What do you think of libertarianism?

What do you think of libertarianism?

  • I don't know much about it

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Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
I'll be honest - I think libertarianism is CRAZY. I think it is one of those ideologies that sounds good on paper, but to actually apply it as a government system would be disasterous.

Later, I will make a post that fully explains my reasoning.
I'll be honest - I think libertarianism is CRAZY. I think it is one of those ideologies that sounds good on paper, but to actually apply it as a government system would be disasterous.

Later, I will make a post that fully explains my reasoning.

How is it crazy??

If people can create a government (which you want so dearly) then they can create a local government made up of people from that community that understand that said communities concerns..

Don't confuse libertarianism with anarchy - we're not the same. OWS are a bunch of anarchists...

Libertarians are a bunch of people who want to be left the fuck alone...
You're right. There is a distinct difference between anarchy and libertarianism. Anarchy is definitely more crazy.

And you are contradicting liberalism if you think the OWS protesters are anarchists. :cuckoo:
You're right. There is a distinct difference between anarchy and libertarianism. Anarchy is definitely more crazy.

And you are contradicting liberalism if you think the OWS protesters are anarchists. :cuckoo:

They're certainly anarchists living in communal fashion...

That is blatantly obvious..
This is a real libertarian...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gapDn_QaDTE&feature=related]Chris (CptnMidnite) Responds To[/ame]
Here's the thing about movements: the bigger one gets, the more assholes they are going to attract. The OWS is huge. It is bigger than anyone's expectations. Unfortunately, destructive people are attracted to these kind of passionate movements. I don't think these throuble-makers represent the movement itself.

The Tea Party had complete idiots, too. Anyone remember the "Get your government hands off my Medicare!"?

Haha, classic stuff.
Here's the thing about movements: the bigger one gets, the more assholes they are going to attract. The OWS is huge. It is bigger than anyone's expectations. Unfortunately, destructive people are attracted to these kind of passionate movements. I don't think these throuble-makers represent the movement itself.

The Tea Party had complete idiots, too. Anyone remember the "Get your government hands off my Medicare!"?

Haha, classic stuff.

I'm opposed to OWS because 90% of the OWS movement is socialist..

OWS documented for the world what progressives believe in - and that is socialism and unethical behavior..

My libertarian brothers and sisters are/were down there but they certainly weren't part of the freak show. One needs intelligence to even acknowledge what libertarianism is, let alone embrace the philosophy...

Sorry I can't write you a thesis or a manifesto because I lack the time but I would suggest you research libertarianism before you form a conclusion..
Here's the thing about movements: the bigger one gets, the more assholes they are going to attract. The OWS is huge. It is bigger than anyone's expectations. Unfortunately, destructive people are attracted to these kind of passionate movements. I don't think these throuble-makers represent the movement itself.

The Tea Party had complete idiots, too. Anyone remember the "Get your government hands off my Medicare!"?

Haha, classic stuff.

I'm opposed to OWS because 90% of the OWS movement is socialist..

OWS documented for the world what progressives believe in - and that is socialism and unethical behavior..

My libertarian brothers and sisters are/were down there but they certainly weren't part of the freak show. One needs intelligence to even acknowledge what libertarianism is, let alone embrace the philosophy...

Sorry I can't write you a thesis or a manifesto because I lack the time but I would suggest you research libertarianism before you form a conclusion..

You seem to be so convinced I am completely naive, yet you have no problem associating the OWS with socialism. It seems to me, that you do not know much about the maldistribution of wealth in this country. Most of the people in the top 1% did not earn the money in their paychecks. Taxing the wealthy is not socialism. The rich can stay rich and can still put in their fair share for the good of the country. And I am not just talking about the rich being taxed. I think everyone needs to put in there fair share - including you and I.
Here's the thing about movements: the bigger one gets, the more assholes they are going to attract. The OWS is huge. It is bigger than anyone's expectations. Unfortunately, destructive people are attracted to these kind of passionate movements. I don't think these throuble-makers represent the movement itself.

The Tea Party had complete idiots, too. Anyone remember the "Get your government hands off my Medicare!"?

Haha, classic stuff.

I'm opposed to OWS because 90% of the OWS movement is socialist..

OWS documented for the world what progressives believe in - and that is socialism and unethical behavior..

My libertarian brothers and sisters are/were down there but they certainly weren't part of the freak show. One needs intelligence to even acknowledge what libertarianism is, let alone embrace the philosophy...

