What Do You Believe Is the Main Reason People Own a Gun

Most crimes do not need a gun to prevent the crime from happening. House alarm systems. Avoid dangerous places and people. These things can help prevent a crime happening to a scaredy cat nut job
Other Men.jpg
could it be a simple discussion on gun ownership triggers 2nd Amendment snowflakes?

It goes something like this:

To advance the premise that gun ownership is motivated by an exaggerated perception of fear, the consequence of news reports and other sources that promote that perception of fear, is to seek to undermine and delegitimize fear as ‘justification’ to own a gun.

With that ‘justification’ to possess a gun rendered invalid, the evil cabal of ‘anti-gunners’ are free to pursue their nefarious plot to ‘ban’ and ‘confiscate’ guns.

True, this is irrational, false, and idiotic, but this is how Second Amendment absolutist nitwits ‘think.’
Several people on this site have stated openly that they will not leave the house without a gun.

The 2nd Amendment is an important part of the Bill of Rights, and every American of age has the right to bear arms.

But some people just seem terrified of the world around them.
Oh the irony of democrats trying to imply that we own guns because we are afraid and that this fear is perpetuated and spread by right wing media.

Democrat media constantly promotes gun crime, ignores the thousands of reports each year where guns save lives, and spreads this fear to their easily frightened listeners and viewers.

Crime isn't an invention of the right wing media, it's a fact of life. Anyone can be a victim at any time. Being afraid that you or a loved one can fall victim to a violent crime is logical and rational.

I own guns, enough guns to frighten the shit out of most democrats. I own them because they are awesome, fun to use, and they can be used to protect my family, myself, and my property.

It goes something like this:

To advance the premise that gun ownership is motivated by an exaggerated perception of fear, the consequence of news reports and other sources that promote that perception of fear, is to seek to undermine and delegitimize fear as ‘justification’ to own a gun.

With that ‘justification’ to possess a gun rendered invalid, the evil cabal of ‘anti-gunners’ are free to pursue their nefarious plot to ‘ban’ and ‘confiscate’ guns.

True, this is irrational, false, and idiotic, but this is how Second Amendment absolutist nitwits ‘think.’
Nice fairy tale.
Several people on this site have stated openly that they will not leave the house without a gun.

The 2nd Amendment is an important part of the Bill of Rights, and every American of age has the right to bear arms.

But some people just seem terrified of the world around them.
Being terrified is not against the law. Being terrified and using a gun to kill innocent folks is a crime. Most people will not do the latter.
Americans buy guns for a variety of reasons, driven by a combination of personal, cultural, and societal factors. Some of the main reasons are:

1. Self-defense: Many individuals purchase firearms to protect themselves, their families, and their property. The notion of self-reliance and the ability to defend oneself is deeply rooted in the American culture.

2. Second Amendment rights: The United States Constitution's Second Amendment guarantees the right to bear arms. Some Americans exercise this right as a matter of principle, valuing their freedoms and advocating for the preservation of constitutional rights.

3. Sports and recreation: Firearms are used for various shooting sports, including target shooting, competitive shooting, and hunting. These activities offer a sense of camaraderie, skill development, and a connection to nature for many enthusiasts.

4. Collecting and historical interest: Guns hold a significant place in American history, and many individuals collect firearms for their historical value. The fascination with antique, rare, or unique firearms can drive gun purchases.

5. Cultural factors: Guns have become ingrained in certain American subcultures, such as rural communities and some conservative circles. The role of firearms in these cultures can influence gun ownership rates.

6. Economic factors: Concerns about personal safety, crime rates, and societal unrest can motivate gun purchases. During times of uncertainty or when individuals feel the need for heightened security, gun sales sometimes increase.

7. Perceived government overreach: Some individuals buy guns as a response to perceived encroachments on their individual liberties or as a safeguard against potential tyranny. This motivation often arises during times of political or social tensions.

It should be emphasized that individuals' motivations for buying guns can vary widely, and this list should be seen as a general overview rather than an exhaustive explanation. Societal attitudes, personal experiences, and local factors also play a role in shaping Americans' decisions to purchase firearms.
Did you read the Pew report?
Let’s see… I’ve owned guns for sport/competition shooting, recreatishooting, and self-defense/personal protection. It depends on which specific firearm you’re asking about.

I own firearms for self-defense/personal protection because police officers are too large to carry and they can’t always be where they’re needed when they’re needed. Additionally, LEOs have No Constitutional mandate to protect me, my family or my property even if they were there when needed. Put that all together and it adds up to ME being the one who must protect myself, my family, and my property from you 95% of humanity thst is nothing more than wastes of flesh and oxygen.

“So… fear” I can hear you say. No, it’s not fear. It’s a proactive tactic to protect the things I care about. Just like putting on a seatbelt in a car or wearing proper clothing and helmet on a motorcycle. You always hope you won’t need to use it, but you understand that when you need it it’s too late to try to acquire it.
there you go
i guess you live in a safe low crime mostly white middle class neighborhood populated by people you despise .
you have no idea

and I've moved around quite a bit in my life. I've met losers like you in my travels. We usually get along because I watch and lsietn to your type like vistors at a Zoo do, when visiting the less intelligent apes
And of course, there’s the ridiculous, unwarranted fear of 'the government.’

“A majority of Americans (61%) say it is too easy to legally obtain a gun in this country, while 30% say the ease of legally obtaining a gun is about right; 9% say it is too hard. ibid

The absolutist kooks make up a tiny minority.
FEMA Camps! Jade Helm! Vaccines! :auiqs.jpg:

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