What do you do with a teabag? Use it once!

Hey, I'm not the racist. But you teabagger crackers, goobers, and red necks sure as hell are.

Will you fuck off with the ridiculous, unsupported, unevidenced bullshit. It is pathetic.
Consider it evidenced and supported!
5 images, only three of which are racist.

I guess that means you agree with this:

Synthia said:
Why did you edit out the rest of the photos?

You missed his point...

Why did you include those obviously non-racist ones...

You remain a fucking clueless idiot, Synthia...
But the other ones were racist? Then I've proved my point.
no, you didnt prove your point
that was in no way indicative of the tea party as a whole

and since it was proven that moveon.morons were showing up with racist signs to paint the tea party as racist
Synthia said:
Why did you edit out the rest of the photos?

You missed his point...

Why did you include those obviously non-racist ones...

You remain a fucking clueless idiot, Synthia...
But the other ones were racist? Then I've proved my point.

You proved no such thing. Those images (the ones that were actually racist -- since not all of them qualify as racist) prove ONLY that SOME people are racist.

As DiveCon noted, you proved absolutely nothing with regard to the tea party participants as a whole.

And, since moron.sht has provided "plants," the value of the images you posted is reduced even further.

It is you liberoidal types who live and die by bringing up the entire issue of race. It's pretty racist of you to pretend that you can insulate President Obama from criticism by falsely charging "racism!!!" any time he gets criticized over political differences. One of the stigmas associated with Affirmative Action is the often false assumption that a person of color can only advance by virtue of AA. It undercuts actual achievement.

Your type of rhetoric has the same impact.
You missed his point...

Why did you include those obviously non-racist ones...

You remain a fucking clueless idiot, Synthia...
But the other ones were racist? Then I've proved my point.

You proved no such thing. Those images (the ones that were actually racist -- since not all of them qualify as racist) prove ONLY that SOME people are racist.

As DiveCon noted, you proved absolutely nothing with regard to the tea party participants as a whole.

And, since moron.sht has provided "plants," the value of the images you posted is reduced even further.

It is you liberoidal types who live and die by bringing up the entire issue of race. It's pretty racist of you to pretend that you can insulate President Obama from criticism by falsely charging "racism!!!" any time he gets criticized over political differences. One of the stigmas associated with Affirmative Action is the often false assumption that a person of color can only advance by virtue of AA. It undercuts actual achievement.

Your type of rhetoric has the same impact.

Thank you for agreeing with my point.
But the other ones were racist? Then I've proved my point.

You proved no such thing. Those images (the ones that were actually racist -- since not all of them qualify as racist) prove ONLY that SOME people are racist.

As DiveCon noted, you proved absolutely nothing with regard to the tea party participants as a whole.

And, since moron.sht has provided "plants," the value of the images you posted is reduced even further.

It is you liberoidal types who live and die by bringing up the entire issue of race. It's pretty racist of you to pretend that you can insulate President Obama from criticism by falsely charging "racism!!!" any time he gets criticized over political differences. One of the stigmas associated with Affirmative Action is the often false assumption that a person of color can only advance by virtue of AA. It undercuts actual achievement.

Your type of rhetoric has the same impact.

Thank you for agreeing with my point.

I proved your "point" only if your "point" is that you were making a deliberately invalid claim in the first place.

Thanks for admitting that you were just being a troll. That's a healthy first step.
But the other ones were racist? Then I've proved my point.

You proved no such thing. Those images (the ones that were actually racist -- since not all of them qualify as racist) prove ONLY that SOME people are racist.

As DiveCon noted, you proved absolutely nothing with regard to the tea party participants as a whole.

And, since moron.sht has provided "plants," the value of the images you posted is reduced even further.

It is you liberoidal types who live and die by bringing up the entire issue of race. It's pretty racist of you to pretend that you can insulate President Obama from criticism by falsely charging "racism!!!" any time he gets criticized over political differences. One of the stigmas associated with Affirmative Action is the often false assumption that a person of color can only advance by virtue of AA. It undercuts actual achievement.

Your type of rhetoric has the same impact.

Thank you for agreeing with my point.
Then you agree with mine. You support this sentiment:

Isn't if funny how leftholes like <insert favorite USMB lefthole doucher> have no problem concluding that teabaggers are all racist based on the behavior of a very few (who may not even be real baggers), but pitch a hissy fit anytime someone points out that the vast majority of the world's terrorists are Muslim.

But then again hypocrisy and "do as I say not as I do" are the hallmarks of the American leftist movement.

True story :thup:
You proved no such thing. Those images (the ones that were actually racist -- since not all of them qualify as racist) prove ONLY that SOME people are racist.

As DiveCon noted, you proved absolutely nothing with regard to the tea party participants as a whole.

And, since moron.sht has provided "plants," the value of the images you posted is reduced even further.

It is you liberoidal types who live and die by bringing up the entire issue of race. It's pretty racist of you to pretend that you can insulate President Obama from criticism by falsely charging "racism!!!" any time he gets criticized over political differences. One of the stigmas associated with Affirmative Action is the often false assumption that a person of color can only advance by virtue of AA. It undercuts actual achievement.

Your type of rhetoric has the same impact.

Thank you for agreeing with my point.

