What do you say to someone who seeks their own enslavement?

The introduction of this new principle of representative democracy has rendered useless almost everything written before on the structure of government; Thomas Jefferson

And as before when you were bitch slapped on this... in the VERY SAME letter, Jefferson shows where a DEMOCRACY is impracticable in anything larger than a town.. and states "My most earnest wish is to see the republican element of popular control pushed to the maximum of its practicable exercise"

You lose... again.. idiot
Democracy - New World Encyclopedia

You dont get to change the difinitions of words for your poltical philosophy

Definition:Republic - New World Encyclopedia

Oh... bitch.. and did you notice that under types of democracy, REPUBLIC WAS NOT LISTED??

Idiot cuntwaffle

your point?

A REPUBLIC is not a DEMOCRACY.. and our country is indeed a REPUBLIC

And this has been proven and shown to you time and time again


that is the amount of Robmoneys money that comes from regular Joes.


of Obama comes from the little guy

Do you deny this is true?

Hmm we have gone over this before, with you in fact.

You even admitted that during the GE Mitt would pick up vastly more small donations as Obama did. The primaries are much different than the GE.

Why am I not shocked you once again take a position that you once conceded defeat too...

BTW, once again

University of California $1,648,685
Goldman Sachs $1,013,091
Harvard University $878,164
Microsoft Corp $852,167
Google Inc $814,540
JPMorgan Chase & Co $808,799
Citigroup Inc $736,771
Time Warner $624,618
Sidley Austin LLP $600,298
Stanford University $595,716
National Amusements Inc $563,798
WilmerHale LLP $550,668
Columbia University $547,852
Skadden, Arps et al $543,539
UBS AG $532,674
IBM Corp $532,372
General Electric $529,855
US Government $513,308
Morgan Stanley $512,232
Latham & Watkins $503,295


Merrill Lynch $375,895
JPMorgan Chase & Co $343,505
Citigroup Inc $338,202
Morgan Stanley $271,902
Goldman Sachs $240,295
US Government $202,929
AT&T Inc $201,938
Wachovia Corp $199,663
UBS AG $187,493
Credit Suisse Group $184,153
PricewaterhouseCoopers $169,400
US Army $169,020
Bank of America $167,826
Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher $160,346
Blank Rome LLP $155,226
Greenberg Traurig LLP $147,437
US Dept of Defense $146,356
FedEx Corp $131,974
Lehman Brothers $126,557
Ernst & Young $114,506

Notice a difference in these numbers TM? Obama's lowest is bigger than McCain highest.

that is the amount of Robmoneys money that comes from regular Joes.


of Obama comes from the little guy

Do you deny this is true?

Yes I deny it is true............here's a recap from 2008. Keep in mind Obama is extremely transparent in everything he does. hahahahahahaha


Wow lots of money from unions and corporations...together....well aint that a bitch! You see the little people run democrats not those RICH people that give ALL the money. And union dues are not included in "small" donations. They are donations of the rich to the democrats. Oh and that why Democrats NEVER complain about TUITION.....look at Stanford and Cal....hmmmmmmmm

TRUTH hurts it dont it, Truth?
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I see a slippery slope from there, good thing it's an incline.

How so? How would that help you at all?

Oh, I don't know, how about helping to decrease the deficit, balance the state and federal budgets, reducing the prices of goods, and making US companies more competitive against overseas markets. Other than that, i can't think of anything.

Unions are not the cause of any of those things. Get rid of all unions and those things will still happen.
How so? How would that help you at all?

Oh, I don't know, how about helping to decrease the deficit, balance the state and federal budgets, reducing the prices of goods, and making US companies more competitive against overseas markets. Other than that, i can't think of anything.

Unions are not the cause of any of those things. Get rid of all unions and those things will still happen.
In this day and age, what DO unions do?
Oh, I don't know, how about helping to decrease the deficit, balance the state and federal budgets, reducing the prices of goods, and making US companies more competitive against overseas markets. Other than that, i can't think of anything.

Unions are not the cause of any of those things. Get rid of all unions and those things will still happen.
In this day and age, what DO unions do?

They're like any other BIG Corporation...thier commodity is Labor.:eusa_shhh:
You guys understand that TM will sooner argue that the money came from "smart sources" like schools before she would admit that it’s still decided by a few rich people, right? I doubt TM can understand that these big donations from schools is possible due to the massive amount of tax payer money that sends people to school… Meaning tax payers are paying for the donations.
What do you say to someone who seeks their own enslavement?

I say "stop listening to and spouting Democratic talking point, do some research, and make up your OWN mind'"
this last election has shown us the future.

The wealthy are NOW buying our elections due to Citizens United.

They can concoct all sorts of ways to keep legal voters from voting.

They can suppress votes.

And now they can flood elections with lies.

There are those who cheer this.

What do you say to those who cheeer and seek their own enslavement?

You guys wanted this recall election.
Ed Schultz was creaming his pants all day because of
tremendous voter turnout (and some say incorrectly there is voter suppression)that this
was a historical moment for Wisconsin.

And the people have spoken....

Now you guys have a problem with the results..... :eusa_boohoo:
Democracy - New World Encyclopedia

You dont get to change the difinitions of words for your poltical philosophy

You don't either, and that is exactly what you are doing.
Nowhere in our Constitution does it say Democratic Republic.
It guarantees us a Republic form of government.
Read your constitution TM.
We were never called a Democracy until after the Civil War. Then progressives of both parties started calling us that. It really took hold in the beginning of the fist part of the 1900's when both parties started becoming progressives.
Any moment now TM will flip from talking about donations or fighting the US is not a Republic but a Democracy or manybe even what the thread was about too.... Obama won the NPP!!!! or Obama saved the world from a depression!!!
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Oh, I don't know, how about helping to decrease the deficit, balance the state and federal budgets, reducing the prices of goods, and making US companies more competitive against overseas markets. Other than that, i can't think of anything.

Unions are not the cause of any of those things. Get rid of all unions and those things will still happen.
In this day and age, what DO unions do?

Protect workers rights...But again, going after unions will not solve any of those things listed above and I understand that repubs dont like unions because unions donate to dems. But that attitude is short sided and wont help any person in the long run. Its a race to the bottom
Unions are not the cause of any of those things. Get rid of all unions and those things will still happen.
In this day and age, what DO unions do?

Protect workers rights...But again, going after unions will not solve any of those things listed above and I understand that repubs dont like unions because unions donate to dems. But that attitude is short sided and wont help any person in the long run. Its a race to the bottom

He asked what do Unions do do in this day and age...
Unions are not the cause of any of those things. Get rid of all unions and those things will still happen.
In this day and age, what DO unions do?

Protect workers rights...But again, going after unions will not solve any of those things listed above and I understand that repubs dont like unions because unions donate to dems. But that attitude is short sided and wont help any person in the long run. Its a race to the bottom

No, Unions USED to protect worker's rights. that isn't what they do now. We don't like unions because they are destroying US industry. You can pretend it's for some other reason...doesn't make it so.

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