What Do You Think About the Direction the Human Race is Going?

In What Direction Has the Human Race Gone?

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Rational and proud of it.
Oct 1, 2008
With which of the following statements do you most agree based on your opinion and your interpretationof the statements?

A. Since the beginning of recorded human history, the human race has gone only in a positive direction and advanced as a species and civilization.

B. Human civilization has made some progress, but has had many bumps along the way, some of which has set us back decades, maybe even centuries.

C. The human race has changed very little, except now we have more advanced tools instead of just sharpened sticks, bones, and chipped flakes of rocks.

D. The human race has doomed itself because of its ignorance and arrogance.
I voted B, but my ideal answer is more of a mix of A and B.
C. - there is nothing new under the sun. It's just better technology.
C. Leaning towards D.

I'm with ya.

We think that we've civilized ourselves. I'm not sure why. We still have the same mentality that we did a 1000 years ago.

In technology we have advanced. But since we haven't advanced any other way...it makes that technology dangerously unguided by ethics, morals or responsibility.

Like children playing with matches.
E. All Of The Above. Why Limit?

Depends on the day. There is always Hope. Some days, Hope has no strings attached.
We think that we've civilized ourselves. I'm not sure why. We still have the same mentality that we did a 1000 years ago.

In technology we have advanced. But since we haven't advanced any other way...it makes that technology dangerously unguided by ethics, morals or responsibility.

Like children playing with matches.

Or barbarians with missiles.
We think that we've civilized ourselves. I'm not sure why. We still have the same mentality that we did a 1000 years ago.

In technology we have advanced. But since we haven't advanced any other way...it makes that technology dangerously unguided by ethics, morals or responsibility.

Like children playing with matches.

Or barbarians with missiles.

Only if we don't cool off.
I'd say count to 10, but theres a 50/50/ chance of a blast off. If the count is in reverse... take the hint and duck and roll. Seek long term shelter.
Or barbarians with missiles.

.......if the shoe fits....

The end result is nuclear war. Not if, but when.

Of course, it's quite possible that something else will kill us first (meteorite, global warming, ect.) but still it is one of my top contenders.

E. All Of The Above. Why Limit?

Depends on the day. There is always Hope. Some days, Hope has no strings attached.

We still haven't learned to play nice with each other...! That's kindergarten stuff!

We still torture each other to death. We don't know how to share. We allow 30,000 people to starve to death everyday....the majority of them children, yet we have plenty of money when it comes to making new and interesting weapons to kill each other with.
Don't know about he human race but the U.S. of A. is going to hell in a hand basket.
Or barbarians with missiles.

.......if the shoe fits....

The end result is nuclear war. Not if, but when.

Of course, it's quite possible that something else will kill us first (meteorite, global warming, ect.) but still it is one of my top contenders.

E. All Of The Above. Why Limit?

Depends on the day. There is always Hope. Some days, Hope has no strings attached.

We still haven't learned to play nice with each other...! That's kindergarten stuff!

We still torture each other to death. We don't know how to share. We allow 30,000 people to starve to death everyday....the majority of them children, yet we have plenty of money when it comes to making new and interesting weapons to kill each other with.

It's Core, Playing nice is a full time experience, we sometimes fall short. Focus, objective, can effect that. Thought , Word, Action, Inaction All have Power. Be Conscious of what You put out there. Easy to say, hard to live. It will effect change.
It's Core, Playing nice is a full time experience, we sometimes fall short. Focus, objective, can effect that. Thought , Word, Action, Inaction All have Power. Be Conscious of what You put out there. Easy to say, hard to live. It will effect change.

Sometimes fall short? We don't just sometimes fall short...we consistantly display that we are no more conscious then the animals we share the planet with. Actually, that's not being fair to animals. Animals don't torture each other for sport. They don't hoard, either.

Few people realize they are Creating, so they do it unconsciously.

I know we can do much better, I know we have the capability. But unless we make major changes, we are going to be dragged down by the most unconscious among us.

Thought , Word, Action, Inaction All have Power.

There is no "inaction". It's impossible. ;) The only constant is change.
It's Core, Playing nice is a full time experience, we sometimes fall short. Focus, objective, can effect that. Thought , Word, Action, Inaction All have Power. Be Conscious of what You put out there. Easy to say, hard to live. It will effect change.

Sometimes fall short? We don't just sometimes fall short...we consistantly display that we are no more conscious then the animals we share the planet with. Actually, that's not being fair to animals. Animals don't torture each other for sport. They don't hoard, either.

Few people realize they are Creating, so they do it unconsciously.

I know we can do much better, I know we have the capability. But unless we make major changes, we are going to be dragged down by the most unconscious among us.

Thought , Word, Action, Inaction All have Power.

There is no "inaction". It's impossible. ;) The only constant is change.

Inaction is when you fail to do or say something your Conscience nails you for. You weren't raised Catholic, so you get a pass.:lol: Stay Tuned in to Conscience, It is Your closest friend.

I love to say that too "The Only Constant is Change". I Believe that The Source is Constant, or Consistent, the Application Unique and Relative. These are matters of Faith though, and not arguable.
D, Man is too ignorant to realise what he can achieve and too selfish to let anyone try.

Man makes more money killing his fellow man than furthering his potential. If all the money that was spent on weapons and war in the last 100 years was used in health and education we would probally be living to 150 years old and be several hundred years further on in our development. Instead we sow the seeds of our own destruction pushed along by the greed for power and wealth by the few in control.
None of the Above. It is not "the Human race that will decide what direction that it goes in", but
rather the natural resources that humans need to survive that will dictate the direction the entire civilized world will chose.

It has been forecast that clean drinking water will become harder to obtain for the worlds masses.
Everyday hundreds of millions of people on our Earth do not have access to clean drinking water.
Water is a basic human requirement.

Food will be another item , that will not be available to all people on the Earth.

Certain natural resources, Oil, Iron, wood from trees, that are needed to maintain humans living on the
Earth, will also be in short supply.

It is the availability of these resources, and who has them, and or who does not have them, but wants
them, that will dictate what direction the human race goes to.

Many say there will be wars in the future for "Water" and other naural resources.
We have already experienced a conflict for "Oil" in Iraq recently. I must say there will be more of these
types of Wars in the future.

If this is the case , the future does not look to good.

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