What Do You Believe Is the Main Reason People Own a Gun

as another member wrote: Crime happens.....and you never know who will be the victim, or where it will happen.

.that my friend is fear based. Prepared? For what exactly? Where do you people live.

I used to frequent a place where people spoke of training to shoot while moving, and spoke of preparing in case people broke in and hel their families hotstage. I was like -- I am here: wtf do you people live?

You truly are a fool.
You idiots love to denigrate people for things that are real.....making yourselves feel superior when you have nothing to feel superior about...
Denigrate who?

You reply to imaginary posts? disclosure: Dante supports handgun ownership and has had concealed carry permit
You disagree?

Then you don't think that crime happens to people?

Most people? No it does not.

What percentage of Americans are involved in violent crimes? and how many are somehow related in association to the criminals?
Troll Alert!

This was a Doctor and his family living in a really, really nice community......the mother and daughter went to the grocery store and caught the attention of two monsters.............

Do you think that morning they thought they would end up being beaten, raped, and murdered by being set on fire....in this really nice community?

Cheshire home invasion murders - Wikipedia

Home invasion[edit]
According to Hayes' confession, the two men had planned to rob the Petit house under cover of darkness leaving the family bound, but unharmed. Hayes attributed the outcome to a change of plan. Upon their arrival in the early hours of July 23, they found William Petit sleeping on a couch on the porch.[10] Komisarjevsky struck William on the head with a baseball bat found in the yard and then tied him up at gunpoint in the basement. The children and their mother were then bound and locked in their respective rooms.[1][11]

During this time, Hayes and Komisarjevsky escalated the aggravated nature of their crimes: Komisarjevsky raped the 11-year-old Michaela.[15][16] Komisarjevsky, who had photographed the sexual assault of the girl on his cell phone,[17] then provoked Hayes into raping Jennifer. While Hayes was raping her on the floor of the living room, Komisarjevsky entered the room and announced that William Petit had escaped. Hayes then strangled Jennifer, doused her lifeless body and parts of the house, including the daughters' rooms, with gasoline. While tied to their beds, both daughters had been doused with gasoline; each had her head covered with a pillowcase.[18] A fire was started, and Hayes and Komisarjevsky fled the scene. Hayley and Michaela both died of smoke inhalation.[19]

William Petit had been able to free himself, escape his confines, and call to a neighbor for help.[20] The neighbor indicated that he did not recognize him due to the severity of Petit's injuries. In court testimony, William Petit stated that he felt a "jolt of adrenaline" coupled with a need to escape upon hearing one of the perpetrators state: "Don't worry, it's going to be all over in a couple of minutes." Petit then told the jury, "I thought, it's now or never because in my mind at that moment, I thought they were going to shoot all of us."[21]

Hayes and Komisarjevsky fled the scene using the Petit family car. They were immediately spotted by police surveillance, pursued, and arrested one block away.[14] The whole invasion lasted seven hours.
Most people? No it does not.

What percentage of Americans are involved in violent crimes? and how many are somehow related in association to the criminals?

And how do you know which people are "most people," and which are the victims?

Please.....could you let us know 24 hours before the attack so we can prepare....
Most people? No it does not.

What percentage of Americans are involved in violent crimes? and how many are somehow related in association to the criminals?

Are there Americans every day who are the victims of rape, robbery, murder, beatings and stabbings?

Yes or no?
Most the people I know have them for hunting.
72% of U.S. gun owners say protection is a major reason they own a gun. That far surpasses the shares of gun owners who cite other reasons.

This view has changed only modestly since the Center’s major survey of attitudes toward gun ownership and gun policies in 2017. At that time, 67% of gun owners cited protection as a major reason they owned a firearm.

The demographics of gun ownership have changed little in recent years. Gun ownership is far more common among residents of rural areas (47%) than among people living in suburbs (30%) or urban areas (20%). Republicans and Republican-leaning independents (45%) are far more likely than Democrats and Democratic leaners (20%) to report owning a gun.

No. I will believe what ya say about it but this is not my personal experience.
I understand. That is why I try not to base my opinions exclusively on anecdotal evidence.

72% of U.S. gun owners say protection is a major reason they own a gun. That far surpasses the shares of gun owners who cite other reasons.

This view has changed only modestly since the Center’s major survey of attitudes toward gun ownership and gun policies in 2017. At that time, 67% of gun owners cited protection as a major reason they owned a firearm.

The demographics of gun ownership have changed little in recent years. Gun ownership is far more common among residents of rural areas (47%) than among people living in suburbs (30%) or urban areas (20%). Republicans and Republican-leaning independents (45%) are far more likely than Democrats and Democratic leaners (20%) to report owning a gun.

72% of U.S. gun owners say protection is a major reason they own a gun. That far surpasses the shares of gun owners who cite other reasons.


A valid reason to own and carry a gun.......why are you so dense on this topic?
72% of U.S. gun owners say protection is a major reason they own a gun. That far surpasses the shares of gun owners who cite other reasons.


A valid reason to own and carry a gun.......why are you so dense on this topic?
Discussing facts bothers you because?

go away Troll
How many do you personally know?

What does that have to do with anything?

I know two people who were robbed at gun point, I know a friend of a relative who was a clerk robbed in a 7/11 and raped, I know gang bangers shot at each other at a local mall, I know a pizza hut that was robbed at gun point, I know of people who were robbed at the local walmart......

And even if I didn't know those people....

Crime fucking happens and you don't know where or when it will happen.......

For Most U.S. Gun Owners, Protection Is the Main Reason They Own a Gun​

Pew has looked into this:

I wonder how many people are honest enough to admit it's because they are full of fear, and then will admit they watch/listen/read/gather news from sources that feed fear?

Interesting, why do you suppose liberals think the IRS needs to be armed?
What does that have to do with anything?

I know two people who were robbed at gun point, I know a friend of a relative who was a clerk robbed in a 7/11 and raped, I know gang bangers shot at each other at a local mall, I know a pizza hut that was robbed at gun point, I know of people who were robbed at the local walmart......

And even if I didn't know those people....

Crime fucking happens and you don't know where or when it will happen.......
Fucking move, loser. It's a free country.

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