What do you think of Trump admin. banning E-cigs?

Good decision. By a dumb government.
Anyone that inhales smoke needs serious mental help, and we also need to criminalize vaping and smoking in public places....second hand smoking is as bad.
Nanny state bullshit. Do you own your body or not?
"Everything within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state"
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Again Trump proves he's a man of action. And the Democrats idea is what? Well it seems the mental patients are edging toward a vote on the possibility of impeachment. What the hell is that? I guess it's what confused legislators do when they're pretending to be working. The Ds aren't only embarrassing to themselves but they embarrass our country.
I can't believe they make deserts of it. Who else likes desert?

/—-/ My wife is a teacher and taught her kids dessert has two ses because everyone wants seconds. That’s how I remember desert vs dessert.
While they're at it ban:

Fucking edibles. I can't believe they make deserts of it. Who else likes desert? dogs, elderly and children. Don't tell me it aint left around the house either. I've seen otherwise. I know adults who think it's a game "oh look what I got, how fun). It's natural to consider candy candy,. Smoke a fucking joint or take a chill-pill, this aint Walt Disney.

All man-made recreational drugs. They're all toxic, can kill and disable.

I'm all for Capitalism, but this crap is lunacy.

When they're not being raging progressives or doing pathetic fluff gothamist will actually do some fine reporting

Everything We Know About The Vape Panic
More tyranny from the fed gov
No surprise

They are going to ban flavors for vaping b/c it's believed they exist to hook kids, but not to worry- flavored tobacco is exempt b/c rea$on$. Clearly this industry didn't spend enough money on K Street or on filling the campaign war chests of Congress.
What do you think of Trump admin. banning E-cigs?

First of all, as with all news these days, I'll believe it when I see it.

If he DOES, then I will say he was wrong. I love Trump, but no politican you support is ever right 100% of the time

My problem with it, is that's an act of congress, not an action by the executive branch, except by regulation. The FDA can regulate, and even ban dangerous drugs, but if they can't ban real cigarettes, how can they think of banning something less dangerous.
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More tyranny from the fed gov
No surprise
Obama banned flavored cigarettes.....

Nothing but crickets

Essentially Obama banned adding flavoring to cigarettes to make them more attractive.

Obama didn't ban the cigarettes themselves.

Think of it like the "attractive nuisance" laws.

A ban on flavored tobacco, as mandated by the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act, was implemented by the CTP on September 22, 2009. This law bans the sale or distribution of any cigarettes containing an artificial or natural flavor other than tobacco. This ban does not apply to menthol.
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I'm against banning things as a rule. I have seen South Park where the elementary school kids are vaping. That is not far off. My kid says the high school bathrooms are vapor havens, and the girls room is reported to be the worst. Inhaling crap in high school is nothing new, but a lot of kids are getting addicted to nicotine in this apparently enlightened age. Might as well bring back the Marlborough Man.
More tyranny from the fed gov
No surprise
Obama banned flavored cigarettes.....

Nothing but crickets

Essentially Obama banned adding flavoring to cigarettes to make them more attractive.

Obama didn't ban the cigarettes themselves.

Think of it like the "attractive nuisance" laws.
Obama banned clove cigarettes.
They could not be sold in America.

A ban on flavored tobacco, as mandated by the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act, was implemented by the CTP on September 22, 2009. This law bans the sale or distribution of any cigarettes containing an artificial or natural flavor other than tobacco. This ban does not apply to menthol.

Do you have a problem with the president enforcing a law enacted by congress?

It wasn't even Obama's law, he inherited it.
I used to be a very heavy smoker. I tried my first ecig and never had another tobacco cigarette. Over the years I cut down the nicotine percentage to zero. I've been at zero nic since 2011.

And yet because a few people got fucked up by some illegal vapes they want to ban the shit out of something that is actually helping people.
The irony of this is that flavored e-cigs can be banned by a regulatory move.

Which means Trump needs to create MORE regulations, in order to do this.

It can't be done by executive order.
Good decision. By a dumb government.
Anyone that inhales smoke needs serious mental help, and we also need to criminalize vaping and smoking in public places....second hand smoking is as bad.

Vapes don't produce smoke.

If you are going to rail against something at least be technically proficient in understanding it.
And yet because a few people got fucked up by some illegal vapes they want to ban the shit out of something that is actually helping people.

I'm all in favor of regulatory control. But that means that a scientific study has to be done to consider the costs, benefits, and harm.

And if as was pointed out, people have moved from the far more dangerous real cigarettes to vaping, maybe they should change them to be available by prescription only, like marijuana is in some states.
I used to be a very heavy smoker. I tried my first ecig and never had another tobacco cigarette. Over the years I cut down the nicotine percentage to zero. I've been at zero nic since 2011.

And yet because a few people got fucked up by some illegal vapes they want to ban the shit out of something that is actually helping people.

Just out of curiosity, how exactly are vaping devices helping people?
While they're at it ban:

Fucking edibles. I can't believe they make deserts of it. Who else likes desert? dogs, elderly and children. Don't tell me it aint left around the house either. I've seen otherwise. I know adults who think it's a game "oh look what I got, how fun). It's natural to consider candy candy,. Smoke a fucking joint or take a chill-pill, this aint Walt Disney.

All man-made recreational drugs. They're all toxic, can kill and disable.

I'm all for Capitalism, but this crap is lunacy.
Tough call-where does public safety begin and personal liberty end? Cigarettes smell and second hand smoke is a health hazard, while e-cigs have a pleasant aroma and no second hand smoke risks- yet cigarettes are legal.Flip a coin.

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