What Do You Not Understand?

1.How childish to believe in justice, especially an abstract ‘justice’ that unveils itself at times of our need. We let it wither on the vine, sit in the weather and rust, grow dust and spider webs…..but suddenly expect it to make an appearance when it would be a value. While we Americans sat and made no efforts. Did you write letters? Call Congress? Cancel cable tv? Make certain you voted?

2. Every one of the liars,…er, Democrats, knows exactly what happened, how the swing states manipulated the numbers, how they win by the Wuhan Hoax and the mail-in scam.
They know. Face facts: they care as little about honor and truth as they do about America, and what it once stood for. And don’t expect anything more.
This fifth column has been trained in government school, burnished via the state media, and simply pretend to be convinced that an incompetent slow-witted employee of our foreign enemies, legitimately won election.

But….so what?
It's simply the result we deserve.

3. We dodged a bullet in ’16, and ignored how they turned up the heat….and watched the social media unveil it’s corruption, and Republicans refuse to remove section 230. We saw what was supposed to be Trump’s party give faint-hearted support, and tacit approval to the machination of the anti-American Left, the Democrat Party. Where were the court cases about election rules and mail-in vote stealing before the election?

4. And you believed we had a black-robed line of defense????? Why????

Did you actually put your faith in the Supreme Court??? This is a body that was never granted the powers it assumes, by the Constitution. And, more often than not, its decision are on a political basis. Look how they quaked in fear of Roosevelt’s threat to pack the court. And did you notice the same Democrat threat…with the same result?

The Court used ‘standing’ to deny the Texas suit.
Standing: The ability to bring a suit.

a.Plaintiff must have suffered actual damages, direct injury and harm…not simply displeased

b. There must be a causal connection between the injury and the conduct that caused it.

c.It must be likely that if the court decides in plaintiffs favor, that it will reverse the injury.

Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife, 504 U.S. 555 (1992)

It’s all in the eye of the beholder…..nothing objective here. These robed frauds pretend that only they speak English.

5. Now, what did we actually lose via a Biden win, that we weren’t losing already???? Nada.

Even if Trump were to have won…..it would only be four more years. Who would be next to pick up the mantle and support America’s heritage. There’s no one to replace Trump….none with the brass and the ideology. And the financial ability to withstand the constant barrage from his enemies and his so-called friends.

Think of American history and American heritage as merely nostalgia.

And you can begin grieving a bit earlier.

You really do need to stop and collect yourself. All this public display of crying over a campaign loss is very embarrassing to a tough talking guy as herself.
Our symbol of justice wears a blind fold, which, I thought, represented justice being blind- it has, instead, come to mean blinded by- and that, folks, is what Public Education, which is applauded by and funded by BOTH sides, has brought you- you know, like saying a fine is, in fact, a tax- words, especially in rules, for thee, not for me, mean absolutely nothing to pin headed Empty Suits and people who wear black dresses in public- because, you know, interpretation- even though, without definition, interpretation doesn't exist- by a black dress wearing idiot who gives itself the authority, not granted per the rules, to inflict it's will on the masses of stinky tourists-

SMH- a sad state of affairs

Hard to argue with this.......

....anyway, I'm kinda busy rending my garments.
Don't forget the pulling out of hair and gnashing of the teeth then send us a pic.
Don't forget the pulling out of hair and gnashing of the teeth then send us a pic.
As usual- you're trolling. Neither adding to or taking from- just, blah, blah, blah-so typical of a pin head.
Trump promised to put America first. it seems to me he did. But i do not live in America.

How did that make you feel?

i expect every leader to consider the interest of their country first.

How about when they take $billions from a nation's enemies?

"The troubling reason why Biden is so soft on China
In 2013, then-Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden flew aboard Air Force Two to China. Less than two weeks later, Hunter Biden’s firm inked a $1 billion private equity deal with a subsidiary of the Chinese government’s Bank of China. The deal was later expanded to $1.5 billion. In short, the Chinese government funded a business that it co-owned along with the son of a sitting vice president."
The troubling reason why Biden is so soft on China

Sounds a lot like the $145 million Putin gave the Clintons.
1.How childish to believe in justice, especially an abstract ‘justice’ that unveils itself at times of our need. We let it wither on the vine, sit in the weather and rust, grow dust and spider webs…..but suddenly expect it to make an appearance when it would be a value. While we Americans sat and made no efforts. Did you write letters? Call Congress? Cancel cable tv? Make certain you voted?

