What Do You Not Understand?

1.How childish to believe in justice, especially an abstract ‘justice’ that unveils itself at times of our need. We let it wither on the vine, sit in the weather and rust, grow dust and spider webs…..but suddenly expect it to make an appearance when it would be a value. While we Americans sat and made no efforts. Did you write letters? Call Congress? Cancel cable tv? Make certain you voted?

2. Every one of the liars,…er, Democrats, knows exactly what happened, how the swing states manipulated the numbers, how they win by the Wuhan Hoax and the mail-in scam.
They know. Face facts: they care as little about honor and truth as they do about America, and what it once stood for. And don’t expect anything more.
This fifth column has been trained in government school, burnished via the state media, and simply pretend to be convinced that an incompetent slow-witted employee of our foreign enemies, legitimately won election.

But….so what?
It's simply the result we deserve.

3. We dodged a bullet in ’16, and ignored how they turned up the heat….and watched the social media unveil it’s corruption, and Republicans refuse to remove section 230. We saw what was supposed to be Trump’s party give faint-hearted support, and tacit approval to the machination of the anti-American Left, the Democrat Party. Where were the court cases about election rules and mail-in vote stealing before the election?

4. And you believed we had a black-robed line of defense????? Why????

Did you actually put your faith in the Supreme Court??? This is a body that was never granted the powers it assumes, by the Constitution. And, more often than not, its decision are on a political basis. Look how they quaked in fear of Roosevelt’s threat to pack the court. And did you notice the same Democrat threat…with the same result?

The Court used ‘standing’ to deny the Texas suit.
Standing: The ability to bring a suit.

a.Plaintiff must have suffered actual damages, direct injury and harm…not simply displeased

b. There must be a causal connection between the injury and the conduct that caused it.

c.It must be likely that if the court decides in plaintiffs favor, that it will reverse the injury.

Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife, 504 U.S. 555 (1992)

It’s all in the eye of the beholder…..nothing objective here. These robed frauds pretend that only they speak English.

5. Now, what did we actually lose via a Biden win, that we weren’t losing already???? Nada.

Even if Trump were to have won…..it would only be four more years. Who would be next to pick up the mantle and support America’s heritage. There’s no one to replace Trump….none with the brass and the ideology. And the financial ability to withstand the constant barrage from his enemies and his so-called friends.

Think of American history and American heritage as merely nostalgia.

And you can begin grieving a bit earlier.

You really do need to stop and collect yourself. All this public display of crying over a campaign loss is very embarrassing to a tough talking guy as herself.
Actually, if Trump received less than any other sitting President in history, it would be easy to accept the results.
But here are two facts:

1) Trump received MORE votes than any other sitting president in history
2) Biden barely campaigned....and no one can deny that.

Sure, you can say "well people hated Trump so much that Biden didn't have to campaign.

Well....OK....but then how do you explain my point 1) ?
Why does it matter if he received more votes than any other sitting president the fact is only the EC votes count not popular votes...
I guess the point I was making flew over your head. Sit, breathe and relax....and read wwith an open mind....the fact that Trump received more votes than any other president does not mean he should have won. However, it DOES mean he was not nearly as hated as those on the left claims he is.
That was my point.
1.How childish to believe in justice, especially an abstract ‘justice’ that unveils itself at times of our need. We let it wither on the vine, sit in the weather and rust, grow dust and spider webs…..but suddenly expect it to make an appearance when it would be a value. While we Americans sat and made no efforts. Did you write letters? Call Congress? Cancel cable tv? Make certain you voted?

2. Every one of the liars,…er, Democrats, knows exactly what happened, how the swing states manipulated the numbers, how they win by the Wuhan Hoax and the mail-in scam.
They know. Face facts: they care as little about honor and truth as they do about America, and what it once stood for. And don’t expect anything more.
This fifth column has been trained in government school, burnished via the state media, and simply pretend to be convinced that an incompetent slow-witted employee of our foreign enemies, legitimately won election.

But….so what?
It's simply the result we deserve.

3. We dodged a bullet in ’16, and ignored how they turned up the heat….and watched the social media unveil it’s corruption, and Republicans refuse to remove section 230. We saw what was supposed to be Trump’s party give faint-hearted support, and tacit approval to the machination of the anti-American Left, the Democrat Party. Where were the court cases about election rules and mail-in vote stealing before the election?

4. And you believed we had a black-robed line of defense????? Why????

Did you actually put your faith in the Supreme Court??? This is a body that was never granted the powers it assumes, by the Constitution. And, more often than not, its decision are on a political basis. Look how they quaked in fear of Roosevelt’s threat to pack the court. And did you notice the same Democrat threat…with the same result?

The Court used ‘standing’ to deny the Texas suit.
Standing: The ability to bring a suit.

a.Plaintiff must have suffered actual damages, direct injury and harm…not simply displeased

b. There must be a causal connection between the injury and the conduct that caused it.

c.It must be likely that if the court decides in plaintiffs favor, that it will reverse the injury.

Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife, 504 U.S. 555 (1992)

It’s all in the eye of the beholder…..nothing objective here. These robed frauds pretend that only they speak English.

5. Now, what did we actually lose via a Biden win, that we weren’t losing already???? Nada.

Even if Trump were to have won…..it would only be four more years. Who would be next to pick up the mantle and support America’s heritage. There’s no one to replace Trump….none with the brass and the ideology. And the financial ability to withstand the constant barrage from his enemies and his so-called friends.

Think of American history and American heritage as merely nostalgia.

And you can begin grieving a bit earlier.

You really do need to stop and collect yourself. All this public display of crying over a campaign loss is very embarrassing to a tough talking guy as herself.
Actually, if Trump received less than any other sitting President in history, it would be easy to accept the results.
But here are two facts:

1) Trump received MORE votes than any other sitting president in history
2) Biden barely campaigned....and no one can deny that.

Sure, you can say "well people hated Trump so much that Biden didn't have to campaign.

Well....OK....but then how do you explain my point 1) ?
Why does it matter if he received more votes than any other sitting president the fact is only the EC votes count not popular votes...
I guess the point I was making flew over your head. Sit, breathe and relax....and read wwith an open mind....the fact that Trump received more votes than any other president does not mean he should have won. However, it DOES mean he was not nearly as hated as those on the left claims he is.
That was my point.
Then you should have said that, next time take a moment to breath deeply and consolidate yer thoughts...And stretch those calves they need to be weened.. As far as what the left said it doesn't matter just like the right said they were gonna win because "Biden"...I tend to not listen to the prep rallies...
.I tend to not listen to the prep rallies...
You haven't refuted anything I said, ever- but, you troll, incessantly- I just came inside from my break I take about once every hour- you'd be better served worrying about yourself-
1.How childish to believe in justice, especially an abstract ‘justice’ that unveils itself at times of our need. We let it wither on the vine, sit in the weather and rust, grow dust and spider webs…..but suddenly expect it to make an appearance when it would be a value. While we Americans sat and made no efforts. Did you write letters? Call Congress? Cancel cable tv? Make certain you voted?

2. Every one of the liars,…er, Democrats, knows exactly what happened, how the swing states manipulated the numbers, how they win by the Wuhan Hoax and the mail-in scam.
They know. Face facts: they care as little about honor and truth as they do about America, and what it once stood for. And don’t expect anything more.
This fifth column has been trained in government school, burnished via the state media, and simply pretend to be convinced that an incompetent slow-witted employee of our foreign enemies, legitimately won election.

But….so what?
It's simply the result we deserve.

3. We dodged a bullet in ’16, and ignored how they turned up the heat….and watched the social media unveil it’s corruption, and Republicans refuse to remove section 230. We saw what was supposed to be Trump’s party give faint-hearted support, and tacit approval to the machination of the anti-American Left, the Democrat Party. Where were the court cases about election rules and mail-in vote stealing before the election?

