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What do you think is Hilary's opinion on female genital mutilation?


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2015
i know this happens in some parts of the Arab world. What do you think is Trumps position on this? What do you think is Hillarys position on this?
i know this happens in some parts of the Arab world. What do you think is Trumps position on this? What do you think is Hillarys position on this?
OMG! She HAS to be interviewed and asked this question! :lmao: And I can't WAIT to hear her response..
Human Rights Watch Urges Egypt to Enact Penalties for Female Circumcision...

Group Urges Egypt to Enact Penalties for Female Circumcision
September 09, 2016 — A leading international rights group on Friday called on Egypt to enact new and harsher legal penalties for the widespread practice of female genital mutilation (FGM).
The appeal by Human Rights Watch (HRW) came over a week after the Egyptian parliament voted in favor of toughening penalties for FGM, adopting amendments that will punish perpetrators with 15 years in prison if a child dies and up to seven years for performing the procedure. Rothna Begum, the Middle East women's rights researcher at HRW, said that the stricter penalties now “reflect the horrific and potentially deadly consequences of this discriminatory practice.” But she added that a “broader law reform is needed to adequately combat this horrific practice” and warned that tens of thousands of girls remain at risk.

The centuries-old practice, misguidedly believed to control women's sexuality, was criminalized in Egypt in 2008. However, it remains widespread and an estimated 90 percent of Egyptian women have undergone some form of the forced procedure.


Relatives of 13-year-old Soheir al-Batea who died undergoing the procedure of female circumcision walk in front of her home in Dierb Biqtaris village, some 120 kilometers (75 miles) northeast of Cairo, Egypt.​

Genital mutilation is practiced among both Muslims and Christians, and social pressures are strong - many families fear that an uncircumcised daughter will be unable to marry. While the amendments passed without much resistance, a lawmaker sparked an outcry after saying in remarks published in media last week that FGM is needed to curb women's sexuality and to counterbalance allegedly widespread male impotence in Egypt.

Ilhami Agena claimed that 64 percent of Egyptian men suffer from impotence, citing increased sales of Viagra. “If women are not circumcised, they will become sexually strong and there will be a problem,” an imbalance leading to divorce, he added. In response, female activist Janet Abdel-Aleem mocked Agena, suggesting the government should subsidize Viagra instead of circumcising women.

Group Urges Egypt to Enact Penalties for Female Circumcision
US jumps on bandwagon against FGM...

US says to bolster efforts to end female genital mutilation
Thursday 22nd September, 2016 - The United States unveiled plans on Thursday to ramp up efforts to end female genital mutilation (FGM) after figures showed more than half a million women and girls were living at risk.
Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid said the U.S. Department of State would host a summit on Dec. 2 in Washington involving various government departments and women's rights groups to come up with an action plan to rid the country of FGM. A study by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released earlier this year showed 513,000 women and girls in the United States live at risk of FGM, a threefold increase in recent years due to the rise in immigrants from countries where it is practiced. The number of U.S. women and girls who have undergone the actual procedure - which has been illegal for 20 years in the United States - is unknown due to a lack of reliable data.

But Reid said the United States was lagging behind in protecting women and girls "from this brutal human rights violation". "Many Americans haven't even heard of FGM or they think it's some far-away problem," Reid said in statement. "Although it's illegal, it does happens here, and we shouldn't stand for it. There are a number of actions our government can take right now to address FGM." The announcement of the "U.S. Girl Summit" came with the release of a Government Accountability Office report which Reid said highlighted the failure of U.S. authorities to deal with the issue to date, with a lack of guidelines and funding.

FGM, which involves the partial or total removal of a girl's external genitalia, is practised across a swathe of African countries and in pockets of Asia and the Middle East. FGM can cause a host of health problems. In some cases girls may bleed to death or die from infections. Others may suffer fatal childbirth complications later in life. An estimated 200 million women and girls around the world have been subject to FGM, according to the United Nations' children agency UNICEF.

Jaha Dukureh, an FGM survivor and founder of the U.S.-based anti-FGM organisation Safe Hands for Girls, said even one victim of FGM in the United States was too many. "We need to do more and we need to support survivors already here," Dukureh said in the statement. Safe Hands for Girls will co-host the December summit with human rights organisation Equality Now.

