What do you say to someone who seeks their own enslavement?

No one is forced to join a union

Sure they're not. If they want to work at a Union shop they are forced to join. I guess it would be just as easy to go on the government dole as it would be to actually work. So yea, they aren't forced to join and no one forces them to eat either.

They are NOT forced to take the job

They can take a job with less pay and fewer benifits and forgo the union dues

That's exactly what I said, you just didn't read it. :lol:

They can also go without food because they don't have a job, no one forces them to take that job cause if they did they'd have to join the union and be forced to pay dues. :)
No one is forced to join a union

Sure they're not. If they want to work at a Union shop they are forced to join. I guess it would be just as easy to go on the government dole as it would be to actually work. So yea, they aren't forced to join and no one forces them to eat either.

They are NOT forced to take the job

But if they take the job, they are forced to join the Union... Like I said. That is a monopoly. The Public Union does not have to worry about the employees because they are not allowed to opt out. Because the Unions have this monopoly they helped run many states into the ground financially.

You are so bought and paid for and so completely ignorant that you have chosen to be the stupider half of the debate. As more people become aware of what public Unions are and represent the less support they have, just look at the recall of Walker.
How is it destroying industry?

Well in the case of public Unions where people have no choice but to pay the Unions, kinda like the mob... The Unions had a monopoly of power, they over time the public Unions helped bankrupted programs and states.

From my understanding all Walker really did was allow people to join the Public Union if they wanted, not force them to.

No one is forced to join a union

YES they are
If you want to become an Actor you are forced to join the Actor's Guild union or you never become an Actor.

Right to Work States | National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation

Yellow is forced Union states - see WI is one of those states as well as Calif.
No one is forced to join a union

Sure they're not. If they want to work at a Union shop they are forced to join. I guess it would be just as easy to go on the government dole as it would be to actually work. So yea, they aren't forced to join and no one forces them to eat either.

They are NOT forced to take the job

Have YOU had to go out and look for work lately? Sorry hon...you ARE forced to join if you're trying to find a job to feed you family and make ends meet. If all that is hiring in your area are union jobs, you ARE forced to do it or not work.

I know after 20 yrs where i work, if there was no union in the factory the owners wouldn't treat the employees any differently...in fact they would probably get paid the same or more. My job isn't union, I'm a quality engineering technician. My pay is in the "lower" payscale, and i make MORE money than the union workers!
this last election has shown us the future.

The wealthy are NOW buying our elections due to Citizens United.

They can concoct all sorts of ways to keep legal voters from voting.

They can suppress votes.

And now they can flood elections with lies.

There are those who cheer this.

What do you say to those who cheeer and seek their own enslavement?

So this is why you dragged this word into another thread?

TDM dun wint an lernt a new werd, ya'll.

Have YOU had to go out and look for work lately? Sorry hon...you ARE forced to join if you're trying to find a job to feed you family and make ends meet. If all that is hiring in your area are union jobs, you ARE forced to do it or not work.

I know after 20 yrs where i work, if there was no union in the factory the owners wouldn't treat the employees any differently...in fact they would probably get paid the same or more. My job isn't union, I'm a quality engineering technician. My pay is in the "lower" payscale, and i make MORE money than the union workers!

Jerry Springer would have to remove a wall from her trailer for that to happen.
What I think is so interesting is that if the next election for Walker, if Unions decided to dump a few million on him over the Democrat because the Union thought walker would win and they wanted to be on his good side, TM would be pissed that Public Unions can give so much money to a candidate... All of a sudden she would see tax payer money going to fun politicians that she does not like. She would see Unions where you are forced to pay money so that the Union can give that money to Republican candidates as EVIL!!!!

But as long as it's a Democrat it's good. Just like Obama getting more big donations than McCain in 2008.
Have YOU had to go out and look for work lately? Sorry hon...you ARE forced to join if you're trying to find a job to feed you family and make ends meet. If all that is hiring in your area are union jobs, you ARE forced to do it or not work.

I know after 20 yrs where i work, if there was no union in the factory the owners wouldn't treat the employees any differently...in fact they would probably get paid the same or more. My job isn't union, I'm a quality engineering technician. My pay is in the "lower" payscale, and i make MORE money than the union workers!

Jerry Springer would have to remove a wall from her trailer for that to happen.

TM’s “job” currently is to cash checks mailed to her from people renting buildings her husband and inheritance paid for. She claims it’s a hard gig to keep up, I’m not making that up.
the democrats get most of their money from the little guys.

