What do the Democrats ‘stand’ for ?

You tell me. We can agree it was a dumb move.... I said he should have bragged about it and still come out on top. Why are you asking me why he lied? You are defending his lying.

I'm saying lying about a blow job is a stupid reason to impeach a president. Misdirecting millions of dollars of our money to blackmail an ally to come up with dirt on his political opponent is a reason to impeach a president.

Yet you keep ignoring the fact he got impeached was because he lied UNDER OATH and obstructed justice. The content of the lie played no roll legally in the ruling.

Yes, we can agree he was impeached for a lie. Can you acknowledge that that lie was about whether he got a consensual blow job, and not some nefarious scheme to boost his personal political power, and had nothing to do with him manipulating international policy for personal gain?
Nobody said he got impeached for any other reason than lying. Boy you are dense.

Yet you are afraid to acknowledge what the lie was.

Not afraid of anything. One was a lie under oath which was validated. The other was a lie not under oath and only interpreted as a lie by a select population.
No comparison. Trump is much worse than Clinton. You're lying if you say different.

Did Trump obstruct justice about grabbing pussy?
No, he just lied

Clinton lied too...... under oath, no less.

About a consensual blowjob.
He was impeached for lying.
And Trump was impeached for demanding personal favors in return for military aid
Did Trump obstruct justice about grabbing pussy?
No, he just lied

Clinton lied too...... under oath, no less.

About a consensual blowjob.
He was impeached for lying.
And Trump was impeached for demanding personal favors in return for military aid
Which hasn't been proven. Even Ukraine president says you're a liar.
What do Democrats stand for?

It is simple. They want to make America a socialist shithole. The greedy Left Wing assholes want to raid the wealth created under capitalism for their greed. They want to use the government to force other people to pay their bills.

That is why they are so pissed at Trump. That turd Crooked Hillary was supposed to be elected to further Obama's agenda to make America a socialist shithole. Trump stopped that and the Moon Bats are pissed.

The Democrats are the scum of this country.
No, he just lied

Clinton lied too...... under oath, no less.

About a consensual blowjob.
He was impeached for lying.
And Trump was impeached for demanding personal favors in return for military aid
Which hasn't been proven. Even Ukraine president says you're a liar.
We will let history decide whether Trump acted appropriately. Regardless of Republicans looking the other way, Trump is an impeached President.
Clinton lied too...... under oath, no less.

About a consensual blowjob.
He was impeached for lying.
And Trump was impeached for demanding personal favors in return for military aid
Which hasn't been proven. Even Ukraine president says you're a liar.
We will let history decide whether Trump acted appropriately. Regardless of Republicans looking the other way, Trump is an impeached President.

Acquitted as well.
List every Biblical value taught by God and it’s the opposite.

Every single one. No generalization. Every single one.

You mean like grabbing them by the pussy, or paying porn stars for sex while your wife is recovering from child birth? What about just lying and cheating and stealing?
Sounds like a good demoncrap.

Can you even acknowledge that those are things Trump has done?

You can't acknowledge the difference in an allegation and a fact, dumbass!

Those are facts dumb ass.

No, they are allegations of which no one has ever provided any proof. That's why you are a dumbass! You don't know the difference.

Once, on a webpage, using my real name, I supported a teacher's right to refuse a blanket drug test of all teachers in a school when drugs were found in a restroom. Some dumbass, just like you, did not understand there was no proof these teachers did anything wrong and reported me to my supervisors, They got a good laugh when they saw that I was just supporting their Constitutional rights.
Democrats hardly stood for anything in last night’s SOTU. I guess they could not stand when Trump said that socialism had no place in healthcare but not standing for a Black girl whose local school had failed her and Trump corrected it was pretty bad.
Clean air. Good education. Better health care. Fiscal sanity. Strong alliances. Helping working class Americans. Apple pie.

Clean air that to libtard standards that impossible to meet.
Good education (indoctrination) or liberal ideas.
Better healthcare at prices no one can afford.
Fiscal sanity by cutting defense and ICE, etc and applying the savings to the new welfare class created when you put all those people out of work!
Strong alliances wit Russia and countries that cheat us in trade deals.
Helping illegals become working class Americans, putting more minorities out of work.
Apple pie made with little green sour apples that no one will eat.

When they first started cleaning things up, you same people said the same things. But it has been done and will continue to be done. In Denver, they got rid of the brown haze. Guess what, since the relaxing of the Regulations, the Brown Haze is back. Denver is in a basin and you really have to be careful of what you do there for pollution. There are many days that it will pack down from the cold and just sit there. It just gets worse until the inversion lifts. Los Angeles has the same problem as does many other Towns and Cities built in basin. In the way back when machine, it made perfect sense to make your city or town there because the weather was milder and the land was flatter and easier to build. Today, we have to have regulations to prevent the pollution from piling up. Denver worked to clean up their local cars and trucks but of course, nothing can be done about those just passing through. They also force Industry to clean up. The Brown Haze was caused by Cars, Trucks and Industry. Today, the Cars and Trucks (by and large) are cleaner but the Industry is resorting back to the pre 1980s when the brown haze was hanging around up to 10 hours a day. So we NEED those regulations and we need to keep tightening up on them.

