what do you consider legitimate criticism of israel vs unfair criticism of israel


I love Andrea & April
Mar 7, 2007
I consider criticism of the settlements fair game

One can disagree, even I am not a fan of the settlements
I consider criticism of the settlements fair game

One can disagree, even I am not a fan of the settlements

Legitimate criticism of Isreal is pointing out their racist policital goals of having an all Jewish run state, that is after all what the zionist cause is all about. Its also legitimate to point out how idiotic it is to think you can live side by side with Muslims and believe you can live in peace.

However, it isn't very legitimate to argue that Isreal doesn't have the right to govern its own country its own way. They are their own country and have every right to implement any immigration laws as they see fit to keep the Muslims out. Why should they not be allowed to establish settlements within their own borders? If the Israelis would grow a pair they'd throw all the terrorist breeding Palis out of their lands.
All criticism of Israel brands one an anti-semite, and if you're already a jew, then you become a self-hating jew, whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean. So you're either for concentrations camps, stealing land and racial superiority of jews (don't forget, they are god's chosen people after all), or you're a bigot, racist anti-freedom loving anti-semite.
PS As though anyone even cares what jews think about them, lol.

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