What do the Democrats ‘stand’ for ?

Democrats hardly stood for anything in last night’s SOTU. I guess they could not stand when Trump said that socialism had no place in healthcare but not standing for a Black girl whose local school had failed her and Trump corrected it was pretty bad.
When Trump said socialism has no place in healthcare was he talking about cancelling Medicare, Medicaid, Veterans Healthcare ?
Yes Trump is going to kill Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and give all the money to his hotels.
That has been the plan all along.
Right after he sells Alaska to Russia for $1

Please don't print this again. It's so wild and out of touch that Rump might see it and just do it.

Adam Schiff proclaimed this on the Senate floor, dumbass!
Vouchers don’t solve public education

Democrats love public education for multiple reasons....

It is a black hole of public funds that vanish into the hands of Dems.
It is a great place for "ghost employees," really Dem campaign hacks
It dumbs down Americans, and the dumber you are, the more likely you will want government "help."

Democrats HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE vouchers because

1. vouchers work
2. vouchers help to educate kids
3. it is hard for Dems to STEAL MONEY allocated to vouchers

Vouchers work? How?
Vouches do not educate kids one bit. They waste taxpayer funds.
Anyone can steal anything. Dems steal vouchers fo rteir kids so they get a discount at the private schools teir kids attend.
All lies.

Your side will cook and fudge data to say whatever it needs to in order to enable DEMS to STEAL from the TAXPAYER.

Most of the time, your side bills the taxpayer for the fudging, as it does with global "warming."

meanwhile, all Dem elites send their own kids to PRIVATE SCHOOLS.....

because a typical public school education will never get you into STANFORD....

Really? I was a public high school student and I was accepted into MIT. I didn't go, but I was accepted.
You mean like grabbing them by the pussy, or paying porn stars for sex while your wife is recovering from child birth? What about just lying and cheating and stealing?
Sounds like a good demoncrap.

Can you even acknowledge that those are things Trump has done?
Can you acknowledge Trump was almost as bad as Bill Clinton?

No comparison. Trump is much worse than Clinton. You're lying if you say different.

Did Trump obstruct justice about grabbing pussy?
Actually, when you think about it.

Michael Cohen is in prison for campaign finance violations. He started a shell company to hide payments to a porn star and a bunny, both of which Trump was having sex with, in order to shut them up and hide that information from American voters to change the election. Those are felonies. Trump is listed in the criminal suit as an unindicted co conspirator.
Mueller's report makes it clear Trump can be charged once he leaves office.
Michael Cohen worked at Trump's direction and order.
Michael Cohen is in the Big House while Trump is in the White House. It hardly seems fair.
You didn't source your chart so that chart could have been made up numbers made up by you. That's why you SOURCE your information with links or else its just hot air.

You can't DOUBLE the debt and have lowered the deficit. Do you even know what the deficit IS?
Was the chart made up numbers?

The deficit is how much debt is added per year. The debt is how much money we owe. Cutting the deficit means we add less to the debt each year. The debt will still climb as long as you have a deficit but cutting the deficit is how you reduce the rate at which you’re adding debt.

Shoulda stayed in school son.

From your chart source moron:

For example, $9.3 trillion was added to the national debt under Obama. But his total budget deficits totaled $6.785 trillion. Similarly, President Bush's stated budget deficits totaled $3.294 trillion. But he added $5.849 trillion to the debt.

Obamas 8 years of deficits was 6.75 Trillion. Bush was 3.29 trillion. Obama had larger deficits that Bush.

Should have taken Econ 101 moron. Dude you're really making yourself look like an idiot acting like Obama was fiscally responsible. Just stop. Everyone knows you're an idiot at this point.

Dude, you’re attempting to correct me on things I haven’t claimed. You’re taking sum totals of debt added during their terms. I’m talking about trends. You can’t seem to follow a conversation.

Federal deficits when he entered office were substantially higher than when he left. Guess what has happened to federal deficits since he left office? Go ahead. Guess.

Oh so now its "trend?" Can you find the word "trend" in any post you made on this topic prior to that? That's called moving the goalposts and a sign you're losing the argument.

Here are your trends, again, from your source:

President Barack Obama: Total = $6.785 trillion, a 57% increase.

  • FY 2017 - $666 billion. Although Trump requested additional spending, Congress did not approve it.
  • FY 2016 - $585 billion.
  • FY 2015 - $438 billion.
  • FY 2014 - $485 billion.
  • FY 2013 - $679 billion.
  • FY 2012 - $1.087 trillion.
  • FY 2011 - $1.300 trillion.
  • FY 2010 - $1 trillion.19 This is the sum of $1.294 trillion plus $253 billion from the Obama Stimulus Act that was attached to the FY 2009 budget

President George W. Bush: Total = $3.293 trillion, a 57% increase.