You get most of your money from the wealthy.

What a load of horseshit.

I suppose Wall St., loads of Banks and wealthy Dems didn't contribute to Barry in 2008??

They are all contributing to Barry as we speak.

BTW all those righty groups that you talk about have donors. Little people just like me and you.



University of California $1,648,685
Goldman Sachs $1,013,091
Harvard University $878,164
Microsoft Corp $852,167
Google Inc $814,540
JPMorgan Chase & Co $808,799
Citigroup Inc $736,771
Time Warner $624,618
Sidley Austin LLP $600,298
Stanford University $595,716
National Amusements Inc $563,798
WilmerHale LLP $550,668
Columbia University $547,852
Skadden, Arps et al $543,539
UBS AG $532,674
IBM Corp $532,372
General Electric $529,855
US Government $513,308
Morgan Stanley $512,232
Latham & Watkins $503,295


Merrill Lynch $375,895
JPMorgan Chase & Co $343,505
Citigroup Inc $338,202
Morgan Stanley $271,902
Goldman Sachs $240,295
US Government $202,929
AT&T Inc $201,938
Wachovia Corp $199,663
UBS AG $187,493
Credit Suisse Group $184,153
PricewaterhouseCoopers $169,400
US Army $169,020
Bank of America $167,826
Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher $160,346
Blank Rome LLP $155,226
Greenberg Traurig LLP $147,437
US Dept of Defense $146,356
FedEx Corp $131,974
Lehman Brothers $126,557
Ernst & Young $114,506

Pretty easy to see who got the most money from BIG BUSINESS and it wasn't McCain.

Of course Barry's a Dem so he wasn't buying the election.
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What a load of horseshit.

I suppose Wall St., loads of Banks and wealthy Dems didn't contribute to Barry in 2008??

They are all contributing to Barry as we speak.

BTW all those righty groups that you talk about have donors. Little people just like me and you.



University of California $1,648,685
Goldman Sachs $1,013,091
Harvard University $878,164
Microsoft Corp $852,167
Google Inc $814,540
JPMorgan Chase & Co $808,799
Citigroup Inc $736,771
Time Warner $624,618
Sidley Austin LLP $600,298
Stanford University $595,716
National Amusements Inc $563,798
WilmerHale LLP $550,668
Columbia University $547,852
Skadden, Arps et al $543,539
UBS AG $532,674
IBM Corp $532,372
General Electric $529,855
US Government $513,308
Morgan Stanley $512,232
Latham & Watkins $503,295


Merrill Lynch $375,895
JPMorgan Chase & Co $343,505
Citigroup Inc $338,202
Morgan Stanley $271,902
Goldman Sachs $240,295
US Government $202,929
AT&T Inc $201,938
Wachovia Corp $199,663
UBS AG $187,493
Credit Suisse Group $184,153
PricewaterhouseCoopers $169,400
US Army $169,020
Bank of America $167,826
Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher $160,346
Blank Rome LLP $155,226
Greenberg Traurig LLP $147,437
US Dept of Defense $146,356
FedEx Corp $131,974
Lehman Brothers $126,557
Ernst & Young $114,506

Pretty easy to see who got the most money from BIG BUSINESS and it wasn't McCain.

Of course Barry's a Dem so he wasn't buying the election.

Yet TM scorlls right past this OVER and OVER but wants to be taken seriously.
this last election has shown us the future.

The wealthy are NOW buying our elections due to Citizens United.

They can concoct all sorts of ways to keep legal voters from voting.

They can suppress votes.

And now they can flood elections with lies.

There are those who cheer this.

What do you say to those who cheeer and seek their own enslavement?

Dew ewe have a globe? spin it.
does it matter to you guys that the only reason walker survived this was Huge piles of money from a few uber rich fucks?
You've been lying, Truthmatters, saying Republicans have more rich people helping them. Here's the top 25 wealthiest Senators:


Note that the top 6 are Democrats.

Republicans help the little guy, too. They help mom and pop businesses, some of who keep their doors open and people's salary paid out of their own family's pocket, not sales. They bump by, and Democrats are always there to pass rules and regulations that would cross most lawyers' eyes. Democrat lawmakers are making being in business for yourself a waste of people's time and money, and they're going for the gold themselves.

