What do we owe Christianity?

Everything! It is the source of civilization!

1) it challenged the power of the liberal state [Rome] which had been the source of evil on earth and thus limited the damage the state could do

2) it taught that the each individual was special and loved by God, and so not merely worthless fodder for state slavery or military service.

3) it taught people to form families and to love, honor, and obey the one person with whom they had sex and children.

Source of modern civilization is more accurately described as ancient Greece. You know, the ones who invented democracy and logic in-between keggers and worshipping gods of sex and beauty and love.

Source of evil on Earth is always found first in reliigous groups. Never hear about a humanist cult getting int trouble for promoting child abuse, child sexual abuse, and the like. But hear about Christian groups getting into trouble for that very thing every month.

Your ignorance of religion seemingly believing Christianity and Judaism (Christianity can't exist without Judaism) aren't about war makes me laugh.


598. That those engaged in warfare shall not fear their enemies nor be panic-stricken by them during battle (Deut. 3:22, 7:21, 20:3) (negative).
599. To anoint a special kohein (to speak to the soldiers) in a war (Deut. 20:2) (affirmative). See Kohein.
600. In a permissive war (as distinguished from obligatory ones), to observe the procedure prescribed in the Torah (Deut. 20:10) (affirmative).
601. Not to keep alive any individual of the seven Canaanite nations (Deut. 20:16) (negative).
602. To exterminate the seven Canaanite nations from the land of Israel (Deut. 20:17) (affirmative).
603. Not to destroy fruit trees (wantonly or in warfare) (Deut. 20:19-20) (CCN191).
604. To deal with a beautiful woman taken captive in war in the manner prescribed in the Torah (Deut. 21:10-14) (affirmative).
605. Not to sell a beautiful woman, (taken captive in war) (Deut. 21:14) (negative).
606. Not to degrade a beautiful woman (taken captive in war) to the condition of a bondwoman (Deut. 21:14) (negative).
607. Not to offer peace to the Ammonites and the Moabites before waging war on them, as should be done to other nations (Deut. 23:7) (negative).
608. That anyone who is unclean shall not enter the Camp of the Levites (Deut. 23:11) (according to the Talmud, in the present day this means the Temple mount) (CCN193).
609. To have a place outside the camp for sanitary purposes (Deut. 23:13) (affirmative).
610. To keep that place sanitary (Deut. 23:14-15) (affirmative).
611. Always to remember what Amalek did (Deut. 25:17) (CCA76).
612. That the evil done to us by Amalek shall not be forgotten (Deut. 25:19) (CCN194).
613. To destroy the seed of Amalek (Deut. 25:19) (CCA77).

Christianity only taught people how to deny their human nature and withhold sex and love from their spouses and that when they didn't they commited grave sins and would be better plucking out their eyes than appreciating the beauty of the divine creation and being sent to a place of eternal pain and torture.

Religions which reject our humanity are responsible for more misery and cruelty than anything else we've come up with.Christianity's worse than nuclear weapons. Nuclear weapons have killed perhaps 400,000 people to date. Christianity alone is responsible for tens of millions.
the Christian Church that aided the Dark Ages in Europe.

Dear, when they build the Vatican they had Raphael paint the School of Athens fresco picturing the different philosophies of Plato and Aristotle to indicate that they had inherited Greek philosophy we were carrying it forward and keeping it alive. It led directly to Locke and Jefferson. Do you understand now?

Dear, why don't you pursue some research and attempt to understand what your Christian church did to thinkers, astronomers, alchemists, mathematicians who dared to challenge church authority regarding biblical models of existence. The church was a yolk around free thought and open investigation and literally held back humanity for 800 years.

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