  • FY 2009 - $1.16 trillion. This amount is calculated from $1.413 trillion minus $253 billion from Obama's Stimulus Act.
  • FY 2008 - $459 billion.
  • FY 2007 - $161 billion.
  • FY 2006 - $248 billion.
  • FY 2005 - $318 billion.
  • FY 2004 - $413 billion.
  • FY 2003 - $378 billion.
  • FY 2002 - $158 billion.

Obama has consistently MUCH higher deficits than GWB did. So once again, please explain how Obama LOWERED THE DEFICIT when it was higher than GWB?

Deficits are an annual measure. I didn’t say trend because it was obvious what I was talking about. I’m not used to spelling everything out to people since most understand English perfectly fine.

When Obama came into office, deficits were on the order of a trillion. When he left, they were about half that. That’s a downward trend.

Guess what’s happened since then?

You are just a liar, that is all!
Democrats hardly stood for anything in last night’s SOTU. I guess they could not stand when Trump said that socialism had no place in healthcare but not standing for a Black girl whose local school had failed her and Trump corrected it was pretty bad.
List every Biblical value taught by God and it’s the opposite.

Every single one. No generalization. Every single one.

You mean like grabbing them by the pussy, or paying porn stars for sex while your wife is recovering from child birth? What about just lying and cheating and stealing?
Sounds like a good demoncrap.

Can you even acknowledge that those are things Trump has done?

You can't acknowledge the difference in an allegation and a fact, dumbass!
Ah... says a dedicated member of the rock throwing brigade....

Rock throwing? He is guilty of everything listed.
And he’s going to kick your ass in November.

Possibly, but he's still guilty of everything listed.

Guilty in the eyes of the beholder, the rabid leftist base. That’s about it.

No dumb ass. Guilty in the eye of the law.

Why hasn't he been prosecuted?
Did Trump obstruct justice about grabbing pussy?
No, he just lied

Clinton lied too...... under oath, no less.

About a consensual blowjob.

Under oath. Same thing happened to scooter Libby and all you people could talk about was his lying under oath. I’m Conservative and liked Clinton. Good for him on his consensual pussy conquests. He could have bragged about it and gain more in popularity.

No. Not the same thing. Libby outed an american agent for political gain.

Liar. Richard Armitage leaked the name.
About a consensual blowjob.
He was impeached for lying.
About a consensual blowjob

So why lie about it? You can’t be impeached for a consensual blow job. Even Hillary had no problem with it, so, again, why lie??

It was a dumb move, but that's all it was. What do you think he was trying to cover up otherwise?

You tell me. We can agree it was a dumb move.... I said he should have bragged about it and still come out on top. Why are you asking me why he lied? You are defending his lying.

I'm saying lying about a blow job is a stupid reason to impeach a president. Misdirecting millions of dollars of our money to blackmail an ally to come up with dirt on his political opponent is a reason to impeach a president.
Democrats hardly stood for anything in last night’s SOTU. I guess they could not stand when Trump said that socialism had no place in healthcare but not standing for a Black girl whose local school had failed her and Trump corrected it was pretty bad.
List every Biblical value taught by God and it’s the opposite.

Every single one. No generalization. Every single one.

You mean like grabbing them by the pussy, or paying porn stars for sex while your wife is recovering from child birth? What about just lying and cheating and stealing?
Sounds like a good demoncrap.

Can you even acknowledge that those are things Trump has done?

You can't acknowledge the difference in an allegation and a fact, dumbass!

Those are facts dumb ass.
Rock throwing? He is guilty of everything listed.
And he’s going to kick your ass in November.

Possibly, but he's still guilty of everything listed.

Guilty in the eyes of the beholder, the rabid leftist base. That’s about it.

No dumb ass. Guilty in the eye of the law.

Why hasn't he been prosecuted?

Mueller's report said it was because he couldn't indict a sitting president.
He was impeached for lying.
About a consensual blowjob

So why lie about it? You can’t be impeached for a consensual blow job. Even Hillary had no problem with it, so, again, why lie??

It was a dumb move, but that's all it was. What do you think he was trying to cover up otherwise?

You tell me. We can agree it was a dumb move.... I said he should have bragged about it and still come out on top. Why are you asking me why he lied? You are defending his lying.

I'm saying lying about a blow job is a stupid reason to impeach a president. Misdirecting millions of dollars of our money to blackmail an ally to come up with dirt on his political opponent is a reason to impeach a president.

