What Do You Believe Is the Main Reason People Own a Gun

Why do we need to give a reason? It's a right and we shouldn't have to explain or justify it. Government, on the contrary, must provide a reason to strip U.S. Citizen of this right.
Actually, no one said an answer needed to be put forth.

Why are you so afraid of simple questions?

Pew researches issues. They don't do the presidential horse race. They're one of the most respected orgs in American history
Actually, no one said an answer needed to be put forth.

Why are you so afraid of simple questions?

Pew researches issues. They don't do the presidential horse race. They're one of the most respected orgs in American history
Common sense, for most individuals, is to answer a question. Why ask the question if you don't want a response?
there you go
So you’re suggesting that the portion of my post that you highlighted is an indication of fear? Do I have that right?

If so, you would be incorrect. It’s simply a natural conclusion that the vast majority of humanity is comprised of criminals, assholes, and other immoral pieces of shit who disgust me to the point of nausea when I am forced to deal with them. That disgust combined with the obvious fact that this country does not have an adequate legsl/justice system and culture to deter crime and immoral behavior in the population means that I am the only thing standing between my family and the filth of humanity.
Common sense, for most individuals, is to answer a question. Why ask the question if you don't want a response?
Many refuse to answer simple questions because of sick mindsets.

and stating no one has to, or is required to answer a question, is not suggesting an answer wasn't or isn't sought.

You do know, an angry refusal to answer is in itself, an answer? Or have you not grown in intelligence and education enough -- being able to discern simple facts and truths?

just a thought, eh? more like, just a troll
It's none of your fucking business why anyone owns a gun.
Snowflake Meltdown Alert!

dt jr blood face.jpg
It’s simply a natural conclusion that the vast majority of humanity is comprised of criminals, assholes, and other immoral pieces of shit who disgust me to the point of nausea
Here, you remind me of a few things...


above an example: I used to see the folks from The Church of Euthanasia carrying all sorts of wild and crazy banners.

The one I believe suits you well here read: "Eat a Queer Fetus for Jesus"

Their nihilistic, anarchistic, misanthropic outlook on life fits you well.
Great spelling!
Wow! A word fat fingered! Wow!

Better Call Tucker! :laughing0301:

now, drum roll please... :spinner:

President Donald Trump once said that he has "the best words." - covfefe - is just one of Trump's nonsense words

and we have: “Shoebiz,” “hamberders,” “leightweight.” “Rupublicans.” “Infair.”

laughing hillary.jpg
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Great spelling!
Wow! A word fat fingered! Wow!

Better Call Tucker!

now, drum roll please...

President Donald Trump once said that he has "the best words." - covfefe - is just one of Trump's nonsense words

and we have: “Shoebiz,” “hamberders,” “leightweight.” “Rupublicans.” “Infair.”


You're just another Santorum (sp?) :rofl:
above an example: I used to see the folks from The Church of Euthanasia carrying all sorts of wild and crazy banners.

The one I believe suits you well here read: "Eat a Queer Fetus for Jesus"

Their nihilistic, anarchistic, misanthropic outlook on life fits you well
Not quite sure why that particular sign suits me so well in your mind, but whatever. Can’t say I’d ever heard of that organization either.

I will agree to being narcissistic, an anachronism, a misogynist, and a nihilist… amongst many things that aren’t popular in todays world.

For Most U.S. Gun Owners, Protection Is the Main Reason They Own a Gun​

Pew has looked into this:

I wonder how many people are honest enough to admit it's because they are full of fear, and then will admit they watch/listen/read/gather news from sources that feed fear?

For us it isn't that we expect to need one. But neither do most people forced into a situation of self defense ever expect that. So for us, just as having a reasonable supply of freeze dried food on hand just in case the unthinkable should happen and we might need it, so do we own firearms for the specific purpose of self defense even though we seriously doubt we will ever need to use them.
One can say that about, Most questions asked in surveys.

But tired, old, angry white people like you...

Why do you think that any survey is accurate? How did the people asking know that the person on the other end of the line actually owned any guns?

You gun control freaks like to say that only 30% of the population owns guns all based on surveys.

But all those gun ownership surveys are wrong . I knew they were wrong because I got asked by pollsters more than once if I owned guns and I said no.

The funny thing is the last time I was asked I was actually carrying my Glock and I still said no

and FYI I ain't White.

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