What do they the U.S. & R*ssia have both been developing plans to deal with incoming asteroids


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
What Do They Know? The U.S. And Russia Have Both Been Developing Plans To Deal With Incoming Asteroids
(OPINION) MS – When the Russians take decisive action, it is usually for a reason. As you will see below, the Russians have suddenly decided that now is the time to create an organization that will be tasked with detecting, tracking and potentially destroying incoming asteroids. Are they doing this now because they have finally decided that this is a good idea, or has something gotten their attention? Of course, they are not likely to publicly admit if they have come to the conclusion that a gigantic space rock is heading directly toward us. Just like the U.S. government, the Russian government is very interested in maintaining social order, and so they would probably delay telling the public about a potential asteroid impact for as long as possible.

Oh most haven't a clue what we have don't have where we can go or can't ............ As long as the sheep are told this helps keep them...........
What Do They Know? The U.S. And Russia Have Both Been Developing Plans To Deal With Incoming Asteroids
(OPINION) MS – When the Russians take decisive action, it is usually for a reason. As you will see below, the Russians have suddenly decided that now is the time to create an organization that will be tasked with detecting, tracking and potentially destroying incoming asteroids. Are they doing this now because they have finally decided that this is a good idea, or has something gotten their attention? Of course, they are not likely to publicly admit if they have come to the conclusion that a gigantic space rock is heading directly toward us. Just like the U.S. government, the Russian government is very interested in maintaining social order, and so they would probably delay telling the public about a potential asteroid impact for as long as possible.

Oh most haven't a clue what we have don't have where we can go or can't ............ As long as the sheep are told this helps keep them...........
They know that in the past when the galaxy is at it's current position in its spin the odds of impact get higher. I use to know wjy that is but I am thirty years from college now and realy all I truely care about these days is hitting my daily bag limit when I fish. You get a certain age the whole life and death thing becaomes less of a thing to ya. You also start to realize how little you truely effect in the grand scheme of things. In short you wory less and live in the moment more. Some times I make statements on here and people reply wow you must be a toguh guy. The reality of it is at my age I do not have shit to lose and have taken more shit from people than I raly cared to. So ya when you look at that old dudes eyes realize you are on a shortr leash!
Why wouldn't we want to deflect an asteroid towards Russia and why wouldn't the Russians be trying to deflect an asteroid towards us ... do you think both governments are so stupid to be looking for life out there with space programs? ...

Joking ...

I can't find a citation, and I apologize for that, but I remember reading some time ago that when the US scaled down their nuclear weapon inventory they saved back four of our biggest H-Bombs for use by NASA ... just in case this was an option for deflecting an asteroid ... it sounds crazy on the surface but if you think about it it's just four devices sitting in a warehouse someplace ... load up the plutonium primary and the tritium secondary and she's ready to fly ...

Alternately ... "Could we really blow up an incoming asteroid with a nuclear bomb?" --- How Stuff Works --- no date --- tl:dr = we could but better options are available, I'm thinking thrusters and rocket engines ...
This is one of my pet peeves. Asteroid intercept and deflection should be a priority. As far as strategy goes, "blowing up" an asteroid is way too expensive and is completely unnecessary and could possibly make things worse. On Earth you can't deflect a bowling ball with a pea shooter. In zero gravity, you can.
This is one of my pet peeves. Asteroid intercept and deflection should be a priority. As far as strategy goes, "blowing up" an asteroid is way too expensive and is completely unnecessary and could possibly make things worse. On Earth you can't deflect a bowling ball with a pea shooter. In zero gravity, you can.
Absoluety right almost. Momentum is still a thing up there. The most likely way of deflectring it is to point lasers at it, the continuall push of the laser will be enough to alter it's flight if we point it soon enough. Also there is a reason we are landing on them. Putting a small rocket or ion motor will change it's projectory over time. This is what we know right now. Science is advancing at such a rate righjt now god knows what we will be able to do tomarrow. Quantum computing is hear right now, what we can accomplish in the near future may be better than any scifi story we have ever heard. We certainly live in interesting times. Lets hope it is not a curse.
Continually hit it with that pee shooter for long enough and it works.
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Bowling bowl and a pea shooting trying to protect a tiny grain of sand ... the Earth ain't that big ...

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