What do the Democrats ‘stand’ for ?

List every Biblical value taught by God and it’s the opposite.

Every single one. No generalization. Every single one.

You mean like grabbing them by the pussy, or paying porn stars for sex while your wife is recovering from child birth? What about just lying and cheating and stealing?
Sounds like a good demoncrap.

Can you even acknowledge that those are things Trump has done?
Can you acknowledge Trump was almost as bad as Bill Clinton?

No comparison. Trump is much worse than Clinton. You're lying if you say different.
Are you saying lying about a B.J is worse than shaking down the leader of a foreign country so you can subvert an American election?

Are you saying that Russia are you listening and China are you listening and Ukraine you can do me a favor though is worse than saying I did not have sex with that woman?

well that’s just not true. Republicans have strong Christian values and morals. They would never vote for somebody who would lie about a terrible and disgusting B.J
Rock throwing? He is guilty of everything listed.

Yes Trump is working on selling Alaska to Russia for $1 for helping him win the White House.
Actually, he is trying to buy Greenland
Too bad he never checked to see if it was for sale
Actually you didn't mention China is actively seeking to buy land in Greenland... you do know we own land in numerous countries? Right... fairly common.

The idiot was actually talking about trying to buy the entire country. That's just insane.
You are not aware of a lot of things are you?
So guessing you have no idea that this is not a new idea and America has on several occasions sought to buy the country. I believe 6 times.
The last serious offer was in 1967. Harry Truman made an offer in 1951, that is the Danes would have accepted - they would have came out on top is a big, big way. Greenland is believed to have enormous resources that Denmark doesn't have the money to invest to get it. As well as it would open up trade routes that would create enormous benefits for not only the Danes, but all of Europe.
Besides all of that, there were no actual proposals, the possibilities were being discussed. It would help block China's hold on the area and stop military expansion by Russia. But then of course the media got wind of it and set out to ridicule the whole thing as crazy, unhinged and the makings of a mad man.
It is not crazy. It would benefit a great deal of people, including especially the citizens there. And help fight Chinese and Russian expansion.

No, there wasn't an offer in 67, dumb ass.
List every Biblical value taught by God and it’s the opposite.

Every single one. No generalization. Every single one.

You mean like grabbing them by the pussy, or paying porn stars for sex while your wife is recovering from child birth? What about just lying and cheating and stealing?
Sounds like a good demoncrap.

Can you even acknowledge that those are things Trump has done?
Can you acknowledge Trump was almost as bad as Bill Clinton?

No comparison. Trump is much worse than Clinton. You're lying if you say different.
List every Biblical value taught by God and it’s the opposite.

Every single one. No generalization. Every single one.

You mean like grabbing them by the pussy, or paying porn stars for sex while your wife is recovering from child birth? What about just lying and cheating and stealing?
Sounds like a good demoncrap.

Can you even acknowledge that those are things Trump has done?
Can you acknowledge Trump was almost as bad as Bill Clinton?

No comparison. Trump is much worse than Clinton. You're lying if you say different.

Did Trump obstruct justice about grabbing pussy?
You mean like grabbing them by the pussy, or paying porn stars for sex while your wife is recovering from child birth? What about just lying and cheating and stealing?
Sounds like a good demoncrap.

Can you even acknowledge that those are things Trump has done?
Can you acknowledge Trump was almost as bad as Bill Clinton?

No comparison. Trump is much worse than Clinton. You're lying if you say different.

Did Trump obstruct justice about grabbing pussy?

It is all they got.
They can't argue policy. So they drudge up old shit from decades ago as if it matters.

And btw - you notice that they always resort to insults.
Bulldog does it every single day
You didn't source your chart so that chart could have been made up numbers made up by you. That's why you SOURCE your information with links or else its just hot air.

You can't DOUBLE the debt and have lowered the deficit. Do you even know what the deficit IS?
Was the chart made up numbers?

The deficit is how much debt is added per year. The debt is how much money we owe. Cutting the deficit means we add less to the debt each year. The debt will still climb as long as you have a deficit but cutting the deficit is how you reduce the rate at which you’re adding debt.

Shoulda stayed in school son.

From your chart source moron:

For example, $9.3 trillion was added to the national debt under Obama. But his total budget deficits totaled $6.785 trillion. Similarly, President Bush's stated budget deficits totaled $3.294 trillion. But he added $5.849 trillion to the debt.

Obamas 8 years of deficits was 6.75 Trillion. Bush was 3.29 trillion. Obama had larger deficits that Bush.

Should have taken Econ 101 moron. Dude you're really making yourself look like an idiot acting like Obama was fiscally responsible. Just stop. Everyone knows you're an idiot at this point.

Dude, you’re attempting to correct me on things I haven’t claimed. You’re taking sum totals of debt added during their terms. I’m talking about trends. You can’t seem to follow a conversation.

Federal deficits when he entered office were substantially higher than when he left. Guess what has happened to federal deficits since he left office? Go ahead. Guess.

Oh so now its "trend?" Can you find the word "trend" in any post you made on this topic prior to that? That's called moving the goalposts and a sign you're losing the argument.

Here are your trends, again, from your source:

President Barack Obama: Total = $6.785 trillion, a 57% increase.

  • FY 2017 - $666 billion. Although Trump requested additional spending, Congress did not approve it.
  • FY 2016 - $585 billion.
  • FY 2015 - $438 billion.
  • FY 2014 - $485 billion.
  • FY 2013 - $679 billion.
  • FY 2012 - $1.087 trillion.
  • FY 2011 - $1.300 trillion.
  • FY 2010 - $1 trillion.19 This is the sum of $1.294 trillion plus $253 billion from the Obama Stimulus Act that was attached to the FY 2009 budget

President George W. Bush: Total = $3.293 trillion, a 57% increase.