And to date, you will find that the eastern side of Colorado has one of the lowest unemployment rates in the Nation so it hasn't put one single person out of work and not had another job waiting for them. Compare the available surface to use for Industry from Colorado to Kansas and then compare the economies. Colorado has the #1 fastest growing economy of all the states while Kansas is listed as 37th. And don't play the cite game. You know that's true if you are going to be in this conversation. This also means we have to make sure that Industry is clean. And what Rump demands just can't be done and still have air to breath. We may have a lot of people here on the "Rocky Mountain High" but there are enough of us that like to breath.

The rest of your "Ideas" and assumptions are just as bad as this one. You are trying to instill fear. I am not fearful. I am willing to work hard to make it work. Does the phrase "Dance with the Devil in the Light of the Moon" mean anything to you? It doesn't mean have a walz with the devil and go home with him for a mad passionate evening of unbridled sex. That is the way that the Republicans USED to be and we need to get that back. So, out, damned Satan, Out.
Not a problem to Dems = kickbacks of US foreign aid to Dem hacks

Problem to Dems = investigating kickbacks of US foreign aid to Dem hacks
Democrats hardly stood for anything in last night’s SOTU. I guess they could not stand when Trump said that socialism had no place in healthcare but not standing for a Black girl whose local school had failed her and Trump corrected it was pretty bad.
When Trump said socialism has no place in healthcare was he talking about cancelling Medicare, Medicaid, Veterans Healthcare ?
Yes Trump is going to kill Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and give all the money to his hotels.
That has been the plan all along.
Right after he sells Alaska to Russia for $1

Please don't print this again. It's so wild and out of touch that Rump might see it and just do it.

Adam Schiff proclaimed this on the Senate floor, dumbass!

My factmeter just went off scale on that one. Got to go get another one. Maybe the next one will be more robust.
I'm saying lying about a blow job is a stupid reason to impeach a president. Misdirecting millions of dollars of our money to blackmail an ally to come up with dirt on his political opponent is a reason to impeach a president.

Yet you keep ignoring the fact he got impeached was because he lied UNDER OATH and obstructed justice. The content of the lie played no roll legally in the ruling.

Yes, we can agree he was impeached for a lie. Can you acknowledge that that lie was about whether he got a consensual blow job, and not some nefarious scheme to boost his personal political power, and had nothing to do with him manipulating international policy for personal gain?
Nobody said he got impeached for any other reason than lying. Boy you are dense.

Yet you are afraid to acknowledge what the lie was.
No I'm not, he lied about the blowjob. But he was impeached for the lie not the blowjob.

I see. So lying is an impeachable offence then, right? Trump has told thousands of verifiable lies. Those don't matter?
Actually, he is trying to buy Greenland
Too bad he never checked to see if it was for sale
Actually you didn't mention China is actively seeking to buy land in Greenland... you do know we own land in numerous countries? Right... fairly common.

The idiot was actually talking about trying to buy the entire country. That's just insane.
You are not aware of a lot of things are you?
So guessing you have no idea that this is not a new idea and America has on several occasions sought to buy the country. I believe 6 times.
The last serious offer was in 1967. Harry Truman made an offer in 1951, that is the Danes would have accepted - they would have came out on top is a big, big way. Greenland is believed to have enormous resources that Denmark doesn't have the money to invest to get it. As well as it would open up trade routes that would create enormous benefits for not only the Danes, but all of Europe.
Besides all of that, there were no actual proposals, the possibilities were being discussed. It would help block China's hold on the area and stop military expansion by Russia. But then of course the media got wind of it and set out to ridicule the whole thing as crazy, unhinged and the makings of a mad man.
It is not crazy. It would benefit a great deal of people, including especially the citizens there. And help fight Chinese and Russian expansion.
Snuff Copenhagen

The gutless Danes surrendered to the Nazis without firing a shot. We freed them, so they owe us big time. Greenland is the price they must pay for that. At least demand a plebiscite, so the people who live there can decide whether they want to continue being yellow-cheese Danish.
Actually not true. Danes caught a ruthless defensive battle for days despite being overwhelmed. It wasn’t until the King ordered his military to stand down did the fighting cease. Then after the surrender there was a huge underground operation to get intel to the Allies. They even used cameras supplied by the Germans for NAZI propaganda to document sabotage operations, the films still exist. Quite fascinating reads and documentaries to watch on the topic.

