What do the left consider the greatest threat to America?

What do the left consider the greatest threat to America?

  • Estremist Islamic terrorists who want to murder millions

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So with Islamic Extremists, liberals keep trying to defuse and blame religious extremism in general or even Christians who did the Crusades centuries ago. They bring up McVeigh who wasn't a Christian and didn't do it for religion as an endless counter example. The liberal media tries to hide the Muslim names of every Islamic nut job who murders or tries to murder more people. And they still want our border open even though Al Qaeda can fly to Mexico City and walk across our border.

Yet gay marriage, hat's their obsession in any gay thread, that and the right to force bakers to make them cakes for their ... gay weddings. They bring up gay marriage in economic threads, military and everything else. They equate blacks getting lynched and shot with water canons to gays not getting tax breaks. You'd think this is the greatest issue that ever faced mankind

Is the tea party on that list?

Yes, the tea party are the ones leftists think want to deny gays societal validation through government, tax perks and cakes for their weddings. They think that is equivalent to the Nazis trying to exterminate the Jews. Can you imagine not having a cake for your gay wedding because you can't be bothered with going to a second baker if one turns you down? Seriously, no one can live under those circumstances, it's barbaric
Eh cake, why not ice cream cake? If I twas ghey, I'd want Dairy Queen to make me a ghey ice cream cake...

You know you don't have to post anyway when you have nothing to say
Your thread is titled "What do the left consider the greatest threat to America" but that's not the point of the thread. Um, okay...

Yes, that's why I used the phrase "reading comprehension"" rather than just "reading." You can read the words, you don't comprehend them. Again, seriously, you think the point of this thread is to discuss the greatest threat to America? You actually want people to think that's what you think the point of the thread is? Why don't you just post "Yes, I am stupid" and be done with it?

Dear Kaz, what do you believe is the greatest threat to America? Sincerely, Seawych.

Abdication of personal responsibility both for yourself and your expectation of others to take responsibility for themselves
So with Islamic Extremists, liberals keep trying to defuse and blame religious extremism in general or even Christians who did the Crusades centuries ago. They bring up McVeigh who wasn't a Christian and didn't do it for religion as an endless counter example. The liberal media tries to hide the Muslim names of every Islamic nut job who murders or tries to murder more people. And they still want our border open even though Al Qaeda can fly to Mexico City and walk across our border.

Yet gay marriage, hat's their obsession in any gay thread, that and the right to force bakers to make them cakes for their ... gay weddings. They bring up gay marriage in economic threads, military and everything else. They equate blacks getting lynched and shot with water canons to gays not getting tax breaks. You'd think this is the greatest issue that ever faced mankind

Leave it to conservatives to only think there's two possibilities and neither one of them are really a threat.

Want to know what a real threat to America is? Try Christian nationalists in the form of the Dominionist movement that hopes to impose Biblical law on America.

Aren't you glad you're smarter than Republicans not being all black and white, it's one thing or the other, there are no shades of gray like they are? LOL, what an idiot
Thanks for the belly laugh OP. A "supposed" libertarian espousing foreign adventures to go after the spooky islamic rw extremist and OP is the MURICAN version of that in that he's going against libertarian principles by singling-out a group based on what they do in their free-time lol
Thanks for the belly laugh OP. A "supposed" libertarian espousing foreign adventures to go after the spooky islamic rw extremist and OP is the MURICAN version of that in that he's going against libertarian principles by singling-out a group based on what they do in their free-time lol

I'll never let it be said a liberal passed on a chance to show how stupid you are. My post doesn't say that, moron. It doesn't address my view on those issues at all. It's mocking you. And I don't support the wars. And unlike you hypocrites my view on that doesn't change based on which party is in office
So with Islamic Extremists, liberals keep trying to defuse and blame religious extremism in general or even Christians who did the Crusades centuries ago. They bring up McVeigh who wasn't a Christian and didn't do it for religion as an endless counter example. The liberal media tries to hide the Muslim names of every Islamic nut job who murders or tries to murder more people. And they still want our border open even though Al Qaeda can fly to Mexico City and walk across our border.

Yet gay marriage, hat's their obsession in any gay thread, that and the right to force bakers to make them cakes for their ... gay weddings. They bring up gay marriage in economic threads, military and everything else. They equate blacks getting lynched and shot with water canons to gays not getting tax breaks. You'd think this is the greatest issue that ever faced mankind

Leave it to conservatives to only think there's two possibilities and neither one of them are really a threat.