4. And you believed we had a black-robed line of defense????? Why????

Did you actually put your faith in the Supreme Court??? This is a body that was never granted the powers it assumes, by the Constitution. And, more often than not, its decision are on a political basis. Look how they quaked in fear of Roosevelt’s threat to pack the court. And did you notice the same Democrat threat…with the same result?

The Court used ‘standing’ to deny the Texas suit.
Standing: The ability to bring a suit.

a.Plaintiff must have suffered actual damages, direct injury and harm…not simply displeased

b. There must be a causal connection between the injury and the conduct that caused it.

c.It must be likely that if the court decides in plaintiffs favor, that it will reverse the injury.

Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife, 504 U.S. 555 (1992)

It’s all in the eye of the beholder…..nothing objective here. These robed frauds pretend that only they speak English.

5. Now, what did we actually lose via a Biden win, that we weren’t losing already???? Nada.

Even if Trump were to have won…..it would only be four more years. Who would be next to pick up the mantle and support America’s heritage. There’s no one to replace Trump….none with the brass and the ideology. And the financial ability to withstand the constant barrage from his enemies and his so-called friends.

Think of American history and American heritage as merely nostalgia.

And you can begin grieving a bit earlier.

You really do need to stop and collect yourself. All this public display of crying over a campaign loss is very embarrassing to a tough talking guy as herself.
Actually, if Trump received less than any other sitting President in history, it would be easy to accept the results.
But here are two facts:

1) Trump received MORE votes than any other sitting president in history
2) Biden barely campaigned....and no one can deny that.

Sure, you can say "well people hated Trump so much that Biden didn't have to campaign.

Well....OK....but then how do you explain my point 1) ?
Why does it matter if he received more votes than any other sitting president the fact is only the EC votes count not popular votes...
I guess the point I was making flew over your head. Sit, breathe and relax....and read wwith an open mind....the fact that Trump received more votes than any other president does not mean he should have won. However, it DOES mean he was not nearly as hated as those on the left claims he is.
That was my point.
Then you should have said that, next time take a moment to breath deeply and consolidate yer thoughts...And stretch those calves they need to be weened.. As far as what the left said it doesn't matter just like the right said they were gonna win because "Biden"...I tend to not listen to the prep rallies...

The point was obvious.
1.How childish to believe in justice, especially an abstract ‘justice’ that unveils itself at times of our need. We let it wither on the vine, sit in the weather and rust, grow dust and spider webs…..but suddenly expect it to make an appearance when it would be a value. While we Americans sat and made no efforts. Did you write letters? Call Congress? Cancel cable tv? Make certain you voted?

2. Every one of the liars,…er, Democrats, knows exactly what happened, how the swing states manipulated the numbers, how they win by the Wuhan Hoax and the mail-in scam.
They know. Face facts: they care as little about honor and truth as they do about America, and what it once stood for. And don’t expect anything more.
This fifth column has been trained in government school, burnished via the state media, and simply pretend to be convinced that an incompetent slow-witted employee of our foreign enemies, legitimately won election.

But….so what?
It's simply the result we deserve.

3. We dodged a bullet in ’16, and ignored how they turned up the heat….and watched the social media unveil it’s corruption, and Republicans refuse to remove section 230. We saw what was supposed to be Trump’s party give faint-hearted support, and tacit approval to the machination of the anti-American Left, the Democrat Party. Where were the court cases about election rules and mail-in vote stealing before the election?

4. And you believed we had a black-robed line of defense????? Why????

Did you actually put your faith in the Supreme Court??? This is a body that was never granted the powers it assumes, by the Constitution. And, more often than not, its decision are on a political basis. Look how they quaked in fear of Roosevelt’s threat to pack the court. And did you notice the same Democrat threat…with the same result?

The Court used ‘standing’ to deny the Texas suit.
Standing: The ability to bring a suit.

a.Plaintiff must have suffered actual damages, direct injury and harm…not simply displeased

b. There must be a causal connection between the injury and the conduct that caused it.

c.It must be likely that if the court decides in plaintiffs favor, that it will reverse the injury.

Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife, 504 U.S. 555 (1992)

It’s all in the eye of the beholder…..nothing objective here. These robed frauds pretend that only they speak English.

5. Now, what did we actually lose via a Biden win, that we weren’t losing already???? Nada.

Even if Trump were to have won…..it would only be four more years. Who would be next to pick up the mantle and support America’s heritage. There’s no one to replace Trump….none with the brass and the ideology. And the financial ability to withstand the constant barrage from his enemies and his so-called friends.

Think of American history and American heritage as merely nostalgia.

And you can begin grieving a bit earlier.

You really do need to stop and collect yourself. All this public display of crying over a campaign loss is very embarrassing to a tough talking guy as herself.
Actually, if Trump received less than any other sitting President in history, it would be easy to accept the results.
But here are two facts:

1) Trump received MORE votes than any other sitting president in history
2) Biden barely campaigned....and no one can deny that.

Sure, you can say "well people hated Trump so much that Biden didn't have to campaign.

Well....OK....but then how do you explain my point 1) ?
Why does it matter if he received more votes than any other sitting president the fact is only the EC votes count not popular votes...
I guess the point I was making flew over your head. Sit, breathe and relax....and read wwith an open mind....the fact that Trump received more votes than any other president does not mean he should have won. However, it DOES mean he was not nearly as hated as those on the left claims he is.
That was my point.
Then you should have said that, next time take a moment to breath deeply and consolidate yer thoughts...And stretch those calves they need to be weened.. As far as what the left said it doesn't matter just like the right said they were gonna win because "Biden"...I tend to not listen to the prep rallies...
Actually, based on your responses....you tend to not listen....period.

Im OK with that.
1.How childish to believe in justice, especially an abstract ‘justice’ that unveils itself at times of our need. We let it wither on the vine, sit in the weather and rust, grow dust and spider webs…..but suddenly expect it to make an appearance when it would be a value. While we Americans sat and made no efforts. Did you write letters? Call Congress? Cancel cable tv? Make certain you voted?

2. Every one of the liars,…er, Democrats, knows exactly what happened, how the swing states manipulated the numbers, how they win by the Wuhan Hoax and the mail-in scam.
They know. Face facts: they care as little about honor and truth as they do about America, and what it once stood for. And don’t expect anything more.
This fifth column has been trained in government school, burnished via the state media, and simply pretend to be convinced that an incompetent slow-witted employee of our foreign enemies, legitimately won election.

But….so what?
It's simply the result we deserve.

3. We dodged a bullet in ’16, and ignored how they turned up the heat….and watched the social media unveil it’s corruption, and Republicans refuse to remove section 230. We saw what was supposed to be Trump’s party give faint-hearted support, and tacit approval to the machination of the anti-American Left, the Democrat Party. Where were the court cases about election rules and mail-in vote stealing before the election?

4. And you believed we had a black-robed line of defense????? Why????

Did you actually put your faith in the Supreme Court??? This is a body that was never granted the powers it assumes, by the Constitution. And, more often than not, its decision are on a political basis. Look how they quaked in fear of Roosevelt’s threat to pack the court. And did you notice the same Democrat threat…with the same result?

The Court used ‘standing’ to deny the Texas suit.
Standing: The ability to bring a suit.

a.Plaintiff must have suffered actual damages, direct injury and harm…not simply displeased

b. There must be a causal connection between the injury and the conduct that caused it.

c.It must be likely that if the court decides in plaintiffs favor, that it will reverse the injury.

Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife, 504 U.S. 555 (1992)

It’s all in the eye of the beholder…..nothing objective here. These robed frauds pretend that only they speak English.