Surrender Soirée

You can make the same Chickenhawk excuses for the Czechs, the Poles, the Dutch, the Belgians, and the French. The Russians, on the other hand, had no freedom to fight for and yet kept on fighting even after losing 20 million dead, two million of whom actually starved to death, including Putin's older brother.
Yet you keep ignoring the fact he got impeached was because he lied UNDER OATH and obstructed justice. The content of the lie played no roll legally in the ruling.

Yes, we can agree he was impeached for a lie. Can you acknowledge that that lie was about whether he got a consensual blow job, and not some nefarious scheme to boost his personal political power, and had nothing to do with him manipulating international policy for personal gain?
Nobody said he got impeached for any other reason than lying. Boy you are dense.

Yet you are afraid to acknowledge what the lie was.
No I'm not, he lied about the blowjob. But he was impeached for the lie not the blowjob.

I see. So lying is an impeachable offence then, right? Trump has told thousands of verifiable lies. Those don't matter?
Again, stop being stupid. Clinton lied to Congress. Boy you are dense.
No, he just lied

Clinton lied too...... under oath, no less.

About a consensual blowjob.
He was impeached for lying.
About a consensual blowjob

So why lie about it? You can’t be impeached for a consensual blow job. Even Hillary had no problem with it, so, again, why lie??
Conceited Clowns With Gavels and Gowns

The judge in the Paula Jones case had no business prying into Clinton's personal affairs, putting him on the spot. The rule of law is the law of the rulers. We, the people, must man up and judge the judges.

The judge committed perjury. Mamas' Boys are always looking for infallible father figures, an infantile personality defect; that's why no one posting accuses the black-robed tyrants of exceeding their authority
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You mean like grabbing them by the pussy, or paying porn stars for sex while your wife is recovering from child birth? What about just lying and cheating and stealing?
Sounds like a good demoncrap.

Can you even acknowledge that those are things Trump has done?

You can't acknowledge the difference in an allegation and a fact, dumbass!

Those are facts dumb ass.

No, they are allegations of which no one has ever provided any proof. That's why you are a dumbass! You don't know the difference.

Once, on a webpage, using my real name, I supported a teacher's right to refuse a blanket drug test of all teachers in a school when drugs were found in a restroom. Some dumbass, just like you, did not understand there was no proof these teachers did anything wrong and reported me to my supervisors, They got a good laugh when they saw that I was just supporting their Constitutional rights.

What an absurd comparison. There isn't any doubt about whose mouth the lies came from.
Sounds like a good demoncrap.

Can you even acknowledge that those are things Trump has done?

You can't acknowledge the difference in an allegation and a fact, dumbass!

Those are facts dumb ass.

No, they are allegations of which no one has ever provided any proof. That's why you are a dumbass! You don't know the difference.

Once, on a webpage, using my real name, I supported a teacher's right to refuse a blanket drug test of all teachers in a school when drugs were found in a restroom. Some dumbass, just like you, did not understand there was no proof these teachers did anything wrong and reported me to my supervisors, They got a good laugh when they saw that I was just supporting their Constitutional rights.

What an absurd comparison. There isn't any doubt about whose mouth the lies came from.
Yeah, the demons on the left, liars all including your sorry ass.
Yes, we can agree he was impeached for a lie. Can you acknowledge that that lie was about whether he got a consensual blow job, and not some nefarious scheme to boost his personal political power, and had nothing to do with him manipulating international policy for personal gain?
Nobody said he got impeached for any other reason than lying. Boy you are dense.

Yet you are afraid to acknowledge what the lie was.
No I'm not, he lied about the blowjob. But he was impeached for the lie not the blowjob.

I see. So lying is an impeachable offence then, right? Trump has told thousands of verifiable lies. Those don't matter?
Again, stop being stupid. Clinton lied to Congress. Boy you are dense.

And Trump the coward didn't even testify.
Yet you keep ignoring the fact he got impeached was because he lied UNDER OATH and obstructed justice. The content of the lie played no roll legally in the ruling.

Yes, we can agree he was impeached for a lie. Can you acknowledge that that lie was about whether he got a consensual blow job, and not some nefarious scheme to boost his personal political power, and had nothing to do with him manipulating international policy for personal gain?
Nobody said he got impeached for any other reason than lying. Boy you are dense.

Yet you are afraid to acknowledge what the lie was.
No I'm not, he lied about the blowjob. But he was impeached for the lie not the blowjob.

I see. So lying is an impeachable offence then, right? Trump has told thousands of verifiable lies. Those don't matter?

What filter do you have that blocks UNDER OATH? If lying as a stand-alone was an impeachable offense, how many Presidents would NOT meet criteria for impeachment?

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