe you either are purposefully ignoring the difference or you dropped out of middle school.

You didn't source your chart so that chart could have been made up numbers made up by you. That's why you SOURCE your information with links or else its just hot air.

You can't DOUBLE the debt and have lowered the deficit. Do you even know what the deficit IS?
Was the chart made up numbers?

The deficit is how much debt is added per year. The debt is how much money we owe. Cutting the deficit means we add less to the debt each year. The debt will still climb as long as you have a deficit but cutting the deficit is how you reduce the rate at which you’re adding debt.

Shoulda stayed in school son.

From your chart source moron:

For example, $9.3 trillion was added to the national debt under Obama. But his total budget deficits totaled $6.785 trillion. Similarly, President Bush's stated budget deficits totaled $3.294 trillion. But he added $5.849 trillion to the debt.

Obamas 8 years of deficits was 6.75 Trillion. Bush was 3.29 trillion. Obama had larger deficits that Bush.

Should have taken Econ 101 moron. Dude you're really making yourself look like an idiot acting like Obama was fiscally responsible. Just stop. Everyone knows you're an idiot at this point.

Dude, you’re attempting to correct me on things I haven’t claimed. You’re taking sum totals of debt added during their terms. I’m talking about trends. You can’t seem to follow a conversation.

Federal deficits when he entered office were substantially higher than when he left. Guess what has happened to federal deficits since he left office? Go ahead. Guess.
Democrats hardly stood for anything in last night’s SOTU. I guess they could not stand when Trump said that socialism had no place in healthcare but not standing for a Black girl whose local school had failed her and Trump corrected it was pretty bad.
Clean air. Good education. Better health care. Fiscal sanity. Strong alliances. Helping working class Americans. Apple pie.

Good Education? - shoot down vouchers when the local public education is failing. Helping the working class? Show us a tax plan that results in the working class keeping more of its paycheck.

Vouchers don’t solve public education.
Democrats hardly stood for anything in last night’s SOTU. I guess they could not stand when Trump said that socialism had no place in healthcare but not standing for a Black girl whose local school had failed her and Trump corrected it was pretty bad.
Clean air. Good education. Better health care. Fiscal sanity. Strong alliances. Helping working class Americans. Apple pie.

Good Education? - shoot down vouchers when the local public education is failing. Helping the working class? Show us a tax plan that results in the working class keeping more of its paycheck.

Vouchers don’t solve public education.

When the local school is failing, vouchers do solve the problem. What are you going to do..... throw more money at the problem so cronies and friends can be rewarded before the remainder ends up in failing schools? Then what? Ask (demand) more money “for the children”? I’m all for more money to solve the problem(s) so long as there is better visibility and accountability. Even then, vouchers should be an option.
Trump called on Congress to pass a drug prices bill. Democrats reminded him they already did.
Trump called on Congress to pass a drug prices bill. Democrats reminded him they already did.

President Trump largely glossed over health care in his State of the Union speech, but he did try to put one item on Congress’s to-do list: He promised if the body passed a bipartisan bill to reduce prescription drug costs, “I will sign it into law immediately.”

It was a statement that didn’t sit too well with some House Democrats, who passed comprehensive legislation to cut drug prices just a few weeks ago. So a few of them stood up, held three fingers in the air, and shouted “H-R-3” (the number of their bill) — interrupting Trump for a few awkward moments in the middle of his speech.
Vouchers don’t solve public education

Democrats love public education for multiple reasons....

It is a black hole of public funds that vanish into the hands of Dems.
It is a great place for "ghost employees," really Dem campaign hacks
It dumbs down Americans, and the dumber you are, the more likely you will want government "help."

Democrats HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE vouchers because

1. vouchers work
2. vouchers help to educate kids
3. it is hard for Dems to STEAL MONEY allocated to vouchers
Democrats hardly stood for anything in last night’s SOTU. I guess they could not stand when Trump said that socialism had no place in healthcare but not standing for a Black girl whose local school had failed her and Trump corrected it was pretty bad.
Clean air. Good education. Better health care. Fiscal sanity. Strong alliances. Helping working class Americans. Apple pie.

Good Education? - shoot down vouchers when the local public education is failing. Helping the working class? Show us a tax plan that results in the working class keeping more of its paycheck.

Vouchers don’t solve public education.

When the local school is failing, vouchers do solve the problem. What are you going to do..... throw more money at the problem so cronies and friends can be rewarded before the remainder ends up in failing schools? Then what? Ask (demand) more money “for the children”? I’m all for more money to solve the problem(s) so long as there is better visibility and accountability. Even then, vouchers should be an option.

Does it? What happens to the kids left behind in the “failing school”? They’re in the same place with even less funding.

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