5. Now, what did we actually lose via a Biden win, that we weren’t losing already???? Nada.

Even if Trump were to have won…..it would only be four more years. Who would be next to pick up the mantle and support America’s heritage. There’s no one to replace Trump….none with the brass and the ideology. And the financial ability to withstand the constant barrage from his enemies and his so-called friends.

Think of American history and American heritage as merely nostalgia.

And you can begin grieving a bit earlier.

You really do need to stop and collect yourself. All this public display of crying over a campaign loss is very embarrassing to a tough talking guy as herself.
Actually, if Trump received less than any other sitting President in history, it would be easy to accept the results.
But here are two facts:

1) Trump received MORE votes than any other sitting president in history
2) Biden barely campaigned....and no one can deny that.

Sure, you can say "well people hated Trump so much that Biden didn't have to campaign.

Well....OK....but then how do you explain my point 1) ?
Why does it matter if he received more votes than any other sitting president the fact is only the EC votes count not popular votes...
I guess the point I was making flew over your head. Sit, breathe and relax....and read wwith an open mind....the fact that Trump received more votes than any other president does not mean he should have won. However, it DOES mean he was not nearly as hated as those on the left claims he is.
That was my point.
Then you should have said that, next time take a moment to breath deeply and consolidate yer thoughts...And stretch those calves they need to be weened.. As far as what the left said it doesn't matter just like the right said they were gonna win because "Biden"...I tend to not listen to the prep rallies...
Actually, based on your responses....you tend to not listen....period.

Im OK with that.

That one is literally an old stoner troll -
Don't judge everyone by him, though.
1.How childish to believe in justice, especially an abstract ‘justice’ that unveils itself at times of our need. We let it wither on the vine, sit in the weather and rust, grow dust and spider webs…..but suddenly expect it to make an appearance when it would be a value. While we Americans sat and made no efforts. Did you write letters? Call Congress? Cancel cable tv? Make certain you voted?

2. Every one of the liars,…er, Democrats, knows exactly what happened, how the swing states manipulated the numbers, how they win by the Wuhan Hoax and the mail-in scam.
They know. Face facts: they care as little about honor and truth as they do about America, and what it once stood for. And don’t expect anything more.
This fifth column has been trained in government school, burnished via the state media, and simply pretend to be convinced that an incompetent slow-witted employee of our foreign enemies, legitimately won election.

But….so what?
It's simply the result we deserve.

3. We dodged a bullet in ’16, and ignored how they turned up the heat….and watched the social media unveil it’s corruption, and Republicans refuse to remove section 230. We saw what was supposed to be Trump’s party give faint-hearted support, and tacit approval to the machination of the anti-American Left, the Democrat Party. Where were the court cases about election rules and mail-in vote stealing before the election?

4. And you believed we had a black-robed line of defense????? Why????

Did you actually put your faith in the Supreme Court??? This is a body that was never granted the powers it assumes, by the Constitution. And, more often than not, its decision are on a political basis. Look how they quaked in fear of Roosevelt’s threat to pack the court. And did you notice the same Democrat threat…with the same result?

The Court used ‘standing’ to deny the Texas suit.
Standing: The ability to bring a suit.

a.Plaintiff must have suffered actual damages, direct injury and harm…not simply displeased

b. There must be a causal connection between the injury and the conduct that caused it.

c.It must be likely that if the court decides in plaintiffs favor, that it will reverse the injury.

Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife, 504 U.S. 555 (1992)

It’s all in the eye of the beholder…..nothing objective here. These robed frauds pretend that only they speak English.

5. Now, what did we actually lose via a Biden win, that we weren’t losing already???? Nada.

Even if Trump were to have won…..it would only be four more years. Who would be next to pick up the mantle and support America’s heritage. There’s no one to replace Trump….none with the brass and the ideology. And the financial ability to withstand the constant barrage from his enemies and his so-called friends.

Think of American history and American heritage as merely nostalgia.

And you can begin grieving a bit earlier.

You really do need to stop and collect yourself. All this public display of crying over a campaign loss is very embarrassing to a tough talking guy as herself.
Actually, if Trump received less than any other sitting President in history, it would be easy to accept the results.
But here are two facts:

1) Trump received MORE votes than any other sitting president in history
2) Biden barely campaigned....and no one can deny that.

Sure, you can say "well people hated Trump so much that Biden didn't have to campaign.

Well....OK....but then how do you explain my point 1) ?
easy peasy!

more people voted than ever!

Trump still got about 47% of the vote, and Biden got about 51%.

I've got a question for you...

IF democrats went all out in these 6 different states to cheat for Biden to win, why didn't democrats also cheat to install all of the Democratic house members and dem senators, so that Biden would have a friendly congress, to accomplish things with?
Oh, but you forget the genius of the Democrats. They intentionally lost the Senate and barely held on to the house just to make it look like they didn't cheat for Biden (whoever "they" are).

Seriously, I'll say it again, I wish Democrats were half as genius and diabolical as Trumpsters attribute to them.
1.How childish to believe in justice, especially an abstract ‘justice’ that unveils itself at times of our need. We let it wither on the vine, sit in the weather and rust, grow dust and spider webs…..but suddenly expect it to make an appearance when it would be a value. While we Americans sat and made no efforts. Did you write letters? Call Congress? Cancel cable tv? Make certain you voted?

2. Every one of the liars,…er, Democrats, knows exactly what happened, how the swing states manipulated the numbers, how they win by the Wuhan Hoax and the mail-in scam.
They know. Face facts: they care as little about honor and truth as they do about America, and what it once stood for. And don’t expect anything more.
This fifth column has been trained in government school, burnished via the state media, and simply pretend to be convinced that an incompetent slow-witted employee of our foreign enemies, legitimately won election.

But….so what?
It's simply the result we deserve.

3. We dodged a bullet in ’16, and ignored how they turned up the heat….and watched the social media unveil it’s corruption, and Republicans refuse to remove section 230. We saw what was supposed to be Trump’s party give faint-hearted support, and tacit approval to the machination of the anti-American Left, the Democrat Party. Where were the court cases about election rules and mail-in vote stealing before the election?

4. And you believed we had a black-robed line of defense????? Why????

Did you actually put your faith in the Supreme Court??? This is a body that was never granted the powers it assumes, by the Constitution. And, more often than not, its decision are on a political basis. Look how they quaked in fear of Roosevelt’s threat to pack the court. And did you notice the same Democrat threat…with the same result?

The Court used ‘standing’ to deny the Texas suit.
Standing: The ability to bring a suit.

a.Plaintiff must have suffered actual damages, direct injury and harm…not simply displeased

b. There must be a causal connection between the injury and the conduct that caused it.

c.It must be likely that if the court decides in plaintiffs favor, that it will reverse the injury.

Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife, 504 U.S. 555 (1992)

It’s all in the eye of the beholder…..nothing objective here. These robed frauds pretend that only they speak English.

5. Now, what did we actually lose via a Biden win, that we weren’t losing already???? Nada.

Even if Trump were to have won…..it would only be four more years. Who would be next to pick up the mantle and support America’s heritage. There’s no one to replace Trump….none with the brass and the ideology. And the financial ability to withstand the constant barrage from his enemies and his so-called friends.

Think of American history and American heritage as merely nostalgia.

And you can begin grieving a bit earlier.

You really do need to stop and collect yourself. All this public display of crying over a campaign loss is very embarrassing to a tough talking guy as herself.
Actually, if Trump received less than any other sitting President in history, it would be easy to accept the results.
But here are two facts:

1) Trump received MORE votes than any other sitting president in history
2) Biden barely campaigned....and no one can deny that.

Sure, you can say "well people hated Trump so much that Biden didn't have to campaign.

Well....OK....but then how do you explain my point 1) ?
easy peasy!

more people voted than ever!