Want to know what a real threat to America is? Try Christian nationalists in the form of the Dominionist movement that hopes to impose Biblical law on America.

Oh, I"m a conservative. Wow, what an insult. I'm going to go cry after writing this. Thank you, thank you, you'll be here until Thursday. Next up, you are going to call me a poopy pants. LOL.

And swish, another reading challenged leftist. Here's a hint, poindexter, I'm mocking you. It's the downside of arrogance, you can't see when that happens

You type a lot, but you never seem to say anything.
So with Islamic Extremists, liberals keep trying to defuse and blame religious extremism in general or even Christians who did the Crusades centuries ago. They bring up McVeigh who wasn't a Christian and didn't do it for religion as an endless counter example. The liberal media tries to hide the Muslim names of every Islamic nut job who murders or tries to murder more people. And they still want our border open even though Al Qaeda can fly to Mexico City and walk across our border.

Yet gay marriage, hat's their obsession in any gay thread, that and the right to force bakers to make them cakes for their ... gay weddings. They bring up gay marriage in economic threads, military and everything else. They equate blacks getting lynched and shot with water canons to gays not getting tax breaks. You'd think this is the greatest issue that ever faced mankind

Leave it to conservatives to only think there's two possibilities and neither one of them are really a threat.

Want to know what a real threat to America is? Try Christian nationalists in the form of the Dominionist movement that hopes to impose Biblical law on America.
I think the biggest threat is fucking leftists taking away freedom of beliefs to making everyone brainwashed fag loving atheists.

How can leftists take away beliefs?

he said FREEDOM of beliefs.

You're free to believe anything you want. In your case, it's the freedom to believe that you're making a lick of sense, which, of course, you are not. But you're still free to believe it.
So with Islamic Extremists, liberals keep trying to defuse and blame religious extremism in general or even Christians who did the Crusades centuries ago. They bring up McVeigh who wasn't a Christian and didn't do it for religion as an endless counter example. The liberal media tries to hide the Muslim names of every Islamic nut job who murders or tries to murder more people. And they still want our border open even though Al Qaeda can fly to Mexico City and walk across our border.

Yet gay marriage, hat's their obsession in any gay thread, that and the right to force bakers to make them cakes for their ... gay weddings. They bring up gay marriage in economic threads, military and everything else. They equate blacks getting lynched and shot with water canons to gays not getting tax breaks. You'd think this is the greatest issue that ever faced mankind

Leave it to conservatives to only think there's two possibilities and neither one of them are really a threat.

Want to know what a real threat to America is? Try Christian nationalists in the form of the Dominionist movement that hopes to impose Biblical law on America.

Oh, I"m a conservative. Wow, what an insult. I'm going to go cry after writing this. Thank you, thank you, you'll be here until Thursday. Next up, you are going to call me a poopy pants. LOL.

And swish, another reading challenged leftist. Here's a hint, poindexter, I'm mocking you. It's the downside of arrogance, you can't see when that happens

You type a lot, but you never seem to say anything.

You called a libertarian a conservative then failed to grasp the post you were replying to and then you say I don't say anything. Gotcha
So with Islamic Extremists, liberals keep trying to defuse and blame religious extremism in general or even Christians who did the Crusades centuries ago. They bring up McVeigh who wasn't a Christian and didn't do it for religion as an endless counter example. The liberal media tries to hide the Muslim names of every Islamic nut job who murders or tries to murder more people. And they still want our border open even though Al Qaeda can fly to Mexico City and walk across our border.

Yet gay marriage, hat's their obsession in any gay thread, that and the right to force bakers to make them cakes for their ... gay weddings. They bring up gay marriage in economic threads, military and everything else. They equate blacks getting lynched and shot with water canons to gays not getting tax breaks. You'd think this is the greatest issue that ever faced mankind

Leave it to conservatives to only think there's two possibilities and neither one of them are really a threat.

Want to know what a real threat to America is? Try Christian nationalists in the form of the Dominionist movement that hopes to impose Biblical law on America.
I think the biggest threat is fucking leftists taking away freedom of beliefs to making everyone brainwashed fag loving atheists.

How can leftists take away beliefs?

he said FREEDOM of beliefs.

You're free to believe anything you want. In your case, it's the freedom to believe that you're making a lick of sense, which, of course, you are not. But you're still free to believe it.

as are you, and if you choose to believe that soccer moms driving SUVs are destroying the climate, go right ahead.