I proved your "point" only if your "point" is that you were making a deliberately invalid claim in the first place.

Thanks for admitting that you were just being a troll. That's a healthy first step.

Who claimed they were racist "as a whole"? I was responding to Mr. Clean's posts:

Denying that there isn't an undercurrent of racism in the teabaggers hatred of Obama is just that.

Denial. Palin and simple.

I think it's plain from those signs that there is such an undercurrent. The fact that other teabaggers around them didn't force them to remove those signs is also telling.
What makes these racist?

Degree of difficulty: You have to use the REAL definition of racist, not the leftist one that goes "anything that criticizes Obama".
Why did you edit out the rest of the photos?
Because I agree they're racist. Now what makes these two racist? Answer the question.
Then you admit that teabaggers include racists within their ranks who obviously feel comfortable displaying their racism amongst fellow Tea Party followers.

Why do you think they feel so uninhibited about their racism while in a Tea Party crowd?

And you don't see any racism in telling a Black man to go back to Africa? With the added bonus of mentioning 'chicken' on your sign?
Why did you edit out the rest of the photos?
Because I agree they're racist. Now what makes these two racist? Answer the question.
Then you admit that teabaggers include racists within their ranks who obviously feel comfortable displaying their racism amongst fellow Tea Party followers.
Yes. Democrats do the same.
Why do you think they feel so uninhibited about their racism while in a Tea Party crowd?
I have no idea. Why do you think racist Democrats are so comfortable displaying their racism among fellow Democrats?
And you don't see any racism in telling a Black man to go back to Africa? With the added bonus of mentioning 'chicken' on your sign?
Ummm...Obama's father is Kenyan. So, no, it's not racist, you moron. :lol:

But these are:




And the Democrats have been racist a loooooong time.
Only a perverted, sick, degenerate piece of subhuman liberal filth would refer to a group of people who rightfully fear government waste, unending wars, and police state powers as a disgusting homosexual act.

Then you might want to take it up with the (renamed) Tea Party, cause that's what they were calling themselves in the beginning.

(And who said it was a homosexual act? You don't think straight women do that with their male partners? )
Thank you for agreeing with my point.

I proved your "point" only if your "point" is that you were making a deliberately invalid claim in the first place.

Thanks for admitting that you were just being a troll. That's a healthy first step.

Who claimed they were racist "as a whole"? I was responding to Mr. Clean's posts:

Denying that there isn't an undercurrent of racism in the teabaggers hatred of Obama is just that.

Denial. Palin and simple.

I think it's plain from those signs that there is such an undercurrent. The fact that other teabaggers around them didn't force them to remove those signs is also telling.

There is no undercurrent of racism in the tea party movement or its membership.

If you were interested (for a refreshing change of pace) in being honest and accurate, you could properly QUALIFY your stupid assertion. You could agree with Ms. Unclean to the extent that you suggest that there is an undercurrent of racism in SOME of the members of the Tea Party. That's fair enough. There's an undercurrent of racism in SOME members of the liberal Democrat Parody, too. So what?

Also, this is America. Other Tea Party members were not likely to be telling anybody what they could or could not display -- including ignorant opinions. And the ones who were busy carrying the ignorant signs could easily have been some of the PLANTS from the left.

Overall, Ms. Unclean had no valid point to make, and in your rush to agree with that idiocy, you also had no valid or reasonable point to make. And now, feebly, you are trying to back peddle. But too late. You are stuck with the stupidity you already displayed.

You COULD just admit that you badly, unfairly and unreasonably over-stated the very minor point you were hoping to make -- and drop it. You know. Show a hint of integrity.
Only a perverted, sick, degenerate piece of subhuman liberal filth would refer to a group of people who rightfully fear government waste, unending wars, and police state powers as a disgusting homosexual act.

Then you might want to take it up with the (renamed) Tea Party, cause that's what they were calling themselves in the beginning.

* * * *

No. That's NOT what they called themselves in the beginning. There appears to be some truth to the contention that they used the term FIRST, (knowing its meaning) in a pejorative fashion, directing it against the tax and spend and spend and spend liberals. See: Rise of an Epithet by Jay Nordlinger - National Review Online

But it didn't go on endlessly, as the NR piece notes.

We all know that YOU are greatly interested in not altering a member's username, here. In your parlance, THAT'S "uncivil." :lol:

So let's not pretend that altering the group name of the TEA PARTY membership to one associated with a quasi oral-sex behavior is anything more "civil."

Those who use the term "tea bagger" do so knowing full well what it means. The intent is to disparage. They are of course free to use that terminology. But you, of all people, shouldn't excuse it.

So very uncivil of you.
What do you do with a teabag? Use it once!
My suggestion. Use it twice. First use it to make tea. Then put it in the reply envelope the next time the DNC sends you a letter asking for campaign donations.
Only a perverted, sick, degenerate piece of subhuman liberal filth would refer to a group of people who rightfully fear government waste, unending wars, and police state powers as a disgusting homosexual act.

Then you might want to take it up with the (renamed) Tea Party, cause that's what they were calling themselves in the beginning.

(And who said it was a homosexual act? You don't think straight women do that with their male partners? )

apparently Manny thinks I'm lying on this

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