Sorry I can't write you a thesis or a manifesto because I lack the time but I would suggest you research libertarianism before you form a conclusion..

You seem to be so convinced I am completely naive, yet you have no problem associating the OWS with socialism. It seems to me, that you do not know much about the maldistribution of wealth in this country. Most of the people in the top 1% did not earn the money in their paychecks. Taxing the wealthy is not socialism. The rich can stay rich and can still put in their fair share for the good of the country. And I am not just talking about the rich being taxed. I think everyone needs to put in there fair share - including you and I.

You mean Keynesian economics?


I know all about pseudo-capitalism...
I'll be honest - I think libertarianism is CRAZY. I think it is one of those ideologies that sounds good on paper, but to actually apply it as a government system would be disasterous.
Later, I will make a post that fully explains my reasoning.

I generally find that most libertarian ideas are held from a world view that is not based in reality. The world really is a dangerous and extremely complex place. The notion that simplistic solutions exists..ignores that reality.
I'll be honest - I think libertarianism is CRAZY. I think it is one of those ideologies that sounds good on paper, but to actually apply it as a government system would be disasterous.
Later, I will make a post that fully explains my reasoning.

I generally find that most libertarian ideas are held from a world view that is not based in reality. The world really is a dangerous and extremely complex place. The notion that simplistic solutions exists..ignores that reality.


Our only "world view" is the Bill of Rights which we would die for...

We're the fucking patriots and you're the fucking tyrants...

It's your political philosophy that is all wrong - not ours...
Progressive communists and Republicans can attempt to TRY and understand the libertarian philosophy all they like and attempt to bash the idea all they wish, however they will NEVER be right because the ideas basis is NOT on opposition to another idea but on the conservative respect of 10 documented ideas your alleged parties claim to believe in...
It's odd how respect for the Bill of Rights is taboo these days... It really goes to show how far progressive fucks have progressed. I'm some sort of anti-democratic loon if I hold the Bill of Rights as my political creed...
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Also libertarian ideas are not an "ism." Individualist ideas are not an "ism"...

I'm sure that is why progressives and republicans fight because they're "ism's." There is no "ism" in libertarian...

The word "libertarianism" is an oxymoron...
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I do not think Libertarianism can be defined by particular set of policy positions. And of course there are DEGRESS of Libertarianian ranging from near anarchists, to social democratic types, too

Libertarianism is a political philosophy that emphasises the theory that the least government is the best government.

I think most people, liberals, conservatives and naturally Libertarians can agree to that philosophy in principle, but niether liberals nor cons ever seem to be able to reduce goverment IN FACT.
Being a registered libertarian, you can guess which of the poll options I voted for. I am curious as to why the OP considers the libertarian platform "dangerous". Is it due to its non-interventionist philosophy (please do not confuse this with isolationism)? Is it because you think corporations will escalate in power under such a system? Because as it is right now, our laws regarding the economy do a better job protecting big business than the little man.
Today, those who subscribe to the principles of the American Revolution — individual liberty, limited government, the free market, and the rule of law — call themselves by a variety of terms, including conservative, libertarian, classical liberal, and liberal. We see problems with all of those terms. "Conservative" smacks of an unwillingness to change, of a desire to preserve the status quo. Only in America do people seem to refer to free-market capitalism — the most progressive, dynamic, and ever-changing system the world has ever known — as conservative. Additionally, many contemporary American conservatives favor state intervention in some areas, most notably in trade and into our private lives.

"Classical liberal" is a bit closer to the mark, but the word "classical" fails to capture the contemporary vibrancy of the ideas of freedom.

"Liberal" may well be the perfect word in most of the world — the liberals in societies from China to Iran to South Africa to Argentina tend to be supporters of human rights and free markets — but its meaning has clearly been altered in the contemporary United States.

The Jeffersonian philosophy that animates Cato's work has increasingly come to be called "libertarianism" or "market liberalism." It combines an appreciation for entrepreneurship, the market process, and lower taxes with strict respect for civil liberties and skepticism about the benefits of both the welfare state and foreign military adventurism.

About Cato
Libertarians are confused liberals, or, as Sallow put it, liberals with a poor grasp of reality. They are liberals because they value the freedom of the average person and the rights of man. They are confused, and have a poor grasp of reality, because they think that only government power is a threat to liberty, and that private power never needs to be restrained.

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