What do you grow?


Yes, I meant good old fishing worms -earthworms. Also I plant rosemary where they don't get a lot of water. It has to be watered occasionaly but they are like azalias - they don't like to get their feet wet.( That's what an old gardener told me)

That and Azelias prefer infrequent inundation as opposed to frequent watering according to someone I heard. I do know that a lot of people kill theirs by breaking the dormancy cycle in the blazing hot part of summer watering them because they look wilty. That wilty is part of their self-protection from heat and if you break that cycle, you have to maintain them with water every day or they will die and if you do water them every day in the heat, they might die anyway.
Is it inside or outside?
Is it in pots or in the ground?
Is it flowers or veggies?
Is it shrubs...flowering or just greenery?
Anyone grow fruits? Trees or bush fruits or canes?
In what area of the country are you gardening?

The majority of my gardening is outside. I live in the S.E. so I can grow nearly year round as our ground never freezes. I have some potted things on our front porch & a few scattered in the yard but most things are planted in the ground here.
I grow a bit of everything...veggies, perennial flowers & shrubs, annual flowers, have some lemon trees currently (planning more fruit trees soon), have both wild blackberries and wild blueberries on our property.

So what do the rest of you grow and how and what area?

My ranch has a natural pecan orchard, I put in a couple apple trees and a peach. No luck at all with berries. I have tons of birds, rabits, squirrels, deer, etc. that keep my dogs busy. Thinking about getting some chickens and a green house.
Is it inside or outside?
Is it in pots or in the ground?
Is it flowers or veggies?
Is it shrubs...flowering or just greenery?
Anyone grow fruits? Trees or bush fruits or canes?
In what area of the country are you gardening?

The majority of my gardening is outside. I live in the S.E. so I can grow nearly year round as our ground never freezes. I have some potted things on our front porch & a few scattered in the yard but most things are planted in the ground here.
I grow a bit of everything...veggies, perennial flowers & shrubs, annual flowers, have some lemon trees currently (planning more fruit trees soon), have both wild blackberries and wild blueberries on our property.

So what do the rest of you grow and how and what area?

My ranch has a natural pecan orchard, I put in a couple apple trees and a peach. No luck at all with berries. I have tons of birds, rabits, squirrels, deer, etc. that keep my dogs busy. Thinking about getting some chickens and a green house.

If you have raccoons, you better make sure your chicken house is pretty well secured...we used to have chickens, but the raccoons were able to sneak into the coop through the smallest opening and killed all of them....made me sick to my stomach. We did kill one raccoon, but, there's tons of them out here in these woods.
Is it inside or outside?
Is it in pots or in the ground?
Is it flowers or veggies?
Is it shrubs...flowering or just greenery?
Anyone grow fruits? Trees or bush fruits or canes?
In what area of the country are you gardening?

The majority of my gardening is outside. I live in the S.E. so I can grow nearly year round as our ground never freezes. I have some potted things on our front porch & a few scattered in the yard but most things are planted in the ground here.
I grow a bit of everything...veggies, perennial flowers & shrubs, annual flowers, have some lemon trees currently (planning more fruit trees soon), have both wild blackberries and wild blueberries on our property.

So what do the rest of you grow and how and what area?

My ranch has a natural pecan orchard, I put in a couple apple trees and a peach. No luck at all with berries. I have tons of birds, rabits, squirrels, deer, etc. that keep my dogs busy. Thinking about getting some chickens and a green house.

If you have raccoons, you better make sure your chicken house is pretty well secured...we used to have chickens, but the raccoons were able to sneak into the coop through the smallest opening and killed all of them....made me sick to my stomach. We did kill one raccoon, but, there's tons of them out here in these woods.

gotcha full hardware cloth, and make sure the frames are sturdy and latches are childproof
My ranch has a natural pecan orchard, I put in a couple apple trees and a peach. No luck at all with berries. I have tons of birds, rabits, squirrels, deer, etc. that keep my dogs busy. Thinking about getting some chickens and a green house.

Why a greenhouse in Texas? I would think there wouldn't be that much use for one there unless it would be to keep things cool for cooler season crops.
My ranch has a natural pecan orchard, I put in a couple apple trees and a peach. No luck at all with berries. I have tons of birds, rabits, squirrels, deer, etc. that keep my dogs busy. Thinking about getting some chickens and a green house.

Why a greenhouse in Texas? I would think there wouldn't be that much use for one there unless it would be to keep things cool for cooler season crops.

It does freeze here in Texas. I wish I had a greenhouse, so my house wouldn't get so full of plants in the winter. I have to bring all my potted plants indoors, or they will freeze.
My ranch has a natural pecan orchard, I put in a couple apple trees and a peach. No luck at all with berries. I have tons of birds, rabits, squirrels, deer, etc. that keep my dogs busy. Thinking about getting some chickens and a green house.

Why a greenhouse in Texas? I would think there wouldn't be that much use for one there unless it would be to keep things cool for cooler season crops.

To keep the moisture in, extend the season to early spring and late fall, eliminate the grasshoppers, rabits, and other pests that always end up eating my produce :) It's that or green boats or poison the pests and trap/kill the rabbits. Coney stew anyone?
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Ate my first tomato of the year from the garden. Unfortunately it was a cherry one as my others aren't turning yet.
Ate my first tomato of the year from the garden. Unfortunately it was a cherry one as my others aren't turning yet.