US says to bolster efforts to end female genital mutilation
i know this happens in some parts of the Arab world. What do you think is Trumps position on this? What do you think is Hillarys position on this?

I think both of them would be against it.

But Hillary Clinton is the only candidate who has taken a position on this horrible practice.

I wonder why Donald Trump has refused to speak out?
Clinton: 'Cultural Tradition' is No Excuse for Female Genital Mutilation
Clinton: 'Cultural Tradition' is No Excuse for Female Genital Mutilation

Secretary Clinton says governments and non-governmental organizations are making progress toward ending female genital mutilation, or FGM, by reaching out to those who still practice it.

In those societies, it is often justified as a way to protect a girl's purity and cleanliness. Although Clinton said many cultural differences must be respected, this is not one of them.

"We cannot excuse this as a cultural tradition. There are many cultural traditions that used to exist in many parts of the world that are no longer acceptable. We cannot excuse it as a private matter because it has very broad public implications. It has no medical benefits. It is, plain and simply, a human rights violation,” Clinton said.

At the first State Department event marking the International Day of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation, Clinton said religious leaders play a big role in stopping the practice in societies that wrongly believe it is a religious imperative or where it is accepted simply because it has been done for generations.
I'm sure she would condemn it, but not go so far as to stop accepting money from those governments.
I'm sure she would condemn it, but not go so far as to stop accepting money from those governments.

What 'governments'?

Of the two candidates only one who has actually spoken up and condemned female genital mutilation
Female Genital Cutting Must End: Clinton

"Let's be clear, this is a deeply entrenched practice in many places," Clinton said at the conference Thursday. "So we have to be both unrelenting in our efforts to end it and understanding about what works and what doesn't work... We enter into this with a lot of humility."

Nevertheless, Clinton went on to say that excusing the practice as a cultural tradition is unacceptable.

"We cannot excuse it as a private matter because it has very broad public implications," she said. "This is such an important issue that deserves attention from the United States Congress and from leaders across the globe."

Why do you think that Donald Trump has never spoken out against this barbaric practice?
With these liberal, psychopath, subhuman, anti-social pigs, there is NO Islam barbarism they won't defend....and fellate. In a lot of ways I detest these self-hating liberal Pisslam enablers even more than I detest the muslim filth themselves. All these liberal should-have-been-a-blowjob colostomy bags have a Western-society-loathing can of worms for a brain.
Still more education needed in Africa to combat ignorance and superstition...

Attitudes Toward Female Genital Mutilation Changing in Ethiopia
January 05, 2017 — At least 200 million women alive today in 30 countries have been subjected to the painful procedure known as female genital mutilation, a practice the U.N. says is deeply rooted in tradition in some cultures. About half of those women come from Egypt, Somalia and Ethiopia.
But in Ethiopia, the nonprofit organization KMG has made major progress against the practice. KMG began educating people about the harmful effects of female genital mutilation in the southern region of Kembatta-Tembaro in 1998. In 1999, almost 97 percent of the people favored FGM in Kembatta-Tembaro, an area of about 680,000 people, according to a UNICEF study. By 2008, less than 5 percent supported the practice.

And in Ethiopia as a whole, 74 percent of women and girls were mutilated out of a population of 94 million, according to 2005 statistics. A decade later, national prevalence of FGM had dropped to 65 percent, according to a 2016 government report. The United Nations Population Fund credits KMG with a big reduction in FGM.

Elders educated first

Beyebo Eresado, a 50-year-old farmer and village elder, says that at first, he did not believe what he heard. “No, we’ve been doing it a long time,” he said. “It can’t be harmful. It’s our culture. We’re doing it to benefit the girl.” The procedure can cause hemorrhaging, scarring, infections and psychological trauma. In Kembatta, the practice commonly took the form of cutting off the clitoris and the inner and outer labia. This can cause major health problems, especially during childbirth. Eresado estimated it took four years for his community to start changing its attitude toward FGM. As a village elder whose opinion is respected, he played an important role.