The climate of our planet is changing, it has been changing for millions of years and will be changing millions of years from now. Man has never, and will never, have anything to do with it.
So with Islamic Extremists, liberals keep trying to defuse and blame religious extremism in general or even Christians who did the Crusades centuries ago. They bring up McVeigh who wasn't a Christian and didn't do it for religion as an endless counter example. The liberal media tries to hide the Muslim names of every Islamic nut job who murders or tries to murder more people. And they still want our border open even though Al Qaeda can fly to Mexico City and walk across our border.

Yet gay marriage, hat's their obsession in any gay thread, that and the right to force bakers to make them cakes for their ... gay weddings. They bring up gay marriage in economic threads, military and everything else. They equate blacks getting lynched and shot with water canons to gays not getting tax breaks. You'd think this is the greatest issue that ever faced mankind

rightwingnuts shouldn't pretend that they know what anyone on the left thinks.

but nice troll thread.
So with Islamic Extremists, liberals keep trying to defuse and blame religious extremism in general or even Christians who did the Crusades centuries ago. They bring up McVeigh who wasn't a Christian and didn't do it for religion as an endless counter example. The liberal media tries to hide the Muslim names of every Islamic nut job who murders or tries to murder more people. And they still want our border open even though Al Qaeda can fly to Mexico City and walk across our border.

Yet gay marriage, hat's their obsession in any gay thread, that and the right to force bakers to make them cakes for their ... gay weddings. They bring up gay marriage in economic threads, military and everything else. They equate blacks getting lynched and shot with water canons to gays not getting tax breaks. You'd think this is the greatest issue that ever faced mankind

Leave it to conservatives to only think there's two possibilities and neither one of them are really a threat.

Want to know what a real threat to America is? Try Christian nationalists in the form of the Dominionist movement that hopes to impose Biblical law on America.

Oh, I"m a conservative. Wow, what an insult. I'm going to go cry after writing this. Thank you, thank you, you'll be here until Thursday. Next up, you are going to call me a poopy pants. LOL.

And swish, another reading challenged leftist. Here's a hint, poindexter, I'm mocking you. It's the downside of arrogance, you can't see when that happens

You type a lot, but you never seem to say anything.

You called a libertarian a conservative then failed to grasp the post you were replying to and then you say I don't say anything. Gotcha

poor baby. yet another example of you pretending you understand what someone smarter than you has said.
So with Islamic Extremists, liberals keep trying to defuse and blame religious extremism in general or even Christians who did the Crusades centuries ago. They bring up McVeigh who wasn't a Christian and didn't do it for religion as an endless counter example. The liberal media tries to hide the Muslim names of every Islamic nut job who murders or tries to murder more people. And they still want our border open even though Al Qaeda can fly to Mexico City and walk across our border.

Yet gay marriage, hat's their obsession in any gay thread, that and the right to force bakers to make them cakes for their ... gay weddings. They bring up gay marriage in economic threads, military and everything else. They equate blacks getting lynched and shot with water canons to gays not getting tax breaks. You'd think this is the greatest issue that ever faced mankind

rightwingnuts shouldn't pretend that they know what anyone on the left thinks.

but nice troll thread.

then lets hear it from you. What is the greatest threat to our nation today?
So with Islamic Extremists, liberals keep trying to defuse and blame religious extremism in general or even Christians who did the Crusades centuries ago. They bring up McVeigh who wasn't a Christian and didn't do it for religion as an endless counter example. The liberal media tries to hide the Muslim names of every Islamic nut job who murders or tries to murder more people. And they still want our border open even though Al Qaeda can fly to Mexico City and walk across our border.

Yet gay marriage, hat's their obsession in any gay thread, that and the right to force bakers to make them cakes for their ... gay weddings. They bring up gay marriage in economic threads, military and everything else. They equate blacks getting lynched and shot with water canons to gays not getting tax breaks. You'd think this is the greatest issue that ever faced mankind

Leave it to conservatives to only think there's two possibilities and neither one of them are really a threat.

Want to know what a real threat to America is? Try Christian nationalists in the form of the Dominionist movement that hopes to impose Biblical law on America.

Oh, I"m a conservative. Wow, what an insult. I'm going to go cry after writing this. Thank you, thank you, you'll be here until Thursday. Next up, you are going to call me a poopy pants. LOL.