2. Every one of the liars,…er, Democrats, knows exactly what happened, how the swing states manipulated the numbers, how they win by the Wuhan Hoax and the mail-in scam.
They know. Face facts: they care as little about honor and truth as they do about America, and what it once stood for. And don’t expect anything more.
This fifth column has been trained in government school, burnished via the state media, and simply pretend to be convinced that an incompetent slow-witted employee of our foreign enemies, legitimately won election.

But….so what?
It's simply the result we deserve.

3. We dodged a bullet in ’16, and ignored how they turned up the heat….and watched the social media unveil it’s corruption, and Republicans refuse to remove section 230. We saw what was supposed to be Trump’s party give faint-hearted support, and tacit approval to the machination of the anti-American Left, the Democrat Party. Where were the court cases about election rules and mail-in vote stealing before the election?

4. And you believed we had a black-robed line of defense????? Why????

Did you actually put your faith in the Supreme Court??? This is a body that was never granted the powers it assumes, by the Constitution. And, more often than not, its decision are on a political basis. Look how they quaked in fear of Roosevelt’s threat to pack the court. And did you notice the same Democrat threat…with the same result?

The Court used ‘standing’ to deny the Texas suit.
Standing: The ability to bring a suit.

a.Plaintiff must have suffered actual damages, direct injury and harm…not simply displeased

b. There must be a causal connection between the injury and the conduct that caused it.

c.It must be likely that if the court decides in plaintiffs favor, that it will reverse the injury.

Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife, 504 U.S. 555 (1992)

It’s all in the eye of the beholder…..nothing objective here. These robed frauds pretend that only they speak English.

5. Now, what did we actually lose via a Biden win, that we weren’t losing already???? Nada.

Even if Trump were to have won…..it would only be four more years. Who would be next to pick up the mantle and support America’s heritage. There’s no one to replace Trump….none with the brass and the ideology. And the financial ability to withstand the constant barrage from his enemies and his so-called friends.

Think of American history and American heritage as merely nostalgia.

And you can begin grieving a bit earlier.

You really do need to stop and collect yourself. All this public display of crying over a campaign loss is very embarrassing to a tough talking guy as herself.
Actually, if Trump received less than any other sitting President in history, it would be easy to accept the results.
But here are two facts:

1) Trump received MORE votes than any other sitting president in history
2) Biden barely campaigned....and no one can deny that.

Sure, you can say "well people hated Trump so much that Biden didn't have to campaign.

Well....OK....but then how do you explain my point 1) ?
Trump promised to put America first. it seems to me he did. But i do not live in America.

How did that make you feel?

i expect every leader to consider the interest of their country first.

How about when they take $billions from a nation's enemies?

"The troubling reason why Biden is so soft on China
In 2013, then-Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden flew aboard Air Force Two to China. Less than two weeks later, Hunter Biden’s firm inked a $1 billion private equity deal with a subsidiary of the Chinese government’s Bank of China. The deal was later expanded to $1.5 billion. In short, the Chinese government funded a business that it co-owned along with the son of a sitting vice president."
The troubling reason why Biden is so soft on China

Sounds a lot like the $145 million Putin gave the Clintons.

What does American law say about that deal?
Sounds a lot like the $145 million Putin gave the Clintons.
Not to be piling on, necessarily, but- IMS, the Clintons had a PAC person who was Chinese- but, in that vein, Sheldon Aldeson has donated 100+million to Republicans- he's married to a Jew- along that vein, so is Kamala Harris- it's pretty much a wash in regards to foreign influence- R and/or D- both are guilty.
Trump promised to put America first. it seems to me he did. But i do not live in America.

How did that make you feel?

i expect every leader to consider the interest of their country first.

How about when they take $billions from a nation's enemies?

"The troubling reason why Biden is so soft on China
In 2013, then-Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden flew aboard Air Force Two to China. Less than two weeks later, Hunter Biden’s firm inked a $1 billion private equity deal with a subsidiary of the Chinese government’s Bank of China. The deal was later expanded to $1.5 billion. In short, the Chinese government funded a business that it co-owned along with the son of a sitting vice president."
The troubling reason why Biden is so soft on China

Sounds a lot like the $145 million Putin gave the Clintons.

What does American law say about that deal?
Nothing illegal.
However, when you are/were President of the United States, you should refrain from things that give off the wrong optics. For example, I can take the last seat on a Subway and let the old lady stand. Nothing illegal. Unethical perhaps, but not illegal. But someone like Clinton should stand and let the old lady sit.