Beyebo Eresado describes how his community in southern Ethiopia stopped female genital mutilation.​

The shift happened through the work of KMG. The core of its work is holding community conversations in groups of 50, including people from all walks of life — men and women, young and old, elders and laborers. KMG facilitators guide regular meetings where people discuss issues until they reach consensus. When KMG started out, issues such as women’s rights were abstract concepts to struggling poor people. So, it addressed day-to-day needs, such as repairing broken bridges and addressing HIV and AIDS. Over time, even taboo subjects such as FGM and gender violence were discussed openly.

KMG and its founder

KMG was founded by 63-year-old Bogaletch Gebre, who grew up in Kembatta-Tembaro and was cut as a girl. During her childhood, girls were not expected to go to school. Gebre, however, went on to study biology at universities in Israel and in the state of Massachusetts in the United States as a Fulbright Fellow. Gebre says including people in community conversations and letting them reach their own conclusions was crucial in changing deeply rooted practices. “We don’t dictate, we just discuss,” Gebre said. “We facilitate. We allow them to talk. In the conversation nobody is wrong, nobody is right, nobody has better knowledge than the other. Every single one has spoken in that group has a value. There’s no judgment. That makes people comfortable to speak their mind. Women for the first time learn that they have something of value that people listen to them.”


Mehrun Abebe, 18, says his community in southern Ethiopia no longer accepts female genital mutilation because of the work of nonprofit KMG.​

People began to learn the health risks of FGM. And they learned there is no religious basis for it in the Bible or Quran. Those ideas were absorbed by the next generation of women and men. Mehrun Abebe, 18, says his community in southern Ethiopia no longer accepts female genital mutilation because of the work of nonprofit KMG. “Now the community has accepted the change,” he said. “KMG has been successful because it is working closely with society. They are not coming in and saying, ‘Do this; don’t do that.’ They just facilitate the community to identify its own problem, discuss the problem and provide solution.” KMG has since expanded and most of its work is now outside Kembatta in neighboring regions. Today, nearly 4 million people benefit from KMG and thousands of Ethiopian females have been spared.

Attitudes Toward Female Genital Mutilation Changing in Ethiopia

See also:

More Than 800 Girls Circumcised in Tanzania Despite Police Crackdown
January 05, 2017 — More than 800 girls were subjected to female genital mutilation (FGM) in northern Tanzania last month, a local government official said, despite a police crackdown to stop the practice that affects millions of girls in the east African country.
Twelve women suspected to have carried out the ritual, which involves the partial or total removal of the external genitalia, have been arrested as the police investigate the case, Tarime District Commissioner Glorious Luoga said. "The police operation is still going on. We will not relent until all the perpetrators have been arrested and charged," Luoga told Reuters. FGM affects an estimated 140 million girls and women across a swathe of Africa and parts of the Middle East and Asia, and is seen as a gateway to marriage and a way of preserving purity.


A girl holds a protest sign during an anti-Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) event in Kilgoris, Kenya.​

Up to 7.9 million girls and women in Tanzania are thought to have undergone FGM, with the illegal procedure often carried out in secret initiation, or rite of passage, ceremonies. The ancient ritual causes numerous health problems that can be fatal. In Tarime, girls are usually cut between the ages of 12 and 17 in initiation ceremonies performed by circumcisers known as ngariba, often in unhygienic conditions.


А traditional surgeon is seen holding razor blades used to carry out female circumcision, also known as female genital mutilation.​

On Tuesday, a senior official in the Ministry of Health warned communities to stop embracing the harmful tradition. "FGM should be made history in Tanzania," the ministry's permanent secretary Sihaba Nkinga told girls who had completed an alternative rite of passage in Tarime involving reproductive health education. "As a government, we can't afford to see such acts continuing to happen. It is not something to be proud of," she said.

More Than 800 Girls Circumcised in Tanzania Despite Police Crackdown
i know this happens in some parts of the Arab world. What do you think is Trumps position on this? What do you think is Hillarys position on this?
Hildabeast is a genital mutilation...
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Columbia College students not only support female genital mutilation but think it should be free and offered by Planned Parenthood.


It makes sense to forward thinking liberals. Amputating the penis of little boys and the clitoris from little girls would create the true genderless society where, lacking genitalia, everyone would be gender fluid.

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