What do you say to someone who seeks their own enslavement?

all you people can think of is people owning others huh?

It must be in your blood
no one forces you to join a union

Bless your heart, this loss has really unhinged you. Tell me, until Scott Walker, could you have been a public school teacher in Wisconsin without having union dues taken from your paycheck?

what were teachers paid BEFORE unions?

There are teachers and then there are indoctrinators.

The teachers consider their occupation as a vocation, their time in the class room spent as a service to young people, the future and because of their dedication they would do their job because their main concern is not greed, but the children. A REAL teacher could not care less if he/she is in a union, and as the Wisconsin example shows, many of teachers prefer not to be voluntary payers of union ransom.

Indoctrinators, on the other hand, just hijack the title of "teacher". Their main concern is their paid vacation. Their time-off and overtime pay for doing out-of-classroom activities, that many parents would gladly do, if the teacher's union would allow them to do it. They parrot liberal lines and make innocent children sings chant about Obama.

A teacher whose main concern is his/her pay is far more suited to be vigorish collector for the mob.
this last election has shown us the future.

The wealthy are NOW buying our elections due to Citizens United.

They can concoct all sorts of ways to keep legal voters from voting.

They can suppress votes.

And now they can flood elections with lies.

There are those who cheer this.

What do you say to those who cheeer and seek their own enslavement?

Hey, you're the stupid fuckwit that wants da gubmint telling you everything from what light bulbs to use to determining who gets what health care.

Buzz off...
I wonder how long TM's Wisconsin meltdown is going to last?

My guess is at least a decade.
Get over it for the 2nd!! time Walker won fair and square TWICE!! The opposition has been rejected by the people of that state two times??!!

Time to grow up act like adults and stop with the pathetic excuses and blubbering.
Dear fucking Idiot,

Jefferson and me disagree with your attempt to redefine words in the dictionary for your politcal hackerys sake

Section 4 - Republican government

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.

The United States Constitution - The U.S. Constitution Online - USConstitution.net

"My most earnest wish is to see the republican element of popular control pushed to the maximum of its practicable exercise." Thomas Jefferson

How does that change the fact that a republic is a type of Democracy?
the democrats get most of their money from the little guys.

You get most of your money from the wealthy.

What a load of horseshit.

I suppose Wall St., loads of Banks and wealthy Dems didn't contribute to Barry in 2008??

They are all contributing to Barry as we speak.

BTW all those righty groups that you talk about have donors. Little people just like me and you.



University of California $1,648,685
Goldman Sachs $1,013,091
Harvard University $878,164
Microsoft Corp $852,167
Google Inc $814,540
JPMorgan Chase & Co $808,799
Citigroup Inc $736,771
Time Warner $624,618
Sidley Austin LLP $600,298
Stanford University $595,716
National Amusements Inc $563,798
WilmerHale LLP $550,668
Columbia University $547,852
Skadden, Arps et al $543,539
UBS AG $532,674
IBM Corp $532,372
General Electric $529,855
US Government $513,308
Morgan Stanley $512,232
Latham & Watkins $503,295


Merrill Lynch $375,895
JPMorgan Chase & Co $343,505
Citigroup Inc $338,202
Morgan Stanley $271,902
Goldman Sachs $240,295
US Government $202,929
AT&T Inc $201,938
Wachovia Corp $199,663
UBS AG $187,493
Credit Suisse Group $184,153
PricewaterhouseCoopers $169,400
US Army $169,020
Bank of America $167,826
Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher $160,346
Blank Rome LLP $155,226
Greenberg Traurig LLP $147,437
US Dept of Defense $146,356
FedEx Corp $131,974
Lehman Brothers $126,557
Ernst & Young $114,506
So wait, Walker won by the same margin as in 2010 and yet wealthy people hijacked this election. Do you really know how stupid you sound? Unions poured tens of millions of dollars in this election from "poor" people who didnt even want the recall to begin with. explain that dipshit.

the wealthy poured in most of the money in that election.

the left was outspent by a 10 to 1 ratio

where did you get that number? Evern crazies like Maddow are saying 7 to 1. And if you add in union money it was close to even. So where do you get these figures from?

