What do you do with a teabag? Use it once!

Poor Synthia...

So hard to see with only the left eye open...

Only a perverted, sick, degenerate piece of subhuman liberal filth would refer to a group of people who rightfully fear government waste, unending wars, and police state powers as a disgusting homosexual act.

They only started to fear all of that when a Democrat became president.

Not a peep while Bush was starting the unending wars, instituting the police state powers, and wasting taxpayer money left and right on Homeland Security Department, Medicare D, tax cuts for billionaires, etc.

Boosh has been retired for almost 2 years now.... get over it dumbass!
Do you tell that to the parents of dead soldiers from his bogus Iraq War?
They only started to fear all of that when a Democrat became president.

Not a peep while Bush was starting the unending wars, instituting the police state powers, and wasting taxpayer money left and right on Homeland Security Department, Medicare D, tax cuts for billionaires, etc.

Boosh has been retired for almost 2 years now.... get over it dumbass!
Do you tell that to the parents of dead soldiers from his bogus Iraq War?


I isn't really a good troll thread until someone comes along politicizing our dead troops...

Kudos, Synthia...:clap2:
Boosh has been retired for almost 2 years now.... get over it dumbass!
Do you tell that to the parents of dead soldiers from his bogus Iraq War?


I isn't really a good troll thread until someone comes along politicizing our dead troops...

Kudos, Synthia...:clap2:
Bush's policies and actions will be negatively felt for years and years. There is no "get over it" for many people whose lives have been ruined, either in a false war or economically. He was a disaster for this country, and it's going to take more than "two years" just to keep us from collapse.

But nice job of politicizing the soldiers.
Do you tell that to the parents of dead soldiers from his bogus Iraq War?


I isn't really a good troll thread until someone comes along politicizing our dead troops...

Kudos, Synthia...:clap2:
Bush's policies and actions will be negatively felt for years and years. There is no "get over it" for many people whose lives have been ruined, either in a false war or economically. He was a disaster for this country, and it's going to take more than "two years" just to keep us from collapse.

But nice job of politicizing the soldiers.
uh, moron, you were the one politicizing them

and it seems quite a few are getting over bush, since he is rated over obama now :lol:

I isn't really a good troll thread until someone comes along politicizing our dead troops...

Kudos, Synthia...:clap2:
Bush's policies and actions will be negatively felt for years and years. There is no "get over it" for many people whose lives have been ruined, either in a false war or economically. He was a disaster for this country, and it's going to take more than "two years" just to keep us from collapse.

But nice job of politicizing the soldiers.
uh, moron, you were the one politicizing them

and it seems quite a few are getting over bush, since he is rated over obama now :lol:

Poor Synthia...

His moronic ramblings are a never ending source of laughter....:lol:

I isn't really a good troll thread until someone comes along politicizing our dead troops...

Kudos, Synthia...:clap2:
Bush's policies and actions will be negatively felt for years and years. There is no "get over it" for many people whose lives have been ruined, either in a false war or economically. He was a disaster for this country, and it's going to take more than "two years" just to keep us from collapse.

But nice job of politicizing the soldiers.
uh, moron, you were the one politicizing them

and it seems quite a few are getting over bush, since he is rated over obama now :lol:

If you think so.
Then throw it away! :lol:

How do all you teabaggers feel about being USED to gain majority in the House, THEN have your #1 issue - the deficit - be mocked and disregarded by Corporate Republicans who want to add $700 billion to the deficit!



Cuz it's somehow the Tea Party's fault that the establishment GOPers are bucking and resisting them.........:lol:

LOL you amuse me.

You both amuse me because you both are somehow able to identify and spotlight all the flaws in the "other" side while remaining perfectly blind to the flaws on your own side.

Remarkable and amusing.
Then throw it away! :lol:

How do all you teabaggers feel about being USED to gain majority in the House, THEN have your #1 issue - the deficit - be mocked and disregarded by Corporate Republicans who want to add $700 billion to the deficit!



Well in the case of a Dem they'll just tuck em back in the guys pants and tell em to come back soon......with all there friends:fu:
I'll wait til you catch up on the thread, slow person.
It's OK. Some failed 7th grade civics and some never took it. You are one of those, obviously.
I guess you skipped right over this one. Moron.
And, I responded to your OP. You can sort of figure that out by the fact that I quoted your OP in the post to which you take so much offense. And, that post, to which you are still taking such offense, was well before the "this one" post to which you linked.

You fucked up in your OP and I called you on it. Now you are trying to weasel out of it.

If you allow those points to ricochet around in your cranium long enough you will increase the chance of them coming into contact with one of your two brain cells.

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They only started to fear all of that when a Democrat became president.

Not a peep while Bush was starting the unending wars, instituting the police state powers, and wasting taxpayer money left and right on Homeland Security Department, Medicare D, tax cuts for billionaires, etc.
Okay, now you're just flat-out lying. You've seen me criticize Bush many times while he was in office.
Any criticisms of Bush, by you, were always tempered by the obligatory remark that he's a hell of a lot better than if it was President XXXXX (D) instead.

So no - I don't remember any criticisms of Bush that were unambiguous, without your typical weaselly comparisons and mitigations.
Gosh. More lying.
Denying that there isn't an undercurrent of racism in the teabaggers hatred of Obama is just that.

Denial. Palin and simple.
Projection of your own racism on others is just that.

Projection. Pure and simple.
Someday, racist assholes like you will go the way of the dinosaur...

Hey, I'm not the racist. But you teabagger crackers, goobers, and red necks sure as hell are.

Whatever would give you that idea?


What makes these racist?

Degree of difficulty: You have to use the REAL definition of racist, not the leftist one that goes "anything that criticizes Obama".

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