Trump still got about 47% of the vote, and Biden got about 51%.

I've got a question for you...

IF democrats went all out in these 6 different states to cheat for Biden to win, why didn't democrats also cheat to install all of the Democratic house members and dem senators, so that Biden would have a friendly congress, to accomplish things with?
Finally! A reasonable response without the curse words, insults and childish gibberish that seems to be the norm on here.

Your question is a valid one and that is why I keep asking, but get no response to "how many ballots nationally were cast without down ballot votes included".
If none, or few, your point is on target.
But those who cheat aren't always the brightest bulbs on the tree....so IF there was cheating....IF.......then maybe they simply wrote in presidential votes.

And yes, more people voted than ever....but to say Biden won because people hated Trump so much doesn't hold much water when well over 70 million people voted for Trump.
Of course it "holds water". Trump was the most unpopular President in modern history. Yes, Republicans love him, but when you going to realize that nationwide Republicans are a minority?
1.How childish to believe in justice, especially an abstract ‘justice’ that unveils itself at times of our need. We let it wither on the vine, sit in the weather and rust, grow dust and spider webs…..but suddenly expect it to make an appearance when it would be a value. While we Americans sat and made no efforts. Did you write letters? Call Congress? Cancel cable tv? Make certain you voted?

2. Every one of the liars,…er, Democrats, knows exactly what happened, how the swing states manipulated the numbers, how they win by the Wuhan Hoax and the mail-in scam.
They know. Face facts: they care as little about honor and truth as they do about America, and what it once stood for. And don’t expect anything more.
This fifth column has been trained in government school, burnished via the state media, and simply pretend to be convinced that an incompetent slow-witted employee of our foreign enemies, legitimately won election.

But….so what?
It's simply the result we deserve.

3. We dodged a bullet in ’16, and ignored how they turned up the heat….and watched the social media unveil it’s corruption, and Republicans refuse to remove section 230. We saw what was supposed to be Trump’s party give faint-hearted support, and tacit approval to the machination of the anti-American Left, the Democrat Party. Where were the court cases about election rules and mail-in vote stealing before the election?

4. And you believed we had a black-robed line of defense????? Why????

Did you actually put your faith in the Supreme Court??? This is a body that was never granted the powers it assumes, by the Constitution. And, more often than not, its decision are on a political basis. Look how they quaked in fear of Roosevelt’s threat to pack the court. And did you notice the same Democrat threat…with the same result?

The Court used ‘standing’ to deny the Texas suit.
Standing: The ability to bring a suit.

a.Plaintiff must have suffered actual damages, direct injury and harm…not simply displeased

b. There must be a causal connection between the injury and the conduct that caused it.

c.It must be likely that if the court decides in plaintiffs favor, that it will reverse the injury.

Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife, 504 U.S. 555 (1992)

It’s all in the eye of the beholder…..nothing objective here. These robed frauds pretend that only they speak English.

5. Now, what did we actually lose via a Biden win, that we weren’t losing already???? Nada.

Even if Trump were to have won…..it would only be four more years. Who would be next to pick up the mantle and support America’s heritage. There’s no one to replace Trump….none with the brass and the ideology. And the financial ability to withstand the constant barrage from his enemies and his so-called friends.

Think of American history and American heritage as merely nostalgia.

And you can begin grieving a bit earlier.

You really do need to stop and collect yourself. All this public display of crying over a campaign loss is very embarrassing to a tough talking guy as herself.
Actually, if Trump received less than any other sitting President in history, it would be easy to accept the results.
But here are two facts:

1) Trump received MORE votes than any other sitting president in history
2) Biden barely campaigned....and no one can deny that.

Sure, you can say "well people hated Trump so much that Biden didn't have to campaign.

Well....OK....but then how do you explain my point 1) ?
Why does it matter if he received more votes than any other sitting president the fact is only the EC votes count not popular votes...
I guess the point I was making flew over your head. Sit, breathe and relax....and read wwith an open mind....the fact that Trump received more votes than any other president does not mean he should have won. However, it DOES mean he was not nearly as hated as those on the left claims he is.
That was my point.
Then you should have said that, next time take a moment to breath deeply and consolidate yer thoughts...And stretch those calves they need to be weened.. As far as what the left said it doesn't matter just like the right said they were gonna win because "Biden"...I tend to not listen to the prep rallies...
Actually, based on your responses....you tend to not listen....period.

Im OK with that.
I never heard you speak, but I did rear how you think Trump is more loved than any other sitting president because of the vote tally...I am sure he can frame it and hang it on the wall of yet another accomplishment...
1.How childish to believe in justice, especially an abstract ‘justice’ that unveils itself at times of our need. We let it wither on the vine, sit in the weather and rust, grow dust and spider webs…..but suddenly expect it to make an appearance when it would be a value. While we Americans sat and made no efforts. Did you write letters? Call Congress? Cancel cable tv? Make certain you voted?

2. Every one of the liars,…er, Democrats, knows exactly what happened, how the swing states manipulated the numbers, how they win by the Wuhan Hoax and the mail-in scam.
They know. Face facts: they care as little about honor and truth as they do about America, and what it once stood for. And don’t expect anything more.
This fifth column has been trained in government school, burnished via the state media, and simply pretend to be convinced that an incompetent slow-witted employee of our foreign enemies, legitimately won election.

But….so what?
It's simply the result we deserve.

3. We dodged a bullet in ’16, and ignored how they turned up the heat….and watched the social media unveil it’s corruption, and Republicans refuse to remove section 230. We saw what was supposed to be Trump’s party give faint-hearted support, and tacit approval to the machination of the anti-American Left, the Democrat Party. Where were the court cases about election rules and mail-in vote stealing before the election?

4. And you believed we had a black-robed line of defense????? Why????

Did you actually put your faith in the Supreme Court??? This is a body that was never granted the powers it assumes, by the Constitution. And, more often than not, its decision are on a political basis. Look how they quaked in fear of Roosevelt’s threat to pack the court. And did you notice the same Democrat threat…with the same result?

The Court used ‘standing’ to deny the Texas suit.
Standing: The ability to bring a suit.

a.Plaintiff must have suffered actual damages, direct injury and harm…not simply displeased

b. There must be a causal connection between the injury and the conduct that caused it.

c.It must be likely that if the court decides in plaintiffs favor, that it will reverse the injury.

Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife, 504 U.S. 555 (1992)

It’s all in the eye of the beholder…..nothing objective here. These robed frauds pretend that only they speak English.

5. Now, what did we actually lose via a Biden win, that we weren’t losing already???? Nada.

Even if Trump were to have won…..it would only be four more years. Who would be next to pick up the mantle and support America’s heritage. There’s no one to replace Trump….none with the brass and the ideology. And the financial ability to withstand the constant barrage from his enemies and his so-called friends.

Think of American history and American heritage as merely nostalgia.

And you can begin grieving a bit earlier.

You really do need to stop and collect yourself. All this public display of crying over a campaign loss is very embarrassing to a tough talking guy as herself.
Actually, if Trump received less than any other sitting President in history, it would be easy to accept the results.
But here are two facts:

1) Trump received MORE votes than any other sitting president in history
2) Biden barely campaigned....and no one can deny that.

Sure, you can say "well people hated Trump so much that Biden didn't have to campaign.

Well....OK....but then how do you explain my point 1) ?
easy peasy!

more people voted than ever!

Trump still got about 47% of the vote, and Biden got about 51%.

I've got a question for you...

IF democrats went all out in these 6 different states to cheat for Biden to win, why didn't democrats also cheat to install all of the Democratic house members and dem senators, so that Biden would have a friendly congress, to accomplish things with?
Finally! A reasonable response without the curse words, insults and childish gibberish that seems to be the norm on here.

