What Do You Believe Is the Main Reason People Own a Gun

You are full of fear. I wonder where and how you get the news that you watch/listen/read/gather . What sources feed your fears?

Crime has always been around us. Always. Where it will happen? WTF do you live? If it's so unsafe yu fear things, why not move? We live in a free country.

True, but I lived in a rural area where a double murder occurred. I moved to a new state where shootings happen down the street. Should I move again? There is no place without crime.
What is the main reason people exercise free speech? Practice their religion? Assemble freely?
I have one for a paper weight.

I thought that was what your head was for.

True, but I lived in a rural area where a double murder occurred. I moved to a new state where shootings happen down the street. Should I move again? There is no place without crime.
Exactly. Crime is as old as prostitution, probably older.

Those shootings and murders, I bet the people somehow knew each other and everyone else was never in any real danger
How many do you personally know?
My daughter-in-law's family lived in a quiet apartment complex in Virginia. Three teenagers broke in the front door, and shot my daughter-in-law's stepfather with a sawed off shotgun and blew off most of his right hand when he merely stood up. They held them captive for a few minutes until they heard her brother coming down the stairs. They ran, but were eventually captured by the police. Her brother wished he had a gun at the time then the police would have been unnecessary.
My daughter-in-law's family lived in a quiet apartment complex in Virginia. Three teenagers broke in the front door, and shot my daughter-in-law's stepfather with a sawed off shotgun and blew off most of his right hand when he merely stood up. They held them captive for a few minutes until they heard her brother coming down the stairs. They ran, but were eventually captured by the police. Her brother wished he had a gun at the time then the police would have been unnecessary.
good gawd, what part of Virginia? I've lived in Boston, LA, NYC and other places, and never saw that happen to anyone I knew
My daughter-in-law's family lived in a quiet apartment complex in Virginia. Three teenagers broke in the front door, and shot my daughter-in-law's stepfather with a sawed off shotgun and blew off most of his right hand when he merely stood up. They held them captive for a few minutes until they heard her brother coming down the stairs. They ran, but were eventually captured by the police. Her brother wished he had a gun at the time then the police would have been unnecessary.
SO he would've had time to get a shotgun or handgun? I doubt it, but who knows.
"They may, in fact, be the victims of crime in the future?"

Do you fear being hit by lightning strikes? Are you prepared? Here's how the possibilities and probabilities of the odds work: I do not golf or hang around the water or open fields during lightning storms. The probabilities of me being struck by lightning are lower than the probabilities of people who engage in ways I listed

take the above and think of gun ownership base of fears of crime. The probabilities of most people being involved in a serious violent crime? About as low as it gets. You ? I guess you live in a poor shitty place, after what you posted about your family, friends, acquaintances.

An apartment complex in my city recently was struck by lighting and 16 units burned to the ground. Should they have been scared of lighting because they were indoors?

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