Yet you keep ignoring the fact he got impeached was because he lied UNDER OATH and obstructed justice. The content of the lie played no roll legally in the ruling.
About a consensual blowjob

So why lie about it? You can’t be impeached for a consensual blow job. Even Hillary had no problem with it, so, again, why lie??

It was a dumb move, but that's all it was. What do you think he was trying to cover up otherwise?

You tell me. We can agree it was a dumb move.... I said he should have bragged about it and still come out on top. Why are you asking me why he lied? You are defending his lying.

I'm saying lying about a blow job is a stupid reason to impeach a president. Misdirecting millions of dollars of our money to blackmail an ally to come up with dirt on his political opponent is a reason to impeach a president.

Yet you keep ignoring the fact he got impeached was because he lied UNDER OATH and obstructed justice. The content of the lie played no roll legally in the ruling.

Yes, we can agree he was impeached for a lie. Can you acknowledge that that lie was about whether he got a consensual blow job, and not some nefarious scheme to boost his personal political power, and had nothing to do with him manipulating international policy for personal gain?
So why lie about it? You can’t be impeached for a consensual blow job. Even Hillary had no problem with it, so, again, why lie??

It was a dumb move, but that's all it was. What do you think he was trying to cover up otherwise?

You tell me. We can agree it was a dumb move.... I said he should have bragged about it and still come out on top. Why are you asking me why he lied? You are defending his lying.

I'm saying lying about a blow job is a stupid reason to impeach a president. Misdirecting millions of dollars of our money to blackmail an ally to come up with dirt on his political opponent is a reason to impeach a president.

Yet you keep ignoring the fact he got impeached was because he lied UNDER OATH and obstructed justice. The content of the lie played no roll legally in the ruling.

Yes, we can agree he was impeached for a lie. Can you acknowledge that that lie was about whether he got a consensual blow job, and not some nefarious scheme to boost his personal political power, and had nothing to do with him manipulating international policy for personal gain?

A lie under oath is a lie under oath.
So why lie about it? You can’t be impeached for a consensual blow job. Even Hillary had no problem with it, so, again, why lie??

It was a dumb move, but that's all it was. What do you think he was trying to cover up otherwise?

You tell me. We can agree it was a dumb move.... I said he should have bragged about it and still come out on top. Why are you asking me why he lied? You are defending his lying.

I'm saying lying about a blow job is a stupid reason to impeach a president. Misdirecting millions of dollars of our money to blackmail an ally to come up with dirt on his political opponent is a reason to impeach a president.

Yet you keep ignoring the fact he got impeached was because he lied UNDER OATH and obstructed justice. The content of the lie played no roll legally in the ruling.

Yes, we can agree he was impeached for a lie. Can you acknowledge that that lie was about whether he got a consensual blow job, and not some nefarious scheme to boost his personal political power, and had nothing to do with him manipulating international policy for personal gain?
Nobody said he got impeached for any other reason than lying. Boy you are dense.
It was a dumb move, but that's all it was. What do you think he was trying to cover up otherwise?

You tell me. We can agree it was a dumb move.... I said he should have bragged about it and still come out on top. Why are you asking me why he lied? You are defending his lying.

I'm saying lying about a blow job is a stupid reason to impeach a president. Misdirecting millions of dollars of our money to blackmail an ally to come up with dirt on his political opponent is a reason to impeach a president.

Yet you keep ignoring the fact he got impeached was because he lied UNDER OATH and obstructed justice. The content of the lie played no roll legally in the ruling.

Yes, we can agree he was impeached for a lie. Can you acknowledge that that lie was about whether he got a consensual blow job, and not some nefarious scheme to boost his personal political power, and had nothing to do with him manipulating international policy for personal gain?
Nobody said he got impeached for any other reason than lying. Boy you are dense.

Yet you are afraid to acknowledge what the lie was.
You tell me. We can agree it was a dumb move.... I said he should have bragged about it and still come out on top. Why are you asking me why he lied? You are defending his lying.

I'm saying lying about a blow job is a stupid reason to impeach a president. Misdirecting millions of dollars of our money to blackmail an ally to come up with dirt on his political opponent is a reason to impeach a president.

Yet you keep ignoring the fact he got impeached was because he lied UNDER OATH and obstructed justice. The content of the lie played no roll legally in the ruling.

Yes, we can agree he was impeached for a lie. Can you acknowledge that that lie was about whether he got a consensual blow job, and not some nefarious scheme to boost his personal political power, and had nothing to do with him manipulating international policy for personal gain?
Nobody said he got impeached for any other reason than lying. Boy you are dense.

Yet you are afraid to acknowledge what the lie was.
No I'm not, he lied about the blowjob. But he was impeached for the lie not the blowjob.

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