Your question is a valid one and that is why I keep asking, but get no response to "how many ballots nationally were cast without down ballot votes included".
If none, or few, your point is on target.
But those who cheat aren't always the brightest bulbs on the tree....so IF there was cheating....IF.......then maybe they simply wrote in presidential votes.

And yes, more people voted than ever....but to say Biden won because people hated Trump so much doesn't hold much water when well over 70 million people voted for Trump.
Of course it "holds water". Trump was the most unpopular President in modern history. Yes, Republicans love him, but when you going to realize that nationwide Republicans are a minority?
lol.....since when is, at worst, a 50/50 senate a republican minority?
12 to as many as 14 house seats gained by republicans shows a republican minority?
and with all due respect......73 million votes may be a minority to 76 million votes....but only by definition. Not by reality of the landscape.
1.How childish to believe in justice, especially an abstract ‘justice’ that unveils itself at times of our need. We let it wither on the vine, sit in the weather and rust, grow dust and spider webs…..but suddenly expect it to make an appearance when it would be a value. While we Americans sat and made no efforts. Did you write letters? Call Congress? Cancel cable tv? Make certain you voted?

2. Every one of the liars,…er, Democrats, knows exactly what happened, how the swing states manipulated the numbers, how they win by the Wuhan Hoax and the mail-in scam.
They know. Face facts: they care as little about honor and truth as they do about America, and what it once stood for. And don’t expect anything more.
This fifth column has been trained in government school, burnished via the state media, and simply pretend to be convinced that an incompetent slow-witted employee of our foreign enemies, legitimately won election.

But….so what?
It's simply the result we deserve.

3. We dodged a bullet in ’16, and ignored how they turned up the heat….and watched the social media unveil it’s corruption, and Republicans refuse to remove section 230. We saw what was supposed to be Trump’s party give faint-hearted support, and tacit approval to the machination of the anti-American Left, the Democrat Party. Where were the court cases about election rules and mail-in vote stealing before the election?

4. And you believed we had a black-robed line of defense????? Why????

Did you actually put your faith in the Supreme Court??? This is a body that was never granted the powers it assumes, by the Constitution. And, more often than not, its decision are on a political basis. Look how they quaked in fear of Roosevelt’s threat to pack the court. And did you notice the same Democrat threat…with the same result?

The Court used ‘standing’ to deny the Texas suit.
Standing: The ability to bring a suit.

a.Plaintiff must have suffered actual damages, direct injury and harm…not simply displeased

b. There must be a causal connection between the injury and the conduct that caused it.

c.It must be likely that if the court decides in plaintiffs favor, that it will reverse the injury.

Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife, 504 U.S. 555 (1992)

It’s all in the eye of the beholder…..nothing objective here. These robed frauds pretend that only they speak English.

5. Now, what did we actually lose via a Biden win, that we weren’t losing already???? Nada.

Even if Trump were to have won…..it would only be four more years. Who would be next to pick up the mantle and support America’s heritage. There’s no one to replace Trump….none with the brass and the ideology. And the financial ability to withstand the constant barrage from his enemies and his so-called friends.

Think of American history and American heritage as merely nostalgia.

And you can begin grieving a bit earlier.

You really do need to stop and collect yourself. All this public display of crying over a campaign loss is very embarrassing to a tough talking guy as herself.
Actually, if Trump received less than any other sitting President in history, it would be easy to accept the results.
But here are two facts:

1) Trump received MORE votes than any other sitting president in history
2) Biden barely campaigned....and no one can deny that.

Sure, you can say "well people hated Trump so much that Biden didn't have to campaign.

Well....OK....but then how do you explain my point 1) ?
Why does it matter if he received more votes than any other sitting president the fact is only the EC votes count not popular votes...
I guess the point I was making flew over your head. Sit, breathe and relax....and read wwith an open mind....the fact that Trump received more votes than any other president does not mean he should have won. However, it DOES mean he was not nearly as hated as those on the left claims he is.
That was my point.
Then you should have said that, next time take a moment to breath deeply and consolidate yer thoughts...And stretch those calves they need to be weened.. As far as what the left said it doesn't matter just like the right said they were gonna win because "Biden"...I tend to not listen to the prep rallies...
Actually, based on your responses....you tend to not listen....period.

Im OK with that.
I never heard you speak, but I did rear how you think Trump is more loved than any other sitting president because of the vote tally...I am sure he can frame it and hang it on the wall of yet another accomplishment...
you heard me say that? Loved? I voted for him, but by no means do I love him. He leans more in my ideological direction than any other candidate. But I love him? Nah. Don't think so.
Again, take a deep breath, relax and pay attention. You actually may learn more than you allow yourself to learn.
1.How childish to believe in justice, especially an abstract ‘justice’ that unveils itself at times of our need. We let it wither on the vine, sit in the weather and rust, grow dust and spider webs…..but suddenly expect it to make an appearance when it would be a value. While we Americans sat and made no efforts. Did you write letters? Call Congress? Cancel cable tv? Make certain you voted?

2. Every one of the liars,…er, Democrats, knows exactly what happened, how the swing states manipulated the numbers, how they win by the Wuhan Hoax and the mail-in scam.
They know. Face facts: they care as little about honor and truth as they do about America, and what it once stood for. And don’t expect anything more.
This fifth column has been trained in government school, burnished via the state media, and simply pretend to be convinced that an incompetent slow-witted employee of our foreign enemies, legitimately won election.

But….so what?
It's simply the result we deserve.

3. We dodged a bullet in ’16, and ignored how they turned up the heat….and watched the social media unveil it’s corruption, and Republicans refuse to remove section 230. We saw what was supposed to be Trump’s party give faint-hearted support, and tacit approval to the machination of the anti-American Left, the Democrat Party. Where were the court cases about election rules and mail-in vote stealing before the election?

4. And you believed we had a black-robed line of defense????? Why????

Did you actually put your faith in the Supreme Court??? This is a body that was never granted the powers it assumes, by the Constitution. And, more often than not, its decision are on a political basis. Look how they quaked in fear of Roosevelt’s threat to pack the court. And did you notice the same Democrat threat…with the same result?

The Court used ‘standing’ to deny the Texas suit.
Standing: The ability to bring a suit.

a.Plaintiff must have suffered actual damages, direct injury and harm…not simply displeased

b. There must be a causal connection between the injury and the conduct that caused it.

c.It must be likely that if the court decides in plaintiffs favor, that it will reverse the injury.

Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife, 504 U.S. 555 (1992)

It’s all in the eye of the beholder…..nothing objective here. These robed frauds pretend that only they speak English.

5. Now, what did we actually lose via a Biden win, that we weren’t losing already???? Nada.

Even if Trump were to have won…..it would only be four more years. Who would be next to pick up the mantle and support America’s heritage. There’s no one to replace Trump….none with the brass and the ideology. And the financial ability to withstand the constant barrage from his enemies and his so-called friends.

Think of American history and American heritage as merely nostalgia.

And you can begin grieving a bit earlier.

You really do need to stop and collect yourself. All this public display of crying over a campaign loss is very embarrassing to a tough talking guy as herself.
Actually, if Trump received less than any other sitting President in history, it would be easy to accept the results.
But here are two facts:

1) Trump received MORE votes than any other sitting president in history
2) Biden barely campaigned....and no one can deny that.

Sure, you can say "well people hated Trump so much that Biden didn't have to campaign.

Well....OK....but then how do you explain my point 1) ?
easy peasy!

more people voted than ever!

Trump still got about 47% of the vote, and Biden got about 51%.

I've got a question for you...

IF democrats went all out in these 6 different states to cheat for Biden to win, why didn't democrats also cheat to install all of the Democratic house members and dem senators, so that Biden would have a friendly congress, to accomplish things with?
Finally! A reasonable response without the curse words, insults and childish gibberish that seems to be the norm on here.