I hope you savored it.....

I keep forgetting to post some of my yield for this summer. i've gotten a ton of tomatoes, green bell peppers, eggplants (both purple and white), greenbeans, a couple of zucchinis, two yellow squash, two cucumbers and a few soybeans. (those are yellow tomatoes in the corner of basket.)

Here is what I picked up one morning.

Too early for much yet but the peppers and tomatoes are off to a good start. Lots of hostas, peonies, ferns, marigolds, petunias, clematis, coneflowers, and many others going strong.
Ate my first tomato of the year from the garden. Unfortunately it was a cherry one as my others aren't turning yet.

I hope you savored it.....

I keep forgetting to post some of my yield for this summer. i've gotten a ton of tomatoes, green bell peppers, eggplants (both purple and white), greenbeans, a couple of zucchinis, two yellow squash, two cucumbers and a few soybeans. (those are yellow tomatoes in the corner of basket.)

Here is what I picked up one morning.


Its skin was kind of tough and it wasn't quite ripe enough for me, but I just couldn't resist it when I was out weeding this morning. I should have several more cherry tomatoes and some green beans this week., and by some, a mean a lot when it comes to the beans. I am going to try to pickle them uncooked and see how I like them that way. I have a few banana peppers almost ready to pick and my squashes are blooming like crazy so I should be getting those soon..

Some bugs are selectively doing a number on my egg plant leaves--they are eating out the green but leaving the veins in the leaves. Not sure what they are, but I don't want to sevin dust my garden with squash and tomatoes blooming because it will kill the bees and it isn't like I eat more than 1 or 2 eggplant a year anyway.

I tried to post some pixs a few weeks back but the ones from my camera are slightly too large to upload by like 6Kb or so. I guess I need to figure out how to take smaller photos.
Too early for much yet but the peppers and tomatoes are off to a good start. Lots of hostas, peonies, ferns, marigolds, petunias, clematis, coneflowers, and many others going strong.

My peonies have already bloomed for the year and the deer finally cleaned out my hostas to the point they don't grow back any more.

What kind of ferns do you grow? I cannot find any that do well and come back year after year in my flower beds, and the bracken transplanted from the woods just do not like being out of the woods. There is a gorgeous one on the creek bank in the back corner of my property, but unfortunately, it is on my side of the bank so I cannot see it as well as my neighbors.
Wild onions, polk salad and dollarweed.

I thought it was poke salad. Either way, I chop that crap down all season in my garden. There is one part of my yard along the creek where it is a constant battle. I have never had it--too much work having to boil it multiple times to get the poison out.
Is it inside or outside?
Is it in pots or in the ground?
Is it flowers or veggies?
Is it shrubs...flowering or just greenery?
Anyone grow fruits? Trees or bush fruits or canes?
In what area of the country are you gardening?

The majority of my gardening is outside. I live in the S.E. so I can grow nearly year round as our ground never freezes. I have some potted things on our front porch & a few scattered in the yard but most things are planted in the ground here.
I grow a bit of everything...veggies, perennial flowers & shrubs, annual flowers, have some lemon trees currently (planning more fruit trees soon), have both wild blackberries and wild blueberries on our property.

So what do the rest of you grow and how and what area?

Went real real basic this year, nothing but tomatoes (in pots) and a few herbs, even though I'm home more than other years. Might go for late summer spinach/lettuce or sump'm but for now just tomatoes. I have 8 forming, still green. If we get through the next week of constant rain/fog/clouds, perhaps they won't fungus out.
Too early for much yet but the peppers and tomatoes are off to a good start. Lots of hostas, peonies, ferns, marigolds, petunias, clematis, coneflowers, and many others going strong.

My peonies have already bloomed for the year and the deer finally cleaned out my hostas to the point they don't grow back any more.

What kind of ferns do you grow? I cannot find any that do well and come back year after year in my flower beds, and the bracken transplanted from the woods just do not like being out of the woods. There is a gorgeous one on the creek bank in the back corner of my property, but unfortunately, it is on my side of the bank so I cannot see it as well as my neighbors.

I'm not sure what kind they are but they are huge. Got some from my MIL and I couldn't kill them if I tried. They grow under the big cedar tree in the back yard and they spread too but slowly. Not bothered by any pests that I can see unless you call my dogs running through them pests, LOL.

Here's the closest photo I can find of what they look like.

Too early for much yet but the peppers and tomatoes are off to a good start. Lots of hostas, peonies, ferns, marigolds, petunias, clematis, coneflowers, and many others going strong.

My peonies have already bloomed for the year and the deer finally cleaned out my hostas to the point they don't grow back any more.

What kind of ferns do you grow? I cannot find any that do well and come back year after year in my flower beds, and the bracken transplanted from the woods just do not like being out of the woods. There is a gorgeous one on the creek bank in the back corner of my property, but unfortunately, it is on my side of the bank so I cannot see it as well as my neighbors.

I'm not sure what kind they are but they are huge. Got some from my MIL and I couldn't kill them if I tried. They grow under the big cedar tree in the back yard and they spread too but slowly. Not bothered by any pests that I can see unless you call my dogs running through them pests, LOL.

Here's the closest photo I can find of what they look like.



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