And swish, another reading challenged leftist. Here's a hint, poindexter, I'm mocking you. It's the downside of arrogance, you can't see when that happens

You type a lot, but you never seem to say anything.

You called a libertarian a conservative then failed to grasp the post you were replying to and then you say I don't say anything. Gotcha

poor baby. yet another example of you pretending you understand what someone smarter than you has said.

Sorry I made you cry, deary. Here's a hanky, go play with your dolls for a while and come back when you calm down
So with Islamic Extremists, liberals keep trying to defuse and blame religious extremism in general or even Christians who did the Crusades centuries ago. They bring up McVeigh who wasn't a Christian and didn't do it for religion as an endless counter example. The liberal media tries to hide the Muslim names of every Islamic nut job who murders or tries to murder more people. And they still want our border open even though Al Qaeda can fly to Mexico City and walk across our border.

Yet gay marriage, hat's their obsession in any gay thread, that and the right to force bakers to make them cakes for their ... gay weddings. They bring up gay marriage in economic threads, military and everything else. They equate blacks getting lynched and shot with water canons to gays not getting tax breaks. You'd think this is the greatest issue that ever faced mankind

rightwingnuts shouldn't pretend that they know what anyone on the left thinks.

but nice troll thread.

The thread isn't about what you "think" you dumb bimbo. It's about what you say. Try to keep up
The poll choices are inadequate:

- Anyone who harshes the Special Snowflake Social Justice Warrior "Feelings".
So with Islamic Extremists, liberals keep trying to defuse and blame religious extremism in general or even Christians who did the Crusades centuries ago. They bring up McVeigh who wasn't a Christian and didn't do it for religion as an endless counter example. The liberal media tries to hide the Muslim names of every Islamic nut job who murders or tries to murder more people. And they still want our border open even though Al Qaeda can fly to Mexico City and walk across our border.

Yet gay marriage, hat's their obsession in any gay thread, that and the right to force bakers to make them cakes for their ... gay weddings. They bring up gay marriage in economic threads, military and everything else. They equate blacks getting lynched and shot with water canons to gays not getting tax breaks. You'd think this is the greatest issue that ever faced mankind

rightwingnuts shouldn't pretend that they know what anyone on the left thinks.

but nice troll thread.

then lets hear it from you. What is the greatest threat to our nation today?

I'm going to guess she goes with the ever widening gap between what people who work for a living have and she has and how the government needs to do something about that unfairness by taking more from them and giving it to her
So with Islamic Extremists, liberals keep trying to defuse and blame religious extremism in general or even Christians who did the Crusades centuries ago. They bring up McVeigh who wasn't a Christian and didn't do it for religion as an endless counter example. The liberal media tries to hide the Muslim names of every Islamic nut job who murders or tries to murder more people. And they still want our border open even though Al Qaeda can fly to Mexico City and walk across our border.

Yet gay marriage, hat's their obsession in any gay thread, that and the right to force bakers to make them cakes for their ... gay weddings. They bring up gay marriage in economic threads, military and everything else. They equate blacks getting lynched and shot with water canons to gays not getting tax breaks. You'd think this is the greatest issue that ever faced mankind

Leave it to conservatives to only think there's two possibilities and neither one of them are really a threat.

Want to know what a real threat to America is? Try Christian nationalists in the form of the Dominionist movement that hopes to impose Biblical law on America.
I think the biggest threat is fucking leftists taking away freedom of beliefs to making everyone brainwashed fag loving atheists.

How can leftists take away beliefs?
They have made it to where nothing can be racist if it is done by another race but whites and gays are some higher moral beings according to leftists that also are untouchable.
Your thread is titled "What do the left consider the greatest threat to America" but that's not the point of the thread. Um, okay...

Yes, that's why I used the phrase "reading comprehension"" rather than just "reading." You can read the words, you don't comprehend them. Again, seriously, you think the point of this thread is to discuss the greatest threat to America? You actually want people to think that's what you think the point of the thread is? Why don't you just post "Yes, I am stupid" and be done with it?

Dear Kaz, what do you believe is the greatest threat to America? Sincerely, Seawych.

Abdication of personal responsibility both for yourself and your expectation of others to take responsibility for themselves

Oh puhleese...you started a troll thread with a troll thread title and now you're pissed because the wrong billy goat crossed your little troll bridge. Don't take it out on me because your thread didn't go the way you planned. Take responsibility for your troll thread. :lol:

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