Your question is a valid one and that is why I keep asking, but get no response to "how many ballots nationally were cast without down ballot votes included".
If none, or few, your point is on target.
But those who cheat aren't always the brightest bulbs on the tree....so IF there was cheating....IF.......then maybe they simply wrote in presidential votes.

And yes, more people voted than ever....but to say Biden won because people hated Trump so much doesn't hold much water when well over 70 million people voted for Trump.
Of course it "holds water". Trump was the most unpopular President in modern history. Yes, Republicans love him, but when you going to realize that nationwide Republicans are a minority?
lol.....since when is, at worst, a 50/50 senate a republican minority?
12 to as many as 14 house seats gained by republicans shows a republican minority?
and with all due respect......73 million votes may be a minority to 76 million votes....but only by definition. Not by reality of the landscape.
Yes, nationwide Republicans are a minority. That's why Republicans keep losing the popular vote.
1.How childish to believe in justice, especially an abstract ‘justice’ that unveils itself at times of our need. We let it wither on the vine, sit in the weather and rust, grow dust and spider webs…..but suddenly expect it to make an appearance when it would be a value. While we Americans sat and made no efforts. Did you write letters? Call Congress? Cancel cable tv? Make certain you voted?

2. Every one of the liars,…er, Democrats, knows exactly what happened, how the swing states manipulated the numbers, how they win by the Wuhan Hoax and the mail-in scam.
They know. Face facts: they care as little about honor and truth as they do about America, and what it once stood for. And don’t expect anything more.
This fifth column has been trained in government school, burnished via the state media, and simply pretend to be convinced that an incompetent slow-witted employee of our foreign enemies, legitimately won election.

But….so what?
It's simply the result we deserve.

3. We dodged a bullet in ’16, and ignored how they turned up the heat….and watched the social media unveil it’s corruption, and Republicans refuse to remove section 230. We saw what was supposed to be Trump’s party give faint-hearted support, and tacit approval to the machination of the anti-American Left, the Democrat Party. Where were the court cases about election rules and mail-in vote stealing before the election?

4. And you believed we had a black-robed line of defense????? Why????

Did you actually put your faith in the Supreme Court??? This is a body that was never granted the powers it assumes, by the Constitution. And, more often than not, its decision are on a political basis. Look how they quaked in fear of Roosevelt’s threat to pack the court. And did you notice the same Democrat threat…with the same result?

The Court used ‘standing’ to deny the Texas suit.
Standing: The ability to bring a suit.

a.Plaintiff must have suffered actual damages, direct injury and harm…not simply displeased

b. There must be a causal connection between the injury and the conduct that caused it.

c.It must be likely that if the court decides in plaintiffs favor, that it will reverse the injury.

Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife, 504 U.S. 555 (1992)

It’s all in the eye of the beholder…..nothing objective here. These robed frauds pretend that only they speak English.

5. Now, what did we actually lose via a Biden win, that we weren’t losing already???? Nada.

Even if Trump were to have won…..it would only be four more years. Who would be next to pick up the mantle and support America’s heritage. There’s no one to replace Trump….none with the brass and the ideology. And the financial ability to withstand the constant barrage from his enemies and his so-called friends.

Think of American history and American heritage as merely nostalgia.

And you can begin grieving a bit earlier.

You really do need to stop and collect yourself. All this public display of crying over a campaign loss is very embarrassing to a tough talking guy as herself.
Actually, if Trump received less than any other sitting President in history, it would be easy to accept the results.
But here are two facts:

1) Trump received MORE votes than any other sitting president in history
2) Biden barely campaigned....and no one can deny that.

Sure, you can say "well people hated Trump so much that Biden didn't have to campaign.

Well....OK....but then how do you explain my point 1) ?
easy peasy!

more people voted than ever!

Trump still got about 47% of the vote, and Biden got about 51%.

I've got a question for you...

IF democrats went all out in these 6 different states to cheat for Biden to win, why didn't democrats also cheat to install all of the Democratic house members and dem senators, so that Biden would have a friendly congress, to accomplish things with?

Even easier to explain.....although everyone knows that your sort will pretend to deny it....

1. I voted early, and the lines were enormous. On more than one day the lines went as much as five blocks, with lots of people bringing lawn chairs, and settling in for the duration.

Imagine two hypothetical voters..

Voter A is willing to wait on the long line, get up to the ballot and mark the presidential, and then go down the line, usually along party lines. As I did.

Voter B is an apparatchik of the Bolshevik Democrat apparatus, there for one reason: to do what he had been instructed to do to purloin the election for Biden. This individual need to fill in tons of ballots, and doesn’t plan to spend a great deal of time on each one. It’s quantity, not quality.

2. Person B is essentially a spy for the Democrats, which is fitting as their presidential candidate has been bought and paid for by a foreign government.

3. Here comes the circumstantial/mathematical evidence, specifically from the Georgia election: how do you explain 95,000 votes with only Biden marked…..the rest of the Democrat candidates for office ignored?

Only one way: the Democrat agent was sent in to win the election for Biden, and spent no time on any other aspirant.

4. “In most elections, the majority of votes are cast “down the ticket” – meaning, a voter supports both party’s presidential nominee and state Congressional candidates. In fact, according to Pew Research, “overwhelming shares of voters who are supporting Trump and Biden say they are also supporting the same-party candidate for Senate.”

Typically, this means that that the number of votes for a presidential candidate and that party’s Senate candidates are relatively close. …the number of votes cast for Joe Biden far exceeds those cast for that state’s Senate candidates in swing states, while those cast for Trump and GOP Senators remains far closer.

In Georgia, there was an 818 vote difference between Trump and the GOP Senator, vs. a 95,000 difference between Biden and the Democratic candidate for Senator.” https://www.theburningplatform.com/2020/11/05/why-does-biden-have-so-many-more-votes-than-democrat-senators-in-swing-states/
1.How childish to believe in justice, especially an abstract ‘justice’ that unveils itself at times of our need. We let it wither on the vine, sit in the weather and rust, grow dust and spider webs…..but suddenly expect it to make an appearance when it would be a value. While we Americans sat and made no efforts. Did you write letters? Call Congress? Cancel cable tv? Make certain you voted?

2. Every one of the liars,…er, Democrats, knows exactly what happened, how the swing states manipulated the numbers, how they win by the Wuhan Hoax and the mail-in scam.
They know. Face facts: they care as little about honor and truth as they do about America, and what it once stood for. And don’t expect anything more.
This fifth column has been trained in government school, burnished via the state media, and simply pretend to be convinced that an incompetent slow-witted employee of our foreign enemies, legitimately won election.

But….so what?
It's simply the result we deserve.

3. We dodged a bullet in ’16, and ignored how they turned up the heat….and watched the social media unveil it’s corruption, and Republicans refuse to remove section 230. We saw what was supposed to be Trump’s party give faint-hearted support, and tacit approval to the machination of the anti-American Left, the Democrat Party. Where were the court cases about election rules and mail-in vote stealing before the election?

4. And you believed we had a black-robed line of defense????? Why????

Did you actually put your faith in the Supreme Court??? This is a body that was never granted the powers it assumes, by the Constitution. And, more often than not, its decision are on a political basis. Look how they quaked in fear of Roosevelt’s threat to pack the court. And did you notice the same Democrat threat…with the same result?

The Court used ‘standing’ to deny the Texas suit.
Standing: The ability to bring a suit.

a.Plaintiff must have suffered actual damages, direct injury and harm…not simply displeased

b. There must be a causal connection between the injury and the conduct that caused it.

c.It must be likely that if the court decides in plaintiffs favor, that it will reverse the injury.

Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife, 504 U.S. 555 (1992)

It’s all in the eye of the beholder…..nothing objective here. These robed frauds pretend that only they speak English.

5. Now, what did we actually lose via a Biden win, that we weren’t losing already???? Nada.

Even if Trump were to have won…..it would only be four more years. Who would be next to pick up the mantle and support America’s heritage. There’s no one to replace Trump….none with the brass and the ideology. And the financial ability to withstand the constant barrage from his enemies and his so-called friends.

Think of American history and American heritage as merely nostalgia.

And you can begin grieving a bit earlier.

You really do need to stop and collect yourself. All this public display of crying over a campaign loss is very embarrassing to a tough talking guy as herself.
Actually, if Trump received less than any other sitting President in history, it would be easy to accept the results.
But here are two facts:

1) Trump received MORE votes than any other sitting president in history
2) Biden barely campaigned....and no one can deny that.

Sure, you can say "well people hated Trump so much that Biden didn't have to campaign.

Well....OK....but then how do you explain my point 1) ?
Why does it matter if he received more votes than any other sitting president the fact is only the EC votes count not popular votes...
I guess the point I was making flew over your head. Sit, breathe and relax....and read wwith an open mind....the fact that Trump received more votes than any other president does not mean he should have won. However, it DOES mean he was not nearly as hated as those on the left claims he is.
That was my point.
Then you should have said that, next time take a moment to breath deeply and consolidate yer thoughts...And stretch those calves they need to be weened.. As far as what the left said it doesn't matter just like the right said they were gonna win because "Biden"...I tend to not listen to the prep rallies...
Actually, based on your responses....you tend to not listen....period.

Im OK with that.
I never heard you speak, but I did rear how you think Trump is more loved than any other sitting president because of the vote tally...I am sure he can frame it and hang it on the wall of yet another accomplishment...
you heard me say that? Loved? I voted for him, but by no means do I love him. He leans more in my ideological direction than any other candidate. But I love him? Nah. Don't think so.
Again, take a deep breath, relax and pay attention. You actually may learn more than you allow yourself to learn.
There is nothing to learn, Trump lost the election...
1.How childish to believe in justice, especially an abstract ‘justice’ that unveils itself at times of our need. We let it wither on the vine, sit in the weather and rust, grow dust and spider webs…..but suddenly expect it to make an appearance when it would be a value. While we Americans sat and made no efforts. Did you write letters? Call Congress? Cancel cable tv? Make certain you voted?

2. Every one of the liars,…er, Democrats, knows exactly what happened, how the swing states manipulated the numbers, how they win by the Wuhan Hoax and the mail-in scam.
They know. Face facts: they care as little about honor and truth as they do about America, and what it once stood for. And don’t expect anything more.
This fifth column has been trained in government school, burnished via the state media, and simply pretend to be convinced that an incompetent slow-witted employee of our foreign enemies, legitimately won election.

But….so what?
It's simply the result we deserve.

3. We dodged a bullet in ’16, and ignored how they turned up the heat….and watched the social media unveil it’s corruption, and Republicans refuse to remove section 230. We saw what was supposed to be Trump’s party give faint-hearted support, and tacit approval to the machination of the anti-American Left, the Democrat Party. Where were the court cases about election rules and mail-in vote stealing before the election?

4. And you believed we had a black-robed line of defense????? Why????

Did you actually put your faith in the Supreme Court??? This is a body that was never granted the powers it assumes, by the Constitution. And, more often than not, its decision are on a political basis. Look how they quaked in fear of Roosevelt’s threat to pack the court. And did you notice the same Democrat threat…with the same result?

The Court used ‘standing’ to deny the Texas suit.
Standing: The ability to bring a suit.

a.Plaintiff must have suffered actual damages, direct injury and harm…not simply displeased

b. There must be a causal connection between the injury and the conduct that caused it.

c.It must be likely that if the court decides in plaintiffs favor, that it will reverse the injury.

Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife, 504 U.S. 555 (1992)

It’s all in the eye of the beholder…..nothing objective here. These robed frauds pretend that only they speak English.

5. Now, what did we actually lose via a Biden win, that we weren’t losing already???? Nada.

Even if Trump were to have won…..it would only be four more years. Who would be next to pick up the mantle and support America’s heritage. There’s no one to replace Trump….none with the brass and the ideology. And the financial ability to withstand the constant barrage from his enemies and his so-called friends.

Think of American history and American heritage as merely nostalgia.

And you can begin grieving a bit earlier.

You really do need to stop and collect yourself. All this public display of crying over a campaign loss is very embarrassing to a tough talking guy as herself.
Actually, if Trump received less than any other sitting President in history, it would be easy to accept the results.
But here are two facts:

1) Trump received MORE votes than any other sitting president in history
2) Biden barely campaigned....and no one can deny that.

Sure, you can say "well people hated Trump so much that Biden didn't have to campaign.

Well....OK....but then how do you explain my point 1) ?
easy peasy!

more people voted than ever!

Trump still got about 47% of the vote, and Biden got about 51%.

I've got a question for you...

IF democrats went all out in these 6 different states to cheat for Biden to win, why didn't democrats also cheat to install all of the Democratic house members and dem senators, so that Biden would have a friendly congress, to accomplish things with?

Even easier to explain.....although everyone knows that your sort will pretend to deny it....

1. I voted early, and the lines were enormous. On more than one day the lines went as much as five blocks, with lots of people bringing lawn chairs, and settling in for the duration.

Imagine two hypothetical voters..

Voter A is willing to wait on the long line, get up to the ballot and mark the presidential, and then go down the line, usually along party lines. As I did.

Voter B is an apparatchik of the Bolshevik Democrat apparatus, there for one reason: to do what he had been instructed to do to purloin the election for Biden. This individual need to fill in tons of ballots, and doesn’t plan to spend a great deal of time on each one. It’s quantity, not quality.

2. Person B is essentially a spy for the Democrats, which is fitting as their presidential candidate has been bought and paid for by a foreign government.

3. Here comes the circumstantial/mathematical evidence, specifically from the Georgia election: how do you explain 95,000 votes with only Biden marked…..the rest of the Democrat candidates for office ignored?

Only one way: the Democrat agent was sent in to win the election for Biden, and spent no time on any other aspirant.

4. “In most elections, the majority of votes are cast “down the ticket” – meaning, a voter supports both party’s presidential nominee and state Congressional candidates. In fact, according to Pew Research, “overwhelming shares of voters who are supporting Trump and Biden say they are also supporting the same-party candidate for Senate.”

Typically, this means that that the number of votes for a presidential candidate and that party’s Senate candidates are relatively close. …the number of votes cast for Joe Biden far exceeds those cast for that state’s Senate candidates in swing states, while those cast for Trump and GOP Senators remains far closer.

In Georgia, there was an 818 vote difference between Trump and the GOP Senator, vs. a 95,000 difference between Biden and the Democratic candidate for Senator.” https://www.theburningplatform.com/2020/11/05/why-does-biden-have-so-many-more-votes-than-democrat-senators-in-swing-states/
The integrity of voter secrecy would not allow people to be exposed to that type of observation to collect and total such actions by voters..
1.How childish to believe in justice, especially an abstract ‘justice’ that unveils itself at times of our need. We let it wither on the vine, sit in the weather and rust, grow dust and spider webs…..but suddenly expect it to make an appearance when it would be a value. While we Americans sat and made no efforts. Did you write letters? Call Congress? Cancel cable tv? Make certain you voted?

2. Every one of the liars,…er, Democrats, knows exactly what happened, how the swing states manipulated the numbers, how they win by the Wuhan Hoax and the mail-in scam.
They know. Face facts: they care as little about honor and truth as they do about America, and what it once stood for. And don’t expect anything more.
This fifth column has been trained in government school, burnished via the state media, and simply pretend to be convinced that an incompetent slow-witted employee of our foreign enemies, legitimately won election.