How would you feel if you were waiting 45 minutes for a table in a restaurant after making a reservation and Clinton showed up without a reservation and was immediately seated at the table they were preparing for you? Was the action illegal? No. Was it appropriate? No. Yes, you can choose to never go to that restaurant again....but wdo we have that choice as it pertains to elected officials making money off of our prior votes?
You really do need to stop and collect yourself.
They has a sad, and they're leaning on all the alternate universe-provided excuses.

I empathize with those well-meaning people who fell for the con and are living in misguided fear and paranoia, I really do. They deserve better than being lied to by those they trust. But the types of Trumpsters we see here, the nasty, virulent, feral type -- not so much.
You really do need to stop and collect yourself.
They has a sad, and they're leaning on all the alternate universe-provided excuses.

I empathize with those well-meaning people who fell for the con and are living in misguided fear and paranoia, I really do. They deserve better than being lied to by those they trust. But the types of Trumpsters we see here, the nasty, virulent, feral type -- not so much.
you slander Trump supporters as you refer to them as nasty.

The hypocrisy is amusing.

Its like when Sanders said (paraphrased) "Trump is so busy calling other people names, he isn't aware that he is a racist, a liar, a homophobe, and a xenophobe"

You really cant make this stuff up.
Trump promised to put America first. it seems to me he did. But i do not live in America.

How did that make you feel?

i expect every leader to consider the interest of their country first.

How about when they take $billions from a nation's enemies?

"The troubling reason why Biden is so soft on China
In 2013, then-Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden flew aboard Air Force Two to China. Less than two weeks later, Hunter Biden’s firm inked a $1 billion private equity deal with a subsidiary of the Chinese government’s Bank of China. The deal was later expanded to $1.5 billion. In short, the Chinese government funded a business that it co-owned along with the son of a sitting vice president."
The troubling reason why Biden is so soft on China

Sounds a lot like the $145 million Putin gave the Clintons.

What does American law say about that deal?


Have you read Orwell?

I think Trump and Bibi should share the Nobel Peace prize for what they accomplished together in this region. Maybe you agree with me maybe you do not.
You really do need to stop and collect yourself.
They has a sad, and they're leaning on all the alternate universe-provided excuses.

I empathize with those well-meaning people who fell for the con and are living in misguided fear and paranoia, I really do. They deserve better than being lied to by those they trust. But the types of Trumpsters we see here, the nasty, virulent, feral type -- not so much.

Michael Goodwin interview:

"Last week, the NYTimes had a headline about the first Brit getting the vaccine, with a sub-headline about Biden getting 100 million doses in a hundred days. Not a word about the man who got it done….Trump. Were it not for President Trump, we would not have this vaccine now. It is due to the way he mobilized government, and industry, and kept pushing….it was a good example of how he governed as President: he got things done by pushing- he didn’t just suggest. His way was very effective.

Go back to the Islamic State…Obama tolerated it, did a kind of circling of it, in hopes of wearing it down, or cutting off its supplies. Trump said ‘let’s kill them….break it up….smash ‘em. And that’s what he did.

And that’s an example of leadership.

A lot of other people talked about the unfair trade deals with Mexico and China and others…this President did something about it. A President of action: when it came to getting big things done, Donald Trump got big things done for the American people.

The support for President Trump is based on his record of achievement and action."
1.How childish to believe in justice, especially an abstract ‘justice’ that unveils itself at times of our need. We let it wither on the vine, sit in the weather and rust, grow dust and spider webs…..but suddenly expect it to make an appearance when it would be a value. While we Americans sat and made no efforts. Did you write letters? Call Congress? Cancel cable tv? Make certain you voted?

2. Every one of the liars,…er, Democrats, knows exactly what happened, how the swing states manipulated the numbers, how they win by the Wuhan Hoax and the mail-in scam.
They know. Face facts: they care as little about honor and truth as they do about America, and what it once stood for. And don’t expect anything more.
This fifth column has been trained in government school, burnished via the state media, and simply pretend to be convinced that an incompetent slow-witted employee of our foreign enemies, legitimately won election.

But….so what?
It's simply the result we deserve.

3. We dodged a bullet in ’16, and ignored how they turned up the heat….and watched the social media unveil it’s corruption, and Republicans refuse to remove section 230. We saw what was supposed to be Trump’s party give faint-hearted support, and tacit approval to the machination of the anti-American Left, the Democrat Party. Where were the court cases about election rules and mail-in vote stealing before the election?

4. And you believed we had a black-robed line of defense????? Why????

Did you actually put your faith in the Supreme Court??? This is a body that was never granted the powers it assumes, by the Constitution. And, more often than not, its decision are on a political basis. Look how they quaked in fear of Roosevelt’s threat to pack the court. And did you notice the same Democrat threat…with the same result?