"10 to 1" looks prettier than "7 to 1"...
Dear fucking Idiot,

Jefferson and me disagree with your attempt to redefine words in the dictionary for your politcal hackerys sake

Section 4 - Republican government

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.

The United States Constitution - The U.S. Constitution Online - USConstitution.net

"My most earnest wish is to see the republican element of popular control pushed to the maximum of its practicable exercise." Thomas Jefferson

How does that change the fact that a republic is a type of Democracy?
It doesn't, moron.

But, you are inaccurate when you constantly say we are a democracy. Democracy, without any modifiers means pure democracy, and when our government is described as such, it is a flat wrong statement. You are saying white is beige. Beige is not white, and white is not beige.
Dear fucking Idiot,

Jefferson and me disagree with your attempt to redefine words in the dictionary for your politcal hackerys sake

Section 4 - Republican government

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.

The United States Constitution - The U.S. Constitution Online - USConstitution.net

"My most earnest wish is to see the republican element of popular control pushed to the maximum of its practicable exercise." Thomas Jefferson

How does that change the fact that a republic is a type of Democracy?

Idiot.. it is not.. while something can have some ELEMENTS of something else, it does not make it the SAME as that something else...

Jefferson himself admitted and commented on the fact that a democracy in anything larger than a town was completely impractical

We are not a democracy, and our founding fathers ensured the constitutional republic to protect against the tyranny of the masses that is inherent with a democracy... also having the constitution to limit the powers of the federal government to protect the country from a leviathan
Stop voting for Progressive Democrats and Progressive Republicans. That's what I'd tell them.
Dear fucking Idiot,

Jefferson and me disagree with your attempt to redefine words in the dictionary for your politcal hackerys sake

Section 4 - Republican government

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.

The United States Constitution - The U.S. Constitution Online - USConstitution.net

"My most earnest wish is to see the republican element of popular control pushed to the maximum of its practicable exercise." Thomas Jefferson

How does that change the fact that a republic is a type of Democracy?

I’ll bet you read the “general welfare” in the constitution as a power too….
Section 4 - Republican government

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.

The United States Constitution - The U.S. Constitution Online - USConstitution.net

"My most earnest wish is to see the republican element of popular control pushed to the maximum of its practicable exercise." Thomas Jefferson

How does that change the fact that a republic is a type of Democracy?
It doesn't, moron.

But, you are inaccurate when you constantly say we are a democracy. Democracy, without any modifiers means pure democracy, and when our government is described as such, it is a flat wrong statement. You are saying white is beige. Beige is not white, and white is not beige.

Pure Democracy=Mob Rule
Presidential Candidate Comparison: Source of Funds, 2012 Cycle | OpenSecrets

Barack Obama (D)

Individual contributions
Small Individual contributions
Large Individual contributions



PAC contributions



Candidate self-financing



Federal Funds






Report Date


Mitt Romney (R)

Individual contributions
Small Individual contributions
Large Individual contributions



PAC contributions



Candidate self-financing



Federal Funds






Report Date

How does that change the fact that a republic is a type of Democracy?
It doesn't, moron.

But, you are inaccurate when you constantly say we are a democracy. Democracy, without any modifiers means pure democracy, and when our government is described as such, it is a flat wrong statement. You are saying white is beige. Beige is not white, and white is not beige.

Pure Democracy=Mob Rule

How this fucking moron passed 8th grade is beyond me.

that is the amount of Robmoneys money that comes from regular Joes.


of Obama comes from the little guy
Last edited:
Presidential Candidate Comparison: Source of Funds, 2012 Cycle | OpenSecrets

Barack Obama (D)

Individual contributions
Small Individual contributions
Large Individual contributions



PAC contributions



Candidate self-financing



Federal Funds






Report Date


Mitt Romney (R)

Individual contributions
Small Individual contributions
Large Individual contributions



PAC contributions



Candidate self-financing



Federal Funds






Report Date

What a fucking scatterbrain you are.

Vomit some more "thoughts" onto the board.
Stop voting for Progressive Democrats and Progressive Republicans. That's what I'd tell them.

Says the guy who supports Mitt, a man who described himself and his policies during his time as governor as "very progressive." A man who supported Obama's stimulus, NDAA, Obamacare and TARP...
A pure Democracy is NOT Democracy.

Its a type of democracy just like a republic

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