Let me tell you, honey. You're servant to the wealthy of the Democrat Party. Stop kicking Republicans when something good goes our way. It's all lies, and you're telling them. The above proves it.
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Just look at McCain’s top 5 donations and see where they are on Obama’s list (lol they donated to both)

#2 JPMorgan Chase & Co $343,505
#3 Citigroup Inc $338,202
#4 Morgan Stanley $271,902
#5 Goldman Sachs $240,295

Obama: #
#2 Goldman Sachs $1,013,091
#6 JPMorgan Chase & Co $808,799
#7 Citigroup Inc $736,771
#19 Morgan Stanley $512,232

I bet McCain's #1 is still on Obama's list and prolly paid Obama more, but it's just to low to be in the top 20 for Obama.
It's really strange that repubs spent a week crying about the slippery slope of restricting soda size but they cant see two steps ahead to see the slippery slope in demanding unions earn less money and get less benes.

There is no slippery slope there - especially since our market is competition based. If a company doesn't pay a fair salary then no one will work for them. People will chose to work for companies that pay them well... That's why CEO's make so much money - multiple companies bid on their services. Ypu can look at jobs in the way sports leagues have free agents. Players will usually sign with the team that offers the most money.

The truth is you want the employee (unions) to have complete control over the business - not the owners or investors. That little one is called micro-socialism.

Unions are useless these days. We already have a minimum wage..

However, there is a "slippery slope" when it comes to banning drinks and drink sizes because that sets precedent for other bans of similar nature.
Just look at McCain’s top 5 donations and see where they are on Obama’s list (lol they donated to both)

#2 JPMorgan Chase & Co $343,505
#3 Citigroup Inc $338,202
#4 Morgan Stanley $271,902
#5 Goldman Sachs $240,295

Obama: #
#2 Goldman Sachs $1,013,091
#6 JPMorgan Chase & Co $808,799
#7 Citigroup Inc $736,771
#19 Morgan Stanley $512,232

I bet McCain's #1 is still on Obama's list and prolly paid Obama more, but it's just to low to be in the top 20 for Obama.

According the Truthsplatters all that money means the election was bought. Barry bought the election in 2008. According to Truthsplatters anyway. Big money = election bought. We can all see from the list just how much big business donated to Barry.

Of course Barry's a Dem so it doesn't count for him. Just for Romney, Walker and any other Rep running for office.

God. She is such a bartisan ass.
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It's really strange that repubs spent a week crying about the slippery slope of restricting soda size but they cant see two steps ahead to see the slippery slope in demanding unions earn less money and get less benes.

There is no slippery slope there - especially since our market is competition based. If a company doesn't pay a fair salary then no one will work for them. People will chose to work for companies that pay them well... That's why CEO's make so much money - multiple companies bid on their services. Ypu can look at jobs in the way sports leagues have free agents. Players will usually sign with the team that offers the most money.

You know that is a lie, especially if you're in a town with few opportunities. People will take the jobs available even if they are low paying

The truth is you want the employee (unions) to have complete control over the business - not the owners or investors. That little one is called micro-socialism.

What? C'mon dude be serious for once

Unions are useless these days. We already have a minimum wage..

However, there is a "slippery slope" when it comes to banning drinks and drink sizes because that sets precedent for other bans of similar nature.

You dont see the slippery slope in getting rid of unions but you see it in banning drinks? Are you being funny right now?
Get rid of unions?? Nope.. Employees should be able to freely join a union if they wish group representation in their workplace...

HOWEVER... if a person wishes to be hired into a position or company that does have a group of people in a union, it should not be required that they join the union as a result for getting the job or taking the position... if they wish to stand on their own and represent themselves, negotiate their own position/compensation/whatever, they should have every right to do so... If a person wishes to teach in Baltimore County, or if they wish to act in a Paramount movie, or they wish to work at the GM plant, they should be able to do so without any union requirement

If it weakens the unions, so be it...
Get rid of unions?? Nope.. Employees should be able to freely join a union if they wish group representation in their workplace...

HOWEVER... if a person wishes to be hired into a position or company that does have a group of people in a union, it should not be required that they join the union as a result for getting the job or taking the position... if they wish to stand on their own and represent themselves, negotiate their own position/compensation/whatever, they should have every right to do so... If a person wishes to teach in Baltimore County, or if they wish to act in a Paramount movie, or they wish to work at the GM plant, they should be able to do so without any union requirement

If it weakens the unions, so be it...

Says it all...

Dems Can’t Make it Without Government Worker Unions

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