What Do You Believe Is the Main Reason People Own a Gun

"Where's the bait?"

friggin loser:

For Most U.S. Gun Owners, Protection Is the Main Reason They Own a Gun​

Pew has looked into this:

I wonder how many people are honest enough to admit it's because they are full of fear, and then will admit they watch/listen/read/gather news from sources that feed fear?

Do most people who own fire extinguishers have fear of fire?
No....you said that most people don't experience crime.....and most people don't. But you condemn them for knowing that other people do experience crime and that they may, in fact, be the victims of crime in the future, so they prepare by owning and carrying a gun......

And you have some dumb idea that they are stupid to own the gun in order to be prepared.
"They may, in fact, be the victims of crime in the future?"

Do you fear being hit by lightning strikes? Are you prepared? Here's how the possibilities and probabilities of the odds work: I do not golf or hang around the water or open fields during lightning storms. The probabilities of me being struck by lightning are lower than the probabilities of people who engage in ways I listed

take the above and think of gun ownership base of fears of crime. The probabilities of most people being involved in a serious violent crime? About as low as it gets. You ? I guess you live in a poor shitty place, after what you posted about your family, friends, acquaintances.

"They may, in fact, be the victims of crime in the future?"

Do you fear being hit by lightning strikes? Are you prepared? Here's how the possibilities and probabilities of the odds work: I do not golf or hang around the water or open fields during lightning storms. The probabilities of me being struck by lightning are lower than the probabilities of people who engage in ways I listed

take the above and think of gun ownership base of fears of crime. The probabilities of most people being involved in a serious violent crime? About as low as it gets. You ? I guess you live in a poor shitty place, after what you posted about your family, friends, acquaintances.


When it rains I don't stand next to trees. Is that fear?

What are the odds that you will be struck by lightening even if you are standing next to a tree or a lake? So you are telling us you live in a state of perpetual terror that you will be struck by lightening........explains a lot about you.
When I get asked why I own a gun or carry a concealed weapon I say,

And I would never be so ungracious, rude, ignorant, or hostile to a simple question. note: Truth Social type Caps! :laughing0301:

Maybe you have superpowers and have reason to believe people are asking for some reason lost on us most normal human beings

For Most U.S. Gun Owners, Protection Is the Main Reason They Own a Gun​

Pew has looked into this:

I wonder how many people are honest enough to admit it's because they are full of fear, and then will admit they watch/listen/read/gather news from sources that feed fear?

Pew (as in "stink") research is a well-known Leftist stink tank. People own guns for a variety of reasons, self protection among them. The Democrat fueled collapse of law enforcement is a contributing factor.
There are millions of violent crimes committed every year. There are also hundreds of thousands that are prevented by people who defend themselves with a gun.
"hundreds of thousands that are prevented by people who defend themselves with a gun?' - really? I don't believe that's a verifiable fact.

I'm not even sure there are millions of violent crimes committed every year in the USA. That sound a bit Tucker Carlsonish.

and again, I am pro ownership of handguns.

For Most U.S. Gun Owners, Protection Is the Main Reason They Own a Gun​

Pew has looked into this:

I wonder how many people are honest enough to admit it's because they are full of fear, and then will admit they watch/listen/read/gather news from sources that feed fear?

because fuck you is why,,
"hundreds of thousands that are prevented by people who defend themselves with a gun?' - really? I don't believe that's a verifiable fact.

I'm not even sure there are millions of violent crimes committed every year in the USA. That sound a bit Tucker Carlsonish.

and again, I am pro ownership of handguns.
just look at other countries and cities like chicago that ban or restrict guns that have high crime rates,,
That you are smearing people who own guns.....
really? You know I titled your outrageous lunatic shit as: "gun ownership hysterics usmb style?"

gun ownership hysterics usmb style.jpg

You smear people in your signature, so I guess it's understandable how pathetic a loser you are here. I was not smearing anyone, let alone myself. Mocking your hysterics over any discussion of gun ownership has nothing to do with the average gun owner, who is not afraid to admit why they purchased a handgun or...
Pew (as in "stink") research is a well-known Leftist stink tank. People own guns for a variety of reasons, self protection among them. The Democrat fueled collapse of law enforcement is a contributing factor.
actually, you're as wrong as wrong cane be.

now go away you fucking Troll


For Most U.S. Gun Owners, Protection Is the Main Reason They Own a Gun​

Pew has looked into this:

Gun owners in the United States continue to cite protection far more than other factors, including hunting and sport shooting, as a major reason they own a gun.

And while a sizable majority of gun owners (71%) say they enjoy having a gun, an even larger share (81%) say they feel safer owning a gun.

I wonder how many people are honest enough to admit it's because they are full of fear, and then will admit they watch/listen/read/gather news from sources that feed fear?

why dont you put a sign on your house in one of those places saying its gun free and see what happens
Why would I do that?

go away.

I think you should be reported as I have said I support guns and you have not read anything, you're only here to troll with attacks.

go fuck yourself you pathetic little loser
There is no fear involved......there is a rational understanding that criminals exist.....and where and when they attack will not be known until the attack......you dumb ass.
The problem is, for almost all gun owners, owning the gun does the exact opposite of protecting them. Sure, you might be able to grab your gun in the middle of the night as armed thugs kick down your door and attempt to rape your wife and daughter. Problem is, chance of that happening is pretty damn small. What is much more likely to happen is that your daughter might use the gun to commit suicide, damn rampant in young females today, or you might shoot your wife who simply woke up and fixed a ham sandwich in the kitchen and is returning to bed. Or you might shoot the teenager that just had a car wreck and walked to your house late at night and knocked on your door for help. Especially if that are Black.

Look, I own quite a few guns, each with a specific purpose. Almost all for hunting, although I do have a specific gun for skeet shooting and another for targets. None of them are kept in my home, all of them are in a gun safe behind a false wall at my parents' house, we call it the armory. I was lead for a championship rifle team sponsored by the NRA way back in the day when they actually did stuff like that, and I was eliminated in the regional qualification for the Olympics in the 50 meter three position rifle event in 1976.

And the OP article is a little slanted. Most gun owners live in rural areas and I am quite confident that few of them own those guns for protection. I mean I live in the sticks, chance of any "criminals" voyaging out this far is slim to damn none. Damn near everyone has a gun, but that is because most of them get all their protein from wild game and fishing. I realize hunting is a lost art in most parts of America, but not here, at the foothills of the Blue Ridge mountains. I don't have a backyard, my back porch stretches out into one of the last remaining virgin forests in the Southeast. 100 year old muscadine vines reach to the top of the White Oaks and the fallen fruit covers my roof in the fall.

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