  • FY 2009 - $1.16 trillion. This amount is calculated from $1.413 trillion minus $253 billion from Obama's Stimulus Act.
  • FY 2008 - $459 billion.
  • FY 2007 - $161 billion.
  • FY 2006 - $248 billion.
  • FY 2005 - $318 billion.
  • FY 2004 - $413 billion.
  • FY 2003 - $378 billion.
  • FY 2002 - $158 billion.

Obama has consistently MUCH higher deficits than GWB did. So once again, please explain how Obama LOWERED THE DEFICIT when it was higher than GWB?
Oh thanks for the opportunity.

That’s an easy one.

Bush and the GOP passed more than 3 trillion in tax cuts. He put both wars on credit cards. The economy was on a sugar high of free money. It was like the Republicans ultimate in a money party. And it all came crashing down in 2008 when it was turned over to President Obama

Is that enough or should I go on?

Nice story, bro.

Now got anything to back that up?
Democrats still stand for what they have always stood for: the principles as set forth in the Declaration of Independence.
Democrats hardly stood for anything in last night’s SOTU. I guess they could not stand when Trump said that socialism had no place in healthcare but not standing for a Black girl whose local school had failed her and Trump corrected it was pretty bad.
Clean air. Good education. Better health care. Fiscal sanity. Strong alliances. Helping working class Americans. Apple pie.
Clean air. Good education. Better health care. Fiscal sanity. Strong alliances. Helping working class Americans. Apple pie.

So how’s that going in Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco, etc etc?

Not bad...
LA environmental success story: cleaner air, healthier kids




Google San Pedro and 5th in LA, and you are calling this an improvement?
They have no actual convictions.
Just opposition.

The Preppy Republic

Those spoiled snobs are agents of the Right Wing they were born in. Don't be a sucker and swallow the illusion that they can possibly believe in anything listed on their goofy, unrealistic, insulting, and threatening agenda. Not only that, they purposely hire incompetent and lazy government employees to trick us into throwing ourselves at the mercy of the private sector.

The Rotten Rodham is a typical example. She was an ardent utraRight Goldwater fanatic until his landslide defeat in 1964. That's when she and her spoiled-putrid clique decided to infiltrate the "Democratic" Party and destroy it. It's an old trick; hereditary ruling classes have had centuries to fine-tune it.

We were betrayed by the old-school democratic Democrats. Serfs at heart, they were overjoyed when all of a sudden fast-talking, exuberant, and charismatic Preppies started to invade their Party. Pathetic class-traitors, they shuffled and bowed before all the bright and shiny predators. No country will avoid a decline and fall unless it abolishes all hereditary privileges.
I can't take credit... the best quote of the day.... liberalism is the belief that everyone else should be in treatment for your disorder and in jail for your crime
Democrats hardly stood for anything in last night’s SOTU. I guess they could not stand when Trump said that socialism had no place in healthcare but not standing for a Black girl whose local school had failed her and Trump corrected it was pretty bad.

The revolution
By any means necessary
Democrats stand for Truth, Justice and the American Way

Sit for American success you mean.

Was that a great move or what?

Pelosi put Trumps speech in its proper place in history

I want to get a picture of her ripping up that speech so I can frame it.

Free speech


Read the Constitution

Sit for American success you mean.

Was that a great move or what?

Pelosi put Trumps speech in its proper place in history

I want to get a picture of her ripping up that speech so I can frame it.

Free speech


Read the Constitution

I have. Demoncraps today do not believe in free speech. If believe that you are lying to yourself.
Was that a great move or what?

Pelosi put Trumps speech in its proper place in history
I want to get a picture of her ripping up that speech so I can frame it.
Free speech

Read the Constitution
I have. Demoncraps today do not believe in free speech. If believe that you are lying to yourself.
Dems are for educ and hc. I don't know of any attempts by the dems to use prior restraint to prohibit speech. But I don't think Trump really has done that either.
Was that a great move or what?

Pelosi put Trumps speech in its proper place in history
I want to get a picture of her ripping up that speech so I can frame it.
Free speech

Read the Constitution
I have. Demoncraps today do not believe in free speech. If believe that you are lying to yourself.
Did you just use your right to free speech?
Rock throwing? He is guilty of everything listed.

Yes Trump is working on selling Alaska to Russia for $1 for helping him win the White House.
Actually, he is trying to buy Greenland
Too bad he never checked to see if it was for sale
Actually you didn't mention China is actively seeking to buy land in Greenland... you do know we own land in numerous countries? Right... fairly common.

The idiot was actually talking about trying to buy the entire country. That's just insane.
You are not aware of a lot of things are you?
So guessing you have no idea that this is not a new idea and America has on several occasions sought to buy the country. I believe 6 times.
The last serious offer was in 1967. Harry Truman made an offer in 1951, that is the Danes would have accepted - they would have came out on top is a big, big way. Greenland is believed to have enormous resources that Denmark doesn't have the money to invest to get it. As well as it would open up trade routes that would create enormous benefits for not only the Danes, but all of Europe.
Besides all of that, there were no actual proposals, the possibilities were being discussed. It would help block China's hold on the area and stop military expansion by Russia. But then of course the media got wind of it and set out to ridicule the whole thing as crazy, unhinged and the makings of a mad man.
It is not crazy. It would benefit a great deal of people, including especially the citizens there. And help fight Chinese and Russian expansion.
Snuff Copenhagen

The gutless Danes surrendered to the Nazis without firing a shot. We freed them, so they owe us big time. Greenland is the price they must pay for that. At least demand a plebiscite, so the people who live there can decide whether they want to continue being yellow-cheese Danish.

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