What do you think of people who are liberal on science and conservative when it comes to defense?


Gold Member
Apr 6, 2014
What is a person who is liberal when it comes to sexuality and science but is neutral on economic issues and conservative when it comes to military spending?

John McCain called the F-22 a "hanger queen". Mass Effect was made in 2007 and covered 2000s issues like defense spending, the Tea Party, and even drug addiction.

I'm stuck on "liberal when it come to sexuality". If you want my full attention, don't do that.
Science is neither liberal nor conservative nor any other ideology. It is simple the quest for truth.

Those who try to politicize science are the worst enemies of actual science...

HIDE THE DECLINE comes to mind....
What is a person who is liberal when it comes to sexuality and science but is neutral on economic issues and conservative when it comes to military spending?

John McCain called the F-22 a "hanger queen". Mass Effect was made in 2007 and covered 2000s issues like defense spending, the Tea Party, and even drug addiction.

I am liberal/progressive on social issues, conservative on military and crime and somewhere in the middle when it comes to the economy.

I believe in gay marriage AND executing murderers.

I'm all for fettered capitalism but think that even the lowest paid worker should earn enough to feed their family.

I believe in legalizing pot and having a strong military.

Do BOTH sides want to shoot me?

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