The Court used ‘standing’ to deny the Texas suit.
Standing: The ability to bring a suit.

a.Plaintiff must have suffered actual damages, direct injury and harm…not simply displeased

b. There must be a causal connection between the injury and the conduct that caused it.

c.It must be likely that if the court decides in plaintiffs favor, that it will reverse the injury.

Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife, 504 U.S. 555 (1992)

It’s all in the eye of the beholder…..nothing objective here. These robed frauds pretend that only they speak English.

5. Now, what did we actually lose via a Biden win, that we weren’t losing already???? Nada.

Even if Trump were to have won…..it would only be four more years. Who would be next to pick up the mantle and support America’s heritage. There’s no one to replace Trump….none with the brass and the ideology. And the financial ability to withstand the constant barrage from his enemies and his so-called friends.

Think of American history and American heritage as merely nostalgia.

And you can begin grieving a bit earlier.

You really do need to stop and collect yourself. All this public display of crying over a campaign loss is very embarrassing to a tough talking guy as herself.
Actually, if Trump received less than any other sitting President in history, it would be easy to accept the results.
But here are two facts:

1) Trump received MORE votes than any other sitting president in history
2) Biden barely campaigned....and no one can deny that.

Sure, you can say "well people hated Trump so much that Biden didn't have to campaign.

Well....OK....but then how do you explain my point 1) ?
easy peasy!

more people voted than ever!

Trump still got about 47% of the vote, and Biden got about 51%.

I've got a question for you...

IF democrats went all out in these 6 different states to cheat for Biden to win, why didn't democrats also cheat to install all of the Democratic house members and dem senators, so that Biden would have a friendly congress, to accomplish things with?
Trump promised to put America first. it seems to me he did. But i do not live in America.

How did that make you feel?

i expect every leader to consider the interest of their country first.

How about when they take $billions from a nation's enemies?

"The troubling reason why Biden is so soft on China
In 2013, then-Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden flew aboard Air Force Two to China. Less than two weeks later, Hunter Biden’s firm inked a $1 billion private equity deal with a subsidiary of the Chinese government’s Bank of China. The deal was later expanded to $1.5 billion. In short, the Chinese government funded a business that it co-owned along with the son of a sitting vice president."
The troubling reason why Biden is so soft on China

Sounds a lot like the $145 million Putin gave the Clintons.

What does American law say about that deal?

Democrats are not subject to US law.
1.How childish to believe in justice, especially an abstract ‘justice’ that unveils itself at times of our need. We let it wither on the vine, sit in the weather and rust, grow dust and spider webs…..but suddenly expect it to make an appearance when it would be a value. While we Americans sat and made no efforts. Did you write letters? Call Congress? Cancel cable tv? Make certain you voted?

2. Every one of the liars,…er, Democrats, knows exactly what happened, how the swing states manipulated the numbers, how they win by the Wuhan Hoax and the mail-in scam.
They know. Face facts: they care as little about honor and truth as they do about America, and what it once stood for. And don’t expect anything more.
This fifth column has been trained in government school, burnished via the state media, and simply pretend to be convinced that an incompetent slow-witted employee of our foreign enemies, legitimately won election.

But….so what?
It's simply the result we deserve.

3. We dodged a bullet in ’16, and ignored how they turned up the heat….and watched the social media unveil it’s corruption, and Republicans refuse to remove section 230. We saw what was supposed to be Trump’s party give faint-hearted support, and tacit approval to the machination of the anti-American Left, the Democrat Party. Where were the court cases about election rules and mail-in vote stealing before the election?

4. And you believed we had a black-robed line of defense????? Why????

Did you actually put your faith in the Supreme Court??? This is a body that was never granted the powers it assumes, by the Constitution. And, more often than not, its decision are on a political basis. Look how they quaked in fear of Roosevelt’s threat to pack the court. And did you notice the same Democrat threat…with the same result?

The Court used ‘standing’ to deny the Texas suit.
Standing: The ability to bring a suit.

a.Plaintiff must have suffered actual damages, direct injury and harm…not simply displeased

b. There must be a causal connection between the injury and the conduct that caused it.

c.It must be likely that if the court decides in plaintiffs favor, that it will reverse the injury.

Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife, 504 U.S. 555 (1992)

It’s all in the eye of the beholder…..nothing objective here. These robed frauds pretend that only they speak English.

