What do you say to someone who seeks their own enslavement?

Unions are not the cause of any of those things. Get rid of all unions and those things will still happen.
In this day and age, what DO unions do?

Protect workers rights...But again, going after unions will not solve any of those things listed above and I understand that repubs dont like unions because unions donate to dems. But that attitude is short sided and wont help any person in the long run. Its a race to the bottom

Who actually donates to the Dems, it's a racket put in place by FDR. Where do the unions get their money?? They extort it from their forced membership. Where do public sector unions get their money?? They extort it from their forced membership. Who pays public sector members?? The taxpayer. I'm just glad more and more people actually see public unions for what they are, buying candidates with those extorted funds. Buying candidates to do their bidding.
In this day and age, what DO unions do?

Protect workers rights...But again, going after unions will not solve any of those things listed above and I understand that repubs dont like unions because unions donate to dems. But that attitude is short sided and wont help any person in the long run. Its a race to the bottom

No, Unions USED to protect worker's rights. that isn't what they do now. We don't like unions because they are destroying US industry. You can pretend it's for some other reason...doesn't make it so.

If industry doesn't get it, it's their own fault. If private employees want to be used as pawns let them. My problem is the public sector unions destroying governments. When states need the feds to bail out their huge retirement sector they then become pawns to the feds. The Unions have been buying their candidates for generations.
And TDM runs away and hides again, when her incorrect stance is exposed yet again... but never fear, she'll try and say the same things again in another thread.. and when I see it, I will refute it, debunk it, and expose it again
I just fed the dogs and made coffee.

I didnt run away from anything you insane fool
And TDM runs away and hides again, when her incorrect stance is exposed yet again... but never fear, she'll try and say the same things again in another thread.. and when I see it, I will refute it, debunk it, and expose it again

Yep, it's almost predictable. She's not done yet today, she's still in melt down from the Wisconsin, (errrrrr I mean Wisconson LOL) loss. :lol:
Protect workers rights...But again, going after unions will not solve any of those things listed above and I understand that repubs dont like unions because unions donate to dems. But that attitude is short sided and wont help any person in the long run. Its a race to the bottom

No, Unions USED to protect worker's rights. that isn't what they do now. We don't like unions because they are destroying US industry. You can pretend it's for some other reason...doesn't make it so.

If industry doesn't get it, it's their own fault. If private employees want to be used as pawns let them. My problem is the public sector unions destroying governments. When states need the feds to bail out their huge retirement sector they then become pawns to the feds. The Unions have been buying their candidates for generations.

so you think employee pay is why we have a deficit in the government?
In this day and age, what DO unions do?

Protect workers rights...But again, going after unions will not solve any of those things listed above and I understand that repubs dont like unions because unions donate to dems. But that attitude is short sided and wont help any person in the long run. Its a race to the bottom

No, Unions USED to protect worker's rights. that isn't what they do now. We don't like unions because they are destroying US industry. You can pretend it's for some other reason...doesn't make it so.

How is it destroying industry?
It's really strange that repubs spent a week crying about the slippery slope of restricting soda size but they cant see two steps ahead to see the slippery slope in demanding unions earn less money and get less benes.
Unions used to be more flexible, ClosedCaption, and were not allowed in the government sector at all. I know, because I worked briefly for the US Post Office on Christmas holidays for the US Post Office in my college years. I had to sign a paper that said I would not ever become a member of the Union, and take a test to show I was not color blind. hahaha! People sue the government for stuff like that nowadays.

Since those days, I've seen unions close companies down and run them out of business by making them noncompetive and demanding the company give up paying dividends on the stock market. As a consequence, no Swift premium meats anymore, and Swift's Butterball got sold off, too. the owners just put their money after selling out into other more money-making businesses that could still earn money on the stock market.

Why do you think President Obama is moving in on banks for takeover, manufacturers, and regulating the small mom and pop business owners out of business, since they cannot afford the lawyers? Why is he turning over our military defense system information over to the Union of Soviet Socialists' Republic (Russia)?

Because his minister said, God damn America, and Obama is damning us.

That's why he's getting the boot just as soon as November rolls around, and that's why there is no slippery slope of asking unions to get in line with the world economy.

We're done closing down national manufacturing jobs so the Unions guys can support 6 ex-wives and their children.

The Unions want glam wages so they can act like Hollywood people who change spouses like they change styles.

We can't do that forever. We've got children running wild with no parents to watch them because they're all trying to be the latest mega-ego star who threatens to ruin a doctor if he doesn't give them prescriptions that will kill them if they keep on taking too many of them.