But….so what?
It's simply the result we deserve.

3. We dodged a bullet in ’16, and ignored how they turned up the heat….and watched the social media unveil it’s corruption, and Republicans refuse to remove section 230. We saw what was supposed to be Trump’s party give faint-hearted support, and tacit approval to the machination of the anti-American Left, the Democrat Party. Where were the court cases about election rules and mail-in vote stealing before the election?

4. And you believed we had a black-robed line of defense????? Why????

Did you actually put your faith in the Supreme Court??? This is a body that was never granted the powers it assumes, by the Constitution. And, more often than not, its decision are on a political basis. Look how they quaked in fear of Roosevelt’s threat to pack the court. And did you notice the same Democrat threat…with the same result?

The Court used ‘standing’ to deny the Texas suit.
Standing: The ability to bring a suit.

a.Plaintiff must have suffered actual damages, direct injury and harm…not simply displeased

b. There must be a causal connection between the injury and the conduct that caused it.

c.It must be likely that if the court decides in plaintiffs favor, that it will reverse the injury.

Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife, 504 U.S. 555 (1992)

It’s all in the eye of the beholder…..nothing objective here. These robed frauds pretend that only they speak English.

5. Now, what did we actually lose via a Biden win, that we weren’t losing already???? Nada.

Even if Trump were to have won…..it would only be four more years. Who would be next to pick up the mantle and support America’s heritage. There’s no one to replace Trump….none with the brass and the ideology. And the financial ability to withstand the constant barrage from his enemies and his so-called friends.

Think of American history and American heritage as merely nostalgia.

And you can begin grieving a bit earlier.

You really do need to stop and collect yourself. All this public display of crying over a campaign loss is very embarrassing to a tough talking guy as herself.
Actually, if Trump received less than any other sitting President in history, it would be easy to accept the results.
But here are two facts:

1) Trump received MORE votes than any other sitting president in history
2) Biden barely campaigned....and no one can deny that.

Sure, you can say "well people hated Trump so much that Biden didn't have to campaign.

Well....OK....but then how do you explain my point 1) ?
easy peasy!

more people voted than ever!

Trump still got about 47% of the vote, and Biden got about 51%.

I've got a question for you...

IF democrats went all out in these 6 different states to cheat for Biden to win, why didn't democrats also cheat to install all of the Democratic house members and dem senators, so that Biden would have a friendly congress, to accomplish things with?
Oh, but you forget the genius of the Democrats. They intentionally lost the Senate and barely held on to the house just to make it look like they didn't cheat for Biden (whoever "they" are).

Seriously, I'll say it again, I wish Democrats were half as genius and diabolical as Trumpsters attribute to them.

They targeted the swing states.

Nov 10, 2020

In Michigan, for example, there was a difference of just 7,131 votes between Trump and GOP candidate John James, yet the difference between Joe Biden and Democratic candidate Gary Peters was a staggering 69,093.


Why Does Biden Have So Many More Votes Than Democrat Senators In Swing States?
Via ZeroHedge In most elections, the majority of votes are cast “down the ticket” – meaning, a voter supports both party’s presidential nominee and state Congressional candi…
1.How childish to believe in justice, especially an abstract ‘justice’ that unveils itself at times of our need. We let it wither on the vine, sit in the weather and rust, grow dust and spider webs…..but suddenly expect it to make an appearance when it would be a value. While we Americans sat and made no efforts. Did you write letters? Call Congress? Cancel cable tv? Make certain you voted?

2. Every one of the liars,…er, Democrats, knows exactly what happened, how the swing states manipulated the numbers, how they win by the Wuhan Hoax and the mail-in scam.
They know. Face facts: they care as little about honor and truth as they do about America, and what it once stood for. And don’t expect anything more.
This fifth column has been trained in government school, burnished via the state media, and simply pretend to be convinced that an incompetent slow-witted employee of our foreign enemies, legitimately won election.

But….so what?
It's simply the result we deserve.

3. We dodged a bullet in ’16, and ignored how they turned up the heat….and watched the social media unveil it’s corruption, and Republicans refuse to remove section 230. We saw what was supposed to be Trump’s party give faint-hearted support, and tacit approval to the machination of the anti-American Left, the Democrat Party. Where were the court cases about election rules and mail-in vote stealing before the election?

4. And you believed we had a black-robed line of defense????? Why????

Did you actually put your faith in the Supreme Court??? This is a body that was never granted the powers it assumes, by the Constitution. And, more often than not, its decision are on a political basis. Look how they quaked in fear of Roosevelt’s threat to pack the court. And did you notice the same Democrat threat…with the same result?

The Court used ‘standing’ to deny the Texas suit.
Standing: The ability to bring a suit.

a.Plaintiff must have suffered actual damages, direct injury and harm…not simply displeased

b. There must be a causal connection between the injury and the conduct that caused it.

c.It must be likely that if the court decides in plaintiffs favor, that it will reverse the injury.

Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife, 504 U.S. 555 (1992)

It’s all in the eye of the beholder…..nothing objective here. These robed frauds pretend that only they speak English.

5. Now, what did we actually lose via a Biden win, that we weren’t losing already???? Nada.

Even if Trump were to have won…..it would only be four more years. Who would be next to pick up the mantle and support America’s heritage. There’s no one to replace Trump….none with the brass and the ideology. And the financial ability to withstand the constant barrage from his enemies and his so-called friends.

Think of American history and American heritage as merely nostalgia.

And you can begin grieving a bit earlier.

You really do need to stop and collect yourself. All this public display of crying over a campaign loss is very embarrassing to a tough talking guy as herself.
Actually, if Trump received less than any other sitting President in history, it would be easy to accept the results.
But here are two facts:

1) Trump received MORE votes than any other sitting president in history
2) Biden barely campaigned....and no one can deny that.

Sure, you can say "well people hated Trump so much that Biden didn't have to campaign.

Well....OK....but then how do you explain my point 1) ?
easy peasy!

more people voted than ever!

Trump still got about 47% of the vote, and Biden got about 51%.

I've got a question for you...

IF democrats went all out in these 6 different states to cheat for Biden to win, why didn't democrats also cheat to install all of the Democratic house members and dem senators, so that Biden would have a friendly congress, to accomplish things with?
Finally! A reasonable response without the curse words, insults and childish gibberish that seems to be the norm on here.

Your question is a valid one and that is why I keep asking, but get no response to "how many ballots nationally were cast without down ballot votes included".
If none, or few, your point is on target.
But those who cheat aren't always the brightest bulbs on the tree....so IF there was cheating....IF.......then maybe they simply wrote in presidential votes.

And yes, more people voted than ever....but to say Biden won because people hated Trump so much doesn't hold much water when well over 70 million people voted for Trump.
Of course it "holds water". Trump was the most unpopular President in modern history. Yes, Republicans love him, but when you going to realize that nationwide Republicans are a minority?
lol.....since when is, at worst, a 50/50 senate a republican minority?
12 to as many as 14 house seats gained by republicans shows a republican minority?
and with all due respect......73 million votes may be a minority to 76 million votes....but only by definition. Not by reality of the landscape.
Yes, nationwide Republicans are a minority. That's why Republicans keep losing the popular vote.
I understand your point.

The question is why.

And you can start with the racist, homophobe xenophobe and selfish stuff .......but most of us arent.
And I can go into...people like free stuff, like to have government to lean on......but most of you dont..

So why is it?

It isnt.

In a country of 350 million people, 2 to 3 percentage points may have one side a majority by definition.....but in reality, we are pretty much split equal..

There are more women than men in our country....so you can say women have the mnajority....true....by definition......but in reality, we are pretty much split up half and half.

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