5. Now, what did we actually lose via a Biden win, that we weren’t losing already???? Nada.

Even if Trump were to have won…..it would only be four more years. Who would be next to pick up the mantle and support America’s heritage. There’s no one to replace Trump….none with the brass and the ideology. And the financial ability to withstand the constant barrage from his enemies and his so-called friends.

Think of American history and American heritage as merely nostalgia.

And you can begin grieving a bit earlier.

You really do need to stop and collect yourself. All this public display of crying over a campaign loss is very embarrassing to a tough talking guy as herself.
Actually, if Trump received less than any other sitting President in history, it would be easy to accept the results.
But here are two facts:

1) Trump received MORE votes than any other sitting president in history
2) Biden barely campaigned....and no one can deny that.

Sure, you can say "well people hated Trump so much that Biden didn't have to campaign.

Well....OK....but then how do you explain my point 1) ?
Why does it matter if he received more votes than any other sitting president the fact is only the EC votes count not popular votes...
1.How childish to believe in justice, especially an abstract ‘justice’ that unveils itself at times of our need. We let it wither on the vine, sit in the weather and rust, grow dust and spider webs…..but suddenly expect it to make an appearance when it would be a value. While we Americans sat and made no efforts. Did you write letters? Call Congress? Cancel cable tv? Make certain you voted?

2. Every one of the liars,…er, Democrats, knows exactly what happened, how the swing states manipulated the numbers, how they win by the Wuhan Hoax and the mail-in scam.
They know. Face facts: they care as little about honor and truth as they do about America, and what it once stood for. And don’t expect anything more.
This fifth column has been trained in government school, burnished via the state media, and simply pretend to be convinced that an incompetent slow-witted employee of our foreign enemies, legitimately won election.

But….so what?
It's simply the result we deserve.

3. We dodged a bullet in ’16, and ignored how they turned up the heat….and watched the social media unveil it’s corruption, and Republicans refuse to remove section 230. We saw what was supposed to be Trump’s party give faint-hearted support, and tacit approval to the machination of the anti-American Left, the Democrat Party. Where were the court cases about election rules and mail-in vote stealing before the election?

4. And you believed we had a black-robed line of defense????? Why????

Did you actually put your faith in the Supreme Court??? This is a body that was never granted the powers it assumes, by the Constitution. And, more often than not, its decision are on a political basis. Look how they quaked in fear of Roosevelt’s threat to pack the court. And did you notice the same Democrat threat…with the same result?

The Court used ‘standing’ to deny the Texas suit.
Standing: The ability to bring a suit.

a.Plaintiff must have suffered actual damages, direct injury and harm…not simply displeased

b. There must be a causal connection between the injury and the conduct that caused it.

c.It must be likely that if the court decides in plaintiffs favor, that it will reverse the injury.

Lujan v. Defenders of Wildlife, 504 U.S. 555 (1992)

It’s all in the eye of the beholder…..nothing objective here. These robed frauds pretend that only they speak English.

5. Now, what did we actually lose via a Biden win, that we weren’t losing already???? Nada.

Even if Trump were to have won…..it would only be four more years. Who would be next to pick up the mantle and support America’s heritage. There’s no one to replace Trump….none with the brass and the ideology. And the financial ability to withstand the constant barrage from his enemies and his so-called friends.

Think of American history and American heritage as merely nostalgia.

And you can begin grieving a bit earlier.

You really do need to stop and collect yourself. All this public display of crying over a campaign loss is very embarrassing to a tough talking guy as herself.
Actually, if Trump received less than any other sitting President in history, it would be easy to accept the results.
But here are two facts:

1) Trump received MORE votes than any other sitting president in history
2) Biden barely campaigned....and no one can deny that.

Sure, you can say "well people hated Trump so much that Biden didn't have to campaign.

Well....OK....but then how do you explain my point 1) ?
easy peasy!

more people voted than ever!

Trump still got about 47% of the vote, and Biden got about 51%.

I've got a question for you...

IF democrats went all out in these 6 different states to cheat for Biden to win, why didn't democrats also cheat to install all of the Democratic house members and dem senators, so that Biden would have a friendly congress, to accomplish things with?
Finally! A reasonable response without the curse words, insults and childish gibberish that seems to be the norm on here.

Your question is a valid one and that is why I keep asking, but get no response to "how many ballots nationally were cast without down ballot votes included".
If none, or few, your point is on target.
But those who cheat aren't always the brightest bulbs on the tree....so IF there was cheating....IF.......then maybe they simply wrote in presidential votes.

And yes, more people voted than ever....but to say Biden won because people hated Trump so much doesn't hold much water when well over 70 million people voted for Trump.

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