What Do You Believe Is the Main Reason People Own a Gun

you have no idea

and I've moved around quite a bit in my life. I've met losers like you in my travels. We usually get along because I watch and lsietn to your type like vistors at a Zoo do, when visiting the less intelligent apes
trust me pal you aint never met a man like me ... if you met me you'd know in an instant that i'm not a punk like you are .
It sounds like you're afraid of some hillbillies taking your Prius.

It goes something like this:

To advance the premise that gun ownership is motivated by an exaggerated perception of fear, the consequence of news reports and other sources that promote that perception of fear, is to seek to undermine and delegitimize fear as ‘justification’ to own a gun.

With that ‘justification’ to possess a gun rendered invalid, the evil cabal of ‘anti-gunners’ are free to pursue their nefarious plot to ‘ban’ and ‘confiscate’ guns.

True, this is irrational, false, and idiotic, but this is how Second Amendment absolutist nitwits ‘think.’
the fact that they support the banning of what they label hate speech should be an indication of what they want to do with the second amendment ! the left is attacking the 1st and second amendment .
Several people on this site have stated openly that they will not leave the house without a gun.

The 2nd Amendment is an important part of the Bill of Rights, and every American of age has the right to bear arms.

But some people just seem terrified of the world around them.
Sometimes it’s a logical precaution. I ride with a motorcycle club. Generally we have between thirteen and fifteen thirty plus grand bikes on any given ride. We also often ride near the Mexican border, on average half or so of us carry concealed on any given ride.

For Most U.S. Gun Owners, Protection Is the Main Reason They Own a Gun​

Pew has looked into this:

I wonder how many people are honest enough to admit it's because they are full of fear, and then will admit they watch/listen/read/gather news from sources that feed fear?

Why do we need to give a reason? It's a right and we shouldn't have to explain or justify it. Government, on the contrary, must provide a reason to strip U.S. Citizen of this right.
Sometimes it’s a logical precaution. I ride with a motorcycle club. Generally we have between thirteen and fifteen thirty plus grand bikes on any given ride. We also often ride near the Mexican border, on average half or so of us carry concealed on any given ride.

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