What Do You Believe Is the Main Reason People Own a Gun

Fucking move, loser. It's a free country.

No....you said that most people don't experience crime.....and most people don't. But you condemn them for knowing that other people do experience crime and that they may, in fact, be the victims of crime in the future, so they prepare by owning and carrying a gun......

And you have some dumb idea that they are stupid to own the gun in order to be prepared.

For Most U.S. Gun Owners, Protection Is the Main Reason They Own a Gun​

Pew has looked into this:

I wonder how many people are honest enough to admit it's because they are full of fear, and then will admit they watch/listen/read/gather news from sources that feed fear?

/----/ Because we can. We don't owe you gun grabbers any explanation for exercising our constitutional rights.
Why do you feel the "need" to vote, drive across state lines, speak your mind, be secure in your personal papers, buy and own real estate, open a business—the list goes on and on,

For Most U.S. Gun Owners, Protection Is the Main Reason They Own a Gun​

Pew has looked into this:

I wonder how many people are honest enough to admit it's because they are full of fear, and then will admit they watch/listen/read/gather news from sources that feed fear?

When I get asked why I own a gun or carry a concealed weapon I say,

so you were afraid eh ? after all your op says gun owners are full of fear ...
Try keeping up: copy of post above:

Did you read the article/report?

The fear part is high for most gun owners. I did not purchase a handgun out of fear or for protection in myself in my home or neighborhood. My safety concerns had to do with traveling in an expensive vehicle, in rural areas with valuable belongings and knowing that LE was a long way away from responding if able to connect via cell towers
Try keeping up: copy of post above:

Did you read the article/report?

The fear part is high for most gun owners. I did not purchase a handgun out of fear or for protection in myself in my home or neighborhood. My safety concerns had to do with traveling in an expensive vehicle, in rural areas with valuable belongings and knowing that LE was a long way away from responding if able to connect via cell towers

You are obsessed with using the word "fear," as a way to attack gun owners. Those people are not "afraid." They had to answer a dumb poll question about crime.......they own a gun to be prepared in case they encounter a violent criminal...you doofus.
And you have nothing....your opinion is just dumb.....so now you don't want to play anymore.
What I have is a discussion of the OP, which you completely ignore as you attempt hijacking this thread

For Most U.S. Gun Owners, Protection Is the Main Reason They Own a Gun​

Pew has looked into this:

Gun owners in the United States continue to cite protection far more than other factors, including hunting and sport shooting, as a major reason they own a gun.

And while a sizable majority of gun owners (71%) say they enjoy having a gun, an even larger share (81%) say they feel safer owning a gun.

I wonder how many people are honest enough to admit it's because they are full of fear, and then will admit they watch/listen/read/gather news from sources that feed fear?

Just because you created a bait thread, it doesn't AUTOMATICALLY make you a troll.
"Where's the bait?"

friggin loser:

For Most U.S. Gun Owners, Protection Is the Main Reason They Own a Gun​

Pew has looked into this:

Gun owners in the United States continue to cite protection far more than other factors, including hunting and sport shooting, as a major reason they own a gun.

And while a sizable majority of gun owners (71%) say they enjoy having a gun, an even larger share (81%) say they feel safer owning a gun.

I wonder how many people are honest enough to admit it's because they are full of fear, and then will admit they watch/listen/read/gather news from sources that feed fear?

You are full of fear. I wonder where and how you get the news that you watch/listen/read/gather . What sources feed your fears?

Crime has always been around us. Always. Where it will happen? WTF do you live? If it's so unsafe yu fear things, why not move? We live in a free country.

The local 5 o'clock news every day, you fucking moron.
Try keeping up: copy of post above:

Did you read the article/report?

The fear part is high for most gun owners. I did not purchase a handgun out of fear or for protection in myself in my home or neighborhood. My safety concerns had to do with traveling in an expensive vehicle, in rural areas with valuable belongings and knowing that LE was a long way away from responding if able to connect via cell towers
lol ! you are concerned for your safety or belongings in rural areas ! LOL ! WOW ! LOL ! stick to those safe peaceful inner cities then Einstein !
What I have is a discussion of the OP, which you completely ignore as you attempt hijacking this thread

For Most U.S. Gun Owners, Protection Is the Main Reason They Own a Gun​

Pew has looked into this:

I wonder how many people are honest enough to admit it's because they are full of fear, and then will admit they watch/listen/read/gather news from sources that feed fear?

There is no fear involved......there is a rational understanding that criminals exist.....and where and when they attack will not be known until the attack......you dumb ass.

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