We can fight these things one by one. It seems overwhelming at times, but the Democrats won't do it, because they've always try to get people to support them who have a ton of money and fame which has destroyed their human side, since the goal posts on their behavior were altered to suit their tantrums.

We reject the Democrat platform of constant character assassination and negativism leveled at Republicans.

Freedom that Republicans cherish and uphold is not the same as enslavement to vices that Democrats employ on a daily basis to sate their need for power, nepotism, chaotic values, and spending money.
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Protect workers rights...But again, going after unions will not solve any of those things listed above and I understand that repubs dont like unions because unions donate to dems. But that attitude is short sided and wont help any person in the long run. Its a race to the bottom

No, Unions USED to protect worker's rights. that isn't what they do now. We don't like unions because they are destroying US industry. You can pretend it's for some other reason...doesn't make it so.

How is it destroying industry?

Well in the case of public Unions where people have no choice but to pay the Unions, kinda like the mob... The Unions had a monopoly of power, they (public Unions) over time the helped bankrupted programs and states.

From my understanding all Walker really did was allow people to join the Public Union if they wanted, not force them to.
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No, Unions USED to protect worker's rights. that isn't what they do now. We don't like unions because they are destroying US industry. You can pretend it's for some other reason...doesn't make it so.

If industry doesn't get it, it's their own fault. If private employees want to be used as pawns let them. My problem is the public sector unions destroying governments. When states need the feds to bail out their huge retirement sector they then become pawns to the feds. The Unions have been buying their candidates for generations.

so you think employee pay is why we have a deficit in the government?

Do you know the difference between employee pay and unfunded pension plans ?
When you have bus drivers making 150,000 a year yes.

Madison's highest paid city government employee last year wasn't the mayor. It wasn't the police chief. It wasn't even the head of Metro Transit.

It was bus driver John E. Nelson.

Nelson earned $159,258 in 2009, including $109,892 in overtime and other pay.

He and his colleague, driver Greg Tatman, who earned $125,598, were among the city's top 20 earners for 2009, city records show.

They're among the seven bus drivers who made more than $100,000 last year thanks to a union contract that lets the most senior drivers who have the highest base salaries get first crack at overtime.

Madison Metro driver highest paid city employee
why is it you people think personal insults are your best debate tool?

It's not.. you just deserve insults for your ignorance... You have been debated and countered with facts and reality and you have been soundly defeated and exposed, yet again
No, Unions USED to protect worker's rights. that isn't what they do now. We don't like unions because they are destroying US industry. You can pretend it's for some other reason...doesn't make it so.

How is it destroying industry?

Well in the case of public Unions where people have no choice but to pay the Unions, kinda like the mob... The Unions had a monopoly of power, they over time the public Unions helped bankrupted programs and states.

From my understanding all Walker really did was allow people to join the Public Union if they wanted, not force them to.

No one is forced to join a union
How is it destroying industry?

Well in the case of public Unions where people have no choice but to pay the Unions, kinda like the mob... The Unions had a monopoly of power, they over time the public Unions helped bankrupted programs and states.

From my understanding all Walker really did was allow people to join the Public Union if they wanted, not force them to.

No one is forced to join a union

Sure they're not. If they want to work at a Union shop they are forced to join. I guess it would be just as easy to go on the government dole as it would be to actually work. So yea, they aren't forced to join and no one forces them to eat either.
Well in the case of public Unions where people have no choice but to pay the Unions, kinda like the mob... The Unions had a monopoly of power, they over time the public Unions helped bankrupted programs and states.

From my understanding all Walker really did was allow people to join the Public Union if they wanted, not force them to.

No one is forced to join a union

Sure they're not. If they want to work at a Union shop they are forced to join. I guess it would be just as easy to go on the government dole as it would be to actually work. So yea, they aren't forced to join and no one forces them to eat either.

They are NOT forced to take the job
They can take a job with less pay and fewer benifits and forgo the union dues
How is it destroying industry?

Well in the case of public Unions where people have no choice but to pay the Unions, kinda like the mob... The Unions had a monopoly of power, they over time the public Unions helped bankrupted programs and states.

From my understanding all Walker really did was allow people to join the Public Union if they wanted, not force them to.

No one is forced to join a union

Better rethink that one.

In the private sector if you want the job you must join the union.

In the public sector if its not a right to work state you gotta join.

If you didn't have to join where would the union get the money to donate to the Dems??

Union workers mean money for the Unions.

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