What Do You Think is the Most Probable Source for the DJT Taxes Forms Sent To David Cay Johnston?

Who gave the tax returns to David Cay Johnston?

  • a Democrat Sympathizer within the IRS

    Votes: 4 28.6%
  • a whistle blower within the Trump White House

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • a Democrat operative who obtained the forms illegally

    Votes: 5 35.7%
  • Donald J Trump himself to make Madcow look like the fool she is

    Votes: 5 35.7%
  • David Cay Johnston composed the fake return himself from public information and is lying about it

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
I have seen several theories on this, but I was just wondering what most people here think is the most probable source of Trumps 2005 tax return sent to David Cay Johnston who them passed them on to Madcow for her use in her now wildly hilarious "scoop" broadcast last night?
The IRS is fairly well known for going after certain groups. Not a big leap from there to leaking a return. That said, why a 2005 return? Do they even store them that far back?
Who cares either way, it's the first season of Reality American, just kick back and enjoy the show.
A good theory I just heard is that they might have come from a Trump lawsuit proceeding where he had to provide copies of his 2005 taxes.
I go with the better one that Trump himself or someone inside his criminal enterprise, aka the Administration,

leaked them, thinking it would help Trump.
Now that this "news story" has blown up in the faces of the Democrats, they, the Democrats are starting another fake story that this was a plant by the Trump Administration.

Ya just can't make this shit up. Too funny.

The bigger question is why does John Koskinen still have his job?
Now that this "news story" has blown up in the faces of the Democrats, they, the Democrats are starting another fake story that this was a plant by the Trump Administration.

Ya just can't make this shit up. Too funny.

Nothing is real unless Don tweets it.
Now that this "news story" has blown up in the faces of the Democrats, they, the Democrats are starting another fake story that this was a plant by the Trump Administration.

Ya just can't make this shit up. Too funny.

The bigger question is why does John Koskinen still have his job?
It wasn't fake. The WH verified the numbers, but I do agree it blew up in a way the liberals did not see coming.
Now that this "news story" has blown up in the faces of the Democrats, they, the Democrats are starting another fake story that this was a plant by the Trump Administration.

Ya just can't make this shit up. Too funny.

The bigger question is why does John Koskinen still have his job?
It wasn't fake. The WH verified the numbers, but I do agree it blew up in a way the liberals did not see coming.

I'm not saying the return was fake, but that how that return made it to the MSM is fake. I doubt that Trump's people leaked that tax return paper work, do you?
Now that this "news story" has blown up in the faces of the Democrats, they, the Democrats are starting another fake story that this was a plant by the Trump Administration.

Ya just can't make this shit up. Too funny.

The bigger question is why does John Koskinen still have his job?
It wasn't fake. The WH verified the numbers, but I do agree it blew up in a way the liberals did not see coming.

I'm not saying the return was fake, but that how that return made it to the MSM is fake. I doubt that Trump's people leaked that tax return paper work, do you?
It would not surprise me in the least if Trump or one of his people trolled her. If someone had illegal access to the return, why only post pages that shoot down liberal narratives? Where are the Russian connections liberals are in an uproar about. If they had proof via his tax return, they would be screaming it from the hilltops.
trump & Co. are the most likely source that mailed them to Johnston, a known regular on Maddow's MSNBC show. The why isn't too bloody hard to figure out.

The narcissist in chief has been taking a shit load of heat the last week or so for his comments about being wiretapped, his ties to unsavory types via Deutsche Bank, the flack over the failed Repeal & Replacement of the ACA, etc, etc! Light a candle under new and juicy item to change the news driven narrative and, voilà, the heat is removed from those issues.

That tactic also gets poor put upon trump sympathy from his sycophantic lemmings, sheep and assorted ass kissers coming to his defense, the fucking creatures! Nothing new to see in trump's shtick!
trump & Co. are the most likely source that mailed them to Johnston, a known regular on Maddow's MSNBC show. The why isn't too bloody hard to figure out.

The narcissist in chief has been taking a shit load of heat the last week or so for his comments about being wiretapped, his ties to unsavory types via Deutsche Bank, the flack over the failed Repeal & Replacement of the ACA, etc, etc! Light a candle under new and juicy item to change the news driven narrative and, voilà, the heat is removed from those issues.

That tactic also gets poor put upon trump sympathy from his sycophantic lemmings, sheep and assorted ass kissers coming to his defense, the fucking creatures! Nothing new to see in trump's shtick!
Love it. Another liberal pissed he was Rick Rolled.
trump & Co. are the most likely source that mailed them to Johnston, a known regular on Maddow's MSNBC show. The why isn't too bloody hard to figure out.

The narcissist in chief has been taking a shit load of heat the last week or so for his comments about being wiretapped, his ties to unsavory types via Deutsche Bank, the flack over the failed Repeal & Replacement of the ACA, etc, etc! Light a candle under new and juicy item to change the news driven narrative and, voilà, the heat is removed from those issues.

That tactic also gets poor put upon trump sympathy from his sycophantic lemmings, sheep and assorted ass kissers coming to his defense, the fucking creatures! Nothing new to see in trump's shtick!
Love it. Another liberal pissed he was Rick Rolled.
You assume I'm a liberal, fool, simply because I'm not in lock step with you and your ilk. trump isn't so fucking hard to read, dummy. All that's needed is logic and an open mind and not a brain cavity filled with reflexive mush! Enjoy your shit sundae, now!

BTW, one doesn't have to be a liberal to detest the GOP's growing trend toward greater racial, religious and gender discrimination with such classic overt fascistic attitudes and practices.
Who would have access to the "Client Copy"?
There's the answer.
Lol. Has that been verified? Interesting. If true, that pretty much ends the discussion.
Yes, it was the Client Copy.



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